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Page 19

by Sandi Lynn

  “Ariana, how did you get Gina’s earring?”

  “From Jessica Butler.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  “She just handed it over to you without any questions asked?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “Tell me you didn’t steal it.”

  “Maybe.” I continued biting my bottom lip.

  “Ariana! Jesus Christ, what have you done?”

  “Your grandfather told me that I may have to do things that may be unethical. And don’t you even go there, Luca. I’m pretty sure you’ve done some shady things in the past to help your clients.”

  “That’s not the point! What the hell are you trying to prove?”

  “Anything I can. I’ll call you later.”

  “Ariana—” I heard him yell as I hung up.

  “There are two prints on this earring and a partial print. I’ll run them through the system now, but I will warn you, it could take hours for something to come up.”

  “Then let me save you some time,” I spoke. “One of those prints belongs to Jessica Butler and the other one belongs to Gina Burroughs.”

  “If you’re so sure about that, then let’s see. You’re right, one does belong to Gina Burroughs. As for the other print, it’s a definite match to Jessica Butler. But this partial print will take some time. I’ll call you if something comes up.”

  “Thanks, Charlie. I owe you.” I smiled.

  “Just keep Luca out of prison.”

  “I’m trying.”

  As I left the forensics lab and stepped onto the elevator, I ran into Detective Jacks. Shit.

  “Ariana, what are you doing here?”


  “So you’re just hanging around the station for the hell of it?”

  “Yes.” I smiled.

  “I see. Have you reconsidered having a drink with me?”


  The elevator doors opened and we both stepped out.

  “Suit yourself, Miss Williams. The offer still stands at any time.”

  “Even when hell freezes over? Have a good day, detective.” I held my hand up and waved goodbye as I walked away.

  I headed home, and when I walked through the door, Luca was standing there with two dozen beautiful long stem red roses in his hand.

  “Happy birthday.” He kissed me.

  “Luca, they’re beautiful! Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  “You’ve done enough for me already,” I spoke as I set the roses down and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I could never do enough for you.” His lips brushed against mine. “Now, we need to talk.”

  “If this is about the earring, I’m not discussing it.”

  “Well, part of it is. What you did was risky and you could have gotten caught. But if it was me, I probably would have done the same thing.” He smiled as he stroked my cheek. “Another thing, I did some checking on Wilson Garrett.”

  “You did?”

  “He’s been suspended indefinitely from the police force.”


  Luca let go of me and went into the kitchen.

  “He was charged with a misdemeanor assault on Royce Worthington. It wasn’t the first time he’d been charged with assaulting someone,” he spoke as he poured us each a glass of wine.

  “Wow. Talk about abuse of power.”

  “He was suspended three months ago after the investigation was finalized by Internal Affairs. He left Jersey and moved to the Bronx.”

  “Still doesn’t give us a clue as to how he and Sam are connected,” I spoke as I sipped my wine.

  “No it doesn’t, but I don’t want to talk about this case or work anymore.” He walked over to me and took the glass from my hand, placing a firm grip on my hips. “All I want to do is take you out for a wonderful birthday dinner and then spend the rest of the night making love to you.”

  “Sounds amazing, but I need to talk about this case. If I don’t, I’ll go crazy. And if I go crazy, then you won’t have an attorney defending you in court tomorrow.” I smiled.

  He sighed as he pressed his lips against my forehead.

  “Fine. We can talk about the case.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  “Of course I love you.”



  We enjoyed a nice dinner, talked about my case, and then came home and made love into the wee hours of the night. Neither one of us could sleep. Ariana tossed and turned all night, as did I. I was worried about tomorrow. She didn’t write down her opening statement and that bothered me. The last thing I needed was her fumbling in front of the jury. If she didn’t show confidence, the jury wouldn’t take her seriously.

  I watched her as she laid next to me. Her chest slowly moved up and down with every breath she took. The luckiest day of my life was the day she walked into my firm. I was in love with her and to have to put her through all of this killed me. She was my rock, because without her, I didn’t know what I’d do. My life was hanging in the balance and she was the only one who could save me.

  It was time for us to get up and get ready for court. A feeling of uneasiness resided inside me because this was something I had no control over. I couldn’t control the jury because I wasn’t arguing my case, and I certainly couldn’t control Ariana. She had her way of doing things. Ways I tried to tell her needed improving. But she wouldn’t hear anything I said, which added to the anxiety I felt.


  I took in a deep breath as court began. The district attorney gave her opening statement, making me out to be a cold-blooded killer, and now it was Ariana’s turn. I watched as she took in a deep breath before standing up before the jury. Brad looked over at me and shook his head. He still didn’t agree about my decision, and the fact that Ariana left him out of a majority of the case, even when I told her and him to both work together.

  I watched her movement, her body language, and listened to her tone as she gave her opening statement. It was enduring yet forthright. She was poised, confident, spoke freely with ease, and there wasn’t a nervousness about her. I was on trial for murder and the only thoughts running through my head were how many ways I was going to fuck her tonight.

