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Blue Blooded: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Arcane Academy Slayers: Book 1 )

Page 11

by Kayla Michelle

  The first wave hit her and she sent her whips flying. Two heads rolled, giving her time to secure her stakes in her hands. When two more vamps got within arms reach, she slammed her slender stakes into their hearts cleanly, proofing them into dust instantly. Still, more came. The tunnels were pretty narrow, so luckily they were unable to surround her. They hit two by two, hissing and dripping black, bloody drool from their unhinged jaws.

  One of the Vamps crawled on all fours, looking as if he were swimming through the water, trying to grab her by the legs. Using her heavy boot, she stopped the things head repeatedly but it was no use, only a stake or a silver whip would do the job. Teeth latched onto her thigh and she screamed. Fire ripped through her veins.

  Contrary to popular belief, a Vampire bite would not turn you. wouldn't turn a Slayer. Humans were susceptible to the virus via bite, but Slayers would have to consume a Vampires blood within seconds after death in order to transition, but bites would weaken them still. Her thigh burned as if someone had lit a torch beneath her feet and she screamed louder, all the while driving stakes into the hearts and heads of one monster after the other.

  Blue lost her balance and fell backwards, a Vamp followed her to the ground, trying with all its might to latch its teeth to her neck when suddenly, a stake lodged itself into the things forehead and it poofed into black dust.

  Getting to her feet, Blue snatched the stake from the water just as another stake flew by her head and pierced the heart of the next bloodsucker in line. There were still about fifteen of them funneling through. A deep, rumbling growl ripped through the echoing chamber and Blues eyes almost missed the black blur of teeth and fur as it leapt over her head and tackled a Vamp to the ground. Dresden was right behind Coles wolf form, stake in hand and murderous venom blazing in his eyes. Their gazes caught and so did her breath. ‘They came for me,’ she thought breathlessly. She couldn't believe they actually made it..

  "Get back Blue!" Yelled Jasper as he rounded the corner, whips of his own dangling from his palms.

  He had his black hood raised, covering his buzzed head and shadowing his face, making him look deadly. She caught his gaze and he made a move to pass her and join the others who were ripping into the Vampires like they were nothing.

  "You came..." She said stupidly, still astonished to see them, and also that she wasn't dead.

  "I could have so much fun with that one." He quipped with a cheeky wink and Blue just rolled her eyes.

  "Sex jokes? Here? I'm covered in poop." She laughed despite herself..

  He shrugged "Can't pick my audience I guess."

  "Go get your sister, we've got these assholes covered." He ordered her and for once, she did as she was told.

  Blue leapt up to where Harlow was hiding within the alcove and was relieved to meet here wide, coherent eyes.

  "Let's get you out of here." She told her sister as she grabbed her slender hand, dragging her out of the darkness.

  "Ouch!" Harlow shrieked. "My arm, it's broken. I've never had a broken arm before!"

  "Okay, just lean your other side towards me and I'll help you down. Don't use your right arm." Blue helped her as she guided her to the ground softly.

  The sounds of the battle were dying down behind her so she chose to keep going. Getting Harlow somewhere safe was her number one priority. They bypassed the piles of the dead, backtracking until they reached the latter that would lead them back into the boiler room. Blue heaved Harlow over her shoulder and gripped her arm tightly as she made her way up the latter and out of the sewers.

  They made it out of the gymnasium and by now they were both staggering with exhaustion. Harlow fell to the ground and stared skyward, breathing heavily as Blue leaned up against a pillar.

  "That was shitty." Breathed Harlow and Blue couldn’t help the snort that left her face.

  "I swear to God, Har, if you ever do that shit again, I'm gonna kill you myself."

  "Hey, I'm just as capable as you are, little sister. Just a bit of bad luck is all." She defended herself badly.

  "Bad luck? Are you kidding me? That was an ambush!"

  "Okay, okay guys, let's get you in the van before you stake each other instead." Came a familiar voice from the parking lot.

