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Immortal Alliance (IMMORTAL ALLIANCE SERIES Book 1)

Page 42

by A. Catherine

I nodded and left it at that. I was beginning to tell when Kale wasn’t up for telling me a tale of his life. I could wait, I was just grateful to be on better terms with him.

  “Gabriel’s probably waiting to hear what happened in there,” he stated.

  I turned to glance at the closed door, then dipped my head and sighed. “I’d like to pretend it didn’t happen a little while longer.”

  Kale nodded, an expression of grim understanding on his face.

  “I want to tell you that shit like that doesn’t happen often, but I think this is only the beginning of these adventures. We still have a long way to go.”

  Kale had changed so much since I first met him, in that already I was seeing his mask fade away. He still teased and flirted, but something was changing in the way that he was starting to speak to me like I was a friend, more tenderly.

  The way he spoke to Seere sometimes. And how Gabriel has spoken to me since the beginning.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I replied simply.

  “Liar.” He tapped my elbow with his.

  I offered him a small smile, and then my eyes scanned lower down to his chest. Seeing those tattoos more up close, and the patterns they drew. The first thing I noticed was the upside-down cross on his neck.

  I pointed to it with raised eyebrows. “A little on the nose with that one?”

  He smirked. “Just in-case people forget.” He winked.

  Seere, Daevas, and Kale all had some form of flames embedded in their tattoos. But altered in other images—Daevas with his talons and tentacles and Seere with barbed wire. Kale’s started as chains, that intertwined and formed various symbols and images.

  Skulls, claws, teeth. All with veins of red and orange inside. The tattoo trailed down his neck, shoulder, and chest. Some thorny vines broke off from one end and encircled what looked like a small Hawaiian flower just over his heart.

  “What’s the flower for? It’s so much softer than the rest,” I asked.

  Kale touched a finger against it, his eyes darkening in thought. “A reference to something that meant a lot to me,” he answered plainly.

  Something about the light I occasionally saw around him dimmed and swirled like smoke. I was starting to think that what I was seeing wasn’t his power leaking from him, but maybe something only I could see.

  Whatever it was, it told me that he didn’t want to explain further. And I also got the sense that it was a reference to someone not something. But I didn’t push, not when he looked sad just thinking about it.

  I returned my eyes to the tattoos, following the symbols and lines and then smiled at what I saw peeking out of the bandages against his ribs.

  “Is that a phoenix?”

  Kale attempted to look down at it but grunted when the effort caused pain. “Yeah.”

  At least it was more of the shape of a phoenix. Outlined in black, its center red and orange. A tribute to his inner power perhaps. I tapped his arm playfully.

  “Maybe we should start calling you feathers,” I teased.

  He laughed. “I’m sure your favorite archangel would just love that.”

  Our chuckles eventually died out, fading into solemn silence. After a minute I put my hand gently on his wrist.

  “Thank you for all you did in there. I’m sorry you got hurt because of it.”

  Kale rotated his wrist so he could lightly grip my own. “It is kind of part of my job now to keep you safe at all costs.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I mean it. I haven’t been kind to you lately, I’ve been stupid and naïve. And now you’re hurt because of me.”

  “You could always give me a blow job to make up for it,” he teased sarcastically.

  I smacked his arm which caused Kale to laugh out loud. “You’re an ass.”

  After he was finished laughing, he gripped my hand again, turning more serious.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you out of there. I was trying to get Daevas to go back in as soon as I realized that you didn’t come out with us.”

  I shrugged. “I was mere moments away from coming out anyway, I don’t think going back in would have made a difference.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel better. We’re thinking that that shadow monster was the same thing Gabriel and I dealt with on two separate occasions in your dreams. And that those wards in the Library might have triggered it or broke it out of your subconscious. So, if we go somewhere and you feel that petrified fear again, we’ll know to get you clear of it before it can happen again,” he explained.

  I huffed, fidgeting my fingers against the skin of his forearm. “I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere with any of you anytime soon.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  I gave him my best are you kidding? look.

  “I think I’ll keep my powerless half-blood ass where it’s safe from now on.”

  “And what is safe? This warehouse? Even here there’s a risk of danger. You can’t just hide out in fear of the dangers of the world because life is fucking short—especially for you. Featherbrain might agree with you staying cooped up in here for your own safety. And if that’s truly what you want to do, then okay. You do you. But don’t avoid it, do it because you’re afraid,” Kale argued.

  Our eyes were locked on each other’s, and I think this was the softest I’ve ever seen him look at me.

  “Keep training with Seere—hell, I’ll even train with you if you want, get stronger, test yourself and soon enough you won’t be as powerless as you are now. And when you feel up to it, you can come with us on one of our searches. Within reason of course—I’m not taking you to hell. You don’t need to see that.”

