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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 45

by Krissy V et al.

  “Hello Alek,” Lord Volkov says waving me over.

  “Hi,” I say, looking around the room at the extremely powerful dangerous men.

  “Alek, I would like to extend my condolences for your loss. Nikolaev was well respected in the Elite organization. My soldiers are looking for the culprit,” says Volkov, walking towards me. He turns to look at the tall man standing at his desk.

  “Thanks,” I say nodding, expressionless. I can’t show any emotion, they can’t see me as weak.

  “My condolence,” Kuzim says, crossing his arms.

  “Alek, my condolence for your loss,” Trent says, walking over to me. He extends his hand.

  I extend my hand, clasping his, nodding.

  “Thanks,” I say, releasing my hand.

  “Alek, we would like to give you a warm welcome to the Elite Supreme, and Prince Trent Konig of the Elites is here to indict you,” Volkov says, walks over to stand next to Trent and me.

  I look at the tall, young man. He looks like he’s soulless, like I am.

  “Alek Nikolaev, you’re now the Capo taking over your father’s territory. I understand that you’re trained in all aspects of the business. Lord Volkov and Boss Kuzim will be your mentors, and your associates. Of course, I will be available when needed. This is your Capo ring, I understand that your father’s ring is in your possession. I would like you to safeguard it, we don’t want it to fall in the wrong hands,” Trent, says handing me a ring.

  I grind my molars, inhale, and exhale to control the emotions currently attempting to claw their way out.

  “Right, thank you,” I says, nodding. I take the ring and put it on my right-hand ring finger.

  ‘Let’s drink to the new Capo,” Volkov says, turning to look at his soldier. The soldier walks over to the bar in the corner to get the drinks.

  Chapter Eleven


  A Few Weeks Later

  I’m home.

  I should be ecstatic since I’ve been dreaming about this day since the day I left.

  I’m not sure if I can handle this anguish, this unknown. My heart is broken and I’m not able to repair it. The only one that can restore my heart, and my soul is Alek.

  I walk into my closet to look at my clothes and shoes. I walk out, and I go to turn on the shower.

  Oh god, I need to start looking for a job. I can’t stand being home all day doing nothing.

  I grab the bath salts and pour them into the tub. I then walk over to grab my cell.

  I need to some music to keep me from thinking, from hurting.

  There’s a knock on the door, and startled I walk over to open it.

  “Ms. Ruby, your father would like to see you in his office,” Irene says, clasping her hands. Her huge brown eyes twinkle, she smiles at me.

  “Ok, I’ll be there in a few,” I say nodding. I smile at her closing the door. I lock the door and walk over to my bathroom. I lean over to turn the water off.

  I sink into the bath sighing, and lean my head back closing my eyes. I remain in the water for a few minutes, enjoying the warm bath.

  A few minutes later, I hurry, washing my body and hair.

  A few minutes later open my door and walk down the hallway.

  I wonder what Father wants this time. He only remembers that I’m his daughter when he needs something.

  I walk to his office door, stop to knock on it pursing my lips.

  “Enter,” Father says in his baritone voice.

  I open the door and walk into this huge office. His office is done in warm browns and gold tones. It looks really masculine.

  “Father, you wanted to see me?” I say, crossing my arms looking at him.

  “Yes, Ruby I need you to help me. It’s very important that you do,” Father says, leaning back into his chair. He rests his right arm on the chair armrest looking at me.

  “What do you mean that that you want me to ask for help,” I say, resting my hands on my hips.

  “Ruby , yeah, you know that young boy that you were close to before you left?” Father says moving his right hand to his neck, and rubs it closing his eyes.

  Well he does looks old and tired, but still I’m not very happy with him. Yeah, I haven’t been happy with him for a very long time. To be exact, since he sent me away to live with Aunt Wilma. She’s nice, and my cousins Darcy and Doris are fun, and it was an ok trip, but I wanted to be here.