  Ronnie approached with her hands in her pockets, dressed in all black with her hair pulled back in a ball cap. Blue didn't hesitate and flung herself at her roommate.

  "Woah there, feeling the love Blue Jay but dang, let a girl breathe!" Ronnie laughed, but hugged her back.

  "Thank you for coming after me." Said Blue, refusing to let go.

  "Don't make a habit of sneaking off and I wouldn't have to." Ronnie patted Blues back. "Now, lets get her into the van, David's just over there." She nodded towards the parking lot.

  Sure enough, David was pulling up, heaving the sliding door open enough for the two girls to ease Harlow in without hurting her arm.

  "I need to go back, the guys..."

  "Are right here, baby girl." Coles voice boomed from the doorway of the gymnasium.

  Blue threw her arms around the Werewolf and hugged him tightly. She would have loved to breathe in his familiar scent of juniper and smoke, but she knew he’d smell more like sewage right about now. Regardless, She grabbed his beard covered face and sealed her lips to his, reveling in the feel of him so close to her. Despite her earlier wariness of the whole mate idea, she was beginning to believe that she could actually give it a shot, as long as he was accepting of the other two. It was a long shot, but she had to hope because at this point there was no way she could choose between them. They’d come after her together, so that had to count for something.


  They’d been back at the school for half a day and already the word had spread. Harlow was in the infirmary getting her arm treated, while Blue had bluffed her way out of there, not wanting to be poked and prodded by the nursing staff.

  She knew they’d only be judging her. They’d take one look at her brand new bite marks and draw their own conclusions. She showered and changed into some dry clothing, luxuriating in the feel of clean skin, even if she had rubbed it raw in her attempt to clean the sewage out of her pores.

  She was just about to lay down for a nap when there came a loud knock at her door. She wondered who it could be. They guys seemed to be avoiding her for the most part. From the moment they got back to campus, each of them had come up with some sort of reason to excuse themselves. She suspected they were still angry with her for leaving so suddenly. Their anger was warranted, but she didn't regret a thing, otherwise Harlow might have died down there.

  Opening her door, she was surprised and delighted to find Cole on the other side. Moving out of the way, she silently beckoned him in. He brushed past her with a graze of her arm, knowing it was purposeful.

  “I didn’t expect you to come see me.” She told him as she shut and locked the door. Ronnie was still in the infirmary with Harlow, for some reason they had taken an odd liking to one another in the last twenty four hours.

  “I wasn’t planning on it. I took a walk to let off some steam and somehow just...ended up here.” He looked embarrassed for a moment. It was such a change from his usual stoic demeanor that she was momentarily thrown.

  “Are you mad?” She asked, her voice timid and so unlike herself.

  “Yes.” He growled. “Im so fucking angry with you, Blue. How could you put yourself in that situation? You could have died!” He stood before her, fists clenched at his side, shaking with anger.

  “So could Harlow! She’s my sister, Cole!” She moved in closer, knowing she couldn't exactly intimidate him, being half his size. “You went after me when you thought I needed the help, well, that's exactly what I did for Harlow.”

  “You could have said something!” He argued.

  “I did! I told you guys what I was planning and none of you offered to help me. I didn't ask because its not any of your responsibility to watch over me.”

  Cole huffed...or growled,
a mixture of the two.

  “Not my responsibility? You're my mate! Of course I’d come with you. I’d follow you anywhere, have to know that.” He pleaded. The anger seemed to be fading from his golden eyes.

  “How am I supposed to know that? I have no clue what being your mate is supposed to mean! In case you haven't noticed, I’m in love with three men!” She threw her hands into the air in exasperation.

  Coles lips tipped into a handsome smirk, temporarily throwing her off.

  “You love me?” He asked with a smile in his voice. His fangs were peeking out from behind his full lips and she had the sudden urge to bite him.

  “Yes! I love you Cole Harlan!” She yelled in his face. She didn’t know why she was yelling, but she needed it. She needed to release this emotion building up inside of her. “But I also love Dresden and Jasper. You have to know that. It's not going to change, so I can't be your mate.” She said sadly. She truly did want to be his mate.

