Save the Last Dance

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Save the Last Dance Page 27

by Jami Davenport

  “Blow your horn?”

  “Well, yeah. I’m a musician. I appreciate a woman who knows how to play a fine-tuned instrument.”

  “Like this?” Her hand slid down between them and wrapped around his hard cock. She stroked him, just the way he liked it.

  Rico groaned. “Yeah, maestro, just like that. We make beautiful music together.”


  “Definitely. I’ll rock, and you roll.” He rolled her onto her back and bent his head down. She lost herself in the taste of his lips. Her legs parted, allowing him to settle between them. Her fingers tightened around his erection, and she massaged the tip with her thumb. His body shuddered. She reveled in her ability to render him senseless.

  “You are a shameless, brazen female, Mariah Baker. What would your mama have said?”

  “She would have told me to make that man forget that there are any other women on earth.”

  “Oh, hell, Rye, I already have.” Rico silenced her with a deep, wet kiss.

  Except one. Did he imagine Carmen when he was with her?

  She kissed him back with a desperation born of fear, fear that they couldn’t hold it together given the restrictions he’d put on his heart.

  * * *

  Typical man, Rico fell asleep as soon as they climaxed. Mariah stared at the ceiling for hours, sad and confused. Unable to stand it any longer, she gave Rico’s bare shoulder a nudge. “Rico, I’m leaving. We need to talk.”

  Rico groaned and buried his face in the pillow. “What time is it?”

  “About three A.M.” She got out of bed and put on a robe. “Don’t you want to talk?”

  “Not really.”

  “Then you want me to leave here with all this hanging between us?”

  “No, I don’t.” Rico sat up and ran his fingers through his short hair. With a resigned sigh, he looked around for a pair of jeans and pulled them on. Mariah waited for him on the balcony. He stumbled out the door and leaned against the railing. Mariah watched him light a cigarette but said nothing.

  She knew what her answer had to be. She couldn’t use Rico for money, not even for the farm. And she couldn't live with a man who didn’t love her, let alone have his children. Rico avoided her eyes and stared down into the valley.

  “Rico, I think you know my answer.”

  He inhaled deeply on his cigarette then let it out. “I’d like to hear it from you.”

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Rye, we could have a good life together.”

  Mariah shrugged. Her throat closed up and unshed tears blurred her vision. The man didn’t seem to get it. “That’s not enough for me. Maybe for you, but not for me. I can’t do it.” If she agreed to his terms, he would always wonder if she was with him for his money. She loved him too much to allow him to think that, even if it cost her the farm. She couldn’t put a price on her pride and integrity.

  Rico seemed exasperated. “Look, Rye. I’ll marry you. If that’s what it takes.”

  “Don’t sound so thrilled about it.” His reluctant attitude insulted her.

  “Well, it’s not my idea. Marriage is a farce, a sham. It’s an institution I want no part of, but if it’s the only thing that’ll change your mind, I’m willing to go through with it.”

  “Rico, that is the most romantic proposal a woman could ever imagine.” Mariah’s voice dripped sarcasm. She didn’t want to fight with him, yet she felt a big one coming on.

  He shrugged indifferently and looked away. “You’ll get what you want. Why do you care how you get it?”

  “I’m not getting what I want. You don’t understand.”

  “Sure, I understand a lot. What’s the deal, Rye? Are you holding out for more? Or maybe someone with a bigger bankroll?”

  Guilt crossed Mariah’s face as she remembered her secret lunch with Ramon.

  Rico must have noticed her expression because his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “That’s it, isn’t it? Who is it? Ramon? Or someone I’ve never met?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s you. No one else. Please, Rico, I have to take care of my debts on my own if I’m ever going to have any self-respect. As for as marriage, I’ll never marry for any reason other than love.” Mariah wiped the tears from her eyes. Rico stood a few feet from her, not making a move to touch her. His expression reflected as much rigidity as his stance.

  “Then move in with me. Let’s take it one day at a time.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  But she really wanted to swallow the last of her pride and say yes.

  * * *

  “You let her go?” Angel gaped at him. “How the hell did you manage to screw this one up, Rico?”

  “I didn’t screw it up. She wasn’t interested in the arrangement.”

  “Well, no wonder if you put like that. Don’t you know anything about women?”

  “I told her that we each had something the other needed. We could both benefit from this partnership.”

  “Partnership? Are you nuts? You told her it was a partnership?”

  He nodded. Mariah had been gone one week, ten hours, and forty seven minutes, but he wasn’t counting. The truth be told, he wanted her back under any terms. He’d made a grave error in judgment. He shouldn’t have been so honest with her. If only he’d eased her into his plan a little at a time.

  “Rico!” Angel’s harsh voice catapulted him back to earth. She flipped open her cell phone and shoved it in his face. “Call her right now. Tell her you’re sorry. You love her, and you want to make a life and a family with her.”

