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The Obsidian Throne

Page 20

by Michelle Soper

  “Ha! I am sure it has been a terrible burden for you. There are worse things than being crazy about someone, though. Don’t you think?” Nellis proposed, with a wink.

  Addi felt her cheeks flush and focused on her bowl of soup. She could feel Nellis watching her and wished she understood what he was doing. You were supposed to be mad at me… not… whatever this is, she thought.

  Chapter 39

  In the back bedroom, Wyatt grinned as he watched Nev squirm and whimper from his touch. It didn’t take long before she was begging to be pushed over her passion’s edge. Which he did, eventually. Feeling quite pleased with himself, he refocused his attention on her shoulder, deftly and tenderly bandaging it. Wyatt had already cleaned it and stitched it closed before he’d become distracted elsewhere on her body. Evaluating his actual healer skills, he sighed to himself. “I don’t know. It’s still trying to heal, but I’m worried about it and you,” he sighed, looking concerned.

  Nev sat up and stretched her left arm out slowly. It tinged with pain but was calmer now. “I’ll just have to be careful,” she noted, still testing the limits of her shoulder.

  “Yeah, we keep saying that and you keep getting hurt,” he protested, running his finger along the wound on her cheek.

  “I know, and I have an idea about that, but I don’t think you are going to like it,” she stated, looking at Wyatt with an apologetic look on her face.

  “Why? What are you planning?” he asked. A sense of dread beginning to loom over him.

  “Well, we know we need to deal with our prowler, and we know he can sense when I use the amulet… so…,” Nev said, letting Wyatt finish her thought.

  “Wait. You want to lure Sagrine to you, don’t you?” Wyatt inquired, not really wanting to hear her answer.

  “I need to get to the palace and face my fate. But first, I need to stop this prowler from hunting us,” she implored, hoping he would see the wisdom in what she was suggesting.

  “Look, I get it. Crazily it may even make sense, but no. Sagrine would’ve killed you last time. I know it,” he protested emphatically. He studied Nev carefully. She was now sitting across from him on the bed, and he could sense her certainty. Unfortunately, he didn’t share her sentiment.

  “But I’m not the same person I was then. I fought better against the other prowler. And I have you, Addi and Nellis, to help me,” she argued.

  “You do remember almost dying this last time, too. Right? Look, love. You did great, amazing even. But we both know this prowler is going to be a much harder fight. And what if he brings allies too?” he protested.

  “He won’t,” she stated. Nev didn’t know how to make Wyatt see that this was a sound plan. She needed to face Sagrine, and she wanted to do it on her terms—not the prowler’s and not fate’s.

  “You can’t know that,” he rebutted.

  “I do. I know so much of what has happened to us is crazy, but I need to know you still trust me. I can do this. I truly believe I can, but I can’t without your help. Please, I need you to help me,” pleaded Nev, grabbing his hands in hers and squeezing.

  “Just once I want to spend an intimate moment with you that is not immediately followed by something crazy and, or dangerous,” he said, shaking his head. He wanted to argue more about her plan, but he had already realized she was right. It was a good idea. Even if he hated it.

  “Help me finish this, and when we are done, I promise you as many intimate moments followed by calm ones as you can handle. Okay?” Nev asked, grinning at him.

  “I don’t know. That better not be an empty promise. I can imagine quite a few,” Wyatt replied, smiling and shaking his head at her.

  “I promise,” she vowed before giggling.

  “Great. Even more danger and crazy. Addi is just going to love this, I’m sure,” he noted, gesturing towards the door.

  Nev and Wyatt got dressed and headed out to share their plan with Addi and Nellis. Nev knew Wyatt had his doubts about her idea, but not about her. He would have her back. Now she just wondered if Addi and Nellis would as well.

  They found them sitting at the dining table. Wyatt moved to fetch him and Nev some soup, while Nev sat down at the table and waited for him. Better not to face life-threatening situations on an empty stomach, I always say, Wyatt thought. He handed a bowl of soup to Nev and then sat down beside her.

  Nev looked down at the soup and smiled. Never upside down, she remembered. A quick memory of her father standing with her in the clearing flashed before her eyes.