  “Says who?” He asked, placing his hand on her cheek lightly. His thumb caressed her skin.

  “Wolves mate for life, Cole. I can’t hurt you like that.”

  “Baby girl, you aren't hurting me. I’ve come to terms with the fact that there are two other men in your life. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I won't be jealous as hell sometimes, but I just want to see you happy.” He moved in closer, tilting her face towards his.

  “I chose you for a reason. You are my mate, that's not going to change just because your heart is big enough for more than just me. You never lied about your intentions. You never cheated or tried to sneak around behind our backs. If you want to love Dres and Jas, then love them...but please love me too.”

  Without a second thought, Blue crushed her lips to his. She had to jump to reach his face, but his big, strong arms caught her under her thighs, hefting her up and clutching her body to his chest. His whole body rumbled as he devoured her lips. His fingers kneaded into her flesh making her moan and press into him harder.

  Things were getting heated, and she was ready to give into her needs completely when suddenly the door to her room was kicked open and Dresden ran in, followed by Jasper. They barely flinched at the sight before them, instead, their eyes held horror and violence. Cole lowered her to the ground.

  “What's going on?” He asked, his voice low and menacing.

  “Were under attack. The Vamps must have followed our scent back to campus.” Jasper informed them, clutching his whips in his hands.

  “Fuck!” Blue cursed as she scrambled to her chest of drawers, pulling out her fighting leathers, thankfully a clean pair.

  In the distance, she could hear the faint sounds of screaming and the clash and clang of steel, stone and arrows. How she hadn't heard it just moments before was a testament to how distracting her men could be. Once dressed, the four of them bounded into the hallways, pushing their way through the hordes of frantic Slayers. Every person they passed was armed and dressed for battle.

  Down below, on the first floor, students and instructors alike were battling it out with Vamps by the dozens. They came from every doorway and crashed through every window. It was pouring rain outside guaranteeing heavy cloud cover for hours to come. Blue snapped to it without a second thought. Her stakes became like an extension of her own arm as she plunged then through the chest of any bloodsucker she came across. One after the next they threw their decaying bodies at her, teeth bared, sticking out of their mouths like hundreds of needles.

  They guys fought alongside her as a group. They held their backs to one another, but Cole had changed into his wolf and proceeded to use his teeth and claws to rip the Vamps to shreds. Many Slayers fell, unprepared for the realities of a real Vamp attack. Their schooling and lessons were one thing, but a fight with a real monster was a whole different ball game. She tried her best to save those around her by jumping in front of them and shielding them with her body. This didn't go unnoticed as she caught the guys glaring at her from time to time.

  Eventually, they’d killed almost every Vamp in the castle so they made their way outdoors where Slayers could be seen, running off into the trees, chasing after the stragglers. Blue ran, faster than she ever had before, offing Vamps left and right as she weaved through the trees. She knew the guys were somewhere close by because she could hear Coles growls and the sharp snap of Jaspers whips. After what seemed like hours, it was becoming harder and harder to find any more Vamps. Every so often though, they would stumble upon the body of a fallen Slayer, killing her inside more and more with every body they found. It was all her fault, she knew it was. If she’d only gone back and made sure they got them all then maybe this could have been avoided. Instead, she’d brought chaos and ruin upon the school, just like they said she would.

  Breaking into a clearing, it took only a moment for Blue to realize that she was in the cemetery. All was quiet save for the rain battering the thick mud and plastering her hair to her face. She had just turned back to look for the guys when a sudden wail of terror sounded out through the night. Her head snapped in the direction of the voice and she could vaguely make out a splash of orange through the dense rain.

  ‘There.’ Over the old headstones, crouched on the muddy ground was Ronnie, bent over something, orange hair glowing in the darkness. Ronnie cried again, loud and so filled with grief that Blue felt like she could vomit right there. There was only one reason Ronnie would make a sound like that...she almost didn't want to look.

