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Rescued by the Zoran: Zoran’s Chosen Book 3

Page 5

by Hunter, Luna

And Caia as well.

  If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself. I’ll sooner break down this entire ship with my bare hands than see her get hurt.

  We take another turn, another set of stairs, another left, a right, a left, another stairs, and then I see it.

  Rows upon rows of cells filled with all types of aliens. Humans, Zorans, Rathnid, Dithra, all packed together in crates like pigs on their way to the slaughterhouse.

  “What’s the meaning of this?!” I growl, accosting the synth.

  He pokes me in the back. “Keep walking, meatbag.”

  So this has been the purpose of their outposts... abducting countless aliens. Rinor might be somewhere on this ship — or he could have been taken away days ago. I have no way of knowing.

  My eyes scan the crowds, desperately looking for his fire-red frame, but I don’t see him.

  The synth guides me through the hall and into a small, dimly lit room all the way in the back. I know exactly what this is: an interrogation room.

  He forces me down in a metal seat and chains my wrists and ankles to it.

  “Mister Wellington will be with you shortly,” the synth says with a curt nod.

  And then, I am all alone again with my thoughts, and my worries. As much as I want to let my spirit animal loose to wreak havoc, I must resist the urge.

  If I hadn’t met Caia, I would have been fine with dying as martyr, taking as much of these bastards down with me as possible.

  Now... everything has changed.

  My life is not the only thing that matters anymore.

  She matters to me.

  More than anything.

  She’s in her cell down below, alone... I have to find a way to return to her. To survive my next altercation. For her.

  The door opens and a human male steps in. Around six foot tall, with black hair, slicked back. His expensive, dark suit fits his slender frame perfectly.

  “Zoran,” he says, the disdain in his voice as clear as day. “What brings you to my vessel?”

  “This heap of shit is yours?” I say.

  He winces.

  “Whose ship do I have the pleasure of insulting?”

  “Did my servant not properly introduce me?” He casts an agitated glance at the door, slicking his hair back. “My name is Casper Wellington. Yes, THE Casper Wellington.”

  I cock my head. “Am I supposed to know you?”

  “Yes,” he bristles, “Yes you are, assuming you’re a man of culture! However, I can see that you are not.”

  Getting under his skin is easier than I thought.

  “Now, you have me at a disadvantage. Tell me your name, Zoran, and your purpose.”

  “I am Leto,” I growl. “And my purpose is dismantling this piece of shit organization you’ve got going going on here.”

  He wrinkles his nose. “I’m doubtful you’ll succeed, Zoran.”

  “Don’t count me out yet.”

  “What drew your attention to the Zukari Flu posts?”

  “You think I’d tell you? You want me to give you tips on how to tighten up security for your diabolical scheme? If so, you’re crazier than I thought.”

  His eyes narrow. I can see he’s not used to be being told no. I have absolutely zero intention of humoring this prick, but I need to get as much information as I can out of him.

  “Why not?” he hisses. “You’ve already lost. You have one shot at making your miserable life useful. I got you chained up like a dog, you know. If I wanted to, I could blow your brains out right now.”

  “Then do it,” I growl, my inner lion taking charge for a split second. “Do it!”

  “No. That would be a waste of resources. You’re going to help me, Zoran, whether you like it or not.”

  “If I’ve already lost, then there’s no harm in telling me what you’re up to,” I goad him. “Humor me, and I might tell you how I found out about your little scheme.”

  “Ah, tit for tat, then? Well, yes, you are quite right. There is absolutely nothing you can do at this point to stop me, so I might as well humor you, if only to see the delicious shock spread on your boorish face. This,” he says, spreading his arms wide, “Is the future, my dear captive. This ship will bring Wellington Consortium wealth beyond anything my father or my grandfather could ever dream of.”

  “How is abducting helpless aliens going to make you rich? You’re going to pawn them off like slaves? Hold them ransom? What’s your game here?”

  He shakes his head, a wicked gleam in his dark eyes making my skin crawl.

