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Dark World

Page 17

by Concerita Tortorici

  «I know you're shaken,» the officer said, «it was a truly horrifying thing to see. I'm going to make this as brief as I can. First, I'd like to ask your name.»

  «Nikky,» she replied, «Nikky Collins. I work at The Midnight Diner.»

  «I see,» The officer replied and jotted her name down, «Ms. Collins, do you know who that girl was?»

  «Yes. That was Amber Hart. She was one of the Hostesses that worked at the Diner too,» Nikky's voice shook as she watched the officer wrote in his notepad.

  «Can you tell me your relationship with the victim?» he asked.

  «We were coworkers,» Nikky began, «we didn't see much of each other unless we worked the same shifts. She was a quiet girl. Wouldn't hurt a fly and definitely didn't do anything bad in her life.»

  Nikky felt her stomach spin. She told him everything she knew of the night before, which wasn't very much to go on. Nikky had left a little after Amber had, and went home. The officer seemed displeased with her answer, but really, there was nothing more she could have said.

  «Do you know what this means?» He asked and passed her a plastic bag with a note inside, «we found this on the victim.»

  Nikky took the bag from him and looked to him. She was half expecting it to be a shopping list or something. However, as she looked down at the writing, her eyes widened. Each stroke was smooth and precise. The note read:

  She was no fun. I know you'll be more fun. I have so much in store for you. We'll meet soon, my dear.

  Nikky's hands started to shake as she handed back the note, and told him she didn't know what it meant. When the officer excused himself to look for anything else, Nikky hurried back to Reid's side and told him about the note and how freaked out she was. There was only one other person she wanted to see and hoped she'd answer the phone.

  Ruby stood in the steam-filled bathroom. She had so many thoughts running through her mind that she had stayed in the shower longer than she had planned. Wiping her hand over the fog-covered mirror, she let out a breath. The bags under her silver eyes were dark, and a sign she hadn't slept, which was true. After her argument with Kai, Ruby had taken a swig of wine and taken the bottle back up to the room with her.

  The rest of the night was just a blur. She had finished the bottle by 1 am, but nothing changed. She didn't get buzzed. She didn't even feel slightly drunk. She remained sober and cursed herself.

  She told herself that she would confront Kai once more and hoped he would tell her everything. And if not, well, she had Joshua. Her heart ached in her chest. She had run out on Joshua a few days ago. Angry with his words, even though she knew they were the truth.

  «Fuck,» she breathed, «just how messed up is this whole thing?»

  Staring back at the mirror, she stepped back. There was no reflection, only darkness and glowing red eyes staring at her. A white eerie smile cracked through the darkness showing off sharp fangs. It was her, Ruby decided. She had seen those eyes so much lately that she had almost grown used to them. However, this time, as she peered into the mirror, she noticed something off. On the tips of the fangs dripped a thick dark red liquid.

  It began mouthing something. At first, Ruby couldn't make it out. So, stepping closer, she placed her ear next to the mirror. She waited for a moment when the silence filled the room. She inched her face away. Ruby was cautious as she waited for her to speak once more. And this time as her mouth opened and her voice filled the room, Ruby fell to the floor.

  You couldn't save them. You won't save them. I can feel your hunger, and I won't stop.

  Her heart began to race as the room around grew hotter. Ruby could hear the crackle of fire but saw no flames. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on something else. When she opened them, she was no longer in her bathroom. Instead, she was outside her childhood home. The air was thick and warm, beside her stood shadows of people from her past. Cries echoed in the woods, masking the screams of the fire.

  The orange glow lit up the night sky like a flashlight. Ruby wondered why no firefighters or ambulances had shown up. She looked back to the road and saw no flashing lights. Surely someone would have called them. They couldn't let the fire burn and destroy the house. Turning her attention back to the house, she saw a small child emerge. She was no more than seven. Her white nightgown was covered in ashes and charred at the knees. As the child moved closer, Ruby noticed that her nightgown wasn't really covered in ashes, it was covered in red.

