The Holy Land
Page 5
Upon much deliberation, Wilhelm couldn't decide whether he wanted to become an undertaker or marksman. One of the classes entailed something he was already skilled at, while the other was a secret class, potentially giving him much more power. One was risky, while the other was sure-fire.
"Ah, screw it, what's the worse that could happen" Wilhelm whispered whilst furiously scratching his beard and selecting the undertaker class. As one who had once aspired to be a politician, taking risks and gambling were his forte.
Immediately, a cooling sensation assaulted his body, and he could feel his very bone structure start to warp and change. Strangely enough, he didn't feel any pain, but only drowsiness. Wilhelm was shocked, yet he could not keep his eyes open. And soon, he collapsed on the ground and sank into a deep sleep.
While he was peacefully sleeping, many changes occurred to his outward and inward body. His once somewhat muscular body thinned down, and he became somewhat petite. Moreover, his bronze skin disappeared and became deathly pale. His dirty blonde hair now had streaks of black running through it, while his face seemed to become sharper as if being sculpted by some sort of artist.
Unfortunately, Wilhelm wasn't able to witness the magical process. In fact, Wilhelm wasn't even aware that changing classes would alter your appearance, which was right in most cases. Albeit, the undertaker class was unique.
At another part of the holy land, very far from where Wilhelm was currently located, a large training grounds of sorts presented itself. Four large pillars were placed on each corner, and the entire arena was about 480 yards, both long and wide. The size of about eight or so football fields.
Located in the center of this area was a large number of humans, estimating to be in the hundreds. Blood soaked their clothes, and they carried varying expressions of shock, fear, anger, hatred, happiness, relief, and even jealousy as they stared at an androgynous fairy in front of them.
"What do you mean the tutorial is complete?" a middle-aged man asked while taking a step forward. He sported tanned skin and a well-groomed goatee. The panic and anger mixed in within his voice were evident.
[there are many other tutorial locations throughout the holy land, only those that were unlucky had the fate of being transported elsewhere. Now that you, group 103, have already reached level two and understand the rules of this world, you are now ready to leave these walls and venture out] The fairy responded in its usual calm and ethereal voice, seemingly not fazed at all by the anxious humans.
"W-why the hell were we even transported here?"
"Where’s the government? Surely they are aware of the alien invasion!"
Many different people spoke out at the same time, and in response, the fairy disappeared from their sight. The considerable arena they were standing on started to dissipate slowly, and they were left on a grassy plain with no other life in view.
Flabbergasted, the humans attempted to call out to the fairy, but to avail, they were unable to do so. Thus, the strong and the brave started to take control, and a primitive "tribe" was formed.
"We must first start rebuilding civilization. As such, we need to form a group of hunters and farmers," one of the smarter men said whilst pushing up his glasses. He was someone who came prepared with a pocket knife, therefore rendering him much better results in the tutorial.
Because of this, many people started to naturally follow his orders, while others were dissatisfied and formed other smaller groups.
Similar occurrences appeared all over the world. When some humans discovered that they could gain experience from killing other humans, blood was naturally shed. The weak clung to the strong, and the greedy plotted to obtain power.
If Wilhelm were here to witness this turn of events, he would laugh at the fairy and himself, "evolution? humans are the only species that kill themselves for a mere game" he would say with a loud laugh. He was fully aware of how disgusting and immoral human beings were when no laws restrained them.
In a very dark place, a fairy stood there in front of a cracked ball of light. It appeared to be on the verge of death, and the abnormally calm fairy started to panic.
"I-is this okay? Can these humans who had already started murdering each other truly win agains-" before the fairy could continue his words, he stopped and kneeled before the ball that finally broke and dispersed into energy.
Two small streams of tears streaked across the fairy's face as he kneeled before the quickly vanishing light. However, the space he was in started to collapse, the sky fell, and the ground cracked, resulting in his grieving time to be quite short.
"I pray that these humans that you have trusted so much do not disappoint, Atherial" The fairy whispered and vanished from the area. He still had the duty of transporting the other humans, when the time came. Alas, it came at the expense of his remaining power.
The next morning, a strong hunger, thirst, and splitting headache assaulted the sleeping Wilhelm at once. He groaned in pain and rubbed his forehead whilst propping himself up on a nearby tree.
His entire body ached and he already regretted choosing the undertaker class. Rather than the strength he expected to gain, his entire body felt incredibly weak. Like a man affected by an illness, he sought warmth and gently coughed into his hands.
Wilhelm slowly crept up to the bonfire and rekindled the flame with much effort. He then fell on his bottom and waited until his headache passed. After waiting for around a quarter of an hour, the small flame warmed his body and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
He raised his upper body, threw another log onto the fire and then stood up, albeit, shakily. After he stood up, he felt as though his head was lifted higher than normal, and his body was much skinnier. Shocked, Wilhelm observed his now snow-white skin that was vastly different from his normal tan.