  Chapter Forty-One


  The picture Wendy Graham painted for the jury in regards to Luca was not a pretty one, but I wasn’t worried. She called her first witness, Randall, the bartender from the Peninsula Hotel. When she was finished, I cross examined him. Second witness, Marta, the cleaning staff who found Gina Burroughs’ body. Third witness for the prosecution was Detective Jacks. I was going to have a field day cross examining him.

  “Detective Jacks, could it be possible that Mr. Russo is being framed?”

  “No,” he spoke.

  I glared at him as I stepped closer to the witness stand.

  “Don’t forget you’re under oath.”

  “I know.” He spoke with a cocky attitude.

  “Do you remember the Victor Roth case?” I asked.

  He narrowed his eye at me and then cleared his throat.


  “And what was the outcome of that case?” I asked.

  “Victor Roth was set up by his brother.”

  My eyes fixated on the jury.

  “So even though the gun that was fired that shot Malcom White had Victor Roth’s fingerprints all over it and gunpowder residue was found on his hands, it was later found that he was innocent because you refused to look into any other possible suspects, even though certain evidence was obtained and brought to your attention?”

  He swallowed hard.


  “So I’ll ask you one last time, Detective Jacks. Could it be possible that Mr. Russo was set up?”

  He looked around the courtroom and rubbed the back of his neck before answering.

  “It’s possible.” He glared at me.

  “Was other evidence in this case brought to your attention
of the possibility that someone else had a motive to kill Gina Burroughs?”

  “Objection, your Honor,” Wendy spoke.

  “Overruled. I’d like to hear what Detective Jacks has to say.”

  “Nothing substantial,” he answered.

  “Isn’t it true that I came to you and asked for your help in investigating another person of interest who was connected to Gina Burroughs and you refused?”

  “Objection, your Honor. She’s badgering the witness!” Wendy exclaimed.

  “Overruled. Answer the question, detective.”

  He sat there and slowly shook his head as his eyes stayed locked on mine.


  “Is it true that you refused to look into it because I wouldn’t have a drink with you?” My brow raised. “And please remember you’re under oath.” I walked over to the table where Luca and Brad sat and picked up my phone, holding it up in front of him indicating that I had recorded our conversation.

  “Yes,” he spoke through gritted teeth.

  “No further questions, your Honor.” I smiled.

  I took a seat next to Luca, who had a burning rage in his eyes. I didn’t tell him about Detective Jacks because I knew it would piss him off and that was the last thing I needed. It was time for a lunch break and we were to meet back in court in two hours.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that he asked you to meet him for a drink?” he angrily spoke.

  “For this very reason, Luca. Look at you. You’re angry.”

  “Damn right I am!” He paced around the lobby. “How dare he!”

  “I didn’t need you saying something to him and risk him or anyone else finding out about us.”

  “You still should have told me, Ariana.”

  “I did what was in the best interest of my client. Now drop it!”

  “I want to hear the recording,” he spoke.

  “There is no recording.” I slyly smiled.

  Franco wheeled his chair over to us, placed his hand on Luca’s back, and looked at me.

  “You’re doing a great job, Ariana. I was watching the expressions on the jury’s faces after you cross-examined that detective. The seed of doubt has been planted.”

  “Good. Now let’s go grab some lunch. I’m starving.”

  I struggled with the decision to do something for the past couple of days. It was something I didn’t mention to Luca because I knew he’d tell me not to. It was a longshot, but as we were eating lunch, I decided it was the right thing to do.

  “Excuse me for a moment. I need to use the restroom,” I spoke as I wiped my mouth with a napkin and got up from the table.

  Upon entering the bathroom, I pulled out my phone and dialed Olivia.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” she asked.

  “It’s going fine. I need you to do me a favor.”


  “File a subpoena for Wilson Garrett. I’m calling him as a witness.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “I’m sure. With any luck, he won’t even make it to the witness stand, but I want him in that courtroom.”

  “Okay. I’m on it.”

  After lunch, court resumed and the prosecution called Charlie Henderson, the forensic lab specialist. Once Wendy finished her questioning, I cross-examined him and a few other witnesses the prosecution drummed up. I purposely took my time and drew out my line of questioning so Sam couldn’t be called until tomorrow. I needed Wilson Garrett in that courtroom so Sam could see him.

  “Court is adjourned and will resume tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. Miss Williams, Miss Graham, I need to see you in my chambers,” Judge Kingsley spoke.

  I placed my hand on Luca’s arm.

  “Go home. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Be careful, Ariana. I knew what you were doing and so did Judge Kingsley.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you soon.”

  Wendy and I stepped into Judge Kingsley’s chambers and took a seat across from him.

  “Miss Williams deliberately took her time cross examining those witnesses to stall the court,” Wendy spoke.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Miss Williams,” Judge Kingsley spoke. “I noticed that as well, and I want to make it very clear to you that you will not waste this court’s time nor mine. There was one more witness to be called before court adjourned, and we couldn’t get to that witness because of your shenanigans in my courtroom. Now we’ll be behind tomorrow as well and that pisses me off.”