  Her eyes grew wider as the child approached her. Before Ruby could hear what the child wanted, she heard a strange buzzing sound in the distance. She turned quickly to find the sound, and once she had fully rotated, she found herself back in her bathroom, and the girl in the mirror was gone.

  Ruby rushed out and searched for her phone. Tossing her blanket to the floor and her pillows, she let out a breath when she saw her phone flashing with a missed called. Reaching down for it, Ruby jolted back when the phone began to buzz, and Nikky's ID flashed on the screen.

  «Hey Nik,» Ruby said, «I'm sorry... Wait... hold on... Nikky, calm down. Where are you? At The Diner. Okay, I'll be right there. Stay put.»

  Ruby dressed quickly, throwing on a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top. She raced down the stairs and darted out the door. She ran faster than she normally did, and she just placed it on the adrenaline pumping through her system. As Ruby raced, she prayed Nikky was all right.

  Arriving at the Diner, Ruby noticed a flock of people huddled a few feet away from the building. As well as a couple of police cars. Ruby's heart dropped as she heard a voice telling her she was too late. Pushing through the crowd, she froze. Nikky stood huddled in Reid's arms a couple of feet away, and a few police officers were crouched over a tarped body. Ducking under the tape, Ruby attempted to go to her friend. However, when she heard the call of one of the bystanders, she watched as two other officers came to her.

  «Hey, back off,» Ruby said as they tried to bring her back behind the tape, «that's my friend. Let me go!»

  «Let her go,» Reid called, «Nikky called her. Let her see her.»

  Ruby had only ever heard Reid's demanding voice a few times, and each time it sent shivers down her spine. Reid was definitely not the kind of guy you piss off.

  When the officers released their hold on her arms, Ruby darted to her friend and wrapped her in a tight hug. Nikky sobbed into her shoulder, as Ruby began to rub her back. She couldn't imagine what she had seen and was thankful Reid was there.

  «It's okay,» Ruby whispered when Nikky stopped crying, «I'm here. Reid's here. You're safe. Just relax.»

  «Thank you,» Nikky replied.

  «That what I'm here for,» Ruby turned to Reid, «Let's take her to the Pub. I think she could use a drink to calm her nerves. Is that okay, Nik?»

  Nikky nodded, and Ruby led her under the tape with Reid following on the other side.

  The bar was quiet, which Ruby was thankful for. Looking at her friend, Ruby let out a breath. Nikky had calmed down a little more since they left the scene. Her eyes darted to Reid next. His eyes were focused on what was in front of him. Even his expression wasn't what she was used to. He looked pissed. And maybe he had every right to be. However, Ruby pushed that thought aside. She'd be sure to talk with him later.

  They led Nikky toward a table in the back away from the whispering customers as they passed. Ruby told Reid to stay with her, and she'd fetch the drinks. She felt relieved as she grabbed some glasses and began mixing some drinks for them. As long as she was busy with the task at hand, she had no problem not thinking about Joshua and their fight.

  She rushed back to them and sat the tray of drinks down and began passing them out. She gave Reid a rum and coke, Nikky a flirtini, and for herself, a hurricane. They sat in silence, neither one of them touching their drinks until Nikky reached out for hers with a shaky hand. She sipped slowly on it while Ruby and Reid sat silently.

  «I'm sorry,» Nikky whispered, «For calling you both... I... I know you were probably really busy,»
  Her voice was directed more towards Reid, as Ruby thought. He was the first one there. Which made her wonder if Nikky had tried calling her earlier while she was showering. She checked her phone and only saw Nikky's name twice in the recent calls. She let out a breath and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

  «Nikky,» She began, «we're never too busy for you. Besides, you did the right thing, calling the police and then Reid.»

  «I didn't know what to do,» Nikky said as she gazed into her drink, «I never thought I'd see that...»

  «You don't have to say anything,» Reid said, cutting off what Nikky was going to say.

  «He's right,» Ruby agreed, «you don't need to say anymore. You just relax and finish your drink. We'll be right here.»

