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Magic's Love

Page 12

by Alexandra Von Burg

  Lila huffed in displeasure.

  “No.” She looked Sebastian in the eyes and said, ”My body belongs to me alone. You may have the authority to tell me where to go and what to do, as it pertains to my training, but you do not need to know every minute detail about my body, Teacher.”

  She stared at Sebastian, waiting for him to back down or argue further. Finally he asked hesitantly, “What kind of healer, Chosen One?”

  That was better.

  “One who specializes in females.”

  “A gynecologist?!” James blurted out.

  Lila turned her death stare to James and narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to say more.


  James swallowed and blushed.

  Male mages rarely needed a healer for anything other than a mortal wound, since they did not get sick and usually healed cuts and breaks fast enough to make a healer’s help unnecessary. But female mages were monitored by a fertility expert from before conception through the first year after a mage child’s birth to make sure that mother and child both thrived. Everyone knew this, even unmated males. Both James and Sebastian were confused as to why Lila, an unmated female, might want to consult a fertility healer. Was she looking for birth control?

  “Lila…” Sebastian began, “Are you sure---?” He cut himself off and looked at the other men in the room.

  Lila’s mouth flattened into a displeased line.

  “Please follow me,” he said, and stood.

  Lila followed Sebastian into his study and closed the door behind her. She folded her arms in front of her and watched Sebastian go to his desk and open a drawer. He pulled out a file and handed it to Lila.

  “What’s this?” Lila asked.

  “The combined results of your past and present blood tests. Both our doctor and your childhood doctor concluded that you are normal and healthy, but that you are more than just mage.”

  “Okay, what does that have to do with getting a female healer?”

  “I don’t know. As you said, it is your body. You may want to share the information with whomever you decide to see.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sebastian looked at Lila, his expression slightly pained.

  “Lila, I would never presume to judge you for your personal choices…”

  Lila raised her eyebrows at her teacher.

  “Just know that you can trust me with anything...”

  When Lila did not respond, he finally said, “You don’t need protection with a vampire.”

  “Oh my God, Bastian!” Lila cried. Then she realized too late that James could probably hear her outburst. “You are so out of line right now it’s not even funny!”

  “I’m sorry.” And he really did look remorseful as he nodded sadly.

  “I’ll find my own healer, just tell me where to look and does she need to be approved by Alexander or something.”

  “Of course. You can call Eloise and she will be able to provide those answers.”

  “Thank you.” Lila picked up the folder and left his office, leaving Sebastian to wonder at her reason for wanting to see a healer at all.

  The afternoon of Lila’s ‘meet and greet’ with the council found her anxiously staring at her wardrobe and trying to decide what to wear. Her clothes had only two styles, casual, and work. Alexander had said that this was a formal meeting, which Lila took to mean that she should wear a business suit, as that was the dressiest outfit she owned, but she hated her one suit, having bought it years ago as an ‘interview’ suit. She’d never had a reason to get another suit since she had never been more than an administrative assistant. Wearing a jacket all day had always felt confining and overly formal. Meeting the Mage Council of Elders was intimidating. She at least wanted to be comfortable and feel like herself while she did it. Lila finally decided to wear a rough wool tweed A-line skirt that ended below the knee so that she could wear her favorite knee high boots with it. They had a small heel and were on trend for Fall fashion.

  She chose a cream colored silk long sleeved blouse to go with it, and a long trendy necklace made with green and blue glass beads on a gunmetal linked chain. It hung to the middle of her torso and added a bit of sophistication to the ‘modern librarian’ look. Her hair was cut short and blunt, so there was only one thing she could do with it. In the shower she had loaded it up with conditioner and was now constantly scrunching it with her hands as it air dried into her natural chestnut waves. If she was going on a date, she would wear long dangling earrings, but she wasn’t so she chose the ¼ carat diamond studs her mom had given her for graduation. They were the only real gems she owned, and because her Mom gave them to her they felt like a lucky charm. The last thing she put on was a bit of mascara and lipgloss, and she was ready.