  Blue screamed when her eyes landed on Davids corpse, staring blankly up into the sky, skin white as a sheet and mouth agape in a silent scream. She ran to his side and fell to her knees beside him, throwing her arms over his torso and sobbing into his chest.

  “No, no, no, no!” She screamed as she tried and failed to resuscitate him. She pushed on his chest, breathing air into his open mouth but it was no use. David was gone and there was no saving him.

  "Now you know how it feels! Jewel shrieked as she stormed into view. All eyes turned to the furious brunette as her voice echoed throughout the graveyard. JJ's hair was matted with blood and it whipped in the frigid wind, she seemed to be limping pretty badly.

  Through her haze of grief, Blue tried to focus on her childhood friends words, but all she could hear were Ronnies wails. They would haunt her forever. It was her fault. All of it.

  "What did you just say to me?" Blue asked in disbelief. Her words were choked and cracked.

  Jewel laughed, of all things to do at that moment. She laughed in her face as her friend lay cold and dead on the floor with his blood seeping into her hands and into the soil.

  "Now you know how it feels to have someone you love taken away from you forever, now you get to feel it!" She let lose a sob that contradicted the crazed look in her eyes. "You and your family are cursed! You should never have come here!"

  She noticed the guys, standing off to the side, watching Blue with sad eyes as she mourned for her friend. She didn't remember them arriving, but she was glad for their presence. A few other Slayers had congregated nearby, sitting on tombstones, or leaning against mausoleums looking lost.

  Blue rose to her feet, trying hard to not step on David's body. The others just watched the spectacle in awe while someone cried softly in the distance.

  "My family? What are you talking about Jewel? My family is gone too! Just like yours!" She yelled.

  "And whose fault is that?" The girl asked.

  "Not mine! You want it to be my fault so badly and I don't know why! Jewel, do you not realize that I was seven?!" Her words were coming out strangled.

  "I was seven! I lost both of my parents that night! I know your dad is dead, and it's my parents fault, but Jewel...they were turned! It wasn't them anymore. There's nothing anyone could have done and you know that."

  Jewels eyes blazed. The others in the graveyard watched the two of them, each carrying their own judgement in their eyes. Dresden, Cole and Jaspers eyes were latched onto Blue with single minded focus. She knew they were
still angry with her for leaving the way she had, but she could also see that they were fighting their instincts to go to her. To defend her.

  Jewel stepped into her space, shoving her backwards with the palms of her hands.

  "Your whole family is a disgrace! Murderers! How dare you show up to this place, walking around here like you're some sort of prodigy while my dad rots in his grave!" "How." Push. "Dare." Push "You!" She pushed her into the trunk of a tree and her head hit with a thud.

  The first tear Blue had shed in ten years dripped down her right cheek and the wetness there felt foreign despite the rain. Her hands were shaking and every emotion seemed to be swirling around inside of her at once. Grief, anger, betrayal...hysteria. It was all there and now it was coming out like an avalanche.

  Blue pushed Jewel back just as forcefully almost causing the girl to lose her balance. "You want to know what happened that night JJ?" Her old friend winced and tried to hide it.

  "They never told you did they!?" She laughed without humor at the confusion in the girls eyes. In fact, time seemed to stand still as everyone waited for her to finish.

  "They never told you how it all went down, did they? Well let me fill you in because unlike you, I was there!" She approached Jewel, finger pointed right at her.

  “My parents killed your father when their mission went south. They turned into the very monsters we were born to hunt, but I bet they never mentioned that I was the one who ended it!"

  Gasps rang out through the stormy night. Jewel reeled back as if slapped.

  "What are you talking about, ended what?"

  Blue looked into her friends glossy eyes and let her see the ghosts there. The memories that haunted her every waking moment.

  "Everything JJ. My life, my world..." She sniffed, but the tears kept falling. "I staked my parents that night! I was seven years old and I pierced my mothers heart and turned them both to dust with the tiny stake my father had given me for birthday!" She sobbed and dropped to the floor.


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