  “Nothing of that sort, no. Your mind is still fixed on the old-world, and on the old-ways, but we live in a new era, friend. The Rift has changed everything, don’t you see?”

  My ears perk up. The Rift? Is that what this is all about?

  “Yes, yes, the Rift. That vortex is going to make me the most powerful man in the universe.”

  “How?” I growl. “It’s just a damn anomaly, flashing in and out of existence without rhyme or reason. It’s a fluke.”

  “No, my dear, confused Zoran. It’s a goldmine. Our readings indicate that there’s a wealth of treasure just lurking beneath that veil, an untapped dimension, waiting to be exploited. And there is order to the chaos, if you look closely. The Rift is controlled by sentient life. Yes, some people have been ‘gifted’, or mutated, by the vortex. Gather enough of their essence, and the Rift can be stabilized... and exploited.”

  “Gather their essence?” I growl. “What’s that supposed to mean? How are you ever going to force anyone to help you?!”

  “I have my ways,” he smirks, exposing his sharp fangs. “If I really wanted to. But no, I’m focusing my efforts on a much more elegant solution: Distilling their essence down to it’s purest form.”

  He pulls out a small veil filled with a translucent substance from his pocket and places it triumphantly on the table.

  “Here is my proof of concept. Pure essence.”

  I feel my face turn white. “Is that...”

  “You are looking at a dozen people, distilled to their perfect form.”

  “You are insane,” I growl, my heart thumping like mad. “Absolutely insane!”

  He sighs. “I knew you wouldn’t understand. I am a man of science, and it’s clear to me you are nothing but a brute. You Zorans are a mistake of nature, you know. All body but no brain. A shame.”

  He slides the veil back into his pocket.

  “I lived up to my end of the bargain. Tell me how you found out about us.”

  “I’d sooner die than help you!” I say, yanking at my chains. My spirit animal and I are finally in agreement — this man deserves to die.

  “I’ve got one better for you,” he smiles. “You can do both.”

  Wellington stands up and walks towards me, flicking open a small knife he pulls from his pocket. He places it on my neck and nicks me, drawing a small drop of blood.

  “If you’re lucky, you might be a suitable candidate,” he whispers into my ear. “And your essence will make me filthy rich. If not, I’ll enjoy watching you die as I fire you out of an airlock. Either way, know that you’ll bring me joy in death, Zoran.”

  Chapter Nine


  I pace up and down the cell. Well, as much as one can pace in a small, cramped space. I count down the seconds. Over two thousand, three hundred and forty five seconds have passed since Leto was escorted away by that creepy synth.

  How much longer until my worry will turn into grief?

  Don’t think like that, I tell myself. He’ll come back. He promised me that. And Leto is always true to his word.

  Even though we just met, it feels like I’ve known him for a lifetime. It’s like the universe is pushing the both of us together.

  I never believed in fairy tales, in love at first sight, or in any of that sappy stuff. I thought that was ‘beneath me’. Now I realize just how foolish and arrogant I’ve been all this time. Because my heart is aching, and every second that I spend without Leto by
my side, my heart breaks a little bit more.

  “Come back,” I whisper to the air. “Come back. I need you by my side. I can’t do this all alone.”

  My heart jumps right into my throat when I hear the door groaning in the distance. I strain my neck to see through the bars, praying with every fiber of my being that I see that tall, purple mountain of a man lumbering through the hall.

  Yes! A flash of purple in the distance makes my body light up, and despite the fact that we’re locked in a cell I feel happier than ever. When our eyes meet I see a small smile of relief on his chiseled face as well.

  The synth unlocks our cell and pushes Leto back in, and I fling my arms around him as tightly as I can.

  “I take it you missed me?” He says as he wraps his arms protectively around me.

  “You can say that. Where’d you go?”

  He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head. “I’d rather not say.”

  I glance up at him. “Why? Are we in trouble?”

  “More than you know.”

