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Piecing Together His Life

Page 3

by Jon Keys

  A burst of color drew his eye to a pattern on one wall. It was the most detailed work he had ever seen. The careful placement of pieces gave the artwork activity he’d never experienced from a quilt design. He moved closer to study it.

  “That’s just an experimental work. I’ve been intrigued by optical illusion quilts lately. Nothing outstanding, but it keeps me off the streets.”

  Colin turned to find Mason with his hands on his hips and a slight smile on his lips. He relived a ripple of attraction when he met Mason’s gaze. “Hello, Mason. Good to see you again. You’re well-hidden back in the sticks. It took a while to find you.”

  “It’s good to see you again. What can I help you with? Like I said, you don’t owe me anything for pulling you out.”

  Colin gathered his emotions for an instant before explaining. He started with the simplest description. “I inherited a partially completed quilt and am looking for someone to finish it for me. It’s not an art piece, but it has sentimental value.”

  Mason crossed his arms and drew his lips into a tight pucker. “I don’t typically take commission work. This is a hobby these days.”

  “Could you check it out? I don’t think it would take long for someone as skilled as you to finish it.”

  “Do you even know if you have everything it needs? I don’t think—”

  Colin interrupted a conversation he perceived wasn’t going in his favor. “I have it with me. Let me get it from the car so you can see what it needs.”

  Mason looked resigned but nodded. “Okay, go get it. But I’m warning you, I think this is a waste of time.”

  Without another word, Colin ran back to his car. When he walked in, Mason motioned toward the nest of tables. “Put it there, and we can go through it.”

  Colin’s stomach was in a tight knot as he laid the well-worn box onto the table. The tension didn’t lessen as Mason jiggled the container and released the lid with a swoosh of air. A moment later the scent of lavender washed across him. He glanced toward Mason. “She used lavender with fabrics she stored. At least it smells better than mothballs.”

  Mason stared at him before going through the package. The color palette wasn’t one Colin could determine, and Mason’s expression gave him no clues. As the tension grew, the knot in Colin’s stomach become almost unmanageable before Mason shook his head and put the items in the box.

  “I can’t help you. It’s only a little more than half-done. But on the positive side, it’s a sampler variation, one of the traditional old patterns. Any quilter should know it.”

  Colin started to argue his case when Mason absentmindedly caressed the fabric. Hmm, interesting. I might have a shot at this if I play my cards right. He makes some of the most beautiful quilts I’ve ever seen. I’d love to own a few. Besides all that, he’s hot.

  “Okay, I can understand. I appreciate your time. From what you have in your studio, you have some outstanding quilts. Do you have any for sale?”

  Mason studied the room as if he’d never noticed the layers of color and patterns. He took several tense minutes before he turned back. His first comment surprised Colin. “I wouldn’t even know what to price them. I use a lot of custom-dyed fabrics. They would be expensive just to recoup my costs. I hate dealing with buyers too. For an artist, that’s a lethal combination.”

  Colin smiled and made a dismissive wave of his hand. “I sell million-dollar houses. The interior designers I work with would love to have some of your pieces to use in their designs.”

  “Oh,” Mason said in a flat tone.

  Colin chuckled to himself. All the years as a salesman were paying off. At least it appeared to be working. Still trying to set Mason up for the last coup, he gave a final pitch. “I’m sure you have small works. I could take those and get an idea of the market.”

  Mason looked pensive. “I have runners, place mats, and such. Is that what you’re talking about?”

  “Exactly. My guess is the interior designers will go crazy over these. Then you’ll get an idea on pricing. Keep in mind that closer to the city, your prices will seem too cheap. If artwork is inexpensive, then it must not be good art. At least that’s the theory among the highbrows.”

  Mason hesitated at Colin’s proposal. Colin plunged forward on his sales pitch. “Let’s pick out a few of your pieces. I think you will get an amazing response from everyone who sees them.” He studied Mason for a minute, afraid he had pushed too hard.

