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Dark World

Page 7

by Concerita Tortorici

  She was a bit surprised that Joshua agreed to dance with her. After a few more rounds, Ruby felt confident she was drunk enough to make a fool of herself in front of complete strangers. She took Joshua's hand, passing off his icy touch as poor circulation, she followed him to the dance floor.

  The lights bounced around the floor, lighting up small portions of the floor. It was crowded, yet no one bumped into the other. Everyone had their place, and they stayed mostly in place. That was until the bass dropped. People began jumping and swaying with the beat. Arms flew and voices shouted at one another. The bright tune echoed in the room, filling every inch of space with a loud, but sweet sound.

  Ruby smiled as Joshua led her closer to the center of the room. As she walked, she couldn't help but move with the music. As they reached the center and the song changed to a slower-paced rhythm, Ruby felt her heart skipped. Her eyes darted around the room as the singles dispersed from the floor, leaving only a few couples behind. The women danced seductively around their partners. Ruby swallowed her breath slowly. Her mind screamed at her to run back to the table, to have another few drinks. But just as she moved to flee, Joshua's grip tightened, and he pulled her closer to him.

  Her eyes locked with his, and suddenly her pulse and breathing slowed down to its normal pace. As the bass hammered in her ears, she took a deep breath before allowing the music to take control once more. She swayed slowly, hoping she wouldn't get too carried away. As the others around them grinded against their partners, Ruby and Joshua stayed facing each other.

  She wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the song's underlying tone, but she felt compelled to move closer to him. She did, a few inches that is, but nonetheless she was closer to him. Cool air circled around them, making her body cry out for some sort of warmth. The closest person to her was him. She fought herself, telling herself that it was just the alcohol urging her to make a move. She hardly knew him. And hardly knew how he felt about her. You don't just jump the gun with someone you just meet.

  It was as if he read her mind. One moment they were inches apart, and now, he stood mere millimeters away. A sudden rush of nervousness fell over her. Her heartbeat rapidly within her chest, as Joshua brought his face closer to his. The feeling of his cold breath left chills on her skin. She shivered at the thought of being this close to him.

  «I can't believe Ruby abandoned me for some guy,» Nikky groaned.

  She sat slouched over the bar twisting her drink in her hand. She was happy for Ruby going out and enjoying the company of someone else. However, she was pretty bummed about being left behind. Lucky for her, Reid was working at the bar, so she had at least some company.

  «And instead of spying on her, you're here drinking your sorrows away,» Reid said, «I'm impressed.»

  «Don't be,» Nikky replied, «I'm one drink away from finding her and checking out who this hot guy is.»

  «Ruby would be pissed if you did,» Reid said softly, «my shifts almost done. If you want, I can keep you company until Ruby calls?»

  «That could be hours,» Nikky groaned, «she might not even call me until the morning.»

  «Then we'll hang out until then,» Reid said.

  Nikky's heart skipped. She had never been alone with Reid. It had always been the three of them - her, Ruby, and Reid. She had always had a soft spot for him. Reid wasn't the strongest looking guys, but he wasn't weak. He was kind-hearted by nature. He never draws any attention to himself, so most women pay him no mind. Not Nikky. They had been casual friends before Ruby showed up. But never had the guts to do anything about it. Maybe this was her chance to get to know him better.

  «All right,» Nikky said sweetly, «It's a date then!»

  «All right,» Reid replied.

  She watched him carefully mix a few more drinks before returning to wipe the bar down. She couldn't help but find him more attractive when he was working. His focus was so sharp and invested into whatever it was he was doing. Her eyes followed him where he went, hoping that he wouldn't leave her behind. Taking the last sip of her drink, she let out a breath. Her body felt numb after the effects of alcohol, but her mind remained sharp, although it had other things in mind.

  When Reid returned shortly after finishing his last duty, he stood beside her with his arm held out. Nikky took his arm and felt her heart skip once more. He led her out into the streets and down the block a few ways. At first, Nikky was too nervous to say anything. She couldn't help but stare. She had only seen Reid in his bartenders uniform that seeing him in a pair of black jeans and a white top. She watched as he ran his hand through his hair, getting it out of his eyes.

