Book Read Free

Crossing the Line

Page 11

by Naomi Aoki

“Melissa? What are you doing here? I thought you’d moved to Sydney?”

  “I have. Flew back yesterday for Dad’s sixtieth and head back on Wednesday.”

  “And you’re here because?”

  “I think it’s fucking obvious why She’s here,” Kennosuke snapped. Yeah, he was jealous. Shouldn’t be, but here it was raising its ugly head and clouding his vision with green rage. “And its great timing too... now we don’t have to argue over who sleeps on the couch! You can go fuck off to her place and share her bed.”

  The guilty look on Melissa’s face told Kennosuke his assumption was correct; she’d come here looking to hook up with Brian. But Brian’s face... Kennosuke couldn’t look at it any longer as hurt and anger swept over it. Jamie’s didn’t look much better. He may as well make it worse.

  “We aren’t anything, remember! You can go fuck whoever you want.” Kennosuke pushed off the door frame and stormed off to Brian’s room, slamming the door hard enough to make the windows rattle.

  BRIAN WINCED. IT WAS his bedroom, so he should be the one storming in and slamming doors all pissy instead of Kennosuke. So bloody obvious he was jealous, even Melissa and Jamie could see it, not that it made Kennosuke’s actions any more palatable. Arguing over the couch he could deal with that, but he sure as fuck didn’t appreciate Kennosuke telling him to piss off and sleep with someone else. That fucking hurt.

  Melissa had only ever been a means to and ends. A bit of fun that he’d quite happily cut loose once her usefulness was done. Sure, Brian never found it a chore to sleep with her, Melissa was damned gorgeous to look at and maybe, if it weren’t for Kennosuke he might have enjoyed his time with her longer. From the moment he’d met Kennosuke – and whether Brian had wanted to admit it at the time or not – everyone Brian took to bed had been compared to him.

  And he didn’t need Kennosuke to tell him what Melissa was after, she’d never been any good at subtly.

  “Brian, I think... I’m going to go.” Melissa tapped him on the chest, her gaze flickering between him and the closed door. “This might not have been a good time to arrive... like really bad timing.”

  “Ya, think?”

  “I hope whatever is going on between you and... him, is salvageable. I never intended to ruin it for you. Hell, Brian, if I’d known, I wouldn’t have turned up.”

  “There’s... I don’t...” Fuck he had no idea what was happening. Didn’t know if anything between him and Kennosuke had been possible in the first place... let alone now.

  “Melissa,” Jamie interrupted, steering her toward the door. For once Brian didn’t mind his friend butting in. “You weren’t to know. Kennosuke and I only arrived an hour ago.”

  He barely acknowledged Melissa’s leaving, his gaze firmly fixed on the closed bedroom door unsure what to do next. Brian heard the door shut, the sound of the vehicle as it pulled out of the drive and Jamie’s footsteps as he padded back up the hallway with the pizzas they’d been waiting for. He wasn’t hungry anymore.

  “So... what are you going to do about Ken?” Jamie placed the pizzas on the bench and turned to face him.

  “What I’m going to do?” Shaken out of his daze, Brian stared at Jamie in confusion. “I didn’t do anything. He was the one who went from getting snippy over sleeping arrangements to... telling me to go fuck Melissa! He was the one who stormed off in a huff and shut himself in the bedroom like moody teenager. And it’s MY bedroom. You do remember that Jamie? That he’s in my bedroom... that this is MY house.”

  Jamie stood there looking bored. Unfazed by his angry blustering and stared at him as though he could see straight through it all to the hurt Brain was trying to hide.

  “Are you finished?”

  “Yes... No... Fuck, I don’t know Jamie. This wasn’t how I saw this evening playing out.” His anger grew as he thought about what Brian had expected to happen. Eat pizza, watch rugby, argue over the sleeping arrangement with Kennosuke before tumbling into his bed together... maybe fuck, if Brian had played his cards right. Instead it had all gone to shit and the nervous angry tension burning in his veins wouldn’t be settled by pacing the floor. Brian didn’t even think a few rounds with his fists or a good fucking would help, not if Kennosuke wasn’t a part of it. And that only made him angrier.

  “Well, tough. You’re gonna have to go in there and sort it the fuck out.”

