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Sins of the Mother

Page 15

by B K Johnson

  Instead, she politely demurred. “I have to wrap up my part in the investigation of Samantha’s murder, she explained. I also promised my brother Eej that I’d be in touch with him on a daily basis until our father is settled in the final care facility.”

  “I’m so sorry you are having to go through this experience,” Rod commiserated. “ I don’t think I would be able to watch my parents’ demise. And you already had to face your mother’s death so many years ago. I don’t know how you have the strength to get through all of this.”

  Tommy reached out to caress Rod’s long, thick fingers with her slim, delicate ones, and breathed deeply/ “After having lost my mother at such an early age, and then losing my own daughter before I turned 26, numbed me to the vagaries of life and death and the process in between,” Tommy explained. “I wasn’t strong. I drank to deaden the pain. Self-medication,” she laughed ruefully. She truly wished she’d had the security that Rod had known, a loving family well enough off to be shielded from much of the frustration and misery known by the middle and lower classes.

  But everyone, regardless of their station in life, or their income, had to face the mortality of their parents and sometimes their children, ultimately having to embrace it themselves. No one could be safeguarded from his or her ultimate end, or as Tommy believed, passage from one plane of existence to another. All anyone could be in control of was his or her own actions one day at a time.

  When Tommy’s hand first made contact with his, Rod lost all ability to think. He’d been electrified by her touch, and Major Sergeant, as he referred to his cock, had stood at attention ever since. Even though he was quite aware Tommy meant her words and gestures to be soothing, he couldn’t believe how quickly his body responded. His brain could only conceive of carnal interests. He half heard her part of the conversation, and for himself could only utter one or two word comments in response. Tommy, misunderstanding his reticence, took this to mean that he was reluctant to discuss the issue. She finished up her dinner and soliloquy and apologized to Rod for monopolizing the conversation.

  Rod jumped up from his seat to pull out her chair, and then Tommy realized what was going on. His pants literally stood a foot straight out at thigh level, and God bless her, she couldn’t keep from laughing out loud. When Rod saw where Tommy’s eyes were focused, he roared with laughter himself, He grabbed her around the shoulders, pulled her to him, and planted a huge kiss on her lips, right in front of the entire crowd at the restaurant. Several people, mostly men, applauded and whistled, while a lonely old man in the corner grumbled, “Get a room.” The few women in the establishment were like Tommy, their eyes glued to Rod’s crotch, and every single one of them was hoping he’d grab and suck face with them, too.

  Holding her close, Rod bowed to the group of well-wishers. He escorted Tommy, who was by now bent over and holding her stomach, still engulfed in gales of laughter, from the room. As soon as they got outside, the cold wind breezed all the way from the ocean under the Golden Gate, down Lombard, and then Van Ness to strike them fully in the face. Sucking in the frigid air left them breathless, and they scurried to Tommy’s Jetta. Rod didn’t want to take any chance that Tommy would just rush right away, so he asked her for her keys and opened the passenger side door for her.

  She looked at him somewhat confused, and said, “This is my car, you know, and I usually drive it.”

  “I realize that,” Rod responded. “Although it may look like I have lost all my cognitive abilities, I am quite well aware of where we are and whose vehicle this is. I would much prefer to walk you to my Beamer and drive you to my home for a long evening of satiating my lust, but you assured me you only had a little time. I don’t want you driving away just yet.”

  “Okay,” she relented, graciously. She gratefully jumped inside her car and away from the chilling gusts. Rod moved as languidly as he could, considering that he couldn’t walk very well with Sergeant Major impeding all forward movement, and Tommy burst out in giggles all over again.

  He completely failed in his attempt to put on a manly and stoic visage while he dodged the traffic to get into the Jetta’s driver’s side. Finally, sitting behind the wheel of her car, he succumbed to uproarious laughter himself. Tommy reached over to see if Sergeant Major had disappeared in the levity of the moment, and no sooner did she make contact then they were all over each other. Panting, and struggling to get out of their clothes and get as close to each other as they could, freezing their naked butts in the process, they ultimately wound up in the back seat. Their coupling was fast and intense and breathlessly exciting. They were completely oblivious to cars whizzing past them, until one black and white with its red and blue lights flashing pulled up into the space behind the Jetta.