  Kale squeezed my hand twice.

  “And if twinkle-toes gives you a hard time—I’ll back you up. Seeing how I’m the only one who can put him on his ass when he needs a time-out,” he chuckled.

  I smiled, feeling warmth coming back into my core, erasing the cold memories of what I experienced in my own mind.

  “You still have to tell me that story.” The one about how he and Gabriel met. The one he promised to tell me while we were fighting against shadows and crystal inside a white gazebo.

  Kale tilted his head and smirked at me. “You’re stalling, draga-mea,” he sighed, looking towards the door. “Your white knight is trying desperately to be patient, but any longer and he might burst,” he informed.

  I shook my head. “Do you think I’ll ever be able to use that super-web thing?” I asked.

  “Super-web?” he laughed lightly. “Maybe in time if we work on what little powers your half-angel grace has given you. But trust me, it’s annoying as fuck. I wouldn’t recommend it.” He groaned as he started shoving me off the bed. “Now get out of here and let me sleep, human!”

  I giggled and stood, snatching up my pile of soiled laundry and opened the bedroom door to leave. I took one look back at the son of Lucifer—at his scrunched-up face as he painfully attempted to adjust into a laying position, and I couldn’t resist the warmed smile that spread across my face.

  I closed the door behind me and started walking down the dimly lit hallway, realizing that I hadn’t been down this side before. I took in the details of the rusting steel beams and cracked concrete walls.

  Passing other rooms, stopping to take in the subtle carvings, objects and pictures that hung on them identifying their owners.

  A spiked ball mace hung on one of the doors. I guessed that must have been Seere’s room—since she seemed so adept with weapons.

  The door that I assumed to be Daevas’ only had a demon-sigil carved into it, and then a few plain doors down from his there was a poster of a naked woman holding leather whip on one hand. Lillith, I presume.

  I continued on until I eventually entered into the main living area, seeing Gabriel, Jade, and Duma standing around the kitchen island talking. They turned to me when they heard me approach, Gabriel immediately walking over to me.

  I put up a hand to stop his approach.

  “I just need a fe
w more human moments, and then I’ll be at your disposal,” I begged.

  His eyes dipped then, scanning me up and down. No doubt seeing the robe I wore that didn’t belong to me.

  Gabriel nodded. “Of course. Take your time.”

  I closed the distance between us and stood on my toes to reach his full height. Planting a quick peck on his cheek, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach.

  “Thank you.”



  LUCIFER OBSERVED FROM HIS REGULAR viewing area, watching with cold amusement as Beelzebub snipped off another appendage from the poor soul’s hand with a rusty pair of scissors.

  The following struggling scream filling Lucifer’s darkened soul with a small trickle of pleasure. The Fallen stalked around the bound body only to position another finger for removal. His red eyes glowing with delight as he leaned down to speak in the damned mortal’s ear.

  “Beg for mercy,” Beelzebub instructed with a lethal calmness.

  The mortal’s face was stained with tears and splattered blood. He sobbed through his bit, shaking his head frantically.

  “P-p-please. I’ll do anything,” his muffled voice begged through the fabric tied around his lips.

  Beelzebub glanced up at the window, seeing Lucifer’s approved gaze before pinching the shears in one fluid motion, taking another severed finger with it. The human screamed and sobbed in agony.

  Lillith came into the viewing room, looping a sensual arm through the devil’s, putting a red-nailed hand on his chest, and running her tongue up the side of his neck.

  Lucifer grinned. “Back so soon, my love?” he asked.

  She giggled against his ear, sucking on the lobe before responding.

  “I have news.”

  “I sure hope this news is far more interesting than the ones you’ve been bringing me as of late,” Lucifer said.

  “Oh it is. It includes a situation in which your dear young Heir was nearly-fatally wounded,” she purred.

  Lucifer fully turned to his seductress then, wrapping his arm around her waist and gripping her chin.

  “Oh really? Do tell.”

  She bit her lip and pouted. “Mmm, what will you give me for this little tale?” she asked, nipping at his bottom lip.

  The devil growled and then shoved Lillith hard against the charred volcanic wall. His pupils churning a deep crimson, seriousness laying in them.

  “How about a swift lashing?”

  She giggled. “It’s been a while since you’ve whipped me, lover.”

  His grip on her chin tightened. “And I’ll be happy to indulge you, but first—the information,” he instructed.

  Lillith rolled her eyes and sighed audibly. “The Nephilim went with a couple of our alliance members on a record-search. She came back in a catatonic state. Kaleus went into her consciousness and whatever he found there managed to injury him—badly,” she sighed again before continuing. “Daevas went in and had to pull the poor sucker out. Not long after the fragile little half-blood emerged as well.”

  “So far, the only intriguing portion of this story is the bit about Kaleus getting harmed,” Lucifer said coldly.