  Passing by the park, Nikky wondered where Reid might be taking her. The park would have been a nice place to wait and see if Ruby would call. However, it seemed Reid had something else in mind. They passed by a few restaurants and a few coffee shops. Nikky's mind grew more and more curious as they walked by the diner.

  «I'm not taking you anywhere weird,» Reid said.

  «I wasn't thinking that,» Nikky lied.

  The truth was, she was starting to think something weird was going to happen. It wasn't like Reid to be so silent about anything. Nikky wanted to trust him, but something just seemed off about it.

  After a few more blocks, they came up to the harbor. Nikky's eye lit up with the glow of the evening sky hitting the dark murky water. The harbor was one of the best spots in New York to have a casual bite to eat, or just take in the sights. Her heart leaped with excitement. They walked partway on the pier, taking in the ambiance. There were only a few other people wandering around, making the quietness of the place seem more inviting. Nikky felt her heart race, what if something happens?

  Rounding one of the corners, Reid came to a sudden stop causing Nikky to bump into him. Peering from behind him, Nikky tried to see why he stopped. To her surprise, she saw Kai talking to a few police officers. They had tapped off the entire section of the dock, and a blue tarp was draped over what Nikky could only believe was a body. Her body trembled with fear, and she wanted to tell Reid she wanted to leave. She almost did, until Kai noticed her.

  «What are you doing here?» Kai called as he approached them.

  «We're... um...» her voice felt caught in her throat.

  What were they doing there? They were just out for a nightly stroll. They hadn't meant to come across this mess.

  «We're not causing any trouble,» Reid declared, «we were just out for a walk and came across this.»

  «This isn't for civilians,» Kai barked, «leave!»

  «I could say the same thing,» Reid replied, «I don't see a badge. So what gives you the right to be here?»

  Nikky had never seen this side of Reid before. She wanted to leave and find Ruby, anywhere but where they were now. Looking to Reid, she hoped he would pick up on her silent pleas and leave. As he placed a gentle hand on hers, she felt a bit relieved. Maybe he would just leave, and they could forget they were ever there.

  «Where's Ruby?» Kai asked, his gaze directed at Nikky.

  «She's still on her date,» Nikky said. Her words were short and light, and she prayed she didn't sound as scared as she felt.

  Nikky couldn't hold Kai's gaze, but from the corner of her eye, she noticed Kai had mumbled something under his breath. She tugged at Reid's arm and told him she wanted to leave. Noticing Nikky's fearful gaze, Reid agreed. They left quickly and as Nikky turned her head to get one last glance at Kai, she saw him mouth 'another one'.

  «I'm sorry you had to see that,» Reid said as the scene fell out of view.

  «It's okay,» Nikky replied softly, «there was no way you knew something happened there.»

  «Still,» Reid said as he turned to face her, «I shouldn't have let you look at that for as long as you did. I'm sorry.»

  Nikky felt her heart melt in her chest. Reid really was a gentleman. People like him were rare, and Nikky had her fill with rotten men. She wasn't sure what possessed her to do it, or why she didn't stop herself. She leaned in clo
ser, had kissed him on the cheek. She let her lips linger there for a little while, letting the warmth from Reid's cheek move to her lips. Her heart thumped loudly in her ear, and her body began to move on its own until Reid held her wrists gently.

  «We shouldn't,» he whispered, «you've had quite a bit to drink. It wouldn't be right of me taking advantage of the situation like this.»

  Moving her head away from his cheek, Nikky felt her face turn red. She didn't mean to linger that long. Her eyes held his tender gaze, and for a moment, she felt the world around her disappear as he spoke softly to her.

  «Besides,» he began, «I would hate for you to do something you might regret. No matter how much I like you.»