  Downstairs, Sebastian was waiting for her. He was wearing a navy wool suit with a starched shirt and a red pocket square that matched his tie. He looked devastatingly handsome in his tailored suit and perfect grooming. If Lila had been the type of girl who liked to dress up and go out to expensive dinners and sophisticated parties, she would have hoped for a romance to blossom between them. But she wasn’t that kind of girl, and Sebastian was already firmly titled ‘teacher’ in Lila’s mind.

  He looked her over and must have found her attire to be adequate, because he didn’t say anything about it. Instead he opened the closet under the stairs, pulled out an overcoat, and held it up for Lila. It was black, wool, and Lila had never seen it before. Sebastian helped her into it. It was longer than her skirt, hitting her at mid calf, and had wide lapels and cuffs. It was very retro and cool.

  “Where did this come from?” Lila asked, thinking he had a closet full of discarded clothes from former lovers.

  “Barney’s catalog. It arrived this morning”

  “You bought it for me?”

  “Of course, you didn’t have an overcoat.”

  Somehow Lila was surprised by the simplicity of the statement and the gesture. Coming from Florida where the weather rarely got below 50 degrees, she had bought a down parka for the cold northern weather.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome, Student,” and with that statement, Sebastian made it clear that whatever Lila looked like or said reflected back onto him, her teacher.

  Lila and Sebastian met Alexander in his office at 4pm. They went over the facts that had been found, or rather, not found out about Lila.

  After a thorough nationwide database search, no Magique had been identified matching the description Lily had given them of Lila’s father, and her specific blood composition was unique as well. Furthermore, inquiries had come in from a number of hospitals and Magique research facilities asking about the unique composition. Some of the inquiries were accompanied by official requests to study the mystery mage, her blood, and her abilities. Alexander explained that the council had seen all of the findings and requests, and Lila should be prepared to hear them discuss all of it.

  “What do you mean? It’s my body, the council doesn’t have any authority over it! We just talked about this the other day.”

  Panic began to rise in Lila as she heard her own words.

  “Yes, of course, my dear,” Alexander said. “But the fact remains that your origin is still a mystery to us. They may try to argue that they should have authority under the circumstances. Worry not. I will not allow the council to make any personal decisions for you. Your body is your own, Lila. You will not be studied like some kind of alien.”

  Lila visibly relaxed in front of the men.

  “Thank you, Alexander.”

  “But I should warn you that one or two of the elders you meet today will want control. If they argue for it, don’t panic, they will be out voted. You should also know that I have ultimate veto power, being the council Head.”

  Lila nodded her understanding.

  Alexander looked at Sebastian.

  “Is there anything else we need to prep her for before we go in, Sebastian?”

e already told her that they may ask her to show what she has already learned.”

  “Yes, thank you for reminding me. Lila, are you happy with Sebastian as a Teacher?”


  “And what about as a guardian? Do you think you will be able to stay with him?”

  Lila thought about the coat that he sized, chose, and bought her.

  “Yes, I think I will learn a lot and be happy in his home.”

  Hearing those words did something to Sebastian. He had built his house thinking that it would one day be a home for his family, but in the last century he had only ever hosted transient guests. Lila was the first permanent resident other than himself. He didn’t even have a live-in housekeeper as most mages did. He had a human cleaning service that came every Friday morning while he was home and left by noon.

  “Are you prepared to tell the elders that you would like to remain in Sebastian’s guardianship?”

  “Yes.” Lila said it with some hesitancy, but maybe that was nerves.

  “All right, let’s get this over with.”

  Alexander led the way out of his office and down the hall to a conference room. Evan leaned in the hallway, holding up the wall. He winked at her when she looked at him. Since he had been officially named her guard, Evan had started every night lying next to her on her bed, fully clothed. They had shared a few tender kisses, but nothing more, and she’d woken up alone in bed every morning. She got the sense that Evan was taking his time with her to allow her to get comfortable with him before he pursued her sexually, and she appreciated that.

