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Crossing the Line

Page 4

by Naomi Aoki

  “Even more fucking reason to tell them,” he roared, finding it hard to not to strangle Kennosuke himself for gambling with Jamie’s safety; with his own. “Jamie, Gou... they need to know. They need to prepare for whatever danger is coming their way.” God this man was so frustrating. “You can’t keep playing the hero Kennosuke, or one day it will be your downfall.”

  Brian wanted to tug hard at his hair as he paced the length of the hospital room, but it wasn’t long enough. Too many conflicting thoughts were rushing through his head, emotions he wanted to keep buried. This was supposed to be a holiday. A quick three weeks visit with Jamie, buy some gifts and go home. It was becoming anything but.

  “Tell me their name. Tell me who is threatening Jamie... who tried to kill you.”



  “No. You will only tell Gou.”

  “What? Are you twelve? Of course, I’ll fucking tell Gou. Next to your mother, he’s not someone I want to piss off.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kennosuke watched Brian head toward the door with determined steps that confused him. “Where the fuck, are you going?” But Brian didn’t answer. Didn’t pause his steps; if anything, Kennosuke could have sworn Brian moved faster. “They left, remember?”

  His confusion morphed into cold fury at the sound of Brian’s laughter as he pushed the door of the room open and stood there, holding it open. Three angry men Kennosuke hoped he wouldn’t see again, today, stormed back in.

  “Told you I’d get him to talk,” Brian muttered.

  None of them paid Brian any notice, their attention firmly fixed on him.

  “You’ve never been a very good liar, Ken,” his father said. “So, why-”

  “Don’t you dare put Jamie’s life at risk,” Gou spluttered cutting Soichirou off. “You of all people should understand the consequences of keeping secrets.” His Uncle’s rage echoed with the pain of his past mistakes; his biggest regrets and only eased when Jamie placed a calming hand on his arm.

  “Who is it, Ken?” Jamie asked him, his voice might have been the calmest in the room but Kennosuke didn’t miss the danger edging it. “Who is behind this?”

  He did not want to say that man’s name. Didn’t want to see what uttering it would do to the people he cared about. Kennosuke squeezed his eyes shut and hoped his father, uncle and Jamie would get frustrated with him and leave. Opening them, he sought out Brian – for what? Kennosuke didn’t know – his breath hitching at the low-burning rage flickering in Brian’s eyes. An anger he realised wasn’t aimed at him.

  “Takeshi.” He closed his eyes once more and clutched at the sheets, not wanting to see the darkness descend.

  “He is so dead,” Gou growled. “This time I will kill him.”

  “Not if I don’t get to him first.”

  Kennosuke cracked an eye open at Jamie’s remark, not surprised by it at all. Takeshi had been trusted by Jamie, the man engaged to act as his bodyguard after the first attempt on his life. Instead Takeshi had tried to sabotage Jamie’s relationship with Gou, placing him in harm’s way and orchestrated an assassination attempt on Gou. Of course, Takeshi’s anger had been further fuelled when it was Jamie and him who’d uncovered his treachery, resulting in Takeshi being kicked out of the Araki-gumi and black listed from joining any other Yakuza group in Japan.

  He didn’t doubt that Jamie would get his chance, Kennosuke expected Takeshi to come after Jamie next. But it was the expression on Brian’s face as he listened to Jamie speak that had Kennosuke cackling.

  “You... You plan to do what?” Brain spluttered striding quick across the floor toward Jamie.

  “Shoot him. I should’ve let Gou do it the first time. Though it might be more satisfying to do it myself.”

  Kennosuke laughed more as a wicked grin spread across Jamie’s face. His stomach hurt, muscles tugging at the edges of his wound, but he couldn’t stop it. “Better than a cup of tea,” he wheezed, making everyone but Brian chuckle.

  “What? What the hell Jamie, isn’t that going a bit far... for you?”

  It didn’t surprise Kennosuke that Jamie hadn’t told his friend how deep into Araki-gumi business he’d sunk, and it was amusing to watch Brian’s reactions. A flustered Brian proved to be just as arousing as an angry, dangerous one.

