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Page 6

by Sara Fields

  His cock slid in and out of my mouth in a frenzy and the only thing I could do was kneel there and take every last inch because that was what he expected of me.

  The more it went on, the more I questioned how much I could take.

  My body had other ideas though. As he used my mouth as ruthlessly as he desired, my clit throbbed with insatiable need. My pussy clenched tightly with unfathomable want and my nipples were hard beneath the fabric of my dress. I was mortified to feel the slick soaking my inner thighs. My omega had been awakened by his brutal use and she only wanted more. So much more.

  He fucked my mouth even harder and my eyes watered with tears.

  “That’s it, pretty omega. Take your alpha’s cock,” he murmured, and I felt myself blush. I couldn’t forget that Neegan was watching all of this and for some insane and shameful reason, that made this even hotter for me.

  Magnar took his time. Sometimes he fucked my mouth roughly and other times he slowed down to a leisurely pace. I would whimper around his thick length and he would look down at me with those cool calculating eyes. My pussy clenched down hard each time. His pace increased again, and a single tear rolled down my cheek as I grappled with the soreness in my throat and the aching of my mouth. His thumb carefully swiped it away before he thrust even more deeply into my throat than he had before.

  I showed him my enthusiasm with my tongue, hoping my ordeal would end soon. He grasped the back of my head with both hands before he thrust all the way into my throat. My nose just brushed against the skin of his stomach and I whimpered all around him.

  He held himself there for a long moment.

  Then he groaned and a spurt of hot fluid splashed against the back of my throat. I cried out and choked, but he didn’t let go of my head.

  “You will swallow everything I give you, omega,” he warned.

  I gagged hard as his milky seed burst into my mouth once more.

  “Do you need a session with my belt?” he threatened, and my core plummeted with anxiety. With everything left in me, I forced myself to swallow around his cock for the first time. I swallowed a second and third time, taking every last drop of his seed just like he’d wanted.

  His fists tightened in my hair and a fresh wave of pain flashed across my scalp. He groaned and yet another wave of his cum burst into my mouth. Hot. Thick. Arousing.

  I took it all. I swallowed every drop with his cock still in my mouth and the vision of his belt marking my backside cemented at the forefront of my thoughts.

  When he was finally finished with me, he released my head and pulled free of my lips. I gasped, feeling as if I was in a daze.

  “You will use your tongue to thoroughly clean your alpha’s cock,” Magnar demanded. “I want Neegan to see just how talented you are with that little tongue.”

  A fresh wave of arousal coursed through me at the same time that I felt my face heat with shame.

  I pressed my tongue against him, licking him up and down and taking special care to swirl around the head of his cock as much as I could. I made sure there wasn’t a drop of his seed left behind before I finally pulled away and looked tentatively up at him.

  “You’ve trained her well,” Neegan observed and my flush deepened.

  “She knows her place,” Magnar murmured. Slowly, he tucked himself away and I watched him as I knelt there on my knees with the taste of his seed still on my tongue. As the seconds passed, my body heated further, a simmering riptide of tumultuous desire and need like I’d never felt before. I thought it would begin to fade, but it didn’t. It only grew stronger.

  “Stand, omega,” he commanded. I stood up on shaky legs. Without pause, he gripped the fabric of my dress and lifted it, revealing my thighs. I rushed to block his movement the moment I realized his intent, but when he cleared his throat and leveled me with a dangerous glare I paused.

  “Hands behind your back, omega,” he said with a growl. His snarl fell all around me like magic. It was heavy and my shoulders bowed under its weight. My fingers wiggled, wanting to obey. With a deep breath, I moved my hands behind my back and the power of his alpha lightened to a bearable amount.

  His fingers dove between my thighs.

  I cried out and tried to press my legs together in order to stop him, but it did nothing. It didn’t even begin to stop him. He pressed the pad of his finger up against my clit and slid it back and forth.

  “As I expected, omega. Your pretty little cunt is soaking wet for me,” he observed, and all the air rushed out of my lungs as the meaning of his words fully settled on me. I blushed deeply, but my body reacted violently to the sordid display.

  I hated it. The arousal deep in my core had other ideas.

  That single finger lightly teased my clit as he stared into my eyes. His dark glare made me feel so small and anxiously aroused that I couldn’t look away. I wanted to tell him to stop. I wanted to tell him to take his hands off me, but most of all I wanted to beg him to make me come.

  So I said nothing at all.

  Instead, I stood there in silence with his hand possessively touching between my thighs. My chest rose and fell with my effort to stay quiet and my core twisted hard inside me with passionate desire that refused to fade even just a little.

  My tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth. I could still taste him.

  His hand pulled away and I was left with the lonely pull of my own ravenous need. My pussy clenched hard and he turned away. The painful sting of denial was harsh, and I blinked, trying to stem the flow of tears that threatened to fall. In an effort to save whatever pride I had left, I turned my eyes to the ground and simply focused on breathing rather than the endless throbbing between my legs.

  He sat down beside Neegan on the bench as the two of them murmured about castle finances and the state of the city’s army and soon I stopped listening altogether. Instead, I drowned in my own misery and self-pity before I directed it all back at him.