  Inside, the four other elders were already seated at the large polished table that dominated the room. They stood when Alexander entered, Sebastian and Lila behind him. Alexander took a seat at the head of the table. Sebastian sat on the left next to a severe looking man, and guided Lila to sit next to himself. A minute later, Eloise, Alexander’s assistant entered, carrying a legal pad and pen. Lila supposed that she was there to record the minutes. Eloise smiled at Lila as she sat opposite her.

  After a formal greeting and stating of the date and reason the council was meeting, Sebastian rose from his seat. Lila stood next to him and he formally introduced her as his ward and adopted Student. Sebastian bowed his head to the council and then Lila bowed a bit lower, as he had instructed, and then she sat. She was not supposed to speak unless asked a direct question.

  Lila felt the eyes of the three unfamiliar males on her. She felt their energy turn into sexual tension as her attraction magic drew them in like a venus flytrap. Maybe her magic really did want her to zap every mage.

  As Sebastian explained how Lila was found and then assigned as his Student, she looked at the mages, her elders. Sebastian had described them ahead of time. Catherine DuBois, the only female, was petite and reminded Lila of the paintings she had seen of young Queen Elizabeth, only with blond hair instead of red, and without the Elizabethan shaved forehead. In spite of her modern and fashionable clothing, Catherine had a regal manner that made her look like she belonged at some 16th century court.

  Next to her was a young man with gaunt features and dark straight hair, a little on the long side, like he was due for a haircut. This must be Terrance Train, the youngest mage to ever achieve a spot on the council, (only 75 years old.) With his pale skin, she could easily see him at a goth club in skinny jeans and a ripped t-shirt. He sat placidly listening to Sebastian and wearing a Neru jacket; again, very retro. Lila was getting the impression that mages were slow to accept change. From a fashion point of view this was not bad, but from a humanitarian perspective, the thought was frightening. She was very glad that Alexander had vetoing rights as council Head.

  The two men who sat next to Sebastian on her left were not as easy to study, being blocked by Sebastian. She got an overall impression of ‘old white guy’. Stern looking, buttoned up, conservative, severe countenance, and generally men in charge who she would rather avoid. She knew they were William Robur and Johathan Hamill, but she had no way of telling them apart. And as soon as the ‘discussion’ about her was opened, they delivered every stereotype Lila had labeled them with.

  “You say that she is powerful, yet her mother is only a Special. That’s impossible, there must be a mistake, or her mother is hiding something,” white guy number one challenged.

  “I’m afraid that mystery will remain. I sensed no duplicity from her mother, so there’s no reason in trying to squeeze water from a stone.”

  “Was the Mother questioned by a vampire?” white guy number one asked.

  Lila tensed at his referring to Lily as ‘the mother.’

  “What precautions are being taken to ensure the safety of our mage community?” white guy number two asked. He sounded more reasonable.

  “As you all know,” Alexander said, ”Sebastian was considered for a seat on the council the last time it came up. He is certainly strong enough to handle an acolyte, and I have personally seen him interact with his student. I find him to be a most acceptable Teacher and guardian.

  “He has no prior experience as a Teacher,” added white guy number two.

  “Sebastian De La Cruz is a soldier with an impeccable record. True, he has never had a student, but that is due to his commitment to keeping Magiques secret and safe. I assigned him the position of teacher for this unusual mage because of the questions surrounding her parentage. If anyone can keep her away from harm, or harming others, I believe that Sebastian is that man. As for his teaching skills, perhaps you should ask the Student what she has learned during the short time under Sebastian's tutelage.”

  Lila’s heartbeat rose from hearing Alexander’s challenging words. She was about to be tested by the council. All eyes turned to look at her, and Lila steeled herself.

  “Yes,” Catherine DuBois spoke up,”I would like to see what Sebastian has been able to teach his student.”

  Lila looked to Sebastian, waiting for direction and permission.