  “Come on? We’ve gone hunting together, you know I’m more than capable of using one of these-” Jamie shifted his jacket to show Brian the gun he kept on his person and Kennosuke thought Brian’s head might explode. “-hell, I’ve even shot a man. Dead.”

  “Un-fucking-believable. Marry a Yakuza... share fucking sake with him... It doesn’t mean you need to act like one,” Brian ranted and while Kennosuke could listen to his angry gravelly voice all day, he instead cleared his throat and brought the focus back to him.

  “And you’re so squeaky clean?” he scoffed. “You’re not the ‘good-little-cop’ you pretend to be, right Brian?”

  “What the fuck does Ken mean by that?”

  Kennosuke smirked. The problem of Takeshi’s reappearance would be forgotten about while Brian and Jamie were forced to reveal the secrets they’d kept hidden. It almost worked too, but his father squeezed his shoulder and glared at him with a look that said this matter is not finished.

  BRIAN BACKED AWAY FROM Jamie, hands raised in front of him. There would be no calming Jamie; no trying to fob him off with some flimsy excuse that his mate would easily accept. Not this time. Jamie was furious, hurt and nothing less than the truth would do. And it was all Kennosuke’s fault. The bastard used him to deflect attention away from the bombshell he’d dropped in the room. But at least Brian had the name of the man he wanted to kill: Takeshi.

  “What the hell does Ken mean by that? I thought you became a cop because you didn’t want to be like your ‘dead beat dad’. Those were your words, Brian.”

  They needed to discuss this. All of it. Not just what Brian had kept hidden from Jamie, but the secrets his best mate had kept from him. But it wasn’t happening right now in Kennosuke’s hospital room, not while both their tempers were fraying dangerously thin. He rubbed his head with his hands, the rough texture scrapping his palms as he tried to reconcile what he’d just learnt: the goody-two-shoes he’d gone through high school with had killed a man. Jamie had killed and didn’t regret it, no, he looked almost proud of the fact.

  “Not here, Jamie. Not today.”

  “Don’t you dare brush me off... Wait. You are a fucking dirty cop. Since when?”

  “Jamie, he’s right. Now isn’t the time.” Brian never thought Gou would ever jump to his aid, but he wasn’t going to argue. “But tomorrow-” Gou glanced at Soichirou and shared a silent conversation before continuing. “-you will come to the main house and tell us everything.”

  Saving him from Jamie’s wrath was one thing, being dictated to by Gou as though he was one of his men, was another entirely. Brian refused to be treated that way. Gou wasn’t his Boss. “Not till Kennosuke gets out of here. I’m staying with him, until then.”

  Gou’s gaze turned dangerous. Steely blades that would tear Brian apart if he made the wrong move, but he wasn’t known to step away from a dangerous challenge. “Why would you do that? My nephew is not your boyfriend, is he?”

  Brian ignored the boyfriend remark. “Can’t imagine you’ll want me to stay at the apartment, alone, with this Takeshi person on the loose... and staying with you and Jamie? Yeah, Nah.” He folded his arms across his chest and stood straighter making himself look taller. Brian knew it wouldn’t intimidate Gou, he just wanted the man to know he wasn’t afraid of him either. “So, I might be here a few days.”

  “No. I’m good to leave,” Kennosuke piped up and Brian growled. The man was way to cheerful for someone who’d been stabbed. “As soon as a nurse removes this-” gesturing at the IV lines in his hand. “-and you bring me some clean clothes. We can go home.”

  “Like fuck you will. Tell him Jamie that he can’t leave,” he implored his frie
nd, realising Gou and Soichirou would be no help. “It’s only been twelve hours since it happened, and he lost a lot of blood.” Brian’s voice kept growing louder and his body trembled. He didn’t want to think what it might mean.

  Jamie shrugged his shoulders. “We couldn’t keep Gou in hospital after being shot. Twice. So, if Ken wants to leave, let him. I’ll give you the doctor’s number, you’ll probably need it.” If that wasn’t shocking enough, Jamie threw him a smarmy grin that left Brian dreading what his friend would say next. “Just... no fucking.”