  “Sort out what? Kennosuke and I aren’t a couple. We aren’t anything. Kennosuke at least got that right.”

  “So, you’re not going to fix this?”

  “God, Jamie. Have you not been listening? There is nothing to FIX!”

  “He’s in love with you,” Jamie hissed. “You do fucking realise that, right?”

  “Yes, I fucking know that. Why do you think I keep pushing him-”

  “That’s bullshit,” Jamie blurted, before he could finish. “You pushed him away so that you don’t have to admit that you lo-”

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” Brain growled. “You know what? Fuck him. Fuck you both. I’m just going to leave... I mean Kennosuke doesn’t want me here.” Brian grabbed his helmet, shoved his feet into his boots and picked up his wallet and keys - glad he didn’t need to go to his bedroom for any of it – and headed for the door.


  “Look Jamie... Nah, forget it. I’ll see you tomorrow. Whenever.”

  Brian didn’t wait for Jamie to answer, storming out of the house and jumping on his bike. He had no idea where he was heading, only that he couldn’t stay here. He tugged his helmet on, shoved the keys in the ignition and revved the engine before kicking it off the stand roaring down the street.

  It would never work between him and Kennosuke, Brian needed to remember that.

  Kennosuke stumbled out the bedroom in dire need of coffee. Sleep eluded him once he’d heard Brian’s bike roar off into the distance as his guilt strangled him. It hadn’t been his intention to chase Brian from his own house – his own bed – with his jealous behaviour. Brian hadn’t deserved to be spoken to like that in his own place or anywhere, and especially when Kennosuke had no right to behave like that. He’d dropped off at five and managed to grab ninety-minutes of shut-eye before the familiar rumble returned, his body tensing as he waited for the front door to open. Pretended to sleep as he listened to Brian’s footsteps echo down the hall, pausing outside the bedroom. Kennosuke had hoped Brian would climb into bed next to him when the door creaked open, hands clutching at the sheets as he tried not to move and bit his lip to stop himself from speaking. Disappointment crashed over Kennosuke as Brian sighed and his footsteps padded away.

  A pained thought dug into his chest as he woke once more - fearing Brian might have left again - and it didn’t leave until he shuffled past the couch on his way to the kitchen. His breath caught, and relief flooded him at the sight of Brian stretched out on the couch, blankets barely covering him. Kennosuke rounded the couch not hesitating to pull the blankets back over Brian, careful not to wake him.

  “Don’t go. Please.” Brian grabbed a hold of him, his hand shaking in a way Kennosuke never thought possible.

  Kennosuke turned. “Look... I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have said that... implied it.” He pried Brian’s fingers from his wrist and missed the connection between them. “We are friends. Nothing more. You can have your bed back... I’ll sleep on the couch from tonight.”

  “Fuck, Ken. I didn’t go to Melissa’s... and sure as fuck didn’t sleep with her.”

  He gritted his teeth. “I didn’t ask if you did. Anyway, it’s none of my business.”

  Kennosuke walked into the kitchen, stomach grumbling as he opened cupboards looking for something to eat. He didn’t know what, could barely focus on the labels of the packets and tins. Where’s Jamie when I need him? Kennosuke gripped the bench and leaned over it. He took slow measured breathes needing to regain control over the emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He hoped Brian stayed on the couch not wanting him to see how shook up he truly was.
  He should have known better. Pissed that he didn’t hear the squeak of the couch as Brian moved and didn’t realise it till Brian stood behind him. Pressing in close to him, Brian rested his hands on the bench either side of Kennosuke’s, caging him in.

  “Maybe I want you to make it your business! Maybe I fucking enjoyed seeing you getting all jealous as fuck, last night.”

  His knuckles ached as Kennosuke tried not to shudder. Brian was too close. Not close enough. Kennosuke wanted to tip his head back and let Brian rub his three-day-old stubble against his neck. He wanted to turn and argue with him – lie through his teeth – that he cared little for who Brian chose to sleep with. Kennosuke couldn’t. If he moved even a little his body would brush against Brian’s and reveal what Kennouske’s true desire was.

  He laughed. A broken sound edged with his unshed tears and splinters of his heart. “Hot and cold, Brian. You always run hot and cold... I can’t trust anything you say, or what it might mean. I want – need to move on from you.”

