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The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play Book 3)

Page 26

by B. B. Reid

  So my mother had noticed Bee’s reaction.

  My fingers curled, making a fist. It was all I could do not to go to her. I knew my mother wouldn’t let me anywhere near Bee, though.

  “What do I do?” How do I win her back was the question I really wanted to ask.

  “Oh, I don’t think so, son. If you’re grown enough to play ‘hide the missile,’ you’re grown enough to figure this one out for yourself.”

  I smiled as my mother stood. She was the one I got my affinity for dirty euphemisms from.

  “So, you aren’t going to march me over there and make me apologize?” I teased.

  The look she gave me made me feel as if I were two feet tall. I was once again a little boy about to be sent to the naughty corner. “I didn’t raise you to be forced into doing what’s right, Jameson. Be the man your father would be proud of.”

  As if she hadn’t just punched me in the gut, she disappeared inside the pool house, probably to make sure I didn’t sneak back up to the main house. I wanted to. God, how I wanted to. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there before I crawled into one of the empty beds instead. Closing my eyes, I let sleep pull me under. Tomorrow, I had a choice to make.

  Forgive Bee. Or set her free.

  Bee was gone the next morning.

  Somehow, she’d managed to sneak back home long before the sun had fully risen. And I knew this because just before dawn, I’d snuck back inside the main house only to find an empty bed.

  As if she knew I would be coming for her, she’d left a note.

  The girl you loved is gone, Jameson.

  Letting you in had been easy.

  To bleed you, I had to cut deep.

  She didn’t survive.

  For a few seconds, I studied the note and the messy chicken scratch I remembered vividly before calmly folding it in half and slipping it inside my pocket.

  The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Well, if you could count my little brother and sister bringing a four-foot garden snake inside the house and almost giving our mother a heart attack uneventful. I couldn’t believe how beautifully Adara had blossomed or how tall Adan had grown. I swallowed hard, wishing I hadn’t missed a year of their life. I no longer felt as close to them as before. I knew it was because the moment I’d returned to Blackwood Keep, all I could think about was Bee and making her pay before making her mine.

  If I had to shell out millions to make that happen, then so be it. Elliot would take the money without a second thought, but I had the feeling Bee wouldn’t be as grateful.

  The girl you loved is gone, Jameson.

  Smirking, I shrugged on my navy-blue dress shirt before buttoning and tucking it into my black slacks.


  I snorted. She’d yet to show me that was the case. If anything, with each day, all she’d done was plant little seeds of doubt in my mind—seeds that sprouted into hope.

  My mom and siblings rode with my uncle, who would also be picking up Aunt Evelyn for the ceremony—I had a feeling my mom had something to do with that. Uncle Thomas may have been the older sibling, but my mom was clearly the boss.

  Four and Ever rode together, and I’d turned down Ever’s offer for a ride, having the feeling I’d need a getaway car when it was all said and done.

  The parking lot was already packed, and the school lawn crowded when I arrived. I cursed, bouncing my leg anxiously as I searched for a spot to park. After a few minutes, I spotted Ever’s G-Wagon and him standing in an empty spot in front of it, waving me down. I swooped into the space, grabbed my blue cap and gown, and bumped his fist in thanks when I got out.

  I looked around, noticing he was alone. “Where’s Four?”

  “Went to find Gruff.” Four’s old boss had driven up from Cherry, Virginia, her hometown, to see his young protégé graduate.

  We started toward the building, and I tried not to be so obvious as I searched the crowd, but of course, Ever noticed. “Let it go, man. I’m sure that wherever she is, she’s with her parents.”

  I ignored him as I weaved through the crowd. I didn’t give a damn about Elliot Montgomery. Bee wasn’t his to give. Elliot had lost his claim to her the moment I laid eyes on her six years ago, and I’d be damned if I gave her up. I wasn’t so sure I could just forgive her overnight, but for the first time, I was willing to try.