  “I’m sorry, your Honor. I was only trying to be as thorough as possible. I’m a little bit nervous. This is my first murder case and my client’s life depends on my ability to prove he’s innocent.”

  “No. You’re up to something. Just like Mr. Russo was always up to something and I won’t stand for it. Consider this your warning. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I apologize, your Honor.”

  When I arrived home, I found Luca sitting on the couch with his laptop. Kicking off my shoes, I set his laptop to the side and climbed on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips, something I’d been dying to do all day.

  “Did you get scolded?” He smirked.

  “Yep. I’ve been warned.”

  “Sam was the last witness to be called for the day and you didn’t want him up on that stand yet. Why?”

  “Because I felt there wasn’t enough time to cross exam him. I couldn’t very well let him leave that courtroom with the notion that I know he killed Gina Burroughs.”

  “You’re really smart. Did you know that?” He softly brushed his lips against mine.

  “Yes. I know.” I smiled.

  “What makes you think he’s going to confess?”

  “He’s going to have no choice once I get finished with him.”

  “Be careful, Ariana. Wendy will do everything she can to stop your questioning. You better be prepared.”

  “I will be. I’m going to work on it tonight. Play out every possible scenario.”

  “You can do that after I fuck you and we have dinner. I’ll help you.”

  “So we have to fuck first?” I grinned.

  “Yes. It was a struggle keeping my cock under control while watching you in that courtroom today.” His fingers began unbuttoning my blouse.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  “Miss Williams, your turn,” Judge Kingsley spoke.

  “Thank you, your Honor,” I said as I stood up and approached Sam, who was on the witness stand. I looked behind me to make sure Mrs. Butler was seated in the courtroom.

  “Good morning, Mr. Butler.” I smiled.

  “Good morning.”

  “You’ve been a partner at Russo, Greggs, & Butler for how many years?”

  “About two years. His grandfather made me a partner right before he had his stroke. But I’ve worked there for eighteen years.”

  “And how long have you known Luca Russo personally?”

  “Six years. We became friends when his grandfather brought him on after law school.”

  “Would you say he was a good friend to you?”

  “Yeah. He was.”

  “He would throw you and your wife anniversary parties, birthday parties, and even had dinner at your house. Correct?”


  I took in a deep breath before I continued questioning him.

  “You told the police that you didn’t know the victim, Gina Burroughs. Correct?”

  “No. I did not know her.”

  “So you never met her when Mr. Russo was the defense attorney for Miss Burroughs in a misdemeanor case a year ago?”

  “No,” he spoke with confidence.

  Walking over to the large screen TV that sat over by the jury box, I picked up the remote and turned it on, displaying the security footage from the hotel.

  “This is Gina Burroughs at approximately three thirty on the day of her murder. She was making a phone call.”

ion, your Honor,” Wendy spoke. “Where is Miss Williams going with this?”

  “Your Honor, I have phone records from Miss Burroughs’ phone stating that the number she dialed while standing in that lobby belonged to Mr. Butler.”

  Judge Kingsley narrowed his eye at Sam and then back at me.

  “Objection overruled.”

  I turned back to Sam, who was fidgeting in his seat.

  “That’s impossible,” he spoke. “I’ve never spoken to that woman.”

  “Can you explain why there were monthly deposits of twenty-five thousand dollars made from a wired account in your name to Miss Burroughs’ bank account? If you didn’t know her, why were you giving her money?”

  The courtroom doors opened and Wilson Garrett stepped inside. When I turned back to Sam, I noticed a pale look overtook his face and he began loosening his tie.

  “Do you need some water, Mr. Butler?”

  “Yes,” he spoke with a shaky voice.

  The bailiff handed him a glass of water and I resumed my questioning.

  “I’ll ask you again, Mr. Butler, why were you depositing money into the account of a woman that you never met?”

  “Objection, your Honor!” Wendy stood up and spoke.

  “Overruled. Answer the question, Mr. Butler.”

  “I—I plead the fifth, your Honor.”

  I sighed. “Did you know that the victim was twelve weeks pregnant?”

  He glared at me with rage in his eyes.

  “I plead the fifth.”

  I needed to get him to confess and I needed to do it now. Walking over to the stand, I pointed my finger at him.

  “You paid her the money to quit the agency so you could keep her as your mistress. You couldn’t stand the thought of her seeing other men because you fell in love with her.”


  “Sustained,” he spoke.

  “But she didn’t stop seeing other men. Did she? She used you for your money and still ran her business on the side, keeping it a secret from you. She played you, Mr. Butler, and you didn’t like it.”

  “Objection, your Honor! Miss Williams is leading the witness and this questioning is way out of line!”

  “Sustained. Miss Williams, this is your last warning. I’ll hold you in contempt if I have to,” Judge Kingsley shouted.


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