  Neither of them would have noticed this car either, regardless of how ostentatious it was, if it weren’t for the fact that the driver of this cop car pounded the butt of his flashlight on the window of the back seat. Rod tore his lips from Tommy’s breast and tried to cover her up and preserve some modesty for her. He wasn’t worried about being seen in flagrante delicto himself, and as soon as the cop saw his recognizable face, he stopped pounding at the window.

  Rod’s family was well known to the San Francisco Police Department. While he now lived in Marin County, he had been raised in the city proper. His mother and father were notoriously famous for their wealth and charitable contributions to the police and fire departments. They continued their donations even though the family had moved to Mill Valley a few years before Rod established his main residence in Tiburon. Rod’s face had become the most photographed visage shown in all the papers while being thanked for his family’s contributions to the city by San Francisco’s mayor, supervisors, commissioners, and/or police and fire chiefs.

  Tommy was amazed at how quickly the burly cop did a turnabout from being the authority ready to cite a groveling petitioner. Rod rolled the window down slightly, and said, “Sorry, Officer Chantri,” as he read the officer’s badge, “but my girl and I just couldn’t wait to get home. I’m sure you’ve been there and understand how some urges can just get the best of any of us.”

  “Sure, sure, son,” agreed the cop. “You ain’t doing nuttin illegal, or nuttin the rest of us ain’t done when we was younger. I just stopped to make sure there wasn’t no problem.”

  “No, not at all, sir,” Rod pleasantly chatted. “But I know I’m getting cold and I’m sure she must be freezing by now, so could you just go on about your beat and try to arrest the bad guys?” Without even responding, Office Chantri nodded, holstered the massive flashlight, and strode back to the patrol car.

  No sooner had he left then Tommy and Rod got right back into each other’s arms and back to what they’d set out to do a second time. This time, though, they couldn’t help but laugh out loud at inappropriate times until at last they both experienced another orgasm as the red and blue lights flashed straight up Van Ness.


  Everything had gone as planned. Dave was relaxing on the sofa in the living room, and Loke excused herself to use the bathroom. The meal had been excellent and the wine even better. She realized even she had a buzz, and felt flush. Dave had twice as much wine as she did, so he had really mellowed out. Loke surreptitiously removed the tape recording and hid it in the linen closet in the bathroom, under some towels. She couldn’t take the chance Dave would prowl around and discover it.

  She took a cool, wet washcloth and dabbed it on her forehead, cheeks and neck while she peed. When she was done, she applied some mint-flavored KY jelly to the mouth of her vagina and inserted her finger deeply inside to moisten it. The older she got, the dryer, and although she was not yet menopausal, she did not want to turn Dave off when he first entered her. For she had no doubt he would, and tonight.

  Loke lightly sprayed some of her opium perfume over her arms and belly. She removed all of her clothing, took down the black negligee hanging on the bathroom door, and drew it over her body, smoothing it over her
breasts. It was a long, flowing sleeveless and see-through chiffon gown, plunging at the neckline with slits over both legs. She felt wonderful in it and planned to enjoy every minute of sex she allowed herself to have with Dave this evening. After all, she deserved it. And who knew when she’d ever have the chance again.

  Prepared, she breathed in deeply and asked the spirits to give her strength to see this through to the end. It saddened her to think that she might have to harm Dave in any way, since she had quite grown to like him. He really was a charming and sweet man, and she hoped he’d prove to be an attentive and accomplished lover. She was well aware he was more than attracted to her, and she intended to make full use of that desirable male body.

