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The Lost

Page 14

by K. A Knight

  My brain is foggy with pleasure, so it takes me an embarrassingly long time to nod.

  “For this,” he murmurs, before tilting my hips farther back, and with each thrust it drags along the nerves inside me, making me yell. “Saw it in a textbook, wanted to try it out on you.”

  His fingers tighten on my hips, digging in, the pain maddening as he fucks me against the wall. But it’s not enough for him. Just as I’m about to come from his cock alone, he pulls out of me, ignoring my whine, and twirls me until my back hits the wall again.

  Hoisting me up, he slams back inside me, making me moan. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I dig my nails into his shoulders. I’ve been dreaming of this forever. My first ever orgasm was with my fingers in my pussy while imagining him, and now it’s happening…and it’s better than I could have ever imagined.

  It’s perfect, like two halves fitting together, we move as one. Our bodies were made for one another, our names on each other’s lips.

  Pulling him closer, using the wall, I rock my hips to meet his punishing thrusts as I yank his head to mine and kiss him, telling him how wild he drives me, how bloody turned on I am. He groans into my mouth, a sexy rumbling sound, before his hand slips between our sweaty bodies and rubs my clit.

  “I want to feel you come around me, see you scream for me. Know you’re mine.” He gasps as he drives into me again and again until I’m a mess, words spewing from my mouth unchecked as my nails cut down his back, unable to help myself.

  It’s too much, too much pleasure, I can’t handle it. His hands, his mouth, his cock…fuck.

  I come apart in his arms, screaming his name, my nails clawing into his back again, my legs tightening around him to keep him inside me. He groans and bites down on my shoulder to muffle his yell as he comes, filling me with it until we both collapse back against the wall, panting and sweating, but satisfied as hell.

  “If-If that’s how we are ending every fight, we should do it more often,” I joke breathlessly and he laughs, making me gasp.

  “I agree,” he murmurs, kissing where he bit my shoulder before pulling back and looking at me.

  Reaching up, I push his sweaty black hair out of his face and smile at him tenderly. His eyes soften as he looks at me lovingly. “Pip—” He starts then grins. “You’re my world, you know that?”

  “I love you too, Evvie,” I murmur.

  “I, erm…” He blushes, actually blushes, which I didn’t think he would be capable of with his cock still buried in me and his cum dripping down my thighs. “I’ve never done that before,” he admits, and my eyes widen.

  “Wait, hold the fucking bombs, I was your first?” I ask in shock. He nods, his cheeks blazing again. “But-But you seemed to really know what you were doing!”

  He grins. “I have very vivid fantasies and I’ve read a lot of books, I always wanted my first time to be with you.”

  I blink, feeling guilty as hell, and he must see it, so he kisses me. “Pip, I don’t care I’m not your first, as long as I’m your last…or I guess one of your lasts.”

  “You are,” I promise. “I’m sorry you can’t be my only.”

  “Nah, don’t be, love, it’s actually a relief.” He grins.

  “A relief?” I parrot with raised eyebrows and he laughs.

  “Not like that, just that, this world is filled with things that want to kill you and I’ve never been the big fighter type, so I’m glad you have men who can protect you when I can’t and help look after your heart and happiness. I guess they aren’t too bad if you get over the wanting to kill each other thing,” he admits and I smile.

  “Thank you, Evvie, thank you for never giving up on me.”


  Road to home

  “Come on then, Evvie, I’ll help you pack your office,” I offer, and he kisses me before setting me down gently.

  Heading past him, I spank his plump ass, making him yelp while I grin. I flick on the water, praying it’s still working, and almost happy dance when it comes on. I take a quick shower. The water is cold at first, but soon warms up. I’m going to miss this.

  Evvie slips in with me and we wash each other, which ends with me feeling him up before I force us to get dried off and dressed. Grabbing one of my bags from the drawers, I toss in a few clothes and some of my mementos before looking around and joining Evan at the door.

  “I guess this is goodbye,” I mutter.