  Mason twisted his lips as he glanced between his displayed work and Colin. “I suppose I can pick out a few small pieces. But I don’t think you will have the huge success you expect.”

  Colin was elated at his small breakthrough. He hoped it was the first of a multitude of successes for Mason. He took a slow tour of his studio while Colin waited. He was close to hitting a stress point before Mason seemed to reach a decision regarding his work. This time he hurried to a few small examples, gathered them, then returned to Colin. “Here are a few things you can use to test your theory.”

  Colin studied the items in his hands, then looked back to Mason. “Place mats?”

  “And a runner I thought went particularly well.”

  Colin checked the pieces again and had to agree. They were nice. When he drew his gaze back to Mason, he realized this was all he would get today. “These will be wonderful. I’m sure they’ll be snatched up in no time.”

  Mason lifted an eyebrow and stared. “We’ll see.”

  Chapter Four

  A FEW weeks passed, and the winter holidays drew closer. Colin was right about Mason’s work; it proved to be a hot item. His visits to Mason’s studio had increased in frequency until now he was visiting Mason several times each week, and through all the seasonal activity, Colin found himself growing attracted. Colin still wanted to have his mother’s work finished; that remained his primary goal.

  Tonight would be a test for their developing relationship. Mason had invited him to dinner, which Colin eagerly accepted. To his surprise, the event had become the focus of his week. To the point where when he parked in front of the cabin, his stomach roiled a bit due to the nerves he’d developed. He gathered himself, wrapped his hand around the bottle of wine he’d brought, made his way to the door, and knocked.

  Mason’s familiar deep bass voice wrapped around him. “Come in.”

  Colin let himself in the house to the welcoming warmth. Delicious aromas of fresh-out-of-the-oven bread intermingled with the grilling of T-bone steak grew as he joined Mason at the stove. “Smells wonderful. I brought some wine with me.”

  Mason glanced over and smiled. Colin leaned close, and a tremor washed through him as Mason’s scent filled him and his body responded.

  “I don’t know all that much about wines, but I’m sure it’ll be great. Dinner is pretty simple, steak and whatnot. I splurged and got a cheesecake for dessert. What do you think?”

  As Colin scanned the room, he realized Mason had put quite a lot of work into getting the cabin set for the event. He turned back and smiled. “Everything looks and smells amazing. What can I do to help?”

  Mason gave the room a quick glance. “The food is almost ready. Would you like to pour us both a glass of the wine you brought?”

  Colin readied their glasses as Mason filled their plates. He checked the meal a last time before motioning for Colin. “I think everything is ready. Have a seat.” The meal that followed was all Colin might want. From the first bite of butter-tender steak, the meal was one of the best he’d had in years. Dinner was conversational and relaxed to the last bite of cheesecake drizzled with raspberry syrup.

  Afterward he went to sit on the sofa Mason had strategically situated directly in front of the crackling fire so they could enjoy the cozy pocket of warmth.

  Colin noticed several of Mason’s quilts were draped over the back of the oversized couch. He smiled at the realization that Mason had laid out the wonderful colored pieces in a way he found appealing. He was studying the quilt behind them when Mason sat down beside hi

  Mason chuckled as he relaxed into the cushion and toyed with the glass he held. “Those are a few new designs I was trying. I’m glad they were from scraps, because they aren’t good for anything but an ugly blanket.”

  Colin leaned close and let his fingers trail over Mason’s hand as he poured more wine. He studied the collection and patted Mason’s knee before giving him a coy expression. “I’ll take them all off your hands. You already know how well your work has been selling. They’re amazing pieces of folk art. I can’t believe you don’t see the beauty in them.”

  Mason froze for a moment, then leaned close and pressed his lips against Colin’s. The heat of the kiss surged through Colin’s body, and his shaft hardened. It grew in fervor for several passionate minutes until their lips slipped apart and left him gasping. The flames of attraction scorched through his body and he struggled to form words. He shifted his gaze back to Mason to find the color had drained from his face.