  «Anything for you»

  He wasn't sure how they ended up in his little one-bedroom apartment. He hadn't expected his night to go the way it had. He had only wanted to talk about her and what she was going through. However, as the night wore one, he found himself drawn to her more and more. It was the little things he noticed at first. The way she twirled her hair when she was nervous. The way her voice changed when she spoke of her move to the big city. It was the way her eyes held his, pleading for him to only look at her.

  He hadn't planned on letting the night go this far. But the moment she dragged him out to the dance floor, he knew he was going to be in trouble. There were things he still didn't quite understand. Like, for instance, why he felt so drawn to her. Why he felt the need, and want, for this night to end up exactly where they were.

  When the rhythmic beat played over them, their bodies had moved on their own. He held her close to him as they swayed. And the moment she turned to face him, Joshua felt weak. Her face was flush with red from the amount of alcohol she had consumed. Her glossy filled eyes held his gaze. He could sense she needed it and knew after the way she spoke of her brother, the anger and hate he felt from her was intense. That was only one of the factors of her drinking. The other was her nerves.

  Throughout the night, Joshua kept tabs on how she was emotional. Most of the night, her heart beat faster than most and increased whenever their eyes met. At first, he had thought nothing. That was until she had leaned in closer. There were a lot of factors in how they ended up there. It might have just been the alcohol talking. Although he wasn't that drunk, and seeing the lustful gaze Ruby displayed, Joshua couldn't help but give in to the temptation. Thus leading them to his small apartment.

  Bursting through his door, he pushed Ruby in and into the closet adjacent to the door. He held her there as his tongue tangled with hers. He quickly led her into the kitchen, without breaking his hold on her, he leaned her against the breakfast nook in the center of the kitchen. Her quiet breaths were met with short moans that begged him for more. With each kiss, Joshua felt her heart race within her lips. It wasn't long until he moved her from the kitchen and toward his bedroom.

  As he stood there, holding her against the wall, her soft breathing filled the space around them. Joshua paused for a moment, to wrap his mind around what was happening. He might not have known why she stood there on the dance floor with those inviting eyes. It was like he had been placed under her spell. Leaning his head into her neck, he began to kiss it gently. Her body felt hot against his icy touch, and she seemed to tense up with each kiss, as if the coldness of his touch was too much for her.

  Joshua could see the blood in her veins pumping faster than ever. She was excited; her gentle touches to his arms helped him pick up on that. He wondered just how far she would go before she might realize just what they were doing. However, hearing her soft, quiet moans, his thoughts slowly disappeared.

  The more she touched him, the more he wanted her. He had never wanted anything in his life until her skin touched his. He could feel himself getting lost in the moment as she traced her fingers along the seam of his shirt. Her eyes never left his as she tackled one button at a time. Her fiery touch sent sparks through him and begged for more. Once the last button was free, she stood there for a moment taking in the sight.

  Joshua had never felt shy once in his life. Until he stood there with his shirt open and his chest exposed. Years ago, this wouldn't have bothered him. In fact, it shouldn't have bothered him now. But it did. Her silver eyes hung over him, eyeing every inch of his bare chest as if she was making sure to etch everything in her mind. After a few seconds more of her lingering there, she reached up to the collar of his shirt and proceeded to remove it from his shoulders.

  They stood there silently, studying each other. She looked lost, with her face a soft pink. Her fingers traced along the crease of his pecs and down to his abdomen. Her body trembled at his touch. Holding her chin with his thumb and finger, Joshua tilted her face toward his. He wanted to gaze at her. Her eyes locked with his and twinkled with the small lamp that sat on a table next to them.

  The soft yellow glow illuminated her skin. Lowering his head down to her, he hovered for a moment before pressing his lips on hers. She let out a breath once he moved for a second before his lips found hers once more. He felt her wrap her arms around his neck as she leaned closer to him. Joshua slid his arms down her side before stopping at her thighs. With one quick movement, He lifted her and pushed her back against the wall. As their tongues twisted with one another, Joshua felt her legs wrap around his waist.

  Her soft moans were like a sweet melody in his ears. He moved from her lips and down to her neck so he could hear them better. Her breaths were short as he licked the side of her neck. He felt her body shiver with each kiss he placed on her neck. He moved his face from her neck to look at her. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth was opened slightly. Almost like it was inviting him in. Leaving the warmth of her neck, he returned to her lush and full rosy lips.