  When she walked toward the living room, she had to stifle the gasp escaping her lips. Dave was sitting up and looking through the family album, which was studded with picture after picture of Kekoa with herself and her sisters and brother. Loke restrained herself from rushing to Dave and ripping the album from his hands. “How stupid,” she thought. “I took down all of the pictures and even hid the one by my nightstand, but I forgot to remove the album from under the coffee table!”

  Not letting any of her consternation show, Loke glided into the room and said, “How kind of you to take the time to look through my family album.”

  Dave looked up and dropped the book to the floor. He couldn’t find his legs or his voice, and stammered a simple, “Lllord, but you are so bbbbeautiful.”

  Loke considered his juvenile astonishment a true compliment to her machinations, and moved swiftly and ethereally to his side. In one fluid motion, she bent and took the album off the floor with her right hand and put it back under the glass coffee table. At the same time she took her left hand and lovingly stroked Dave’s thigh.

  His dick betrayed him, jumping to attention at her touch. How he had waited for this night to arrive, and in his imagination he had been cool and smooth, skillfully seducing Loke into the bedroom. And here she was, decked out in her glorious nightgown, smelling of some intoxicating scent, arousing him. He was the man. He had to exert some control over himself and show her he was capable of holding back his passion in order to minister to her needs first.

  Loke couldn’t say she was shocked when Dave scooped her up in his arms as if she were a child, but she did exhale rather excitedly. He kissed her then, while his arms still held her in the air. Never taking his mouth from her luscious lips, he walked unerringly with her into her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. His hands could not help themselves as they stroked over every inch of her gorgeous body. He’d meant to pull the covers down, but instead he slipped the gown masterfully right off of her body. Using his trick of counting to himself to hold back on releasing his pent up sexual energy, Dave kissed and licked Loke’s breasts while she moaned in ecstasy. He moved his head down over her abdomen and kissed her mons, while his hands kneaded her breasts. He knew better than to ask the questions in his mind over the pictures he’d seen in the album. There was no way he was going to disturb this exhilarating and sensual experience with Loke.

  For her part, Loke stretched like a cat and purred softly in her throat. “My god,”, she thought. “I really am going to enjoy this.” She shut down her overactive mind and willed herself to respond to Dave’s every move, caress, and lick. When he gently spread her legs and began to suck her clitoris, Loke was convinced she’d never had such a magnificent lover. It didn’t take two minutes of Dave’s attention to her sex for her to explode in a rare and volcanic orgasmic eruption. Dave stopped licking at her in order for her to fully experience her contractions, keeping his finger only slightly moving in her vagina so that he could share a little of it himself.

  Only then, when Loke kissed the top of his head and murmured “that was so good,” did he remove his own pants and guide his tumescent organ into her welcoming tunnel of love. She clenched him deep within her and bucked and rocked him until he could not hold back his own orgasm any longer. Shuddering with the intensity of his release, Dave dropped his chest onto Loke’s and gasped, “I have wanted to do that since the very first time I laid eyes on you, my darling Loke.”

  She replied, “It was everything I thought it could be, and more. I could never have guessed you would be such an ardent lover, Dave, and I couldn’t be more satisfied.”

  “Don’t give up on me just yet,” chuckled Dave. ‘I’m not through here, just taking a breather.” With that he rolled off of her and laid on his side, moving his big hand over her small body, and gazing into her eyes with such a warmth Loke was truly astonished. So she wouldn’t have to look into those wonderful Mongolian brown eyes, she tucked her head into his shoulder and sighed, “I can use a breather myself.”

  They lay there stroking one another for quite some time before Dave asked her, “Who is that handsome boy in the pictures in your album?”

  “Oh, that was Kekoa, my sister Maile’s son. He died quite young and it just killed her to lose him,” Loke replied.

  “You look like you were very close to him as well,” Dave commented. “Several of the pictures of him growing up are of you holding his hand or with your shoulder draped around his.”

  “Yes,” responded Loke. “He was my very favorite nephew and I loved him as much as his mother.”

