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Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete

Page 11

by Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton


  Several days had elapsed without any encounter between Moor andChristian; for Ferdinand's cold and sober policy, warned by the loss hehad sustained in the ambush of Muza, was now bent on preserving rigorousrestraint upon the fiery spirits he commanded. He forbade all parties ofskirmish, in which the Moors, indeed, had usually gained the advantage,and contented himself with occupying all the passes through whichprovisions could arrive at the besieged city. He commenced strongfortifications around his camp; and, forbidding assault on the Moors,defied it against himself.

  Meanwhile, Almamen had not returned to Granada. No tidings of his fatereached the king; and his prolonged disappearance began to producevisible and salutary effect upon the long-dormant energies of Boabdil.The counsels of Muza, the exhortations of the queen-mother, theenthusiasm of his mistress, Amine, uncounteracted by the arts of themagician, aroused the torpid lion of his nature. But still his army andhis subjects murmured against him; and his appearance in the Vivarramblamight possibly be the signal of revolt. It was at this time that amost fortunate circumstance at once restored to him the confidence andaffections of his people. His stern uncle, El Zagal--once a rival forhis crown, and whose daring valour, mature age, and military sagacityhad won him a powerful party within the city--had been, some monthssince, conquered by Ferdinand; and, in yielding the possessions he held,had been rewarded with a barren and dependent principality. His defeat,far from benefiting Boabdil, had exasperated the Moors against theirking. "For," said they, almost with one voice, "the brave El Zagal neverwould have succumbed had Boabdil properly supported his arms." Andit was the popular discontent and rage at El Zagal's defeat which hadindeed served Boabdil with a reasonable excuse for shutting himselfin the strong fortress of the Alhambra. It now happened that El Zagal,whose dominant passion was hatred of his nephew, and whose fierce naturechafed at its present cage, resolved in his old age to blast all hisformer fame by a signal treason to his country. Forgetting everythingbut revenge against his nephew, who he was resolved should share his ownruin, he armed his subjects, crossed the country, and appeared at thehead of a gallant troop in the Spanish camp, an ally with Ferdinandagainst Granada. When this was heard by the Moors, it is impossibleto conceive their indignant wrath: the crime of El Zagal produced aninstantaneous reaction in favour of Boabdil; the crowd surrounded theAlhambra and with prayers and tears entreated the forgiveness ofthe king. This event completed the conquest of Boabdil over his ownirresolution. He ordained an assembly of the whole army in the broadspace of the Vivarrambla: and when at break of day he appeared in fullarmour in the square, with Muza at his right hand, himself in the flowerof youthful beauty, and proud to feel once more a hero and a king, thejoy of the people knew no limit; the air was rent with cries of "Longlive Boabdil el Chico!" and the young monarch, turning to Muza, withhis soul upon his brow exclaimed, "The hour has come--I am no longer ElZogoybi!"


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