  I take a step back and place my hands on my hips. “Whatever we’re in, I want to face this together. I’m not some helpless damsell, you know. I can hold my own. I’m a damn officer!”

  His lips pull up into a smirk. “I know,” he says. “I know. I just want to protect you.”

  “You’re more than welcome to, but there’s a difference between protecting me and keeping me in the dark like I’m some fragile flower.”

  “You are correct.”

  “So tell me.”

  He sighs deeply and sits down on the ground.

  “This ship, its owned by the Wellington Consortium… one branch of SINTRA Corp. The Zukari Flu thing, it’s a front. A fake. They are really interested in gathering essence, harvesting... people.”

  “Harvesting people? What?”

  He nods, a solemn look on his face that makes the dark pit in my stomach grow bigger and bigger.

  “Yes, they are looking for... Rift-activated people... like you and me. Chosen, is what we are called on New Exon. And when they find them, they...”

  “Kill them,” I whisper.

  Leto nods. “They want to open the Rift, discover the world behind it, and conquer it.”

  I shake my head, not believing what I’m hearing. “I thought we, as a species, were past this. Haven’t we learned anything from history?”

  “Only we can stop them,” Leto says. “Are you with me?”

  “One hundred percent,” I say furiously. “Do you have a plan?”

  “They don’t know we have these powers yet, but Wellington drew my blood, so he’ll learn soon enough. We have to escape, and do it now.”

  I nod, rubbing my palms together. “I’ll burn this entire ship down if I have to!“

  “Allow me to summon my lion first,” he says, closing his eyes. “Luan can walk through walls, so he can help us scout the place.”

  He extends his hands towards me, and I sit down in front of him and accept his invitation. I feel pure energy flow through us both, from my scalp right down to my toes.

  A deep roar makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  Luan saunters into the room, barely fitting in the small cell.

  “Go, boy,” Leto says. “Show us the way.”

  The shimmering, golden lion nods and turns, walking right through the metal bars and the wall on the other side of the hall. Leto’s eyes take on a golden glow, similar to the color of the lion’s mane.

  “Are you seeing what he’s seeing?” I ask.

  Leto nods. “He is showing me the way... this ship is absolutely massive.. which we can use to our advantage... Kariza!”

  My heart jumps. “You see her?!”

  His eyes turn back to sea-green, and they are filled with anguish.

  “You must free us, now! Kariza’s about to be reprogrammed!”

  I jump up and grab the bars, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I need to focus, I need to find my strength, my powers, and melt these iron bars... but the stress is getting to me.

  “I can’t,” I say, panic making my voice jump. “I can’t concentrate!”

  Leto is suddenly behind me, his big arms sliding around my waist.

  “Calm down,” he whispers into my ear, his hot breath tickling me. “Calm down.”

  I close my eyes and lean back into him. His massive frame envelops me, and I feel the stress leaving me. Our energy mingles, and for a brief moment, I can imagine us both safe and happy.

  He takes a step to the side and gently turns my cheek towards him. I gaze longingly into those beautiful, sparkling eyes of his, as deep and mysterious as the sea.

  And just like that, he leans in and kisses me.


  A rush of pure energy rushes through my body, starting from my lips and reaching every single inch of me. My feet feel like I’m floating, my heart is racing, and butterflies fill my stomach.

  He places his hand on my neck, his thumb brushing against my skin lovingly as his tongue explores my mouth.

  I surrender myself to him completely, savoring every single second of this. My hands are still gripping the metal bars, but they are no longer cold.

  No, my hands are burning with a blinding intensity, the entire cell coated in a warm, red light. The heat envelops us both, like we’re sitting in front of a campfire.

  “It’s working,” Leto says between kisses.

  I open my eyes to see the metal starting to sag and twist, my palms so hot that it breaks down our cage.

  “Yes!” I cry. “Yes!”

