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The Obsidian Throne

Page 17

by Michelle Soper

  Wyatt nodded gratefully to Addi and then went to join Nev. He sat down close to her and waited for her to be ready to talk. After a few minutes passed and she still hadn’t spoken, Wyatt gently picked up her hand in his.

  Nev leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment. “You have… do take such good care of me,” she said softly.

  “When I met you, all you had was an injured shoulder. Now, not only is that still bothering you, but you have a cut on your cheek. I’m not so sure your assessment of how I have been doing is accurate,” he countered. Sighing, he turned to face Nev and asked, “Now, what is really bothering you?”

  “Sometimes, I wonder if it would be kinder if you couldn’t sense what I was feeling so well,” Nev thought aloud.

  Wyatt brushed her loose hair from her face and tucked it behind her ears. “No, it wouldn’t be. Being close to you is amazing, even if it sometimes worries me. So, tell me. What is troubling you, love?” he asked tenderly.

  “I think I finally understand something about myself and my path,” she stated, sounding resolute. “The amulet. You saw it steer me to the chest, but that isn’t all it has led me to. It also… it guided me to you,” Nev explained quietly but self-assured.

  “Me?” Wyatt asked, feeling confused.

  “Yes. It started glowing just outside of Serenity Falls. I should’ve told you all of this sooner, but I didn’t understand what it all meant, and I didn’t want to worry you unnecessarily,” Nev replied. She glanced at him with regret.

  “But you do now? That is why you wanted more time earlier. And why you’re telling me now?” he asked, curious and concerned.

  “When my father gave it to me, he said, ‘When you need it, your path will become clear.’ I think I needed to find the items in that chest. And I know that I needed to find you,” she explained, her hand firmly pressing around his.

  Wyatt leaned close to her and kissed her tenderly. “I needed to find you too,” he added lovingly.

  Nev smiled and then sighed deeply.

  He could sense there was more, something menacing she hadn’t told him yet. “There is something else, isn’t there? Something dark?” questioned Wyatt. His expression was drenched in worry.

  Nev nodded. “Yes. And I realize how this will sound, but I think my amulet is leading me towards it… my destiny. All of it. Now, I love thinking I was destined to meet you. You are my heart. But the amulet also seems determined to steer me towards… him,” stated Nev with a heavy certainty. She took a deep breath before continuing.

  “I know you were right. It does help me see Sagrine, and it also helps him to see me. But, since our face-to-face encounter with him, I can also sense him. It is weaker and much less pleasant than what I felt with my father or what I feel with you. Still, there is something familiar about it. And like with you… it is always present and growing stronger. I think that is because I’m supposed to find him. To face him. Eventually, I won’t be able to run or hide from him,” Nev said, her voice was quiet and steady. While she spoke, her free hand absentmindedly stroked her amulet through her shirt.

  As Wyatt listened to her, his deep fears were confirmed. He’d already begun to suspect as much, but now there was no room for hope. The small possibility that she wouldn’t need to face Sagrine again instantly evaporated. Wyatt had promised not to let go. Yet, he had a growing and terrible feeling that her fate would take her where he could not follow. It seemed, Nev had resigned herself to being unable to refuse her dire future. Wyatt, however, wanted to plead and argue with her to prove she was wrong, but he could not find the words.

  Nev could sense his pain and felt guilty for making him endure it, but she knew he’d been close to realizing it all on his own. At least this way, they both knew what was coming. Then they could face it like they had everything else. Together.

  Wyatt pulled her close to him and squeezed her tightly. “I know this all feels inevitable right now. I have felt it too. But that doesn’t mean it is. We will find a way through this, together,” he whispered, kissing her tenderly.

  She kissed him for several minutes before pulling back slightly. Gazing into his eyes, she was struck by how they had seemingly grown more stunning over time. Now, she found them completely mesmerizing. Nev gently wiped a tear from his cheek and smiled at him. “It’s okay,” she reassured, trying to comfort him.