  “How is the shoulder?” Nellis inquired.

  Nellis’ question snapped Nev back to the present. “Ah. It’s tender but much better. Thanks,” Nev replied, smiling at Nellis.

  “I wasn’t sure you had spent any time actually tending to it,” Addi observed, rolling her eyes at Wyatt.

  “What can I say, I’m really good at multi-tasking,” Wyatt replied, winking at Addi.

  Addi groaned and shook her head.

  “Anyway, I have heard quite the tale about you. You are the lost heiress, aren’t you? Addi wouldn’t say, but I’m not as slow as she likes to think I am,” Nellis stated bluntly, smiling at Nev.

  A look of mild panic overtook Addi.

  Nev just nodded calmly. “I see. Well then… yes, I am the lost heiress. Or at least… we think I am,” she replied. Telling people the truth about her lineage may never feel easy or normal, but she already felt like she could trust Nellis. So, telling him was not difficult. Just odd.

  “Well, how about that? A princess! Wyatt, my boy, you certainly know how to pick them,” Nellis congratulated, laughing and grinning at Wyatt.

  “See sis, why can’t you be more supportive like dear old Nellis?” Wyatt nudged.

  Addi grumbled to herself and put her head in her hands.

  “So, my dear… taking the throne back will be no easy feat. If that is even your goal. Is that… what you want?” Nellis inquired, turning the conversation at the table back to the serious task at hand.

  Addi and Wyatt both stared at Nev, awaiting her response. The siblings were a little shocked and impressed by Nellis’ directness.

  Nev swallowed hard and took a deep breath before answering, “Honestly, I don’t know. Before meeting Wyatt and then Addi and now you, I never thought of anything beyond staying hidden and surviving. I knew who my mother was, but the throne always seemed like an impossibility. Now, I know my path is leading me to the palace. Yet, I still feel no desire to reclaim my birthright. I only want to stop being hunted and try to make things right. Or at least to make things better.”

  Pausing, Nev smiled at Wyatt. “Beyond all that, I have the only thing I want already. So, no. Taking the throne is not my goal, but sometimes my fate seems to have its own plans. I’ll just have to hope that in the end, I get a choice,” concluded Nev.

  Wyatt leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “If I have any say in it, you will always have a choice. More than one even,” he promised.

  “Thank you,” Nev whispered before turning her gaze back to Nellis and Addi.

  Nellis smiled warmly at Nev. “You, my dear, are full of surprises. Taking on a prowler, choosing love over power and getting my sweet lass to return after so long,” he noted, nudging Addi playfully as he spoke.

  Addi felt her cheeks flush in response to Nellis’ gesture.

  Observing Addi’s reaction, Nellis grinned. He had missed her terribly and was pleased to see her only blush at his flirtations instead of becoming angry or distant. However, before he could contemplate reigniting their relationship, there were more pressing matters that needed to be settled. “So lass, I’m guessing you have some plan for how to deal with this fate of yours?” he wagered.

  “One that, hopefully, doesn’t overly endanger my brother?” Addi quickly added.

  Nev nodded and took a deep breath. She felt Wyatt take her hand and squeeze it. In response, she flashed him a quick smile. “I do have a plan. At least, to deal with the prowler,” she stated quietly.

/>   “Another prowler? I had always heard they were exceedingly rare. You must be special indeed to have drawn the attention of two,” Nellis contemplated.

  “This is the prowler. Sagrine. He is the one that took Addi to be tested, killed Nev’s father, and has been hunting Nev and now us,” Wyatt explained, his voice serious and full of concern.

  “I see,” replied Nellis, listening intently.

  “So, what is the plan?” Addi interjected.

  “The last two times Wyatt and I encountered this prowler, it wasn’t by chance. He can always sense me a little, but it makes it easier for him when I use my amulet. Somehow,” Nev theorized, pulling the amulet out from under her shirt.

  “I can amplify the amulet. When I do, it should make us an irresistible target,” Wyatt added, looking over at Nev.

  “And what is the catch? I mean, besides him being a prowler,” Nellis asked, leaning closer to Nev and studying her amulet.