  With these words Loke reminded herself of her duty to Kekoa. She got very quiet. Dave stopped asking her any more questions, as much as he wanted to know how her nephew had died and when, and where her sister Maile was now. He allowed himself to just revel in the amazing sex they’d experienced and filed away his questions for future conversations. His brain drained of the blood supply which had engorged his penis, Dave’s thought process got stalled along the way, and he fell into a light slumber.

  Loke waited to hear Dave’s regular breathing and rolled herself quietly off the bed. He stirred momentarily, as if he was aware of the absence of her body. She leaned over to caress his forehead and whisper, "Shhh, just rest a few minutes now while I go and clean up.” Those few words must have been enough to allay any of Dave’s fears that she was leaving him for even a little while, and he dropped back into a restful sleep.

  She returned to the bathroom to wipe away the excess semen drippings from her body, and to look at herself in the mirror over the sink. She remembered part of a line from the Shakespearian play, “MacBeth,” and said it now out loud. “Screw your courage to the sticking place.” It didn’t matter to her that these were words that Lady MacBeth had flung at her husband to induce him to murder King Duncan. All that Loke knew was that she had to embolden herself to see this thing through. She hadn’t come so far and accomplished so much of her plan just to chicken out now.

  When she was back in the bedroom, she stuck the soaked washcloth on a plastic bag under the pillow and got on top of Dave’s body, straddling him. She stuck her tongue in his ear and rubbed her breasts across his chest, supporting herself on her delicate arms. He came to willingly and she rode atop him as if he were a mechanical bull in a saloon. As soon as he came once again, Loke removed the chloroform-soaked cloth from its hiding place and held it over Dave’s nose. He was out like a light.


  Tommy was breezing back into the city proper after her wonderful brunch with Trish and Nadine. Nadine, as always, had eschewed alcohol out of respect for Tommy during their outing at Sea Cliff. She had been content to imbibe a virgin Bloody Mary, chomping unsophisticatedly on the celery after she’d slurped the last of her drink. Trish, ever the society hostess, had enjoyed 2 Ramos Gin Fizzes, while Tommy drank a virgin chi chi. Trish knew her friend would not begrudge her the alcohol Tommy denied herself.

  Long before, Trish explained to Tommy that she felt it her civic duty to see that Tommy could be in the presence of “normies” who could handle their liquor and at the same time would not impose their values upon her. Tommy was very grateful that each of her friends contributed to her sense of self-worth in very different ways. The main thing was that they all loved each
other, would do anything for each other, and would support whatever course of action the others would take. Being with her friends made Tommy feel real, safe and at ease.

  Both Trish and Nadine wouldn’t let up, though, on Tommy’s burgeoning relationship with Rod. Trish knew Rod through her society set and they attended many of the same parties. The Jefferson family was well known throughout the Bay Area, but none of them could carry a candle to Trish’s exalted reputation in San Francisco itself. While she did not contribute as much to charity, she was a political power to be reckoned with. Every Democrat running for office found their way into her home for a campaign fundraiser at one time or another. Robert Borden, Tommy’s ex, had often used Tommy’s friendship with Trish to wangle invitations to those fundraisers. Ergo, it was Trish who kept tut-tutting Tommy’s reluctance to snag one of the area’s most handsome, rich and eligible bachelors. Wouldn’t that be a comeuppance for the dashing ex-husband?

  Nadine, on the other hand, kept reminding Tommy how great the sex was. It wasn’t that Tommy shared all of the little intimate details of her relationship with Rod. Rather, said Nadine, “I see how rosy your complexion is, and how relaxed you seem after every date with Rod, however limited in time.” Furthermore, as far as Nadine was concerned, the very fact that a man 4 years Tommy’s junior was enamored of her was a feather in Tommy’s hat, as it were. Even more so, Rod kept pursuing Tommy, not the other way around.

  “And,” exclaimed Nadine, “If you won’t go for it, I just might have to step in and enjoy Rod myself!”


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