  “I am not going to break my promise to you,” he declared passionately.

  “Wyatt,” Nev started to rebuke him. She had accepted her fate and needed him to begin to do the same.

  “No, I won’t do it. Not for you. Not for fate and not for anything else. I will think of something. After all, I am really stubborn,” he countered, sounding certain and flashing a smile at her.

  Nev let herself believe him, at least for now. The ending he promised was all she wanted. “Okay, then. No worries,” she agreed, smiling warmly at him.

  Chapter 33

  Addi had watched them from across the way, while they talked the night before. It was obvious to her that the conversation they’d shared was far more serious than their usual banter. She was feeling terrified about where their relationship would lead her brother. She was also growing more and more concerned about Nev. Addi clung to the hope that somehow, they would all get through this relatively unscathed.

  Addi’s thoughts began to spiral down a path she had endeavored to avoid. Where did their journey end? Even if they were able to survive the inevitable confrontations awaiting them, what then? Was Nev planning on taking back the throne? Would she want Wyatt to join her? Or would she just walk away from it and him? Oh, Wyatt. I hope you know what you are doing, she thought.

  Either way, she had opted to let them sleep in this morning. The rain, she had hoped would lessen, had instead increased in intensity. Given the weather combined with the issue Wyatt and Nev were trying to come to terms with, Addi had decided to just relent and spend the day hunkered in the barn.

  Nev had devoted several long hours during the previous night to tenderly reassuring Wyatt. She was determined to ease the sense of dread that had tried to consume him during their conversation. Wyatt had reassured her so many times in the past, and she was hopeful she could do the same for him. At least for now, they’d both decided to choose hope over despair.

  Wyatt’s mind slowly started to rouse. Even so, he felt no sense of urgency to fully wake. He needed, now more than ever, to feel Nev close to him. Pulling her snuggly to him, he let his mind get lost in her breath, scent, and warmth. With sleep-heavy eyes, he spied the ring Nev had given him and spun it slowly around his finger. Close to my heart and far from harm, he thought.

  His mind wandered around that thought. The ring and her fate. Suddenly, a fantastic and hope-filled idea sprang into his thoughts. If fate had led her to him and then to the ring, then fate must want him to use it to help keep her safe. Just like her father had used it to help keep her safe all those years ago. Maybe it could all be that simple, just like it had been when they escaped to Birclan. Now, he would only need to figure out how and when he was supposed to use it. With renewed hope and a sense of determination, he would do just that.

  Nev’s nightmares had been muted while she slept in Wyatt’s arms. She had only woken once in the night. His embrace and gentle soothing had greeted her before finally persuading her to fall back asleep. Still, she ached and not just in her shoulder and muscles. Her heart ached for what she was pushing him to endure. Stirring slightly as her mind began to wake, she felt the familiar sensation of Wyatt’s presence. Nev breathed in deeply and just let her mind focus on him.

  “Good morning, my love,” Wyatt whispered, sensing she was awake.

  She buried her face in his chest and sighed with contentment and replied warmly, “I love you.”

  Addi saw them begin to stir and shouted over to them, “No hurry to wake up this morning. I think we will be staying here today. I’m pretty tired of walking in the rain.”

  Wyatt smiled at Nev. Given their unexpected
reprieve from resuming their trek, he decided he was going to let last night’s conversation fade for now. “So, do you have any plans for today?” he questioned sweetly.

  Nev gazed up at him. There was so much pressing on her mind, but the only thought she wanted was of him. She cuddled up close to him. “All I want to do is this,” Nev whispered.

  “Me too,” he replied, smiling at her. “You know when this is done, I’m going to build you the comfiest bed in all of Obsidia. Then we are going to spend a week in it, at least.”

  “You know how to build beds?” she inquired with a giggle.

  Wyatt laughed, “You sound surprised. I’ll have you know that I happen to be a man of many talents, and I shall build you a bed.”

  “Promise?” Nev asked, sounding playful.

