Book Read Free

Roaring Change

Page 11

by Marissa Dobson

  “You’re trying to bribe me with sex, so I stay out of the way,” she teased. “I’m awake now, and your second-in-command will be working with you every day. The two of you need to form a bond like Felix and Adam have. They work together as a team, expecting each other’s moves, without needing words. I’d like to see how those you’re considering are doing. I mean they’re going to have your back, and I want you to come home to me.”

  “You’re welcome to come, I just didn’t want to disturb your sleep. Remember you’re not a morning person.” With a wink, he rose from the bed and strolled toward the walk-in closet.

  “I should shower.” Preparing to get out of bed, she pushed the covers aside. “No doubt we both smell like sex.”

  “No time,” he hollered, sliding a pair of jeans on before tugging a shirt from a hanger. “You showering leads to us being late.”

  “Me?” Her voice rose with surprise. “You’re the one who joined me in the shower, not the other way around.”

  “You invited me.” Dressed, he stepped out of the closet and leaned against the doorframe. “You look sexy with water cascading over your naked body.”

  “Maybe after the kitchen sex, we’ll give your shower a try. It’s large and the rainfall shower head is large enough we’ll both be wet no matter where we stand.” She glanced over her shoulder as she tugged on a pair of leggings. “Hope you don’t mind I’m borrowing this.” In her hands was another one of his long-sleeve shirts, a simple blue one, but he had no doubt seeing her in it would keep him on edge.

  “Anytime, sugar.” He stalked toward her and as he neared, he drew her against him. “There’s nothing like seeing you in my shirts. It comes just under having you completely naked. So, you keep wearing them all you want.”

  “If you keep this up, we’re going to end up naked again.” She looped her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t complain, but I know you want to see this training session. So, we should go.”

  “So reasonable.” He leaned down close and took a deep breath. “I love it when you smell like me.”

  “Oh good, I reek.” She pushed him away and slipped the shirt over her head. “Are you…” She glanced toward his gun laying on the nightstand.

  “Yes.” Forcing himself away from her, he took a step toward the nightstand and grabbed his weapon. “I know guns still make you nervous, but it’s to protect you, the Elders, and the clan.”

  “We’re tigers, we have our own defenses.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me, it just reminds me how dangerous your position is and how much danger surrounds us. For the most part, we’re safe here, but it doesn’t change the fact something could happen to you or someone else.”

  “Nothing is going to happen. Not to me or anyone here.” With his gun secure at his waist, he came back to stand in front of her. “We carry weapons because we can’t always shift. In our animal form, we run the risk of exposure. While we’re stronger and faster than humans, another shifter would have an equal playing field. This gives us a better opportunity and allows us to keep our distance.”

  “I know.” She slid into his embrace and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you.”

  “Sugar, you’re my world. I love you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” He pressed her tight against him, wanting to keep her there always.

  “We better go before I push you down on the bed again.” She stepped out of his embrace.

  The moment the contact was gone, he missed it. He wasn’t sure how mated couples ever got used to not always touching their mate. For him it made his tiger edgy. “Is my little tigress in need of something only I can give you?” he teased.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” She rolled her shoulders as if trying to loosen the muscles. “I’m stiff and sore, but damn it if I don’t crave another round.”

  “Soon, sugar, soon.” With a smile, he took her hand in his and headed for the door. “After the training session, you have me all to yourself until Willow arrives for lunch.”

  “Oh man, I almost forgot. I haven’t even checked your refrigerator. Do you even have food in there? If not, I need to run into town for supplies.”

  “Rachel and I always hated cooking for one, so we swap weeks cooking. This is her week, so I have some stuff, but probably not what you’re looking for. Rachel would and we can replace whatever you use later.”

  “I can’t do that. We’ll make a run into town later,” she reasoned as they strolled toward the door.

  “There won’t be time if I’m going to make good on my promise for kitchen sex.” Taking hold of the door handle, he glanced toward her. “Trust me, Rachel won’t mind. After lunch you can make a list of anything you want, and I’ll have one of the guards run into town.”

  “Okay, maybe Rachel will join us. It might make the gathering a little less intimidating for Willow.”

  “I’m sure she’d like that. Rachel spent hours helping Willow decorate her room, and I swear the two of them spent days going over paint choices.” Sparks shook his head. “Insanity if you ask me.”

  “Which is why Rachel decorated your place.” She smirked. “Otherwise it would have been white walls and as cold as a hospital room. The deep grayish blue walls in the bedroom give it a masculine feel without being overpowering.”

  “Are you saying you don’t like it?” He shrugged before she could answer. “Redecorate.”

  “No.” She glanced over her shoulder toward the living room. “I like it. Just maybe a few accents to give it a more feminine touch. And if we’re going to continue to swap weeks with Rachel that means we’re going to need an actual dining table. The bar might have worked for the two of you, but I want to have actual sit-down family dinners.”

  “That’s already taken care of. When Rachel couldn’t find one she liked in the size she wanted, Korbin recommended Theodore Brown. The custom table is ordered, but isn’t due for another couple weeks. I’m sure Rachel can tell you more about what she picked out, because honestly I didn’t care much.”