  I was ready to give up searching until after the ceremony when I finally spotted her. Dressed in her cap and gown—the guys had been assigned navy-blue caps and gowns and the girl’s red—she was indeed standing with her parents. When one of the teachers called for everyone to start lining up, Barbette spoke to them briefly before stepping away. Her father barely spared her a glance while her mother simply smiled. I shook my head, wondering if they’d always been so dismissive of her.

  I stalked her with Ever hot on my heels until we rounded the building. Once we were out of her parents’ sight, I sped up and grabbed her elbow.


  Before she could say more, I pulled her through a random door leading into the school. Inside, I tried a few doors before finding the one to the chemistry lab unlocked.

  “You snuck off,” I growled as soon as the door closed behind us.

  “I had to get home before my father figured out I was gone.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  She shrugged while refusing to meet my gaze. “What other reason would there be?”

  Ever’s phone going off reminded us that we weren’t alone. He grabbed a seat as he texted, and I seriously wondered why he was sticking around. I was sure Tyra and Vaughn were around here somewhere. Wren and Lou had also been given tickets and promised to attend. And then there were his parents and my mom to keep him occupied.


  Ignoring him, I refocused on Bee. “You were running from me.”

  “I didn’t run,” she argued. “I walked away after you fucked me and made it clear you weren’t interested in more.” Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ever’s head shoot up from his phone, but he wisely remained silent. “I can’t exactly force you to be with me, so what else should I have done?” Bee challenged.

  I couldn’t help but explode. “Fight for me!”

  “What is there to fight for if you won’t forgive me?” she screamed back.

  “How can I forgive you when you’re still lying to me?”

  “I’m not—” She suddenly paused, making my eyes narrow. “I told you everything.”

  “How could you trust Ever more than me? You failed to mention that.” I knew it sounded like a question born of jealousy, but it truly didn’t make any sense. Back then, anticipating Bee’s every want and need had been my sole focus and only pleasure. Nothing else mattered. So imagine how crushing it was to find that, when she was actually in need, she’d turned to someone else instead. It mattered less now in the face of the truth, but it still hurt like hell.

  “It wasn’t like that,” Ever responded when Bee went mute. “After her parents came to our place and told you to stay away from her, I went over there to check on her. They’d said she got hurt and that you were responsible. I wasn’t sure they’d let me see her, so I snuck inside. I overheard her parents talking. What they were planning to do…”

  Bee suddenly swayed on her feet, her face ashen. Reacting on instinct, I helped her to the chair behind the teacher’s desk, where she collapsed. She still wouldn’t meet my gaze.

  “It was so fucked up,” Ever went on. “I left, but as soon as I saw Bee at school… I couldn’t just pretend like everything was normal. I confronted her, and she made me swear not to tell anyone. Especially you. I was her best friend, man. What was I supposed to do?”

  “Convince her not to lie to me? Did that ever occur to you? She might have been your best friend, but I’m your goddamn blood!”

  “If you think I could have convinced her of anything, you don’t know her as well as you think.”

  I wanted to bash his face in for that comment. There wasn’t a pers
on alive who knew Bee better than me. Reading my thoughts, Ever smirked, knowing he got to me. His phone chimed a moment later, and he read the message before saying, “We should get back. Four says everyone’s lined up. The procession will start soon.”

  “I can’t believe we’re graduating,” Bee whispered. I could see the relief in her eyes. She’d finally be free of the place that had judged her without a second look. I’m not sure when they started calling her Barbie, but I knew the name must have cut each time it was uttered. There was so much more to her, and for some reason, she stopped letting them see.

  Ever must have seen it too because he muttered, “You should have been running Brynwood. Not me.”

  Like true royalty, Bee dismissed Ever’s claim with a flick of her fingers—as if the issue was of little consequence. Not to Ever. And not to Vaughn and me.

  She’d been our queen, once upon a time, and we’d been ready and willing to fall on our swords for her.

  At least that much was still true.

  “How can you be so sure when your own cousin was so eager to overthrow me?”