"What the hell?" Wilhelm murmured to himself, shocked. He then started patting his body up and down, as if he was looking for something. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything and attempted to pinch himself.
The stinging pain conveyed to Wilhelm that he was not, in fact, in a dream. Confused, Wilhelm scratched his head and decided to go back to the lake. After all, there was currently nowhere else he could possibly see his reflection.
After some deliberation, he momentarily held himself back from eating the golden-furred monkey he had procured yesterday and continued walking towards the lake. Whilst walking, Wilhelm decided to check his status and see if anything new appeared, or changed.
Immediately, a few alerts appeared in his line of sight, presumably things that had happened while he was asleep.
[Humanities first secret class user, Wilhelm Siegfried has been rewarded 1 allocatable stat point as compensation]
[Due to the special physique of the undertaker, your body has been changed appropriately]
[Agility increased by 5]
[Strength decreased by 1]
[Night-eye skilled acquired; allows your eyes to be accustomed to the night and vaguely see through the dark]
Wilhelm was taken aback by the sheer amount of alerts and he couldn't help but feel jitty when he learned that he was humanity's first secret class user. Tragically, he felt that although secret, his weird class had nothing much to boast about.
Discarding these thoughts, he directed his attention to the huge advancement in agility and decrease in strength. He had absolutely no idea that he could gain stats from a class change, let alone lose some. He figured that it had something to do with his physique changing.
However, Wilhelm didn't feel as though his speed increased at all. In fact, his body still felt weak and ill. As such, his walking speed was much slower and it took him quite a while to arrive at the sparkling, blue lake.
Upon arrival, Wilhelm didn't care much about the strangely quiet and abandoned lake. He rushed straight to the water and observed his new look
. He appeared to be a very tall and lean man with a sharp and defined jawline, thin lips, blemishless pale skin, Pheonix eyes, and an aquiline nose.
"The hell?" Wilhelm muttered and took a step back in shock. Although there were still some similar features, he looked completely different. His beard was still present, and his hair color wasn't completely gone. nevertheless, everything else was changed.
He looked like some kind of middle-aged model. Though, even he, himself, wondered how he would now look if he became young. Just the thought irked Wilhelm, as he used to be the very one who cursed all of the flower boys in his early days.
Flabbergasted, Wilhelm rubbed his eyes and took a few more glances, however, no matter what he did, nothing changed. He could only accept his fate. His emotions were somewhat mixed as he walked back to his small camp.
As he walked, he could faintly his body recuperate. Hence, he finally decided to use his three allocatable stat points. Since he received a huge boost in agility, he decided to focus on the other attributes for the time being, especially strength and stamina.
Wilhelm was quite reluctant to keep his strength lower than what it was when he first arrived at the Holy Land. Thus, he didn't hesitate to put 1 point into strength and the other two into stamina. This way, he had more endurance to combine with his newly added speed.
[Strength increased by 1]
[Stamina increased by 2]
Now that his strength and stamina were level 11 and 10 respectively, he could feel his skin heat up and that same soothing feeling enveloped his entire body. Unfortunately, it didn't last nearly as long as it did the first time, quickly arriving and departing. Only lasting until he reached his makeshift camp.
He promptly walked towards the monkey carcass, picked it up, and began skinning and disemboweling the dead animal. He removed the innards and head from the body and peeled off the fur, which he would use as a blanket later.
He then skewered the monkey and rotated it above the bonfire until it looked somewhat burnt. Whilst looking at the cooked monkey, he inwardly lamented that he didn't possess any seasoning, or more specifically, salt and pepper.
Thankfully, hunger was truly the best spice, and Wilhelm ate the meat with relish. His stomach which hadn't received any food for the last day or so, rejoiced. Now he just needed to find a suitable place to sate his thirst.
After his meal, Wilhelm rested his back on a tall tree and breathed a deep sigh whilst gazing at the cloudless sky. He still felt incredulous at the chain of events that he had been through in the last few days, but he felt more alive than ever before.
A smile slowly formed on his face as he stood up from the ground and dusted his buttocks off. Now that his class had changed, and his power had progressed by leaps and bound, he was itching for a fight.
It was around mid-day and the sun was floating high in the sky... as if it were telling Wilhelm to go out and hunt. To which, he decided to comply. But first, he walked towards the now meat, fur, and bloodless corpse and picked it up.
He used a thick branch to dig a hole and bury the body. He then put a rock on the sorry excuse for a burial and waited for an alert of some nature.
[Due to the effects of your special class, you have gained 50 extra experience for burying a corpse]
[burial points: 1/100]
Satisfied with the results, Wilhelm walked out of his camp whilst whistling a tune. A wide smile was plastered on his face and he looked like a jokester. His clothes were in complete tatters and his shoes had an assortment of holes. Still, Wilhelm didn't seem to mind much.