  “Men,” she teased as he pulled open the door.

  Stepping into the hallway they found Zaz coming out of his quarters. Instead of his normal jeans and shirt appearance, he was wearing only shorts.

  “What are you doing?” Zaz’s gaze took in Sparks before shaking his head. “If you weren’t dressed as you are, I’d think you didn’t trust me to handle the training session.”

  “We’re going to observe.” He eyed Zaz, letting him know what he meant. “It’s time I make my choice. So don’t go easy on them.”

  “Never.” Zaz glanced to her. “We’re going to have to talk later. I need to know what you said to him because I’ve been on him for weeks about it.”

  “Then you must think at least one of them is ready for the position,” Merrie stated.

  “One stands out.” Zaz nodded before turning his attention back to Sparks. “You know who too. Trust your tiger and your instincts, don’t overthink it. Neil might have been trained by those in Alaska, but it doesn’t mean he’s ready. You know who’s ready and who deserves the position. Room for improvement shouldn’t disqualify him. We’ll get him there. Look at how far he’s come already.”

  “Sounds a lot like what she’s told me.” Sparks squeezed her hand. “Show me he’s ready. Go hard on him.”

  “Like I would do anything else.” Zaz shook his head and strolled down the hall. “By the way Merrie, welcome home. With the events last night, I didn’t get to say it before, but it’s really great to have you back.”

  “Thank you.” Smiling, she leaned into Sparks body. “I see I’m not the only one who’s telling you to trust your instincts.”

  “Don’t rub it in.” With a shake of his head, he started toward the office where they could observe without being seen.

  Was he overthinking this? Probably, but he wanted to make sure Layla was safe. To him, Korbin’s arrival saved the clan from fighting among themselves until there was nothing left of them. To repay Korbin for saving th
em, Sparks wanted to ensure nothing happened to Layla. It was the least he could do.

  Everyone had been a mess after Keith’s departure, leaving much uncertainty. Zaz was a good leader, but he’d been focused on his sister, Zoey, not putting the clan back together. There might have come a time where Zaz’s devotion shifted, but Sparks wasn’t sure how long it would have taken for Zaz to step into the Alpha role. Too long from the way things had been going. Even Sparks was more concerned about Rachel and Merrie’s safety than worrying about putting the pieces of the clan back together.

  They all made their choices but if it wasn’t for Korbin, he had no doubt they wouldn’t be where they were. Korbin brought peace and security to them and gave them a reason to fight back. He also gave me Merrie back. For that, I’ll always be in his debt.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Standing in the office observing the guards, Merrie wasn’t sure if she was missing something, but from where she stood, there was one who stood out among the others—Luca. It wasn’t because she knew him or that’s who Sparks and Zaz both thought was the best fit. It was the way he handled himself. No matter what Zaz threw at him, he handled it and overcame the challenge. He’d been subdued to the mat once, while the others had been taken down several times.

  If she had to eliminate one, it would have been Neil. He seemed to be determined to prove himself, and it was backfiring, making him look weaker than the others. After being subdued three times, he appeared the least capable to be second-in-command. Still it wasn’t the only reason she’d take him out of the running if it was her choice. The cheap shot he took on Flint, leaving him bleeding from the mouth had been the final undoing for her. In the end, they were on the same team. They were squaring off against each other, so they were prepared for whatever they faced. Yet, there was no reason to go as far as Neil took it. He acted as if everyone around him was the enemy.

  As Zaz ordered Neil off the mat, the youngest of the group handed Flint a towel. His compassion was clear and while she saw him during the training, she hadn’t been paying attention to him. The other three had been her focus. Now she wondered if she’d done him a disservice by allowing his age to factor in.

  With the blood wiped away, Zaz returned to Luca, as Flint and the younger tiger faced off. Her attention stayed glued to him as she tried to remember his name. Nothing came to mind, making her think Sparks hadn’t mentioned him, and he certainly hadn’t been there under Keith. He was new, but from the way he eyed Neil with hostility, she didn’t think he came from Alaska. There was more of a story behind him. Yet instead of questioning Sparks she kept her gaze on the training below. Even against the more experienced Flint, the young tiger was holding his own. They exchanged blow by blow almost as if they had an equal playing field.

  “This certainly puts a different perspective on things.” Continuing to watch the training session, Sparks dragged his hand through his hair and let out a deep breath.

  “Who’s the guy going up against Flint?” she asked, now that he’d broken the silence.

  “Isaac,” he answered. “Why?”

  “Watch him.” She nodded toward Isaac and Flint. “You never mentioned him. Is he part of the team?”

  “Not officially.”

  “My opinion…” She glanced toward him, wondering if he even wanted it before deciding to voice it anyway. “He should be. He’s young, and he might not be at Luca’s level yet, but he’s got skills. While you might not want to hear it, I’d say he’s levelheaded and would work better with the team than Neil.”

  Reaching up, Sparks touched his earbud. “Zaz, channel two.”

  Below Zaz held up his hand, signaling Luca he needed a time out before reaching up to change the channel. While she couldn’t hear Zaz, she could see his lips move as he acknowledged Sparks.