  I didn’t miss the jab she’d thrown and smiled. Bee wanted to pretend I wasn’t in the room, but that blush on her cheeks gave her away. I’d bet my fortune those sensitive nipples of hers would be too if she weren’t hiding beneath that gown. I wonder if she knew that I was just as hard for her. Harder, actually.

  Pushing away from the dry-erase board, I slowly strolled to where she was sitting in that chair, long legs crossed as if they hadn’t been wrapped around me half the night. I’d ridden her hard, and though it took all my concentration not to come quick, I’d ridden her long. It still wasn’t enough.

  Gripping her chin, I forced her gaze to finally meet mine. “Is that what you call making you fall in love with me?”

  “I didn’t,” she breathlessly lied.

  “Right,” I countered, smirking, “because you were too busy hiding your crush on my cousin to notice that your heart had been stolen.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Ever pause, and after a moment of tense silence, he barked, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Before Bee could deny the claim and lie yet again, someone else spoke. “I’d like to know that, as well.”

  Three sets of gazes flew to the open door where Four stood wearing her red cap and gown.

  I wasn’t sure how much time passed with us staring at Four and Four staring at Bee as if she would claw her eyes out. Long agonizing moments later, she looked away, and betrayal flashed in her eyes when they landed on Ever. The hurt in her voice when she spoke twisted my stomach until it ached. “Did you know?”

  “What? No!” Ever shot to his feet and rushed for the door when Four turned to walk back through it.

  Bee and I watched helplessly as Ever lifted Four back inside and slammed the classroom door shut.

  “Let me go!” she screamed when he pressed her against it. “You lied! You lied!” Her voice broke as she sobbed. “You said you’d only ever been friends.”

  “Baby, stop,” Ever pleaded as he struggled with her. “I had no fucking clue. I swear to you, I had no fucking clue!” He glanced over his shoulder at us, and the helpless look in his eyes made me feel like shit.

  Bee took a step forward, desperate to fix the shitstorm I had caused, but I grabbed her wrist and ignored her glare. I wanted to help them as much as she did, but I wasn’t so sure there was anything we could do. We’d both caused them enough pain.

  “Yeah, but I just bet you wish you had,” Four spat. Suddenly, she stopped fighting him and stared back at Ever through her tears. “Would it have made a difference?”

  “Not one fucking bit, princess. You know that.” He released her wrists and gripped her hips, yanking them into him. “I’ve never wanted anyone until you.” Gently, he kissed her, and relief flooded me when she slowly began kissing him back.

  I glanced down at Bee and found her giving me the same wide-eyed look. We both seemed to be thinking the same thing. That was close.

  Four and Ever’s breathing grew heavier, drawing our attention back to the door in time to see Ever pull Four’s ceremonial gown over her head. Thankfully, she wore a simple white dress underneath, but when Ever’s hand crept underneath it, the back of my neck warmed.

  It was obvious that they’d forgotten we were here.

  “What should we do?” Bee whispered. I could hear both alarm and amusement in her tone.

  My gaze traveled to the back of the large lab, praying there was a second door. Seeing it, I grabbed Bee’s hand, and together, we tiptoed for the other door.

  We made it two steps before the sound of Ever’s voice stopped us.

  “Where the fuck do you two think you’re going?”

  Bee yelped in surprise and pressed herself into my back. I almost laughed when I felt her tremble and reminded myself that she’d just had sex for the first time last night.

  “Giving you guys some priva—Hey, what the fuck, bro?” I barked when Ever flipped the lock and pulled the shades over the mini window.

  He whispered something in Four’s ear, and she scowled at whatever he was saying. Still, she listened, and as the seconds passed, her frown slowly disappeared until uncertainty and a little interest took over her expression. A moment later, she glanced at us, and I could see the revenge in her eyes. Nodding, she sauntered over to the front of the classroom, and Bee and I watched her hop on top of the teacher’s desk. Meanwhile, Ever had taken advantage of our distraction, locking and drawing the shades over the second door.

  “Before any of us leave this room, we’re going to get something understood,” Ever announced.