  My victorious yelps are silenced by Leto planting his lips on mine once more. He nips my bottom lip, as he growls possessively, and that makes me weak at the knees. I’d like for nothing more than for this hunk of a Zoran to lift me up and take me without a care in the world, but a nagging little voice in the back of my head stops that from happening.

  Kariza, the voice cries. Save Kariza!

  My eyes fly open once more. I gather all of my strength and yank the bars to the side, opening up the way for us both.

  “You did it!” Leto says, pumping his fist. “Follow me!”

  We both slide through the opening, careful not to touch the glowing hot metal. I am giddy and happy, the kiss still making me feel like I’m floating.

  The Zoran warrior leads the way down dark, winding corridors, before suddenly kicking down a door to our left. Inside, Kariza is strapped to a table, her chest opened. Her wires and circuits are exposed, and her face is as white as a sheet of paper. Two massive robotic arms loom over her, and my heart sinks.

  What are they doing to my Kariza?!

  Leto darts forwards and grabs one of the arms, yanking it to the side. I follow his lead and grab the other arm, using my burning hot fingertips to fry its circuits.

  “Caia! You came for me?!” Kariza says. “Thank the stars!”

  “We’ll get you out, I promise,” I say as I unfasten her straps as quickly as I can. She flings her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

  “I’m so sorry I’ve been such a bother to you,” she says. “I feel so awful. You’ve taken me in, treated me like a friend, and all I’ve done to you is be a major pain in your butt.”

  “It’s okay,” I say as I rub her back. “You did what you were programmed to do.”

  “Programing schmogamming,” she sighs, squeezing me tightly.

  “Well, you did kind of do your job?” I say. “I mean, you brought me and Leto together, in a way.”

  I quickly glance in his direction. My heart hasn’t stopped racing since we shared that kiss.

  Her clear eyes light up. “Really? Was it my makeup that did the trick?”

  “Erhm, no I don’t think so, but it did get me in trouble at work.”

  “Oh,” she replies, dejected.

  “...which is why I had to work the Docks, where I ran into Leto, so in a way... you helped!”

  “It doesn’t sound like it to me,” Kariza sighs. “It sounds like I’m a screw up.
Look at me, my bits all showing.”

  She closes her hatch, avoiding both of our gazes.

  “I didn’t even hack into the SINTRA system well enough. I think I tripped some type of secret alarm or something, and that’s why they captured us... really, you would have been better off without me...”

  “I’ve got good news for you, then,” Leto says. “You have a chance at redemption.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Leto gestures at the metal walls all around him. “This place is run entirely by algorithms, by synthetics, by computers. And if we are going to save everyone, including ourselves, we need your help.”

  I explain the purpose of the ship, and Kariza turns even paler.

  “I’ll do whatever I can to help,” she says. “I hate it when people use synths for their evil purposes!”

  “You and me both,” Leto says. “Follow me.”

  The Zoran shows us the way, guiding us to a room with direct access to the ship’s network.

  “This ship is humongous,” he says. “The biggest I’ve ever seen. I think we’re on the flagship of the Wellington Consortium. They’re all about turning a profit. And seeing as staff is expensive, I’m quite certain Wellington got rid of all of them and replaced them all with synths and AIs. Which means that you, Kariza, can wrestle control from the entire ship away from Wellington.”

  My synth friends nods decisively. “Sounds good… but what if I fail?”

  “You won’t,” Leto says confidently.

  Kariza stretches her fingers. “Okay, wish me luck guys… here it goes.”

  Her fingers fly across the keypad at a rapid pace, her clear eyes lighting up as data flies across the screen faster than I can process it.

  “Let’s start with some basic queries… we are on our way to Earth, estimated time of arrival is in two weeks… this is indeed the flagship of the Wellington Consortium, called the Leviathan… ah… hm…”

  Kariza turns to me.

  “I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news. Where should I start?”

  “Lets hear the good new first,” I answer.

  “If you take the stairs down two floors, you’ll end up on the family level, built to house the entire Wellington family. It’s completely deserted. In fact, the bottom five floors are completely abandoned.”


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