  Lillith poked his chest. “I’m getting to it. Supposedly, they went to an old human library that they suspected held some information about the relics. According to Kaleus’ puppy-dog, the girl experienced nearly excruciating fear beyond any reasonable level, and when she went off alone this happened. The angel that was with them says that the old archive was warded.”



  Lillith sensually traced a fingernail along the collar of Lucifer’s shirt. Already desperate for their layers to come off.

  Lucifer’s took in all the small details of the story, some bits of his memory clicking into place as he did.

  “Did they find anything while they were there?” he asked.

  Lillith shook her head, starting to kiss his neck. “They’re intention is to go back another time.”

  Lucifer gripped Lillith’s cherry-colored hair and pulled her back to look at him. “Well done, my tart. This is tasty news indeed. I’ll have to give you an extra reward for it.”

  She licked her lips and sighed, “I knew you’d like it.”

  “There’s just a few things. First—where is it they went exactly?” he asked.

  “The old Library of Alexandria.”

  “Ah.” He traced her lips with his finger. “Second—I want you to delay their return to it for as long as possible, at least until I tell you it’s clear, can you do that for me?”

  She moaned in pleasure when his pelvis pressed closer to hers. “Of course.”

  “Good, and third—keep this meeting a secret from Kaleus. In-fact, from now on, make him think you’re not reporting back to me, and only report back when he’s not watching. Be discreet. The less attention you draw to yourself the better,” he ordered.

  “As you wish.”

  Lucifer chuckled darkly, dipping down to bite that sweet spot connecting her neck to her shoulder. She moaned in reply, causing him to move further up, kissing as he went.

  “Wards don’t cause an angel to feel overwhelming fear, not even a Nephilim. No, that terror the half-blood felt was leading them right to it,” he mumbled against her skin.

  She pulled him closer. “Leading them to what?” she asked in a whisper.

  Lucifer pulled back to stare at his beloved, holding her jaw in his fingers.

  “This information is confidential Lillith, to the highest degree. You understand what would happen to you if you shared this information with anyone else, correct?” he asked.

  She nodded, some of the pleasured fog between them lessening as she focused. The punishment for sharing information that was spoken in confidence with the Lord of Hell was always specific to the offender. In Lillith’s case—her skin flayed, and her raw flesh boiled for five days.

  “Our faithful, rag-tag alliance, my heart, has unknowingly located a relic. A particularly powerful one at that. And I plan to take full advantage of the opportunity that Nephilim has presented me,” he informed.

  Her eyes widened. “How do you plan to do that?” Lillith asked.

  Lucifer pinned a finger against her lips, shushing her into silence. She responded by sucking on it.

  “All in good time, my goddess. Now, I remember mention of a whip,” he purred. “Shall we break out the nipple clamps and strap-on as well?”

  Lillith smirked with wicked delight and giggled as the devil lifted her into his arms and led them out of the viewing room and down a hallway of screams.

  Understanding the Realms

  The Ethereal & Purgatory realms run parallel to the Mortal realm. Supernatural creatures can view the Mortal realm within them, but are unable to interact with it. The Ethereal realm is more or less a void in which time & space are irrelevant, and beings may pass in and out of it easily. Purgatory is more restricted, entrance and exit is limited to certain gate checkpoints.

  The Heavenly & Infernal realms are veiled above and below the Mortal realm, only powerful supernaturals can interact and affect the Mortal realm from these realms. Formidable warding lies between them, reducing access to only those approved.

  The Beyond is the empty void of space, it is outside the confines of time and reality. Any and all beings may venture into it—at their own risk. The Between serve as the border lines between the physical realms. Those who serve on the borders constantly dwell on these lines, helping or preventing other souls from entering a realm.

  The Paranormal Pyramid

  Archangle Divisions

  Author’s Thoughts

  I can’t even describe how much joy it gave me to finally finish this book. About nine months before I started working on this series, I went through a difficult family conflict that brought upon severe depression. For months I was living like a ghost, thinking only of what had happened, and what I could have done differently to change it. I had spoken to multiple therapists
that tried to help me work through it, I’d talked about it with my husband and mother-in-law so much it eventually became the same conversation on an endless loop. I found myself questioning my entire existence and couldn’t look to the future without grieving all of the moments I was meant to have that would no longer happen.

  I used to be an avid reader and loved to write my own stories as a teenager, but all of that came to a halt when I went to college and got busy. But also, I lost confidence in myself, thinking I wasn’t a good enough writer to make a living from it. But it was during this difficult spiral when I decided to pick up one of my story journals and start jotting down ideas. Out of nowhere the characters in Alliance came to life in my head. I wrote an outline draft in a matter of days, and with it I could breathe again. But I was nowhere near done. The outline draft, plot and character descriptions only got more in depth.


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