  “Ken,” Brian’s voice cracked, and he rested his head heavy on Kennosuke’s shoulder. Kennosuke stiffened. “This isn’t how I saw this week playing out. I mean fuck Ken... I lo-” his voice stuttered and lifted his head at the sound of a door opening. Kennosuke grabbed a hold of Brian’s hesitation and shoved him away, escaping out of the kitchen and passing a stunned, apologetic Jamie.

  “You didn’t interrupt anything,” Kennosuke muttered. “I’m going to have a shower while you cook breakfast.” He didn’t wait for a reply, disappearing into Brian’s room and grabbed clothes.

  Closing the bathroom door behind him Kennosuke rested heavy against it and listened for the sound of Brian’s footsteps. He wished the door locked, not wanting a repeat of last time – and yet, he did. Kennosuke didn’t hear Brian but as he turned on the shower the front door slammed shut and the rumble of Brian’s bike disappeared down the street. He didn’t know if Brian’s leaving made him happy or...devastated.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A chill descended over the house in the days since his argument with Kennosuke, his only reprieve coming when Kennosuke left with Jamie on business. One he would have enjoyed if it weren’t for the uncomfortable and unfamiliar heat of jealousy rushing through his body. At least if he’d still been on the rosters, Brian could have distracted himself with work; exhausting himself to the point where he didn’t care if he slept on the couch or his bed – with or without Kennosuke in it. Instead he hit the back roads on his bike, pushing it way past the speed limits until the rumble of the engine and the roar of the wind drowned his thoughts out; annoyed the crap out of his father by turning up at the clubhouse itching for a fight or like he was now, sat in front of the tv wondering if he could have handled the whole incident better.

  He scrubbed at his face and groaned. Brian had no idea how a relationship would work between them, he was just done denying that he wanted more than ‘a bit of fun’. But Kennosuke needed to stand still long enough so Brian could tell him. Needed Jamie to not interrupt, cursing again at his mates ill-timed walk into the kitchen after the Melissa debacle. He’d been about to tell Kennosuke that he loved him... and fuck did that thought still scare him. But he was done running.

  Brian no longer wanted anyone else.

  Fuck, I wish this suspension was over.

  He contemplated grabbing a beer but that would mean Brian had to move from his chair and he was feeling possessive of it even in Jamie wasn’t due back for another hour. Jamie’s constant taking his seat to force him onto the couch next to Kennosuke wasn’t funny, not with the ice wall thrown up between them. Brian picked up the remote and flicked through the channels, stopping when he heard the front door rattle as someone shoved a key in the lock. He sighed in relief, Jamie would talk to him even if Kennosuke wouldn’t and it beat sitting here alone.

  “Didn’t expect you back so soon,” he yelled, switching the channel once more.

  “Got everything done at the site. It’s coming along fast now that the foundations have been laid.” Jamie dropped onto the couch, weariness hanging off him like a coat two sizes too big. Brian averted his gaze knowing some of it was because of the tension between him and Kennosuke. “Plus, your dad needed to head to the pub. Someone’s birthday or something... He did offer us to come along but didn’t think it wise to take him up on it.”

  “Good call. It’s Frank’s fiftieth and these things tend to get a bit rowdy after a few rounds. No doubt the cops will be poking their noses into the Northern later.” Brian never got to attend these events unless he was wearing his uniform and if he’d been there tonight, his gift to Frank would be keeping the old bugger out of jail.

  BRIAN STARED AT THE phone lying on the table in front of him, ringing. It shouldn’t be. No one rung him on this phone except for his colleagues down at the station and Brian was still on suspension.

  “Answer it,” Jamie hissed.

  “Right.” He blinked, picking the phone up as it rung for the third time. “Cooper.”

  “Sergeant, we need you to come in.”

  “Sir? I’m on suspension.”

  “Not now, you’re not. We’re short of officers and I can’t afford to be picky. So, I need to know if you are okay to work?”

  Brian sucked in a breath, not sure how wise his agreeing to work now would look once he went in front of the disciplinary board. “I haven’t had anything to drink tonight.” Thank God, he hadn’t grabbed that damned beer. “What’s the situation I’m heading into?” He knew it had to be bad if they were reaching out to him.