  “Promise,” Wyatt replied sincerely.

  Chapter 34

  Nev and Wyatt had barely gotten out of bed all day. They seemed quite content to spend the day whispering, snuggling, and napping. Addi had passed the time reviewing their route, cleaning her crossbow, and taking stock of their supplies. After checking their inventory, she had realized their food was running low. If they failed to reach Nellis soon or he wasn’t willing or able to help, then Nev would have to go hunting. Even with her shoulder not fully recovered. She was, after all, the only one with the skill enough to be successful.

  With all of them seeming to sense they would need their strength in the coming days, no one had complained about spending a lazy day sheltered from the rain. Instead, it had been a welcomed lull in their routine. As evening approached, the clouds and rain cleared. The full moon began to bathe the entire barn in bright, serene light. “We have enough food for tonight and tomorrow, then we will need to improvise,” Addi announced.

  Wyatt led Nev over to the campfire Addi had started. “By improvise, you mean send Nev hunting,” he said unenthusiastically. He’d liked Nev being able to give her should a chance to heal and wasn’t thrilled about her risking reinjury to it.

  Nev intervened in their discussion. “I like the idea. I think I would like to go out and hunt tonight. Also, I’m going to take your brother with me. Addi, you should just stay here and relax,” Nev suggested, before looking at Wyatt.

  “My brother… hunting?” Addi asked incredulously.

  “Look. I always like spending time with you, but you don’t actually expect me to hunt… do you? I mean, if this is code to get me alone, then I totally approve. I just want the expectations to be clear first,” Wyatt said, chuckling and staring at Nev.

  “Not that I want to discuss this in too much detail, but my brother has a point. You don’t actually imagine him being helpful with hunting, do you?” Addi prodded.

  Nev smiled at Addi, “We will do our best. Either way, we won’t be too long.”

  “Fine. Just try not to get yourselves into trouble. Okay?” Addi asked, grumbling softly and gesturing for the two of them to get out of there. She’d thought about arguing more, but something told her they really needed some time to themselves. She was no Tink, but even she could sense there was something heavy hanging on both of them.

  Nev nodded and grabbed Wyatt’s hand before he had time to protest. She led him swiftly through the woods. Then for the first time, in a long time, Nev felt almost truly at home. Wyatt’s presence had been her foundation since she met him, but the woods were the familiar walls of her childhood and the sky her beloved roof. To be alone with all three on a calm and clear night was a balm her spirit desperately needed.

  Wyatt could sense a lightness within her. Happily, he found himself being escorted through the woods by the carefree woman he had only caught brief glimpses of before. She was captivating.

  Nev heard a small creek and excitedly urged Wyatt to follow, her hand still around his. The creek’s banks were lined with soft, bright green grass that swayed gently in the night breeze. Nev stood with Wyatt and stared down at it for a minute before quickly taking off her shoes.

  Wyatt needed no directing from Nev to follow suit. He removed his boots and stood barefoot, staring in awe of her.

  Feeling the grass between her toes, Nev sighed deeply as the sensation soothed the wounds she carried. She smiled at Wyatt and extended her hand towards him.

  He had not walked barefoot in the grass, willingly, since he was a young boy. Watching Nev relax as she stood before him, he found himself rediscovering how wonderful a sensation it was. He grasped the grass with his toes and then wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “You are so amazing,” he proclaimed, gazing into her eyes.

  Nev smiled at him and kissed him lightly. “When we find a way through everything and things are calm, I want to live in a place like this… with you,” she said softly.

  When we find a way, he repeated to himself. Smiling and nodding at her, he knew at that moment they had made a promise to each other. They would find a way.

  “So, you want to live with me… instead of other options?” Wyatt inquired gently. He had been growing increasingly curious about what Nev wanted from her fate. He’d held to the hope that no matter what she chose, it would include him. It was all he’d wanted to hear her say. That they would get through this together and then remain at each other’s side. He could live in a castle, share her with the world, or retire to a cozy cabin or cave. The only thing that mattered was spending his life with her.