  “What friend?” I say, frowning, as my forehead creases as I think.

  “Yeah, that punk, what’s his name? Some Russian punk, yeah, Alek,” father says, nodding looks at me.

  “Oh,” I say, forming a perfect circle. I shake my head and walk over to the look at my mother’s photo hanging on the wall. I’m so surprised that he has her photo in his office since I never believed that he loved her, or me.

  Alek, even just his name sets my heart beating, even now after all of these years.

  What does he think Alek can do?

  I turn around to glare at him walking over to stand in front of his desk.

  “Why do you think Alek can help you?” I say, squinting my eyes, trying to figure out what angle he’s working here.

  Father leans back into his chair looking at me as he scratches his bald head.

  “Alek is the next Capo in the organization, but to be precise, the Russian side of the organization. I’m in trouble with the Italian Capo, I owe them some money, and they killed your mother. I can’t pay them, and they threaten to kill you and me. Maybe Alek can help,” Father says reaching for his pen.

  “You got to be kidding? They want to kill me. He’s not a punk! I don’t know where you get the idea that he’s part of the Russian mafia! Really? I can’t believe you Father. Why would you say that? I don’t think so. I don’t know how to contact him! He never responded to my letters,” I say, raising my hands up in the air.

  I pace around the room in a circle, then I walk over to look out of the window. I’m not seeing the yard, I’m seeing the image that flashes through my mind.

  “Ruby , I need you,” Alek says, gazing into my eyes.

  His beautiful dark blue eyes sparkle as he looks for my ok. I nod, he leans in closer to take my lips in his. I moan, meeting his tongue in a wild dance. Our lack of experience didn’t stop us, since we exploded into an intense burning need.

  His hands roam over my body, learning every secret. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth closer to mine.

  Yeah, he’s my only true love. I didn’t know it at the time, but that intense passion is unique. No other man has come close to setting me on fire like Alek did with his touch.

  “Ruby ,” father says, louder to get my attention.

  I turn around, tucking my hair behind my ears, tilting my head. I stare at him,

  “I can’t believe that you’re asking me to talk to him after I left without saying goodbye all because you wouldn’t allow me an extra day so I could talk him. You took my cell phone away so I wouldn’t call him. Now you want me to ask for help, to ask Alek to help you. You’re unreal. I don’t think that he will talk to me because he didn’t want to talk to me a few weeks ago. It looks like he hates me. I don’t know why since I mailed him a letter every week,” I say, gritting my teeth. I push my hair back, grabbing it, wanting to pull it out.

  My father walks closer to me clenching his hands.

  “Ruby, you will help me. It doesn’t matter that he never received those letters. I absolutely forbade those letters to be mailed out. Now, it’s imperative that you go to him. I need his help and you can get him to agree to our terms,” Father says, squinting his eyes.

  “I can’t believe you Father! You didn’t allow my letters to be mailed? I won’t do it,” I say, inhaling, and exhaling.

  My lower lip trembles, and my eyes tear up. I walk away from him, as far as I could glaring at him.

  “Ruby, I’m your father and I have every right to look after you. I wasn’t going to allow that hood, that gangster into the family. I’m the Governor,
that’s the way it is. You will go to him and ask him to help me out. I can’t risk my position,” Father says, shoving his hands into his pockets, watching me.

  “Never,” I say, walking away from him. I walk towards the door.

  “Ruby, you will, or I’ll make sure that he’s thrown in jail. He’s the only one that can help me,” Father says, grinning insidiously.

  I stop, slowly I turn around to glare at him clenching my fists.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “I can and I will,” Father says, nodding.

  “I don’t know where to look for him. Besides he wouldn’t see me, he’s pissed off! Give me my letters so I can show him,” I say, warily.

  I cross my arms under my chest leaning on my left leg, tapping my right foot on the carpet.

  My father grins and walks over to his desk, I watch as he pulls out several packs of letters, setting them on his desk. My letters that were never mailed.