  “He knows things about me and is stronger and more persistent. He also knows that Wyatt and I have a bond. He will use it against us. Add all of that up, and he is far more dangerous than your average prowler. Not that any of them are easy prey,” Nev concluded, her voice growing quiet. I am no one’s prey, she reminded herself.

  “A bond? You mean beyond your feelings for each other?” asked Addi. She looked over at Wyatt with growing concern. Love and promises were already more of a connection than Addi was really comfortable with. Now there was something else… a bond. Wyatt had mentioned something when they looked for Nev, but she didn’t think it was as serious as he made it sound. Now, she found herself being consumed with worry.

  “Yes, beyond that. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but we can sense when the other is hurt or scared. It was how I was able to track Nev when she left our house in Birclan. Well, that and Addi’s timely nudges,” Wyatt said, smiling at his sister.

  “We can also use it to strengthen each other or calm the other’s nerves,” Nev added.

  “I think that for Nev and I, it might have something to do with us both being Tinkerers,” pondered Wyatt.

  Nellis raised an eyebrow at Nev. “You are also a Tink?” he questioned as he smiled.

  Nev nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I suppose I am. My father was one, but I never thought of myself as one until I spent time around Wyatt. Remembering the truth about my father and knowing more of what I am, helps some things make better sense,” she concluded.

  “The daughter of an empress and a Tink? Now that is a combination I don’t think has ever existed before. The rule of the land has always seen to that never happening. Perhaps someone was worried as to what a child like that would be capable of? Maybe they would be able to do the unthinkable, like… fight prowlers and seize thrones?” he hypothesized with a grin.

  Nev smiled slightly before sighing, “Maybe. Although it isn’t always good. I’m pretty sure it is why the prowler can sense me. I don’t know, but it must be something I’m doing that keeps helping him find me. Like I’m inadvertently luring him to me with my abilities and my blood.” The thought settled heavy on her and caused her to shudder.

  “Nev, you know what is happening is not your fault. None of us blame you,” Wyatt insisted as he nudged her right shoulder gently.

  “I know,” she whispered. “I just wish I didn’t feel a bond with him.”

  “Even if you didn’t, he is beyond dangerous and needs to be dealt with. I have felt him pushing into my mind. He can see my thoughts and sense my feelings. Making things right starts with stopping him,” Wyatt said, lost in deep thought for a moment.

  Addi was trembling and had grown very quiet.

  “Sis, you okay?” Wyatt asked, growing concerned.

  “I didn’t want to tell you, Wyatt. You have to know you are nothing like them. Neither of you is like them,” Addi stammered, staring at Wyatt and then at Nev.

  “Tell me what?” Wyatt questioned as he stared at his sister.

  Addi sighed, and she felt Nellis put his hand on her arm. “You should tell them, lass,” Nellis suggested gently.

  “Addi?” urged Wyatt, his voice full of worry.

  “I never told you because I wanted to protect you from it, but I had to tell someone so, I told my fiancé,” she said, glancing at Nellis before locking eyes with her brother. “Wyatt, the testing they perform on the Unmarked is a lie. It is not a test. It is for practice. They pushed us and pushed us until we broke. But they never wanted anything else from us. They were just using us to prepare. The prowler we killed was right, they only want the lost heiress. They lust after it, after her. And rightly or wrongly, they think the lost heiress is Nev. We were probably lucky the one we just faced didn’t realize who she was right away,” Addi explained, looking over at Nev with remorse.

  Addi took a deep breath. “And there is something else, I recognized some of the things they did when they tested me. Like how they made me feel, hear, and see things that weren’t there. They could also push into my head and know how I was feeling and what I was thinking. I think that is how I resisted better than most. It was because, in a way, I was already accustomed to it. It was never the same as you. I know that. But it was similar enough that I was able to survive more intact,” Addi recalled, her eyes full of tears as she looked at Wyatt.

  “Wait. You’re saying that prowlers are what? That they are Tinks?” Wyatt asked, feeling himself growing more and more upset. His hands reflexively clenched, and his heart raced. He could feel Nev attempting to uncurl his angered fingers from under the table. Wanting to think clearly and calm himself, he surrendered to Nev’s efforts and soon felt her clasping each of his hands in hers, their fingers intertwining.