  “A brawl has broken out at the Northern and as you live near there I’m sending a car to pick you up. You’ll serve as back up for the patrol cars already enroute.” Damn! His father and the boys were at the Northern, so what the hell had gone down that needed several police officers in attendance? “A patrol car will be there in thirty.”

  Brian stared at the phone stunned as the call ended. It must be one hell of a busy night if they were recalling him from suspension. Not that he had time to consider it. Brian jumped to his feet and rushed to his bedroom, yanking his uniform from its hangers and dropping them on the bed.

  “What’s happened?” Jamie asked, leaning against the door frame as Brian changed. “You look rattled.”

  There was no point chasing Jamie out of the room and Brian didn’t have time. “A brawl at the Northern.” He tugged on his shirt and buttoned it fast and shoved his feet into his pants. “Other officers are tied up with other incidents around the city.”

  “Your old man is at the Northern.”


  Shit! His dad always rang when shit went down at the pub to give Brian a heads up. Especially when he knew Brian wasn’t on duty, like now with his suspension. Brian strode into the kitchen while fastening the straps on his vest and opened a drawer. He grabbed the phone stashed there, not sure if he should be relieved that it hadn’t received any calls yet. “My old man might ring this phone. Tell him I’ve been called in if he does,” he said, handing it to Jamie.

  Brain grabbed his boots and sat on the couch next to Kennosuke to put them on. They hadn’t spoken more than handful of grunted greetings since Kennosuke and Jamie arrived home five hours ago, and not many more than that over the last few days. A frosty atmosphere had descended over his house since the whole Melissa debacle and only grew chillier every time he tried to strike up a conversation. He’d grown tired of it, almost wondering if he was better off giving up – accepting that he’d ruined whatever friendship; relationship they might have had. But he couldn’t ignore the strange nervousness rolling of Kennosuke that Brian could tell had nothing to do with their fight.

  “Do they usually get into fights?”

  Brian continued to lace up his boots. “The whole purpose of going to the Northern is because it doesn’t cost the old man much if the boys do decide to give someone a bloody nose. The cops aren’t usually called either. And they sure as hell don’t need reinforcements, the old man nev
er lets it get that out of hand.”

  “So then why are you being called in?”

  Brian paused and turned to look at Kennosuke. Genuine concern rippled off him and as he realised the direction of Kennosuke’s thoughts, a chill raced down Brian’s spine. One that intensified as he glanced at Jamie - his jaw clenched, and hands fisted - showed his mate was thinking the same.

  “Jamie, give me the phone.”

  Brian rang his dad with no time to waste. Fifteen minutes until the patrol car arrives.

  “Son... now isn’t a good time.”

  “I know.” He winced at the sound of something crashing in the background and tried not to picture the damage being done to the Northern. “I’ve been called in. I just want to know what set this shit off.”

  His father let out a tired sigh. “An unknown picked a fight with one of our younger hot-tempered boys – Lee’s son – and it escalated from there. Fast. Snapped a picture. Planned to show you later, but I’ll send it to you now.”

  “Thanks. I guess I’ll see you soon.”

  Brian dropped the phone next to him on the couch and finished lacing up his boots. It buzzed a few seconds later. The photo his father took wasn’t fuzzy and gave them a clear look at the man causing all the problems. One who looked all too familiar. Without hesitating, Brian turned to Kennosuke and showed the image to him.

  “Fuck. Not good. Not good at all. I feared it might be him.” Dread pooled in Brian’s guts as he waited for Kennosuke to confirm what he’d already guessed. “Takeshi.”


  “I’m coming with you.” Kennosuke stood, eyes blazing with fear and anger.

  Brian placed a hand on Kennosuke’s chest and shoved him, forcing him back onto the couch. “No.”

  “Brian... this is Takeshi,” Kennosuke snarled, panic tinging the edges of his words, fraying them. “He’s fucking dangerous... and if he’s aware of your connection to us...”

  “And you don’t fucking think your appearing there with me won’t make that connection obvious. It’s safer for everyone if you stay here.” Hat. He still needed to grab his hat, racing off to his bedroom and returning with it tucked under his arm. “Besides... how the fuck would I explain you when I’m being picked up... by another police officer.”


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