  Nev smiled warmly at him. Before meeting Wyatt, Nev had dreaded the future. The only promise it held was more time being hunted and alone. Now, things were finally different. Suddenly, she was looking forward to tomorrow. Still, whenever Nev contemplated her future, she didn’t yearn for thrones or crowns. She had only one desire. Wyatt. “Yes. You’re the only thing I know I wouldn’t want to live without,” she replied tenderly.

  Wyatt, feeling so in love with her, starting swaying with her gently in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, moving with him and smiling.

  “Dancing with the woman I love, under the light of the moon,” he replied honestly.

  Nev bit her bottom lip a bit, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by emotion. “I didn’t think it would ever be possible for me, but I have fallen so completely in love with you,” she admitted softly.

  “That was the idea,” he confessed. Wyatt swayed her to the side slowly, before tilting her back in his arms. Leaning over her, he kissed her passionately.

  Dancing until their feet grew tired, they eventually laid down in the soft grass. Time seemed to slow as they exchanged tender kisses and passion-filled caresses. Their hearts, bodies, and spirits seeking loving reassurances from each other. Lost in blissful hope, they seized a few tender and precious moments just for themselves.

  A couple of hours later, Addi watched as Nev and Wyatt strolled back into camp. They were arm in arm and looking very content and more relaxed. They also seemed to be lacking anything that could pass for dinner. Addi shook her head a bit and smiled to herself. “Glad you two are back and looking well. I left some provisions on your bedrolls. Goodnight,” Addi said warmly. With that, Addi laid down and let herself fall asleep.

  Chapter 35

  With the rain subsiding, Addi had gotten the group up and moving early the next morning. They had walked for several miles when she stopped. Dusk was approaching, and Nellis’ house was just through this patch of woods. Moments before, Addi had decided this was a good place to stop and discuss how they planned to handle things. “So, I think we need a plan,” she said.

  “A plan for what? For what to do when Nellis decides he is going to make you go through with it after all?” Wyatt asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Go through with what?” asked Nev innocently.

  “Oh, Addi was supposed to,” Wyatt replied, stopping as he saw Addi glaring at him. “Maybe it is better left as a surprise,” he added, still smiling.

  Addi shook her head. “A plan for what we tell people. I know you both believe that Nev is the lost heiress, but maybe we don’t want to tell everyone th
at. But we will need to tell Nellis and possibly others something. At least, if we expect them to help us. So, I am asking you both for your opinions on what exactly we do tell them,” Addi explained.

  Wyatt nodded. “Oh. Well, that… that is actually quite sensible, Addi,” he concluded.

  Addi scowled at him and retorted, “You don’t need to sound so surprised, dear brother.”

  Nev had been listening to their exchange, but her focus was being drawn toward something approaching from the distance. She took a few steps and walked past where Addi and Wyatt were still discussing what they should tell people. “Three, no four and one,” Nev reported quietly, exhaling deeply and walking farther away from Wyatt and Addi.

  Wyatt shushed Addi as he stared at Nev. Suddenly, he felt what she’d already sensed. They were about to no longer be alone. “How many, Nev?” asked Wyatt as he scanned the surrounding woods.

  “What is it? What are you two on about?” Addi pressed, feeling confused and unexpectedly on edge.

  Nev didn’t turn to respond. She pulled her chainmail shirt from her pack and unclasped her cloak, letting it fall behind her. “Wyatt, help me,” she instructed, glancing back at him.

  Wyatt sprang into action and gently, but quickly slipped the shirt over Nev. He heard her wince once as he adjusted it over her shoulder. “You are still hurt. I really don’t like this,” he complained, his voice full of concern. He picked up her cloak and refastened it around her before lifting her chin and staring into her eyes. “If we are really doing this, then just… well, be careful. Please,” he implored her before kissing her lightly.

  Nev smiled at him and replied, “I will. You too.”


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