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The Fallen and the Elect

Page 57

by Jerry J. K. Rogers

  Chapter 30

  Michelle tossed and turned all night. She was hot and nauseous, even throwing up a couple of times. After Maria and Alder alternated checking on their daughter during the night, Alder didn’t have his normal morning grogginess and got ready for work more speedily. But shaving was more challenging for him as he tried to apply the proper pressure on his razor to his morning stubble. The five toilet-paper-dotted nicks showed he failed. After he was finished getting ready, Alder stepped into Michelle's room. Maria sat on the bed next to their daughter, her hand on Michelle’s forehead. He could see his daughter was still in distress.

  “Is she doing any better?” he asked.

  “She's still pretty warm,” Maria gently responded, looking up at her husband. “Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?”

  Alder wanted an excuse for not going in to work today, but not at the expense of his daughter. Even though Maria had made it easy for him to head out, he could easily tell she preferred that he stay home. While Alder felt he and Maria might not have much in common, he was extremely devoted to his children and knew Michelle was in the care of a mother who loved her and Matthew as much as he did.

  “I think I'll stay and help out and watch Matthew today. I got plenty of sick leave to burn through.”

  Maria smiled. She observed ever since the funeral home incident where his friend went blind, Alder slowly became more involved with the children.

  Leaving his wife and daughter, Alder went into Matthew's room, where his son was contentedly playing with toys in his playpen. Seeing Alder come in, Matthew smiled, dropped the large plastic teething ring of multicolored keys, and elevated his arms for his father to pick him up. Reaching down to lift up his son, Alder could easily tell his diaper was extremely wet and couldn’t believe how easily Matthew accommodated the discomfort of his diaper when other toddlers tended to cry incessantly. After replacing Matthew's soiled undergarment and playing with him for a few minutes, the pangs in Alder’s stomach made him realize just how hungry he was. Normally a quick stop by the cafeteria at work would help, but he was still at home. The thought of the cafeteria made him realize he needed to call Gary and let him know he’d be taking a sick day. He decided to address his hunger first.

  After putting Matthew in his kitchen high chair, Alder scanned the refrigerator to decide what to make for breakfast. Since he would be staying home, he thought about making omelets stuffed with onions, bacon, and cheddar cheese. He pulled out a steel skillet from one of the lower cabinets, then gathered the seasonings he thought he would use--salt, pepper, basil, tarragon, and garlic powder. At the refrigerator, Alder pulled out bacon, onions, and cheddar cheese. Sorting the ingredients and prepping his work area, he thought himself an idiot for not gathering everything he need the first time he searched the cabinets and refrigerator. Back to the refrigerator, he pulled out several eggs, the most important component for omelets, and put them on the countertop. Maria called from upstairs.

  “Alder, please hurry and get up here,” she yelled. Alder heard panic in her voice.

  Darting upstairs and straight to Michelle's room, Maria was holding a small trash-bag-lined wicker basket by the side of the bed where Michelle was resting her head. Maria turned to see her husband enter and Alder saw the alarm and fear on her face.

  “Alder, she's throwing up, and it looks like there's blood in there,” Maria wept.

  “We're taking her to the emergency room,” he responded.


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