  My omega wanted him badly and I hated it.

  My pussy never stopped throbbing, forever reminding me that he’d denied me release and had simply used me as he saw fit.

  Did he not care that he’d left me this way? Was his disdain for me that great?

  The two men talked for a long while before they finally parted ways.

  “Come. It is time to get you back to your chambers,” he said simply once we were alone again. His voice was still hard, and the tension in his body had yet to relax. My lower lip shook as I followed him on shaky legs. We walked an identical path back to my room and once I was inside, he moved to shut the door between us.

  “Wait,” I blurted out unintentionally.

  “What is it?” he asked and there was a definitive frustrated annoyance in the way he said it.

  I wanted to ask him to stay. I wanted to ask for him to return his fingers to my clit. I wanted to feel every last inch of his cock sinking into my needy flesh.

  I wanted to ask him to take my innocence.

  I stood there as his glare focused solely on me and I lost everything I wanted to say.

  “Well, out with it, omega,” he spat, and I wanted to cry.

  The words just wouldn’t come.

  I was a coward, too afraid to ask for what I needed.

  “Can you have one of the servants bring me something to eat? And to drink?” I managed to whisper.

  “I’ll have something sent up,” he replied.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, but he’d already slammed the door shut in my face, leaving me all alone once again.

  This time, I couldn’t stop myself from crying.

  Goddamn fucking bastard. I hated him.

  I was going to leave. Tonight.

  Chapter 6


  I cried my tears that night not to wallow in my sadness, but to clear my head. I ignored the raw desire to the best of my ability and prepared myself for the eventual arrival of the servant that would bring me what I requested.

  I came up with a plan.

  I d
idn’t need to be the king’s woman in order to infiltrate the Cult of the Blood Moon. I could disappear in the depths of the castle. I’d studied the history books. I could find the secret passages I’d read about and observe the Cultists from the safety of complete anonymity. No one would even know I was there. I’d never have to suffer under Magnar’s cruel teasing fingers ever again. I could take care of myself.

  It was perfect.

  When a woman arrived with a platter of meats and cheeses, I sprang into action. I helped her to the table, where she placed the food and water. I was surprised to see a silver pitcher full of red wine and asked for her to pour me a glass. I excused myself to the restroom while she prepared a plate, but when she wasn’t looking, I pressed a small piece of the thick painting parchment paper just inside the door latch. When I was finished, I slipped into the bathroom and feigned its use. I returned to her a short time later and thanked her.

  She handed me the glass of wine, and I took a long sip, enjoying the flavors of black currants and berries.

  “This is delicious,” I murmured, and she smiled widely.

  I sat down and started to graze while she was preparing the fire. I sipped on the wine and watched as she tidied up the room. When she was done, I smiled in return and told her how much I appreciated how well she took care of me. She grinned and waved before she left, closing the door behind her.

  The door didn’t click all the way shut. The paper had prevented that.

  For a while, I waited to see if she would come back, but she never did. The city grew quiet and when I could wait no longer, I grasped the doorknob between my fingers. When nothing stirred on the other side, I started to turn it and pull it open. There was no one there.

  I removed the evidence of my escape and shut the door silently behind me before I glided down the hall. I moved quickly, retracing my steps toward the garden. The halls were deserted at this time of the night. Everyone was sleeping in their beds. I only came across one guard, but his footsteps were loud, and I was able to hide in an adjoining room until he passed by. There, I found a candle and a forgotten book of matches. I slipped both into the pockets at the front of my dress.

  Before I knew it, I made it to the gardens. I knew that one of the ancient entrances into the depth of the castle was hinted to be somewhere around here. Carefully, I slunk along the shadows so that the guards up on the walls didn’t spot me. When they turned my way, I pressed myself flat against the ground until they turned and looked outward into the city. They appeared to be more concerned with people breaking in then they were with anyone sneaking out.

  I rounded a corner into a portion of the garden that was overwhelmingly overgrown. Tucked away behind a crumbling wall was a well, but I knew it wasn’t only that. The books had indicated that this well hadn’t been dug deep enough to ever bring any water. It was simply an entry into the inner workings of the castle that had been forgotten long ago.

  I removed my shoes and tucked them into the waistband of my dress before I touched the stone with my fingers. It was solidly built. The rocks weren’t budging, so I sat down on the edge and slowly began to lower myself down. My toes dug into the spaces between the rock as I climbed, lowering myself one slow inch after the next until my feet brushed the ground some ten feet down. Once I was done, I put my shoes back on and glanced up to ensure no one was watching. There was no one there.

  It was dark, but by the light of the moon I looked around. I was surrounded by rock and I began to explore it with my fingers.

  I found a spherical stone and pressed down firmly on it. There was a soft grating sound and I turned around to see that part of the stone wall had opened. I pushed my hand against it and forced myself into the small opening. Here, it was even darker. Thankful for my earlier find, I lit a match and then the candle.

  The hallway went on for a good way and I began to walk down it. It was simple and when I got to the end of it, I found a door. It wasn’t locked. I pressed my ear to it, listening hard for anyone who might be nearby. Thankfully, all remained quiet.