  “I know you’re wrapping up the session here in a few, but can you take a few minutes with Isaac?”

  A moment later, partners swapped, giving her a clear impression on just how well Isaac handled himself. He was nineteen, twenty at most, but he held his ground against a more experienced opponent. He even got in a strong hit against Zaz.

  “He’s young, but look at him. I don’t know how much training you’ve been doing since I’ve left, but he can hold his own against Zaz, to me that says something.” She glanced at Sparks, only to find his attention focused solely on Isaac, leaving her with the impression she wasn’t the only one who had underestimated him.

  “Daily. We rotate the schedule, so it’s not always early morning, sometimes we train late in the evening, other times in the afternoon. If Korbin or Zaz can’t stay with Layla while we’re training, then normally I have a special session with whoever’s on duty later. If I’m on duty with Layla, Zaz normally handles the training, hopefully in the coming weeks, my second-in-command will take the duty over when I can’t attend the sessions,” he explained still not looking in her direction.

  “You’re impressed by him.” Not expecting an answer, she left it as a statement rather than a question.

  “I…” Sparks shook his head.

  “Underestimated him? Discounted him because of his age? Focused only on the more experienced guards instead of considering everyone?” she supplied before leaning closer to him. “I’m not saying you should make him your second-in-command. I’m saying you should consider him, even if that’s only to add him to the team.”

  “You’re annoying when you’re right, you know that, don’t you?” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her against the side of his body. “If you had to pick, who would you choose?”

  “Me?” She gasped.

  “I value your opinion.” He nodded. “Look down there and tell me who you think is the best fit.”

  “Your decision needs to be yours. I can’t influence it. You need to work with this person every day and develop a bond that will allow you to expect the others moves. I can’t decide this for you.”

  “I want your opinion, nothing more. As you said, whoever I choose will be watching my ass and you want me to make it back to you. Who do you think can deliver that?”

  Looking away from him, she focused her attention back on the men below. Her heartrate sped knowing one of these men could be in a deadly situation with Sparks, and the only way they’d make it out alive and uninjured was if they could work together. Their personalities needed to be considered, but not really knowing any of them, it was a factor she couldn’t add into this decision. She spoke to Luca and Flint a few times over the years, but neither of them made much of an impact on her allowing them to stand out from the other clan members. Then Isaac was new, leaving her completely unsure about him.

  “Remember trust your instincts. Give me the first one your tigress calls to.”

  “Luca.” She let out a breath and glanced at him. “From watching him, the last few minutes my second pick would be Isaac, he’s got solid skills from what I can see, but he also has areas he could improve on. Flint would be third. With Neil dead last. But what do I know about this? I’ve got no hand-to-hand training, and I’d never stand up against any of you. So, don’t take my opinion as much.”

  “You’ve got good instincts. As for training, we can rectify that if you wish. You might not be able to take on an Elder like Zaz, but you could learn to stand your ground enough until help came.”

  “I feel your power, it’s like a vibration coming from within you.” She ran her hand over his chest. “It’s not just Elders I couldn’t stand up against.”

  “Mer.” His tone held warning.

  “You didn’t want to hear me before, and well, I was more interested in getting you inside of me, but I’m right. Sparks, you’ve grown in power, and it’s not just your new role. I’ve seen it firsthand since we’ve returned. You might not have the Alpha or Lieutenant position, but you’re still a leader here. The authority seeps off you and others look to you for guidance.”

  “I’m happy with my position.” He stared down at her, his face blank of emotion.

  “I’m not saying you’re not, nor am I saying you should challenge Korbin, or seek your own clan. I’m saying this because like you underestimated Isaac, you underestimate yourself.” She twisted, bringing herself in front of him, with her back pressed up against the glass. “Everyone here who was under Keith was stifled, but now we’re free. We need to embrace this opportunity and trust our tigers. I didn’t understand it before but the connection between us and our beast isn’t one way, it works both ways. If we want to have a balance between our human side and our animal, we need to allow that freedom. We can’t overthink things like you’re doing with choosing a second-in-command.”

  “For harmony, we need to be one with our animal otherwise there’s always a discord, and it could get someone killed.”

  “Which is why I bring this up. Sparks, I love you, and I want you to come back to me every night. For that to happen, you need to trust your tiger. Things are deadly for our kind, and I suspect they’ll only grow worse. If you’re overthinking things it will make it harder for you to do your job and make it home uninjured.” She pressed her finger to his lips as he opened his mouth to say something. “It’s your nature to question things, to run the scenario through your head a million times, but in a life or death situation you need to rely on your tigers’ instincts. That will get you, Layla, and the team out of the situation alive.”

  “There will be few times we leave the compound. Layla doesn’t even venture into town.”

  “Same goes for things here. I’m realistic, I know it’s possible we could be attacked here. Keith could choose to come after us, though that’s unlikely. Or the Washington D.C. Tigers could stage an attack to kill us. We’re small enough, it wouldn’t be much of a challenge, but it’s still possible. If you can’t rely on your instincts in those moments someone’s going to end up hurt or dead.” Careful to avoid his weapon, she looped her arms around his waist. “Don’t be stubborn. You know I’m right.”


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