  “Think of everything that is to come,” he murmurs, rubbing my back.

  Nodding, I blow out a breath. “I’m not good at goodbyes, so…yeah, see ya, thanks for the memories and the walls to fuck against.” I salute the room before pressing the close button, hearing Evan snort.

  Tangling our hands together, we head down to his office. He opens the door and everything is like I imagined in my memories. I hop up on the bed and swing my legs, watching as he meticulously grabs everything he needs and adds it carefully to a large bag. He looks over at me and smirks. “Thought you were helping, Pip?”

  “I am, I’m your cheerleader.” I wink and raise my arms. “Go, Evvie, grab those drugs and then come over here for a hug!”

  I fake scream and throw some imaginary pom-poms at him as he turns around, muttering about crazy girls. I watch him pack up all the supplies we will need, he takes pretty much everything, mentioning something about casualties of war, and when he’s all packed up, I grab one of his bags and mine and head back upstairs to find the others.

  In the garage, they have one of the bombs loaded into the trucks, and the space is empty, so I’m guessing they have gone to get another. I add my bag to a random truck and Evan sets his in there as well. “You can ride in here,” I tell him.

  “Where are you riding?” he asks, leaning back against the truck.

  “Your girl rides bikes.” I wink and look over as a noise comes from the doorway. I watch them heave one of the bombs through, all of them sweating and grunting, holding on with pink, straining arms.

  Evan and I rush over to help, and the next four hours are spent in a sweaty mess hoisting bombs around.

  It’s dark, the sun has just set, and we are all packed and ready to go. The trucks are with their drivers in the bunker, filled with Paradise people and their possessions. Waiting on the back of the bike, I grip on to Jago while Archel is next to us on his. He is going to ride at the back of the procession and watch our backs as we lead them to The Forgotten.

  Here’s hoping Trev understands.

  I nod at Archel and his whistle cuts through the air—the signal. The trucks and cars start up, the bike purring beneath me. Lights flood the area from behind us as I pull down my goggles from Worth. They know the drill, they stay close and we move fast, we aren’t stopping until we reach home, not with the cargo we are carrying.

  I tap Jago on the shoulder and wrap my arms tighter around him as he revs the bike and pulls away. I glance over my shoulder to see the trucks pulling out slowly and following us. We make sure to have the bombs placed in the middle, our last defence in case we are attacked, but with a convoy this size, I’m reckoning we won’t be.

  Turning forward to face the Wastes, I hunker down as we slowly set off across the sand, gradually speeding up to a pace the trucks can keep up with. The hours pass sluggishly, my legs and arms aching from holding on, but we have a long drive ahead of us so I let my mind wander as I hold on to my man.

  My eyes close at one point as I relax into him, not quite asleep but not awake, just lost in the in between as the miles pass. I try to think of my parents, but I can’t even remember them anymore. Their faces are blurry, hazy almost, from the years. For so long I tried not to think of them, it hurt too badly, but now, when I want to, I can’t, but the feeling…the love they had for me is still there.

  And the pain? The pain is fleeting, but it reminds me that although they are gone, no one ever truly leaves us, not if you love them.

  “Evan, this is Piper, her parents are…well, they are gone like yours. She will be staying in th
ese quarters with you until she is older. Will you look after her for us?” comes the motherly sweet voice of the plump older lady holding my hand. I look at the angry-looking boy just a few years older than me and want to cringe. He nods at the woman, acting like an adult, not a child, but when his eyes turn to me, they soften, a smile curling up at his lips, and he steps towards me from the many empty beds.

  “Hi Piper, I’m Evan,” he introduces himself, his voice gentle and low.

  “Hi,” I whisper, looking at him then to the woman.

  “I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be right next door if you kids need anything,” she tells me, and crouches down to see me better, pushing the hair off my face. “I’m sorry, Piper, I really am.”