  Without missing a beat, he pulled her from the wall and carried her to his bedroom. It was a small room with a king-sized bed sitting perfectly in the middle of the room. Next to it, sat two small square tables, each with its own lamp. He kicked the door lightly behind him. Hearing the door click shut, he crossed the floor and placed Ruby back on the floor. His hands slid up her back and rested on the hem of her white tank top. Slowly, he lifted her shirt up and over her head, revealing a white lace bra.

  He moved his fingers along the scar on her stomach before he removed her skirt. He watched as she lifted her arms to cover herself. However, he stopped her before she could. Pulling her closer, Joshua leaned in and kissed her softly. He held her for a moment before he felt her tugging at his jeans. Smiling as he kissed her, he moved his hands down to help her.

  Once free, Joshua lifted her and placed her on his bed. He started slowly once more, kissing every inch of her. Her moans grew louder as he moved down to her scar. It seemed to be the most sensitive spot on her, as the moment he kissed it, her body shivered. Moving back up her body, Joshua fell back to her neck. Her pulse thumped against his lips, and suddenly he felt an almost uncontrollable thirst. He saw her veins through her skin, pulsing quickly with the beat of her heart. His mind became clouded as his body wanted to drain every ounce of her. As he opened his mouth, he felt a strong push.

  Landing on his back, he was surprised to see Ruby sitting on top of him. She leaned down and began kissing the nape of his neck and moved down to his bare chest. He arched his body with hers as she continued to moved down. Her warmth covered him like a blanket. He let her move lower and lower until he felt his mind blanking on what she was doing. He let out a soft breath as she moved back up his chest.

  He moved his body with hers, as their lips met once more. Each movement in sync with one another. They wanted it to last for as long as they could and started off slow. But once they found their rhythm, it was harder for them to keep a steady pace. Their bodies grew faster, their moans filling the room around them. The creeks of the bed grew louder the faster they went. Joshua was lost in the moment as Ruby cried out as drew closer to her climax. He held her tightly as he thrust harder. His lips found their way back to hers and trapped them. Her moans ca
me out as small squeaks as he finished.

  The room was soon filled with a stillness that if a pin dropped, it would echo around them. Their breathing had calmed to a steady pace. Ruby lifted herself off, slid her leg over his body and laid quietly on her side. Her heartbeat quickly in her chest, and for a moment she felt better. That was until she realized what she had done. It wasn't like her to just sleep with a random stranger after a couple of drinks. But there she was, sweating and out of breath.

  Looking at the man lying next to her, Ruby let out a soft breath. He rolled over slowly as if he knew she was watching. Her heart had crept its way from her chest and felt caught in her throat. His body, though pale, seemed to glow from the sweat dripping off of him. Her body felt hot from his lingering touch. She watched as his eyes moved from her lips to her eyes. He showed her a soft and gentle smile as he traced his fingers along her cheek. At that moment, she didn't feel regret for what she had done. Feeling his fingers trail down her cheek and to her back, she felt his icy palm rest there for a moment before pulling her closer to him. As they lay there in silence, Ruby drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  Lucian sat slouching in a booth in a bar he couldn't remember the name for. After his little meal at the harbor, he thought a nice glass of wine or some other form of alcohol would be a nice little treat. Even though he couldn't get drunk, he loved watching the wasted college girls stumble over to him and mumble something to him. He felt agitated with himself. He still hadn't found the girl from his past. The one whose smokey red eyes reminded him of the bloodshed he caused all those years ago.

  He was once a nobleman and thought the world owed him everything. Every little thing was handed to him on a gold plate with sealed eyes and smiles. Everything he ever wanted was his without question. If he wanted the company of a woman, he had only to choose who and/or how many he wanted to be with. His greed knew no bounds. In fact, it still didn't know any bounds. He still got whatever he wanted. And just like back then, the women he was with ended up drained of life.


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