  “Make a light,” he said, and Lila held out her hand, palm up, and created a ball of light hovering over it.

  “Brighten,” came the command, and it got brighter.

  “Dim it,” and she dimmed it.

  One of the white guys scoffed.

  “Parlor tricks, every novice learns them.”

  “Remember that she had no training prior to two months ago,” Alexander said.

  Complaining white guy’s mouth turned down, defeated, but the other white guy demanded,

  “Show us something that proves you are worthy of being a mage, female,” He said the word with derision, as if women were the bane of Magiques. What a dick.

  “Student, show your light again,” Sebastian instructed.

  She made the ball of light in her hand again. Sebastian looked at her in a measuring gaze. Lila got the feeling that he was about to ask her to do something she had not tried yet.

  “Now shape it,” he said.

  “Into what?” Lila asked.

  Sebastian glanced at the other mages before he said, “A ring.”

  Lila formed the light easily into a donut shape.

  “A cube,” suggested Alexander, and the donut turned into a cube with straight sides.

  “A pyramid!” Catherine’s high voice called excitedly. Lila formed a pyramid. Catherine clapped her hands.

  Terrance was watching intensely, while the white guys were scowling.

  “Make a likeness of your Teacher,” Terrance said.

  Lila faltered at the challenge, but then focused on Sebastian, and slowly the light hovering over her palm morphed into a bust of Sebastian’s likeness. Then without prompting, she allowed it to float to the middle of the table and slowly rotate, giving everyone a 360 view of it. It may not have been photographic, but it was a recognizable rendering of Sebastian.

  “Bravo!” Catherine exclaimed.

  Terrance and Alexander also smiled, looking satisfied, and Sebastian laid a hand on her sleeve, proud and possessive. Lila let the image fade to nothing.

; “That, councilmen, was a show worthy of a first year acolyte,” Alexander pronounced, practically daring the white guys to protest. “I think this shows that Sebastian is just the teacher for Lila. Is there any reason to vote?”

  The two white guys remained silent. Although they looked very unhappy, they said nothing.

  “Very well, let the record state that all are in favor of Lila Bell remaining in Sebastian De La Cruz’s home as ward and student until the mage test. Meeting adjourned.”

  Sebastian stood and gripped Lila’s arm to remove her from the room before anyone had time to speak with her individually. Alexander distracted the elders with some general issue while Sebastian and Lila made their exit. Sebastian hustled her back to Alexander’s office to wait until the elders had all left. As soon as he closed the door, both he and Lila let out a breath of relief. Lila let a small laugh escape at the duel reaction, and Sebastian smiled at her.

  “Well done, Student, very well done.”

  Alexander was very pleased with Lila’s performance during the presentation, and insisted on taking the team out for drinks to celebrate. Lila felt more relieved than anything else. The training and discussions of the prophecy had her anxiety levels at a constant 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. Now that the political obligation of presenting her to the mage council first was out of the way, she could go out more and her team could continue to test her electric shock with a wide variety of strangers. James was particularly keen to introduce her to some colleagues he felt had wronged him in some way. Sebastian wanted to see if she would shock women as well.

  Lila was tired of being the team’s focus, so she sat quietly on the couch in the VIP lounge of the red door club next to Evan. He crossed his foot over his knee to make a hidden space on the couch between them where they could hold hands without the team noticing. The others were aware of something between Lila and Evan, but since he’d over heard James’ opinion about controlling the Chosen One, and the long discussion about the validity of Lunal’s interpretation of the prophecy, the two of them had agreed to keep their feelings for each other to themselves for now.

  The rest of the group talked about ideas for the next level of training and testing for Lila. She closed her eyes, wishing she could also close her ears. She had hoped for a reprieve after the presentation, but apparently that was not to be. After one drink, Evan stood and held Lila’s coat up for her. Sebastian was the first to notice, and turned a questioning gaze on him. When he looked at Lila and saw her drooping eyes, he nodded at Evan and handed him the keys to his car.


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