  Ruby finished her drink and noticed Reid hadn't touched his. Maybe her drink wasn't what he wanted. He was being awfully quiet ever since she got there and wondered what was on his mind. As she moved to say something, Nikky apologized once more and began to sob. Ruby watched as Reid wrapped his arms around her and held her. His gaze was gently on hers. Sitting up from Reid's hold, Nikky cleared her throat and began to explain what happened.

  «After you arrived,» Nikky said, looking at Reid, «And the police took my statement, another officer came and showed me something that Amber had attached to her.»

  «What was it?» Reid asked.

  «It was a note,» Nikky replied, «It...It said that she was no fun and that whoever the note was meant for was going to be more fun...what if...»

  «Don't go there,» Ruby interrupted, «don't think that. You have no idea who that was really meant for. For all we know, that note was probably a prank or something.»

  «He said they'd meet soon,» Nikky continued, «you don't think it's the same guy, do you? The one who's been murdering all those people?»

  Ruby sat for a moment and wondered. With what Nikky had said, everything seemed to point to the same guy. The MO was similar to the others, only her neck wasn't broken afterward, and this guy left a note. More than likely for his next victim to find. If this guy really was after Nikky, then Ruby needed to make sure she'd be safe.

  «Reid,» Ruby asked and rose from her seat, «I need you to stay with Nikky. No matter what, don't let her out of your site. Okay?»

  Reid stayed silent. He only turned his face to hers and held her gaze. Ruby could tell he had questions unrelated to this, but it would just have to wait until she figured everything else out. She hated to admit it, but she needed to find Kai, and see if he knew anything.

  «Ruby,» Reid called as she stepped away from the table, «we need to talk. Just for a moment.»

  She froze in place and waited for him to approach her. When she turned to see him, his eyes were glossy.

  «Reid, I can't stay,» Ruby said.

  «What's going on?» he asked bluntly, «Kai... He mentioned something about the truth. Something about you. Ruby, tell me what's going on?»

  «I can't,» Ruby whispered, «I don't even know the whole truth. And with everything that's going on, I can't explain that right now. I'm sorry. When I know everything, I'll tell you and Nikky. But for now, keep her safe.»

  «He's not targeting her, is he?» Reid asked, «the murderer. He's not after Nikky.»

  Ruby swallowed back the words. The truth was she wasn't sure who he was after. If it was Nikky, then she'd need protection. Reid was smart, and he would keep her safe.


  «I know more than you know»

  How long had it been since she was there? Since she was standing right there in his arms. Joshua let out a breath as he stared blankly at the wall. Warm water caressed his cool skin; although he couldn't feel much of it, he did when she was there. Ruby made him feel alive. He felt her touch burn his skin, and her kiss ignites the fire. And now, there was nothing but the coolness of being alone.

  He stepped out of the shower and stood for a moment, letting the water drip from his skin onto the white tile floor. He looked over to the large white tub that sat beside the shower and imagined Ruby sitting in it covered in bubbles. Letting out a soft breath, he wrapped his lower half in a white towel and headed back for his room.

  Looking over to his bed, the image the two of them tangled in the sheets danced in view — one on top of the other. Hand's clawing at the other in desperation. Their breaths and heat had filled the room and left a lingering sensation in the room. The bed still sat in the mess they had left it when Ruby had left. Turning, Joshua headed for his closet and pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants.

  He wandered through his empty apartment. For being so large, it felt smaller when she wasn't around. He crossed the floor into the living room and entered the kitchen. He stood for a moment, taking in the emptiness. He cursed. He had been so selfish, thinking that hiding everything from her was for her own good. And for only telling her a small meaningless portion. But was it meaningless?

  From the moment he had seen her, wrapped in her mother's arms as she cried out to him to save the small child. Joshua had felt a strong pull toward her. He was never the type to admit to anything. But in that instant, as he knew they were connected. He cursed once again at his arrogance. He should have found her sooner. He should have told her everything on the first night. Maybe then she wouldn't have left.

  «Bull,» Joshua cursed, «of course she would have left.»

