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Bevis: The Story of a Boy

Page 36

by Richard Jefferies

rear. Mark Antony, thoughhe had (to him unaccountably) missed Ted, saw the eagle which he hadlost before him, and, calling to Cecil, pursued with fury. So terrificwas their onslaught, especially as Scipio's cohort was quite fresh, thatthe Pompeians gave way and ran, not knowing where their general was, andsome believing they had seen him fly the combat. This pursuit continuedfor a good distance, almost down to the group of elms to which Bevis andMark used to run when they came out from their bath.

  As the Pompeians ran, Val Crassus, driven along by the throng, caughthis foot against one who had tumbled, and fell. When he got up he foundthe rest had gone on and left him behind with several stragglers who hadescaped at the side of the crowd. As he stood, dubious what to do, andlooking round for Pompey, several more stragglers gathered about him,till by-and-by he had a detachment. Still he was uncertain what to do,whether to go after Mark and endeavour to check the rout, or whether tostay there and rally the Pompeians, if possible, to him.

  By this time the fugitives, with Antony and Scipio hot on their rear,had gone through the gate to which the hollow way or waggon-track led,and were out of sight. Val Crassus moved towards the rising ground toview what happened in the meadows beyond, when two Pompeians camerunning to him, and said that Pompey had got Caesar Bevis prisoner.

  These were the two who had been hoisted up into the sycamore-tree, atPompey's order, to slash down at the four defenders. So long as Bevisstood there afterwards watching Scipio drive his recent assailants away,they dared not descend. They had seen Bevis fight like a paladin; andthough he was alone they dared not come down. But when Pompey pouncedon him, and they went fencing at each other, past the tree, and somedistance, they slipped out of the tree, which was very large, butequally short, so that they had not half the depth to fall that Charliehad.

  They dreaded to go near the two leaders, for the moment, but watched themain fight, and hesitated to go near it, too, as their friends were indistress. When they turned, Pompey and Caesar were both gone: theylooked the other way, and the Pompeians were in full flight. They hidfor a few minutes in the bowl-like hollow, where the moor-cock wascooked; and when they ventured to peep out, saw Val Crassus, with thesoldiers who had rallied around him. They ran to him with the story ofCaesar's capture, and that Ted was holding him, and could but justmanage it.

  Val Crassus immediately hastened to the sycamores, but when he arrived,found no one, for Pompey had fled, and Bevis was on the flake. Valturned angrily on the two who had brought him this intelligence, butthey maintained their story, and being now in for it, added variousother particulars; how Caesar had got up once, and how Ted pulled himdown again, so that, most likely, Bevis had got away again, and Ted waschasing him.

  Crassus shouted, but received no answer; then he went through the firs,and came back to the sycamores, and next to the quarry, where he stoodwithin a yard or two of Bevis without seeing him. Unable to discovereither Pompey or Bevis, Crassus was now minutely searching the broadmound of the nut tree hedge.

  While he had been thus engaged, Antony and Scipio followed close in therear of the fugitives across two meadows, Mark forgetting Bevis in hiseagerness to recover his standard. As they ran, presently Phil Varrostopped, sat down on the grass, and was instantly taken prisoner. Hewas short and stout and so overcome with his exertions that he couldmake no resistance, as they tied his hands behind him.

  Antony still continued to pursue, shouting to the soldier with the eagleto surrender. He did not do so, but, looking back and seeing Varrotaken, threw it down, the better to escape. So Antony recovered it, andat last, pausing, found himself alone, having outstripped all the rest.He now returned to where Varro was prisoner, and Scipio Cecil came upwith another eagle, which he had taken, and which had been carriedbefore Phil Varro.

  "Hurrah!" shouted Mark, sitting down to recover breath; and they allrested a minute or two.

  "Wreaths!" said Cecil, panting. "Wreaths for the victors!"

  "How many did you have made?"

  "Two or three. Hurrah! we'll put them on presently."

  "Where's Bevis?" said Mark, as he got over his running.

  "I haven't seen him," said Cecil.

  "Nor I!"