  I opened it and maneuvered myself inside. I held up the candle and gasped at what I found. It was a supply room from hundreds of years ago. There were weapons of all kinds, candles of every shape, and vases full of god knows what. I moved closer and reached for one. I brushed the dust off what appeared to be a label.

  Liquid fire.

  There must be at least a hundred vats of it down here. I knew that it was exceedingly rare. The recipe for it had been long forgotten and the stockpiles of old had long disappeared. Some of it was rumored to be unstable, poorly mixed and no longer useful. This didn’t appear to be that way. I climbed up and peeked inside, enamored by the swirling bright green color. I held the candle far away.

  One spark and this entire castle would be blown to dust.

  I stepped down from the ledge.

  I found several piles of clothing and without too much searching, I found a dark pair of pants as well as a gray cotton shirt. They were mildly dusty, and I shook them out before I stripped off my dress and put them on. There was a thin fur cloak I slung over my shoulders for extra warmth and as I hugged it around my body, I was thankful for such an astonishing find.

  That night, I explored the underground passageways. I found old unused bedrooms, along with a multitude of places where I could watch and observe everything happening in the castle. Importantly, I found a passage that led into the kitchens. Since it was the middle of the night, the kitchens were deserted, and I took advantage of the opportunity to steal food for the next several days. When I was satisfied that I had enough, I slipped back into the secret part of the castle and settled myself in a nearby bedroom. It wasn’t much bigger than the size of a closet, but there was a sturdy wooden table and a bed made of straw. I piled a few blankets on top of it to make it comfortable.

  The sun would be rising any minute and I curled up in bed exhausted. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, knowing that with the sunrise my absence would be noticed. It wouldn’t be long before the king himself started to look for me and I would do everything in my power to ensure that I would not be found.

  He would not take my escape lightly. That much I was sure of.

  For the next several days, I made the secret passageways of the castle my home. I walked through them in silence. There were a multitude of places where I could watch people scurry by through a gap in the stone walls or even several window panels that doubled as one-way glass. I could observe in complete secrecy.

  Despite my frustration with the king, I found myself watching him the most. He was in his throne room when the news of my disappearance broke. At first, he was angry, his fury nearly palpable even from a distance. However, when he was alone, I saw something of a sadness weighing heavy on his brow. I observed him more closely, but that look disappeared as Neegan rushed into the room with him.

  “Has she been found yet?” Magnar growled.

  Even though I wasn’t even in the same room with him, I could feel his fury and the power of his alpha. I sucked in an anxious breath and my pussy clenched down hard. I could feel slick gathering between my thighs, and I pressed them together so firmly that it hurt.

  “Not yet, my king. We are searching every inch of this castle. She will be found,” Neegan reassured him.

  “When she is found, bring her right to me. I will handle her disobedience myself,” Magnar growled and a shiver of anxiety rushed down my spine. “The entire castle will hear her screams and her pleas for mercy as she is punished. She will learn that she cannot run from me, nor can she hide. When I’m through with her, there will be no doubt left in her mind that she belongs to me.”

  He peered over Neegan’s shoulder and stared in my direction as if he could see me. For a long moment, I forgot to breathe. I told myself that he couldn’t see me, that he couldn’t know about the mirror I was watching him through, that he couldn’t sense the slick dripping from my still needy pussy.

  When I couldn’t take it any longer, I rushed awa
y and hid in my tiny bedroom. I curled up beneath the blankets and rested fitfully until it was night once again.

  When I couldn’t stand lying in bed any longer, I walked the inner working of the castle safe in the hidden passages. The quiet of the massive building at night was overwhelming, but also calming and I enjoyed it. I quietly observed some of the members of Magnar’s advisory council and when Neegan wandered off on his own, I followed him. The passages were a bit disjointed and I lost him several times, but I eventually found him again in his study. He was seated at his desk looking over a leather-bound journal of some kind and a knock sounded on the door. He cleared his throat and opened a drawer, sliding the book inside and closing it swiftly before he spoke.

  “Come in,” he murmured, and a young man entered the room. By his appearance, I guessed that he was a beta.

  “Lord Neegan,” the man greeted him. He bowed his head respectfully and the king’s hand smiled thinly in return.

  “Do you have anything to report to me regarding the king’s omega?” he requested.

  “She hasn’t been seen anywhere, my lord,” the beta replied.

  Neegan sighed loudly.

  “You will double the numbers looking for her. I want her found. It reflects poorly on us that a useless little omega could disappear right underneath our noses,” he spat.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Do you have anything else to report?”

  “There are rumors beginning to spread that the dead king Borgan didn’t die of natural causes. They are suggesting he was poisoned,” the beta said nervously. Neegan’s gaze flicked dangerously in the man’s direction. He knew what gossip like that could do. The more news like that spread, the more the city would question those who led them. It would undermine their power slowly. It only had to begin to take hold and it would spread like a sickness until at long last the city would break.

  The Cult would be weakened.

  “You will see to it that the rumors are put to an end. Arrest those spreading such filthy lies,” Neegan sneered.


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