  Brian opened his mouth to argue that he had no intention of fucking Kennosuke, injured or not, but he closed it without speaking. Jamie would have just disputed his claim, and Brian couldn’t deny he wanted to fuck Kennosuke. Angry-worry-relief filled fucking. But wanting it and giving into the urge were different things, and Brian intended to keep his dick in his pants for as long as he could. Kennosuke being injured only made it easier to keep his desire in check.

  Chapter Eight

  “This is fucking stupid. There is no way you’re going to get up five flights of stairs,” Brian grumbled, shaking his head. “We should have gone to a hotel... the main house, whatever that is.”

  Kennosuke waved off his attempts to help him, grimacing with each halting step he took. He was doing a piss poor job of hiding the pain now etched on his face that made Kennosuke appear older than he was. The usual sarcastic banter they shared, gone and the silence was unsettling. Unbearable. It was almost like Kennosuke hadn’t been seriously injured before...

  He scoffed at the thought. Kennosuke and his family – now including Jamie – were Yakuza, injuries like this were an expected part of the job. Yet, if it was true then Kennosuke had gotten bloody lucky up until now. He shoved his hand into his pockets as he stared down at Kennosuke, fingernails digging into his palms as he realised this would be the last time Kennosuke faced a situation like this. And wasn’t that an uncomfortable realisation, one that tried to drag up all the emotions Brian wanted to keep buried.

  Brian huffed, eyes closing and not quite believing what he was about to suggest, but it was too painful to watch Kennosuke move. “I’ll fucking carry you.”


  “I’m not giving you a choice.”

  “I can manage! I’m not weak... and I don’t need you carrying me like some blushing bride.”

  A blushing Kennosuke, now that brought back memories. Kennosuke splayed beneath him, skin red, breathing ragged... Yeah, his determination to keep his hands off Kennosuke was going to be sorely tested. He’d managed a week, that was an achievement, wasn’t it?

  “Piggy back.”

  “Piggy back, what?”

  “I’ll carry you on my back.” Brian turned, crouched down in front of Kennosuke and gestured for Kennosuke to get on. “Hurry up... or would you rather stay here and argue all day?


  Maybe this hadn’t been a well thought out plan as Kennosuke’s hands landed on his shoulders and his front pressed hard against Brian’s back. It took all the strength he could muster to resist changing position and press Kennosuke against the wall instead. Brian breathed deep, grabbed a hold of Kennosuke behind the knees and stood, readjusting his grip to support Kennosuke’s weight better. Now his hands gripped Kennosuke’s thighs, hands precariously close....

  “Fuck would you stop squirming. I don’t want to drop you.”

  “Then, stop groping me,” Kennosuke hissed.

  “I’m not.”

  “No... your fingers have decided all by themselves to rub at my arse.”

  “Still. Not. Groping.” Like Kennosuke could talk. Brian gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the hard cock pressed into his back. A task not made any easier as Kennosuke rested his head on his shoulder, hot breath curling around Brian’s ear before caressing his neck.

  And they were only on the second floor.

  “For someone who says they don’t want a piece of this... you sure are fondling the goods enough.”

  “Oh, I want alright. I want to bend you over the couch and fuck you, hard. I want to remind you what your stupidity; your carelessness could have cost you.” His breathing hitched as more emotion than Brian wanted to show bled into his words, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

  An awkward silence descended over them as Brian carried Kennosuke up the last two flights of stairs. No wise cracks. No scathing remarks. His breath ragged, his muscles groaning out their complaint as he readjusted his grip on Kennosuke. Brian refused to put him down. He’d managed to complete The Firefighters Challenge when he lived in Auckland, so he could damn well carry Kennosuke up five flights of stairs.

  “Brian. Put. Me. Down,” Ken growled in his ear while hitting his shoulder.


  “I think I can make it from here.”

  Brian gripped him tighter.

  “Fucking put me down. I have the keys for the door.”

  Oh, right. Brian crouched, holding still until Kennosuke stood steady on his feet. He shivered, missing the warmth of Kennosuke’s body pressed against; wanted to reach out and pull him close. Hated that he wanted it too.