He cautiously roamed the forest, looking for any creatures that he was capable of taking down. He soon arrived at the edge of the forest, which was about an hour away from his camp. He pushed aside the brush and poked his head out,
"Haha, there was no real motive behind it, kid… but killing you was much easier than those damnable rabbits" A white, Caucasian male laughed sinisterly whilst wiping his bloody hands on the garments of a young man.
He was around 6ft and had slicked back blonde hair, deep blue eyes, long eyelashes, a clean-shaven chin. Overall, he looked quite handsome. His stature wasn't very large, but it would appear that he often visited the gym in his past life.
However, none of this mattered to Wilhelm as he inspected the lifeless body of a young teenager. His ethnicity and appearance were hardly recognizable from the huge amount of blood that covered his face and body. The only discernible factor was that he had been a male.
Wilhelms's previous good mood and the happy smile disappeared in all but a split second. This was the first time he had encountered living humans on the holy land, and of course, the circumstances were as such.
Without hesitation, he stood up from his crouching position and walked out of the heavy brush, entering into the grassy plains that were seemingly devoid of any life besides the man in front of him.
The sound he generated, of course, quickly alerted the blonde man.
"Who the hell are you?" the man asked and turned towards Wilhelm with confusion apparent on his face. His smile disappeared and his eyes turned sharp.
"Me?" Wilhelm asked in a weird tone and unhurriedly tapped his chin with his index finger.
He hesitated a minute before replying, "you can call me… the undertaker" he whispered quietly, and a smile formed on his lips.
"The Undertaker? Haha, have you gone insane after being hunted by those rabbits for too long?" the man asked with a loud laugh, the disdain and mockery in his laugh were evident.
Without answering him, Wilhelm pointed to the corpse on the ground, "why did you kill him?" he asked calmly, without a hint of emotion. His eyes were deathly cold and he gazed upon the man as if he were non-existent.
Irked by Wilhelms cold stare, the blonde man shook with rage and pulled out a knife that he had hidden in his belt. He waved it around crazily and an insane smiled formed on his lips, "why? Because he was weak. When the rabbits first showcased themselves to our group, he ran away first! Haha, how pathetic. As such, I took it upon myself to take out the trash and gain some extra experience while doing so" he said while laughing loudly, rapidly pointing the knife at Wilhelm.
"I don't know who, or what you are, but you're going to die here with this brat" his words continued and he charged at Wilhelm. He waved his knife in an amateurish way and Wilhelm simply sighed as he approached.
Wilhelm felt an assortment of emotions such as, disgust, disappointment, sadness, and even anger. But most of all, he felt this form of behavior was to be expected. For every saint, there was a demon. Just like how there were plenty of good people in the world, there was plenty of evil. As such, scenarios much like the one playing out in front of him were to be expected.
There were no laws to bind anyone down. therefore, humans would revert back into their most primitive nature. Wilhelm, however, wasn't inclined to be a savior, so he could only be an executioner. Perhaps, the undertaker was a class that suited him better then he had initially expected.
Wilhelm took a step forward and moved his palm forward at an incredibly fast velocity, easily breaking the blonde man's palm and disarming him. He then took another step forward and kneed the man in the abdomen, blasting him back a few meters.
The blonde man puked up a mouthful of blood and wailed loudly at the pain of breaking a limb. He could only watch in dread as Wilhelm slowly approached him. He scooted back and flailed his remaining hand until his back hit the trunk of a tree.
"P-please, I-I can give you money, women, e-even weapons" the man called out fearfully as Wilhelm approached. His figure was extremely frightening, his one green eye, pale skin, and beard that didn't seem to fit his abnormally unblemished skin.
He didn't even look human. Regardless, none of this was of Wilhelm's concern as he crouched down before the blonde man and opened his thin lips, "where’s the rest of your group?" he asked in his deep and raspy voice.
His voice seemed to reignite the hope within the blonde man as he
excitedly opened his mouth, "I-I can show you, but you can't kill me!" he replied shrewdly as if he found an escape from the jaws of death.
"If that's the case, I'll just follow your tracks" Wilhelm dismissed the idea and reached for the man's neck.
The murderer attempted to struggle, but to no avail, he died a slow and painful death, much like how Wilhelm wanted it to be.
[You have slain a Human]
[You have gained 150 experience]
Wilhelm closed his eyes as the alerts rang inside of his head, opting to begin digging two graves for the duo. It took him a few hours to complete the two wide burials, capable of holding a human. He then tossed both of the dead bodies into the holes and covered them with dirt.
The sun went down, and the stars came out as Wilhelm finally finished the two graves. The bright moonlight illuminating Wilhelm's strange figure as he continuously dug and put pieces of rocks and sticks together.