  “They are not like you, Wyatt. They have been twisted. And when I saw them, I knew I had made the right choice. So, I survived, and then I made sure to keep you hidden from them,” Addi assured, her voice full of regret.

  “My father was a Tink. That is why we are so connected. Me, you and Sagrine,” Nev theorized, her voice barely audible as she tried to put the pieces together. “It’s not just me that can sense him. He feels a bond with me as well.” The thought caused her to feel ill to her stomach. Instinctually, she squeezed Wyatt’s hands. Nev sighed with relief when she felt him return the gesture and provide her with the reassurances she’d been seeking.

  Wyatt reluctantly pulled his hands from Nev, before sinking his head into them. Sighing deeply, he rubbed his face. “Damn it. That is what the prowler meant. That is just great,” grumbled Wyatt. Looking up at Addi, he managed a half-smile. “Also, it sounds like I owe you another one, sister,” he reasoned, his voice sounding heavy.

  “I will give you a pass this time,” Addi offered, giving Wyatt a little smile.

  “So, he didn’t just miss me. He couldn’t see me, even though he should’ve been able to,” Nev mumbled to herself.

  Wyatt raised his head up and looked at Nev. “Yeah, I already told you that I kept him from seeing you,” he noted with a confused look.

  “What? Oh, no. I meant when I was little. The night he came to the cabin. My father told me not to come back, but I did. I thought Sagrine just missed seeing me, but he didn’t just miss me. He couldn’t see me, even though he should have sensed me. He should’ve found me, but I was hidden. My father kept me hidden, just like you did. I never realized before just how close I came to being caught that night,” Nev theorized, still lost a bit in thought.

  Listening to Nev, Wyatt was struck by an idea. “Hidden? That’s it. Nev, you are a genius!” he exclaimed, pulling her close and kissing her.

  Nev looked at him, perplexed. Even as he kissed her excitedly.

  Pulling back from her and smiling at her stunned look, he chuckled softly. “Look, this prowler wants you. But he must be pretty annoyed that I keep interfering. So, we let him think he has caught just me. Addi and Nellis can be there, he will mostly ignore them. No offense, you two. And you, my beautiful genius, will be there too… but he won’t see you,” Wyatt said, gri

  “Catch this prowler by surprise. I like it, and it might just work,” Nellis pondered, nodding at Wyatt.

  “No, it is too dangerous. Wyatt, you are skilled, but you can’t fight him. He will tear into your mind. Plus, he can feel me now. It will be much harder to hide me from him this time. Also, the last time you hid me, you told me I had to be quiet and still,” Nev countered, feeling increasingly flustered and concerned. Her facing Sagrine was something she accepted as necessary, but this was different. She couldn’t simply hide while Wyatt assumed all of the risks.

  Wyatt was now staring directly at Nev. He could see her working through his proposal in her mind and sensed her worry. “It is a good plan. Look, with your shoulder, you can’t face Sagrine in an upfront fight and hope to win. You know I’m right. And besides, I don’t have to fight. I just have to keep him focused on me until you are ready to strike. He can have any thoughts he wants—except where you are. I can keep him from seeing you, even with you moving. I know I can do this. I trust you, and you need to trust me. You will just need to be quick and quiet,” Wyatt reasoned as he rubbed her forearm reassuringly.

  “I don’t know. How do you even plan to keep Sagrine distracted?” Nev inquired. If she was going to agree to this plan, then she needed to understand all of the details. It was already risky. She wouldn’t risk any more than necessary to chance.

  “These prowlers seem to like to talk, so I’ll talk to him. Just don’t take too long,” Wyatt replied, sounding more and more confident.

  Nev sighed as she thought about Wyatt’s plan and realized there was a chance it could work. “You are right. You can do this, and so can I. Just promise me you will be careful,” Nev relented, smiling briefly at Wyatt.

  “Of course. And you know I won’t break a promise to you,” Wyatt reassured her. Lifting Nev’s face to his, he kissed her tenderly. He happily chose to ignore his sister’s inevitable disgust.

  Addi grumbled and wished they would wait to do that until after the plan was finalized.


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