  KENNOSUKE HURT. PAIN sliced through him and tried to force him to his knees as the painkillers wore off. Not that he’d admit it. Brian couldn’t know how bad it was, not when Kennosuke wanted to take advantage of the words Brian had uttered as he carried him upstairs. He fumbled with the keys as his hands trembled. Lust, pain and uncertainty surged through him at the thought of what was about to propose. A two-week fling. Sex and nothing more. The sharp pain in his side had him wanting to double over, yet Kennosuke knew it wouldn’t compare to the heartbreak he was setting himself up for, but it didn’t matter. Kennosuke needed Brian to remind him he was alive.

  Shoving his hand into his pocket, Kennosuke pulled out the bottle of painkillers they’d given him at the hospital. He scowled at it, not really wanting to take one as they made his head woozy, but if he wanted Brian to fuck him, he needed to take the edge off the pain. Kennosuke tipped out one and swallowed it. He placed the bottle on the bench and turned around. Kennosuke watched Brian drop onto the couch with a weary sigh and stretched his legs out in front of him. It shouldn’t have surprised him that Brian was tired, but it didn’t stop Kennosuke from feeling disappointed.

  “So, about those promises you were making... the fucking over the couch... I’m not tired or too sore.” He sat down next to Brian, wincing as his stitches pulled.

  Brian raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. No.”

  Kennosuke chuckled, relaxing back against the couch and finding he didn’t mind the silence. Comfortable, surprisingly so with how close their bodies were pressed; arousal thrummed in his veins, but he didn’t feel the same urge to act on it as he had moments before. He didn’t miss the snippy comments or the constant push and pull that came with riling each other up. Just for a moment he’d close his eyes and let himself believe the concern he’d seen flashing through Brian’s eyes had been real. Wanted to relish the sound of Brian shouting ‘Ken’ with a panicked voice instead of the sarcastic sounding ‘Kennosuke’ he usually said.

  Didn’t mean he’d stay quiet for long.

  “You going to tell me what this deal you’ve got for Gou is? ‘Coz it won’t just be you and Jamie hashing out your dirty secrets.”

  Brian stood up sharply and disappeared into the bedroom. Kennosuke’s chest clenched as he stared at Brian’s departing back, wishing he’d kept his mouth closed. He kept his gaze fixed on the bedroom door willing Brian to return, but when he hadn’t after twenty-minutes of waiting, Kennosuke gave up. There was no point in staying here, when his bed would be comfier and headed for his bedroom.

  “Where are you going?”

  Kennosuke turned, Brian stood in the doorway of Jamie’s old room and stared straight at him. He blinked, not believing what he saw: anger and hurt flickered in the man’s eyes.

  “I thought you wanted to know what it was I was bringing to Gou... not tha
t I’ll tell you everything.”

  “I thought you’d gone to bed,” he snapped, gaze dropping to the bag Brian held. It looked heavy.

  Brian grinned broadly. “Nope. I just had to liberate this from where I stashed it.”

  “You didn’t break anything, did you?”

  “Fuck, Kennosuke. Give me some credit.” Brian shook his head and strode back to the couch. “Now, come back here and I’ll give you a preview of tomorrow.”

  Kennosuke stared at the empty spot next to Brian, sitting there now didn’t have the same appeal as before. Maybe it was out of spite that he refused to sit back there, but Kennosuke didn’t care. He leaned against the door frame and folded his arms across his chest. “No, I’m fine where I am.”

  “Suit yourself.” Brian shrugged and placed the bag on the table.

  Kennosuke had no idea what it was, but it hit the table with a heavy metallic thud. It confused him. Intrigued him. He wanted to move closer and inspect the mysterious package, and if he wasn’t so stubborn he might have. The knowing smirk Brian wore as he realised he’d captured Kennosuke’s attention, only reinforced his refusal to move from the doorway of his room.

  “So, this is a part of the deal I’m bringing to Gou tomorrow. A little gift from my old man, that will hopefully lead to a very lucrative business partnership.” Brian tugged at the plastic bag and revealed its contents. It only confused Kennosuke more as he stared at the tin, one he could have sworn was used to package milk powder. Infant milk powder.

  “What the...fuck, Brian? I know there is a black market for that-” gesturing at the tin. “- in some countries, but not here. It’s perfectly legal and readily available,” he spluttered while Brian continued to grin. It was infuriating. He had to be missing something. “It is milk powder stuff for babies... right?”



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