  He chuckles, then pulls a note pad from its holder and writes down the information that’s on his laptop.

  “I have the address right here and I expect you to see him today. Time is of the essence,” Father says, smirking he walks towards me handing me the paper.

  “Right,” I say nodding. I grab the paper and my letters from his hands, nodding I turn away. I open the door, walking out.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Nikolaev, a young lady, Ruby Fox is here to see you,” Dima says, looking at me raising his eyebrows.

  I look up from my laptop to look at him, clenching my jaw, I raise my right eyebrow in question.

  What the hell!

  Ruby is here?

  She doesn’t have a place in my world. I need to get her to forget me.

  “Show her in,” I say, leaning back into my chair.

  “Nikolaev, will do,” Dima says, nodding. He walks out of my office.

  I close my eyes, clenching my fist. My heart skips a beat, my soul awakens from its dormant state, and my blood rushes to my cock.

  Damn it!

  She still owns me.

  My body is erupting with need. She’s my only weakness. That’s why I need to push her away from me. Its best that she lives a life away from me because with me it will be nothing but blackness.

  I can smell her sweet scent.

  I can feel her before I see her.

  Ruby walks into my office, dressed in sexy, feminine dress. Her beautiful hair is long, flowing around her shoulders emitting her delicious scent as she moves.

  God, she’s killing me.

  I lean back into my leather chair, creating a temple with my hands. I squint my eyes as I slowly scan over every inch of her delicious body.

  I’m on fire, ready to take her to my damn room to bury my hard cock balls deep inside her.

  Will this wild, insatiable need for her ever stop?

  Ruby smiles nervously, walks over to me holding a red box in her hands. She stands in front of my desk, looking at me.

  “What do you want Ruby? I thought I made myself perfectly clear the last time we spoke.” I ask her, looking at her through my hooded eyes. I don’t’ want her to see how much I still want her, need her.

  “Alek, I need you,” Ruby says, walking around the desk towards me.

  “I don’t have time for your infantile needs. As you can see I’m extremely busy,” I say, pushing off my chair.

  I walk away from her, over to the bar grinding my molars. I grab the crystal glass, take the tongs, and drop some ice. I grab the crystal decanter and pour the whiskey over the ice.

  Ruby looks at me, her hurt eyes swimming with anguish and unshed tears. She appears hurt, confused, and sad. She holds onto the red box in front of her.

  “Alek, please listen to me. I need your help,” Ruby says in a low tone.

  I glance at her, shaking my head, I take a long pull of my whiskey finishing it off. I inhale deeply, exhale, picking up the decanter. I pour more whiskey into the glass. I set the decanter down, turn to look at her with my hands on my waist. .

  “What do you mean that you need my help?” I ask raising my right eyebrow.

  I watch her nervously bite her lower lip crossing her arms over the red box against her chest.

  What in the world does she have in that red box that she holds with so much care?

  “Alek, I have something to show you,” Ruby says, extending her arms, holding the red box.

  I look at the box, and then I look at her frowning.

  “What’s in the box?” I ask grabbing the glass of whiskey. I take another pull, then I walk back to my desk. I fall into my seat, setting the glass on my desk.

  “Please look inside, Alek,” Ruby says, walking around the desk, stops close to me. She stops next to me handing me the box.

  I look at the box, and then at her warm loving eyes. I fall into her soul, feeling her light envelope me, welcoming me home. My heart skips a beat, I inhale, closing my eyes for a second, feeling all of her love touch the dark recesses of my soul.

  I nod and take the box from her hands. I open it, looking at a pile of letters.

  What the fuck? The top letter is addressed to me.

  “These are the letters that my father kept, that were never mailed to you,” Ruby says in a low whisper.

  I look at her, her eyes water, a tear falls down her soft cheek.

  “Fuck,” I growl, pushing away from my chair. I take the couple steps to pull her into my arms.