  She would have thought he was insane for saying it. But the way she looked when he told her, he knew she had been fed lies. Perhaps, she had known for a while. Joshua shook his head, nothing he could have said would have changed the outcome. She would have still left, no matter what.

  As he stood with his hands gripping the edge of the counter, the image of their confrontation flashed before him. Her eyes wide with fear, her heart raced with anxiety. The realization he had given her would have been enough to make anyone upset. And yet, he stood there wishing it were different, that she had accepted it and stayed with him.

  «Dammit,» Joshua shouted as he slammed his fist into the counter.

  If only he hadn't said anything. Then maybe she would still be there filling his apartment with her floral scent.

  In the midst of his brooding, Joshua heard sirens off in the distance. He froze and concentrated on it. It was far and headed in the direction of Ruby's. No. He shook his head, not Ruby's home, but...he closed his eyes and listened. His breathing calmed, and the image of the vehicle came into view. It raced down the street. It was a few blocks from Ruby's now, and raced through every light, dodging every car that got in its way. It turned a few corners and ended up in front of a Diner. A Diner, Joshua knew Ruby frequented.

  It didn't take him long to get there. Once he was there, he stood amongst the shadows. He watched as police set up their boundary with yellow tape and covered the body. Standing a few feet away was a girl with copper hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing a waitress uniform. He looked closer and noticed it was the same girl from Ruby's house. She was pressed into someone who stood slightly taller than her, wearing a partially opened shirt and jeans. His glasses hung on the center of his nose, and his eyes stayed glued to her.

  Joshua waited and watched as they were questioning the girl and the man standing next to her. She was shaken. Her heart raced, pumping her blood quickly through her small veins. She spoke quickly to the officer, but her eyes darted around the crowd in search of someone. Joshua could tell she wanted it to end. Then he saw her.

  It hit him hard as he took in her scent. Her rose and citrus-like scent filled his senses, erasing everyone else around him. He turned his head slowly until she came into focus. She was more radiant than ever. Her long mulberry hair swayed with breeze she caused as she pushed through the crowd. Her dark jeans and tank clung to her, accenting every curve. Curves, Joshua knew too well.

  The need to run up to her grew as he watched her wrap her friend tightly in her arms. He wanted, needed to be close to her again. But fearing her reaction, made him second guess his decision. He stood back and watched
as she consoled her friend and spoke to the other. The three left together. Each on either side of the copper-haired girl. As they passed, Joshua felt Ruby's gaze. It was just a glance. But their eyes met for just a moment, and Joshua knew she was needed with them.

  He followed them, concealed by the shadows of the city. His eyes stayed focused on Ruby. Her steady heartbeat meant she was doing better than before. Perhaps, she had managed to calm herself down. But still, her eyes were clouded with thoughts. More than likely, the questions she needed answered. Joshua followed until they reached the entrance to the Pub.

  He remained outside for the duration of the day. He had hoped Ruby would exit soon so he may speak with her. However, as time ticked by, he was realizing that he might be there for a while. Walking up to the wall of the Pub, Joshua leaned his back against it. The moisture on the bricks stuck to his skin as he stood there. It felt odd at first, but then he soon realized why. Looking down to his bare chest, he let out a breath and wondered just how many people had seen him strolling down the street in nothing but sweatpants.

  Minutes pass, and Joshua found himself sitting on the ground, still waiting. He didn't care how long he'd have to wait, just so long as he saw her. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this way about anyone, let alone having enough patience to wait for them. Leaning his head against the wall, he closed his eyes.

  The sounds of cars and people softened as the world around him grew dark. His breathing steadied as the sounds drifted into nothing. Left alone with the darkness, Joshua felt comfortable. There was nothing more he ever needed than himself. He was the only one who had fought long and hard enough to keep himself that way. Safe. Alive. Even though his alive was very much dead.

  As he sat in the comfort of the darkness, Joshua found himself feeling a familiar warm feeling. A feeling he only felt around Ruby. He wanted to go to her. To be near her. However, as he opened his eyes, he saw nothing but the soft light. It beckoned him to come closer. As he rose, he walked cautiously toward the light.


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