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Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete

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by Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton

  Produced by David Widger




  By Edward Bulwer Lytton



  It was the summer of the year 1491, and the armies of Ferdinand andIsabel invested the city of Granada.

  The night was not far advanced; and the moon, which broke throughthe transparent air of Andalusia, shone calmly over the immense andmurmuring encampment of the Spanish foe, and touched with a hazy lightthe snow-capped summits of the Sierra Nevada, contrasting the verdureand luxuriance which no devastation of man could utterly sweep from thebeautiful vale below.

  In the streets of the Moorish city many a group still lingered. Some, asif unconscious of the beleaguering war without, were listening in quietindolence to the strings of the Moorish lute, or the lively tale ofan Arabian improrvisatore; others were conversing with such eagerand animated gestures, as no ordinary excitement could wring from thestately calm habitual to every oriental people. But the more publicplaces in which gathered these different groups, only the moreimpressively heightened the desolate and solemn repose that brooded overthe rest of the city.

  At this time, a man, with downcast eyes, and arms folded within thesweeping gown which descended to his feet, was seen passing through thestreets, alone, and apparently unobservant of all around him. Yet thisindifference was by no means shared by the struggling crowds throughwhich, from time to time, he musingly swept.

  "God is great!" said one man; "it is the Enchanter Almamen."

  "He hath locked up the manhood of Boabdil el Chico with the key of hisspells," quoth another, stroking his beard; "I would curse him, if Idared."

  "But they say that he hath promised that when man fails, the genii willfight for Granada," observed a third, doubtingly.

  "Allah Akbar! what is, is! what shall be, shall be!" said a fourth, withall the solemn sagacity of a prophet. Whatever their feelings, whetherof awe or execration, terror or hope, each group gave way as Almamenpassed, and hushed the murmurs not intended for his ear. Passing throughthe Zacatin (the street which traversed the Great Bazaar), the reputedenchanter ascended a narrow and winding street, and arrived at lastbefore the walls that encircled the palace and fortress of the Alhambra.

  The sentry at the gate saluted and admitted him in silence; and in a fewmoments his form was lost in the solitude of groves, amidst which,at frequent openings, the spray of Arabian fountains glittered in themoonlight; while, above, rose the castled heights of the Alhambra; andon the right those Vermilion Towers, whose origin veils itself in thefurthest ages of Phoenician enterprise.

  Almamen paused, and surveyed the scene. "Was Aden more lovely?" hemuttered; "and shall so fair a spot be trodden by the victor Nazerene?What matters? creed chases creed--race, race--until time comes back toits starting-place, and beholds the reign restored to the eldest faithand the eldest tribe. The horn of our strength shall be exalted."

  At these thoughts the seer relapsed into silence, and gazed long andintently upon the stars, as, more numerous and brilliant with everystep of the advancing night, their rays broke on the playful waters, andtinged with silver the various and breathless foliage. So earnest washis gaze, and so absorbed his thoughts, that he did not perceive theapproach of a Moor, whose glittering weapons and snow-white turban, richwith emeralds, cast a gleam through the wood.

  The new comer was above the common size of his race, generally small andspare--but without attaining the lofty stature and large proportionsof the more redoubted of the warriors of Spain. But in his presence andmien there was something, which, in the haughtiest conclave of Christianchivalry, would have seemed to tower and command. He walked with astep at once light and stately, as if it spurned the earth; and in thecarriage of the small erect head and stag-like throat, there wasthat undefinable and imposing dignity, which accords so well with ourconception of a heroic lineage, and a noble though imperious spirit. Thestranger approached Almamen, and paused abruptly when within a few stepsof the enchanter. He gazed upon him in silence for some moments; andwhen at length he spoke it was with a cold and sarcastic tone.

  "Pretender to the dark secrets," said he, "is it in the stars thatthou art reading those destinies of men and nations, which the Prophetwrought by the chieftain's brain and the soldier's arm?"

  "Prince," replied Almamen, turning slowly, and recognising the intruderon his meditations, "I was but considering how many revolutions,which have shaken earth to its centre, those orbs have witnessed,unsympathising and unchanged."

  "Unsympathising!" repeated the Moor--"yet thou believest in their effectupon the earth?"

  "You wrong me," answered Almamen, with a slight smile, "you confoundyour servant with that vain race, the astrologers."

  "I deemed astrology a part of the science of the two angels, Harut andMarut."

  [The science of magic. It was taught by the Angels named in the text; for which offence they are still supposed to be confined to the ancient Babel. There they may yet be consulted, though they are rarely seen.--Yallal'odir Yahya. --SALE'S Koran.]

  "Possibly; but I know not that science, though I have wandered atmidnight by the ancient Babel."

  "Fame lies to us, then," answered the Moor, with some surprise.

  "Fame never made pretence to truth," said Almamen, calmly, andproceeding on his way. "Allah be with you, prince! I seek the king."

  "Stay! I have just quitted his presence, and left him, I trust, withthoughts worthy of the sovereign of Granada, which I would not havedisturbed by a stranger, a man whose arms are not spear nor shield."

  "Noble Muza," returned Almamen, "fear not that my voice will weaken theinspirations which thine hath breathed into the breast of Boabdil. Alas!if my counsel were heeded, thou wouldst hear the warriors of Granadatalk less of Muza, and more of the king. But Fate, or Allah, hathplaced upon the throne of a tottering dynasty, one who, though brave,is weak--though, wise, a dreamer; and you suspect the adviser, when youfind the influence of nature on the advised. Is this just?"

  Muza gazed long and sternly on the face of Almamen; then, putting hishand gently on the enchanter's shoulder, he said--

  "Stranger, if thou playest us false, think that this arm hath cloven thecasque of many a foe, and will not spare the turban of a traitor!"

  "And think thou, proud prince!" returned Almamen, unquailing, "that Ianswer alone to Allah for my motives, and that against man my deeds Ican defend!"

  With these words, the enchanter drew his long robe round him, anddisappeared amidst the foliage.


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