  “Alek, I love you, can’t you see I’ve always loved you,” Ruby says, holding onto my arms gazing up.

  “I thought you were lying, that you forgot about me, about us. That was so fucking painful, you broke my heart,” I say, pulling her closer.

  “Alek, I didn’t know, but I thought that you never responded to my letters. I still need to know why you never looked for me. I found out today from my father that he never allowed my letters to be mailed. I didn’t know your cell number because he took my cell away. I miss you; I love you with all of my soul,” Ruby says, her tears roll down her face, her lower lip trembles.

  “I’m sorry Princess, I was hurt, I was pissed off at you that I didn’t want to hear anything you had to say. I thought you would tell me nothing but lies. You’re the only one that I love,” I say, taking her lips in a deep kiss. My pent-up love, need spreads through my body.

  She pulls back, moving her hands to cup my face, gazing searchingly into my eyes.

  “Alek, will you forgive me?” Ruby says, sniffing, smiling weakly.

  “Princess, don’t ask me to forgive you Ruby. I’m the one that was a jerk,” I say, leaning in closer to kiss her.

  Ruby wraps her arms around my neck, then she pulls back gazing at me.

  “Alek, my father gave me the letters because he wanted me to come here for his benefit. I didn’t want to because I knew that you were mad at me, but he then gave me the letters so that I could show you that it was him that kept us apart,” Ruby says, sobbing.

  “What the fuck, he told me to forget you when I went to look for you after you left. He said that I wasn’t good enough for you, it hurt but I can’t help but agree, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.” I told her, releasing her, taking a step back. I look out the huge window, pushing a hand through my hair clenching my jaw.

  “Alek, don’t push me away, not now. I need you, you’re my love, you own my soul,” Ruby says, taking a step towards me, placing her hand on my arm looking up.

  “What does your father want from me?” I ask, looking at the soft blush that spreads through her face.

  “I hate to ask you, but I don’t want him to try to hurt you. He said that he has the power to put you in jail, and don’t know if that is true or not, but I do know that I don’t want him to hurt you. He said that you have the power to help him Alec,” Ruby says, tilting her head to the side.

  “What is it?” I ask, looking at her move her hands nervously up my arm.

  “Father said that the
Italian Capo wants to kill him and me, because he owes some money. He wants you to help,” Ruby says, biting her lower lip, blushing.

  “Fuck! Ruby, I don’t know if I can do that! The Capo handles his territory, his business,” I say, shaking my head. I pull her into my arms to hold her close, unable to stop touching her, feeling her warm body next to me, and her love.

  “I understand Alec, I don’t want you to do anything that can put you in conflict with your work. I don’t really know all about it, but I can guess,” Ruby says, nodding. She moves her hands up my arms to pull me closer to her lips.

  “Princess, I need you right now. I can look into it, and we can talk after, but right now all I want is to love you,” I say, moving my hands down her back.

  “Yes Alec, I need you now,” Ruby says, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  My other hand pulls her dress up so I can slide my hand up her thigh and over to the most delicious pussy ever. I slide my fingers under the material and over her wet flesh.

  I pull away from her mouth, I gaze at her heated eyes. I look at her swollen lips nodding.

  “Alek,” Ruby whispers, pushing her hand under my t-shirt, searing my skin with her gentle caresses.

  I can’t and wouldn’t stop. She’s mine.

  I lean in to suck her neck, marking her like I never did.

  “You’re so fucking wet! I need you,” I growl biting her neck.

  Ruby moans, wrapping one leg around my waist.

  “Yes,” Ruby whispers, moaning.

  I pull her up into my arms, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I put her on my desk, kissing her deeply, my hands roaming all over her body.

  I don’t want to think.

  I only want to feel her in my arms again.

  I pull off her dress over her head. She’s so fucking beautiful. I run my palms over her tight nipples, gazing into her eyes.

  I see her need. I see her love reflected in their tawny depths. I have so many questions, but they can wait.


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