  Then she leaves me alone with this boy, a stranger in a strange empty place. I turn to see him, wrapping my thin arms around my young torso and stare at the ground. “Hey, Piper, which bed do you want? They are all ours, we are like the king and queen of the castle, see?”

  I look up to see him grinning, his arms spread wide when I hesitate. He lets them drop and steps closer.

  “It’s okay, Piper, I’ll look after you now, always, okay?”

  Worry shoots through me for a moment at what I’ve agreed to do, not fear for me…but for them. I promised to love them, to protect them, yet I’m leading them into a war…I know we need to fight back, protect our people and land, but if I lost one of them. I don’t know what I would do, how I would cope.

  But even though I’m scared for them, I won’t back down. People are looking to me now, counting on me, trusting me, and maybe, just maybe, I can make a difference in this world.

  Maybe I can achieve my parents’ dreams and find my own in the meantime.

  The sunlight hits the sand and shines brightly through the world. Banishing the dark and illuminating our trucks and convoy. We keep driving, but we are on high alert. We saw no one through the night, but during the day we are a big, noticeable load. I keep my crossbow in my hand as we drive, scanning the horizon. My back starts to ache and we have to stop for two hours for a pee break, where we switch off driving. Jago grabs on to my hips and takes over spotting as I focus on finding the best way through the Wastes and back to The Forgotten.

  The hours drag on, sweat drips down my face, and my clothes are sticking to me, and sand hits my goggles and bounces off until, eventually, the sun starts to set, and yet we are still driving.

  Tonight I can finally see the signs we are almost there. We passed the church a few hours back and the world is almost ending, the sounds disappearing, the life of the dead land gone…until I see the tunnel up ahead.

  I hear Jago whistle and gesture as we slow down. Shit, I didn’t think about the fact that the trucks are tall. I wonder if they will fit under. I stop just in front of the consuming darkness and hop off to look at Jago, who climbs off too, and stares at the tunnel with a nod.

  “It will fit, will be tight, but we will fit. We will take it slow. Why don’t you ride ahead and set off a warning so we aren’t attacked as we come through?” he suggests.

  “You sure you will be okay?” I ask nervously.

  He grins and strides closer, kissing me as he lifts me and places me back on the bike. “Go, they only listen to you, we will be right behind.”

  Pulling my goggles down, I turn and rev the bike, riding into the darkness and leaving my men to sort out the rest of the people. I have my own challenge ahead, assuring the people of The Forgotten that we can exist in peace, that the people they ran from started a new life and need their help.

  I make my way through the tunnel and out the other side, where the trees grow and I can smell home. It hits me, the scent of fire and cooking meat, and as I draw closer, I hear the laughter and chatter of my people and I realise…this is home.

  Right here.

  Out there might be my adventure, but home is where you always find your way back to…and it’s not always a place…it’s the people. And these people, these people who saved me and took me in when I was broken beyond repair, fixed me back up, and welcomed me with understanding arms that allowed me to grow without fear or hate…these people are my home.

  When I round the trees, two patrols step up to meet me, so I pull up my goggles and kick out the stand before slipping from the bike with a groan. Jesus, my thighs hurt, like I’ve been clenching a man between them for hours…least that would be more pleasurable.

  A familiar face steps forward and I grin. “Simon,” I greet him.

  He smiles at me and scoops me up into a bear hug. “Thank God, we were getting worried.” He drops me back to my feet and steps away, looking behind me. “Where’s ya big fellow?”

  “Coming, we need Trev…Simon, we have some visitors coming and not a lot of time to explain, can you grab him?” I request sweetly.

  He nods. “Wait here,” he tells me and rushes away, even though I saw the questions in his eyes.

  Waiting with the other patrol, I cross my arms and search the camp. Everything looks like it did when I left, which is good. “No attacks?” I ask the young man whose name I’m not sure of.

  “No, sir, I mean ma’am, I mean, er…” He stutters nervously.

  “Piper is fine, what’s your name?” I inquire with a smile.

  “Dez, Simon has just started training me in patrols.” He grins, looking excited.