  Mason whispered, “Holy shit. I’ve never had a kiss like that.”

  Colin laughed. “Oh, I can do much better than that.”

  He threaded his fingers through Mason’s dark-auburn hair, then pulled him into a tight kiss. The urgent touch of their embrace sent a comforting sensation through Colin. The power of the kiss and the caress built, until a few minutes later their lips slid apart, leaving both of them gasping for air. Colin ran the tips of his fingers over Mason’s face, ready to take the power of his desire to the next level. Their eyes met as Colin opened the top button to Mason’s shirt. He found the pattern of hair enticing in ways he hadn’t experienced in a long time. He traced through the pattern of chest hair revealed with each button he opened. Then Mason made comments that had Colin smiling.

  “You’re damn sexy. I love your hair,” Mason said.

  Colin chuckled. “Old-man hair. Too much gray. But yours is so attractive.” Before Mason could argue, Colin opened the last button, slipped the shirt over Mason’s shoulders, and tossed it across the back of the sofa. He pulled Mason close, running his hands under the T-shirt to slide his fingers over Mason’s back.

  Their mutual enjoyment grew as they moved over each other. A few minutes passed, and Colin found himself sprawled over the couch with Mason spread across him and their bare chests sliding over each other. The romance wasn’t lost on Colin as his body responded to the feel of Mason against him.

  Mason changed positions until he reached the top of Colin’s trousers and worked them open. He lowered the zipper until Colin’s shaft strained against the silky material of his briefs. Colin reached toward Mason’s jeans and loosened the buttons. The erotic view Colin enjoyed was enough to bring him to explore Mason more carefully. He removed Mason’s underwear, and his cock jutted from the thick forest of ginger curls carpeting his crotch.

  Mason grabbed the top of Colin’s briefs, and an instant later they were both as naked as when they were born. Their kisses became more insistent as their bare bodies writhed over each other. Soon Colin couldn’t wait longer, wrapped his fingers around Mason’s hard shaft, and squeezed.

  “Ah, damn it…,” Mason said.

  “You enjoying yourself?”

  “Let’s see how much you’d like it,” Mason groaned.

  Before Colin could understand his intent, Mason grabbed Colin’s dick and squeezed. The action sent a torrent of desire rippling through him. The feeling washed through Colin as he raced toward his climax. Colin gasped and shook when Mason took him inside his hot mouth. Colin struggled to keep himself from drowning under the waves of delirium, but it was too late.

  His body spasmed through his unfolding orgasm. Mason came off his cock and stroked it hard and fast. The sensation grew until his body stiffened as the first round shot over his chest. The cycle continued until his torso was covered with white stripes and Colin breathed in gasps.

  Mason took a quilt and moved to clean Colin. But Colin let out a squawk and grabbed his wrists.

  “No! Not with the quilt.”

  Mason chuckled. “Calm down, I’ll find something else.”

  He unwound himself from Colin and disappeared for an instant. Before Colin knew what had happened, Mason returned. After several quick, efficient strokes, he tossed the damp cloth to the side.

  Mason had started to sit beside Colin when he beckoned Mason closer. “It’s my turn to give you some fun.” He pulled Mason to his feet while he turned to sit on the sofa facing Mason’s ironhard dick. He gripped Mason’s cock, then fastened his lips around the flushed red tip. As he flicked his tongue against the swollen underside, Mason groaned and dug his fingers into Colin’s shoulders.

  Colin took Mason’s butt in his hands, enjoying the texture and muscle as he caressed him. Colin enjoyed the ripples of euphoria as Mason’s movements became more frantic and his breath came in gasps. Colin sensed the tremble in Mason’s motions. He ran his finger tight against the base of Mason’s cock.

  “Holy fuck!”

  Before Colin could react, the first jet of liquid masculinity filled his mouth and his senses. It was followed by rampant volleys until Mason emptied himself. Colin took in the final drops, released Mason, and let him slip out as Colin caressed his smooth skin. He leaned against the couch and smiled at Mason.