  "It's curious."

  "Have you seen him?"--to the others.

  "Not for a long time."

  "No--nor Pompey." Every one remarked on the singular absence of the twoleaders.

  "Crassus," said Mark. "Bevis is hunting Crassus and Pompey: that's it.Come on. Let's help. March."

  He marched along the winding hedge-row towards the Plain, and, turninground a corner, presently came to the gate in the nut tree mound just asCrassus, who had been searching it, opened the gate.

  "Charge!" shouted Mark, and they dashed on the Pompeians. Crassus drewback, but before he could get quite through, Mark jammed him with thegate, between the gate and the post.

  "Fred! Bill!" For Crassus struggled, and was very strong. Bill rushedto Mark's assistance: together they squeezed Val tight.

  "O! My side! You dogs!" Crassus hit at them with his sword: theypressed him harder.

  "Give in," said Bill. "You're caught--give in."

  "I shan't," gasped Val. "If I could only reach you,"--he hit viciously,but they were just an inch or two beyond his arm.

  "Charge, Cecil!--Scipio, charge!" shouted Mark. Scipio had chargedalready, and the Pompeians, being divided into three parties, one oneach side of the mound, and the third up in it, were easily scattered.Scipio himself found their eagle in the brambles, where the bearer hadleft it, as he jumped out of the hedge to run.

  "Yield," said Bill. "Give in--we've got your eagle."

  "All the eagles," said Scipio, returning. "Every one--our two andPompey's two."

  "And Varro's a prisoner--there he is," said Mark. "Give in, Val."

  "I won't. Let me out. Come near and hit then. If I could get at you!"

  "But you can't!"

  "O!"--as they pressed him.

  "Give in!"

  "No! Not if I'm squashed:--no, that I won't," said Val, franticallystruggling.

  "What's the use?" said Scipio. "You may just as well--the battle's won,and it's no use your fighting."

  "Where's Pompey?" asked Val Crassus.

  "Run away," said Mark promptly.

  "Then where's Bevis?"

  "After him of course," said Mark.

  "I don't believe it; did any one see Pompey run? Phil, did you?"--tothe prisoner.

  "Don't know," said Varro, sullenly. "Don't care. If he had done as Isaid he would have won. Yes, I saw him leave the fight."

  "Now will you give in?" said Mark. "Or must we chop you till you do."

  "Chop away," said Val defiantly.

  "Don't hit him," said Scipio. "Val, really it's no good, you've lostthe battle."

  "I suppose we have," said Val. "Well, let some one take Varro on thehill, and let him tell me if he can see Pompey anywhere."

  They did so. Cecil and three others as guards took Varro on the risingground; Varro was obliged to own that Pompey was not in sight.

  "Take it then," said Crassus, hurling his sword at them. "Well, I neverthought Ted would have run. If he had not, I would not have given infor fifty of you."

  "But he did run," said Mark, unable to suppress his joy.

  "You won't tie me," said Crassus, as they let him out. Mark did not tiehim, and then as they were now ten to one they loosened Varro too. Markled them up on the higher ground towards the sycamores, fully expectingto see Bevis every moment. When he got there, and could not see himanywhere, he could not understand it. Then Crassus told him of thesearch he had made. Mark went to the quarry and looked down--no one wasthere. He halted while two of his men ran through the firs shouting,but of course came back unsuccessful.

  "I know," said Scipio, "he's gone to the camp."

  "Of course," said Mark. "How stupid of us--of course he's at the camp.Let him see us come properly. Two and two, now--prisoners two and twohalf-way down
, that's it. Eagles in front. Right. March."

  He marched, with Scipio beside him, the four eagles behind, and theprisoners in the centre. Never was there a prouder general than Mark atthat moment. He had captured both the enemy's eagles, recovered hisown, and taken Pompey's lieutenants captive. Pompey himself and all hissoldiers had fled: looking round the Plain there was not one in sight.Mark Antony was in sole possession of the battlefield. Proudly hemarched, passing every now and then broken swords on the ground, andnoticing the

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