  I know the feeling. I hope that doesn’t fade for him.

  Trev comes running through the camp on Simon’s heels and examines me with concern. “Okay, I don’t have a lot of time to explain, but I need you to trust me, I had no choice—”

  “Sir! Sir! Trucks! Lots of trucks coming through the tunnel!” comes a yell from a patrol rushing down the road.

  Trev frowns and glances from me to him.

  “Yeah…about that.” I laugh. “They are with me, they are coming to live here.”



  “Piper, what do you mean?” he asks.

  I give him a quick rundown of events. “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to ask. If you want to turn them away, I understand and I will find somewhere else. There is a town somewhere called Spring we could try…but I couldn’t leave them there. They were sitting ducks and not all of them hurt us, they are innocent. I couldn’t live with walking away.”

  He blows out a breath. “Okay, and these bombs?”

  “They are deactivated, from what we can tell. It wasn’t safe to leave them there. I figured we could hide them here while we assimilate the new people, put them to work, make them part of it, and if they don’t fit they can leave. Three warnings, I figured?” I offer hopefully.

  “Well, we can’t turn them away to die,” he muses, tapping his chin. “Okay, bring them in. We’ll hold a meeting in the morning. Tonight, I need to know everything that happened, after we hide those bombs.” He turns to Simon then. “How about behind the tent, between the old shack and trees?”

  Simon thinks about it for a moment. “It could work. We will leave them in the trucks and cover them, no one will be the wiser.”

  “Good, grab some men,” Trev orders, and then looks back at me. “Well, let’s welcome the new members, shall we?”

  I nod. “Thank you, Trev, I truly am sorry about the lack of warning.”

  “It is okay, Piper.” He grins, placing his hand on my shoulder as we hear the rumble of trucks heading our way. “You did what any leader would, you made a decision in a hard place. We will make it work one way or the other, but I will need your help to calm our tribe.”

  “Of course,” I agree instantly, and watch the trucks roll around the corner. Jago is hanging from one of the doors, and when they stop with a hiss before us, he leaps off and heads my way.

  I can hear our tribe drawing closer, their fear and panic melting when they see us waiting. They whisper behind us, shouting questions as people start to leave the trucks. Jago joins me at my other side as Archel zooms around the trucks and skids to a stop beside us, winking at me. “No followers, we
are safe, I doubled back just to check.”

  Trev snorts. “Should have figured you would be involved, Shadow.”

  “You know it, old man.” He laughs as he climbs off his bike and Evan breaks away from the nervous crowd of Paradise people to head over to us. He is grumbling the whole way, but it melts into a smile when he sees me.

  “Next time, someone else is playing peacemaker with those people. I wanted to cunt punch at least half of them,” he complains, then looks at Trev.

  “Trev, this is Evan, he’s my family,” I say in introduction, and Evan grins at me before extending his hand. They shake and Trev looks at me.

  “I’m glad you found him, now let’s see what we are going to do with all these people,” he mutters, but with a small smile.

  Just then, a scream breaks out and we turn, all pulling weapons, until we realise it’s a man breaking from the tribe behind us, shock on his face and tears in his eyes. “Willa?” he yells again, and a small woman rushes towards him from the nervous Paradise people.

  He breaks into a sprint and scoops her into his arms, both of them crying into each other’s shoulders. Just then, more and more people start to come forward from both sides, greeting people they know. It’s emotional and I feel myself leaning closer to Jago. He wraps his arm around me as we watch families, lovers, and friends reunite.

  “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about them fighting.” Trev laughs and then claps to get everyone’s attention. “These are our new members. I need you to offer them homes, beds, food, clothes, and sanctuary. They are one of us now, make them feel welcome. We will assign jobs tomorrow. For all you newbies, this is our home, respect us and we will respect you. You have three warnings before you will be exiled. Everyone works here and pulls their weight. Understood?” he calls loudly, and agreement and murmurs go up. Then I step forward.


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