  “That was awesome, better…. Well, the most amazing lovemaking I’ve had.”

  Mason gave him a shy grin. “I thought it was outstanding too. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  Mason turned coy and silent. A few moments passed before Colin deciphered the meaning. This would be their first night together.

  He made the decision and quickly created a nest from the quilts already on the sofa. Soon he slipped into the warm layers of bedding and motioned to Mason.

  “Crawl in. This will be the coziest bed in the Finger Lakes.”

  Mason’s face transformed into a raging smile. He crawled into the layers of beauty, then wiggled until he had Colin spooned around him. Colin wrapped his arm around Mason beside him. He leaned in and kissed the back of Mason’s neck.

  It didn’t take long before their nest became toasty warm. He was almost asleep when Mason softly muttered, “It was a great night.”

  Colin ran his hand over Mason and enjoyed the sensation. “It was fantastic. You ready for some sleep?”

  Without another word, Mason snuggled against Colin and floated to sleep.

  COLIN DRIFTED awake to a room filled with the light of dawn as well as the delicious aroma of bread baking. Even with the woodstove in use, the room still had more of a chill than he’d like. From the looks of the flames, the room would be warm shortly. He was content to wait under the layers of quilts.

  Covered to his chin, Colin glanced around the room. He spotted Mason standing at the stove in a loose pair of lounge pants, wool-lined house shoes, and a thermal shirt with the sleeves pushed to his elbows. Colin had to smile at the sight of him humming as he worked at his cooking. Mason glanced up and fixed Colin with a brilliant smile.

  “Morning, sleepyhead. How did you rest last night?”

  Colin shuffled around until he leaned against the corner of the couch while still managing to stay cocooned in the quilts. He turned back to see Mason staring at him. Colin smiled and adjusted the surrounding blankets. “I slept like a baby, but it was a little chilly when I woke up a few minutes ago. I think it would be to my benefit to stay where I am.”

  “I just got the fire built up. It won’t take long before the room is warm. Which works out perfect. I’ll finish our breakfast while we chat.”

  Colin shifted around, then winked at him. “That sounds like an excellent idea. I love to sit and watch you work.”

  Mason didn’t comment as he fished a mug from the cabinet and poured what smelled to be outstanding fresh-brewed coffee. He picked it up, then looked at Colin. “Black?”

  “Yes, please. I’ll sugar it up on the second cup, which I’ll need in a few minutes.”

  Mason popped open the box of pastries sitting on the counter and eased them
into a cake pan on the back of the stove to warm. Once they warmed, he moved them to a serving tray and drizzled melted butter over the hot rolls.

  Colin chuckled, and Mason looked toward him. “What?”

  “I was just thinking how many miles I’m going to need on the treadmill to work them off. The gym employees have already decided I’m an over-the-hill guy who is desperate to get back the body he had twenty years ago.”

  Mason frowned. “That’s terrible. You should report them.”

  The smile never left Colin’s face. “Why? They aren’t far from wrong.”

  Mason shook his head as he plated their breakfasts and finished loading the tray with a carafe of coffee. He looked over the platter, then took it in his hands and carried it to the thick wooden table in front of the sofa. He split the meal, then sat down and began eating.

  It wasn’t long before Colin picked at the final crumbs. He set his plate on the table, took his mug in his hands, and curled back into the sofa’s corner. “That was delicious and almost put me in a sugar coma.”

  He loosened the quilts and let them slide off his bare shoulders. From Mason’s expression, he thought this was a great time to see how much of a chance he might have convincing Mason to sell more of his work.

  He ran his hands over the layers of cloth. “Your work is so exceptional. What can I do to convince you to sell me these new experimental quilts? I have clients who would love these as part of the interiors my company created for the houses they have bought. It would get me points with them.”

  Mason started to speak but sat back against the couch and stared at Colin. The quiet crackle of burning wood and the hiss of wind as it scoured the walkway set a scene Colin had come to enjoy. Time swirled around them for several minutes before Mason gave him an answer.


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