  “Which is?” Bee asked, genuinely confused.

  I, on the other hand, was at a loss for words. I was pretty sure I was already picking up what Ever was putting down. Knowing he couldn’t stop us, I wanted to take Bee and run for the other door, but I’d only feel like a coward if I did.

  “I’m with Four, and one day, she’ll wear my ring and carry my babies, and I’m not letting the two of you jeopardize that a second longer.”

  “Understood. Can we go now?”

  “Every time the two of you hurt each other, you use us as weapons,” Four spoke from behind us. “It’s time you learn that we’re no longer an option.”

  I whirled around. “So watching the two of you fuck is supposed to teach us that lesson?” Yeah, I don’t think so.

  It wasn’t like I hadn’t caught them in action before, but this was different. This would not only be deliberate, but it would mean Bee would see everything, too. I wasn’t any more interested in her watching some guy fuck than I was letting some guy fuck her—especially if that guy was her ex-fake-fiancé.

  “Oh, you won’t just be watching,” Ever said.

  I gripped Bee a little tighter at his words. Ever was leaning against the door with his arms crossed, looking way too casual about this.

  “You’ve got me fucked up if you think I’m letting you touch her,” I warned.

  Ever rolled his eyes as he stood up straight. “I promise it won’t get that far.”

  I started to curse them both out when I felt Bee tugging on my arm. She put her lips to my ear once I leaned down.

  “I-I think we should,” Bee whispered, shocking the shit out of me. “We owe them this.”

  “We don’t owe them shit,” I barked.

  “Actually, you kind of do,” Four chimed as she swung her legs. “Who’s to say either of you would have risked what we risked?”

  Pretend to be someone’s fiancé while Bee rode the bench like some dirty little secret? Not a fucking chance.

  “We’re only asking for a little humility in return,” Ever said. He was already making his way to the front of the class while I eyed the door. Now was our chance to escape.

  “You can go if you like,” Bee whispered. “But I’m going to stay.”

  Like hell, I was leaving her alone with them.

  In fact, I was never letting Bee in
the same room with these two closeted pervs again.

  “There are other ways to show your gratitude,” I argued. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ever stepping between Four’s legs and lowering the dress he’d already unzipped from her shoulders. “We can send them a card and a fruit basket in the morning.”

  Bee’s only response was to smile and kiss my lips. I immediately went in for a second. With an eager moan, she swept her tongue between my lips, and even though I knew she was trying to distract me, I sank into the kiss. It wasn’t long before I was pulling her gown over her head and lifting her onto the teacher’s desk next to Four.

  This was so fucked up.

  I could hear Ever’s belt jingle as Four unbuckled him, and at the same time, Bee’s shaking, nervous hands went for the buttons on my shirt.

  So, so fucked up.

  Before my shirt was even all the way open, Bee was pressing hungry kisses on my chest, getting my cock nice and hard for her. Her white dress was tight and molded to her curves, making it easy to shove up and around her waist. The thong she wore was next to go. The second her bare ass touched the cool wood, she shivered, making her tits jiggle. I lowered the straps of the plunging neckline, and then my lips were around her nipple before either of us could blink.

  “Oh, Jameson…” She leaned back on her hands, giving me full access as I feasted on her tender, little nipples.


  The shock and lust in Ever’s voice drew my reluctant gaze, and I watched as Four fell to her knees in front of him. She wrapped her hand around his thick cock before shyly licking the tip.

  Atta girl.

  I watched for a few seconds as she kissed and licked Ever’s cock before turning back to Bee. Biting her bottom lip, I soothed the abused flesh with a kiss. “This is Ever’s first time getting his cock sucked by Four,” I whispered to her. “Watch and learn, kitten. I won’t be as patient.”

  While her avid gaze remained on Four and Ever, my finger found her wet pussy, and I slowly filled her, stimulating her other senses. “Sore?” I asked as I slid a second finger inside her. I’d ridden her harder than I should have last night, but she had no idea how much I held back.


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