  “I can’t tell her I love her. It would be a lie.”

  “The only lie is the one you keep telling yourself. You love that woman. Anyone with eyes could see it by the way you look at her. Go get her. Now. Tell her you’re sorry you’re such an inept fool when it comes to explaining things.”

  “Stuff it, Angel. She’ll be back. I know it.”

  “Rico, you are so stupid. She’s not coming back, not under those stipulations.”

  He ignored his sister and smoothly changed the subject. “I wrote a couple songs I want Ramon to sing on his next CD.”

  “Well, that’s the smartest thing you’ve said in the last several minutes.”

  “Oh, so at least you approve of that?”

  “Of course, I do. It’s time you patched things up with Ramon.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. This is purely business. Ramon’s hot right now.”

  “Fine, whatever. It’s a start. Have you talked to Mariah since she left?” His sister had a one-track mind.

  “No.” Something cracked inside him, causing a pain like none he’d ever felt in his life.

  * * *

  She couldn’t prolong the inevitable. Any minute Warren would arrive, and Rose Hill would no longer be hers. He’d shut down the camp, and this beautiful retreat would be transformed into a world-class resort for the wealthy.

  Her tears fell like a winter rainstorm for several minutes. Blinded, she staggered to the pasture to Sueño, and threw her arms around him. He stood quietly, nuzzling her shoulder and back as if to say, I’m sorry, too, Mariah, but we’ll get through it. We’ve been through worse together.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, Dad, Aunt Rose, I’ve let you all down. I’m so sorry,” she said aloud. The wind whispered in the trees and sent a chill up her spine. She hoped it was them, forgiving her.

  She was alone, so very alone. This mess belonged to her. She’d tried to deal with it and failed. Now she’d face the consequences by herself.

  She made one of the toughest phone calls she ever made to the director of the camp to tell him they’d be losing their lease at the beginning of next year.

  She hooked up her horse trailer to her truck. She needed to load Sueño and be gone before Warren took possession. The thought of facing him made her queasy.

  She led Sueño to the trailer as Warren and his entourage paraded down her driveway. Clouds blocked out the sun, and it started drizzling, bathing the la
ndscape in dreary shades of gray like an old black and white photograph.

  Two identical black Mercedes with tinted windows parked by the barn. Behind them, the county sheriff arrived. Three large men dressed completely in black and looking like they belonged in a mafia movie unfolded their large bodies from the first car. The second car contained Warren, his nasty mother, and spoiled sister. Both women hated her. She’d never been good enough for their son. They reeked of old Seattle money and snobby superiority. If their noses got any higher in the air, they’d need oxygen. They’d gotten perverse pleasure out of making her life pure hell when she’d been engaged to Warren.

  The sheriff came forward, fidgeting and refusing to meet her eyes. “I’m sorry, Mariah.” He’d known her family for years. This couldn’t be easy for him. He shuffled his feet and stared at the ground, obviously hating the requirements of his job.

  “Sheriff, it isn’t necessary for you to be here. I’m not going to give them any trouble.”

  “That doesn’t mean they won’t give you any trouble,” he pointed out quietly for only her ears to hear.

  “Hey, old man,” Warren spoke up. “Don’t be showing any preferential treatment.”

  The sheriff glanced apologetically at Mariah then moved out of the way as Warren stepped forward flanked by his gang of musclemen. This show of strength was overkill. Warren had planned this entire ordeal to humiliate her. She squared her shoulders, stood up straighter, and glared at him with defiance. He might take her farm, but he’d never take her pride.

  Warren glanced around and determined that she was alone. “Mariah, where’s your Latin lover?” He smirked at her as he reached out to touch her arm. She jerked her arm back, and he laughed at her reaction.

  “Keep Rico out of this.”

  “I was hoping you’d be gone, but I do appreciate the opportunity for one last goodbye.”

  Warren’s mother stepped forward, ready to kick Mariah while she was down. The old crow with her dyed black hair regarded Mariah with contempt. “I hope you’ve packed everything you want to keep. We’d like you off this property as soon as possible.” She gestured dramatically with her hands at the expanse of land before her and scared Sueño. He shied backwards taking Mariah with him and giving her some needed space. Warren and accomplices leaped in different directions, afraid of being stomped on by some out-of-control horse. Mariah almost smiled. Leave it to Sueño to find a subtle way to put them in their place.

  “You stupid little twit, get that dangerous animal away from us.” Jill, the sister, itching to join the roast-Mariah party, edged forward, braver than her mother or brother. Mariah remembered Jill showing horses in their younger years. She’d treated them like machines, not caring about them as animals. “Did Warren tell you that I’m taking up dressage, Maria?”

  “Mariah. No, but I pity any horse you ride. Why don’t you stick to the merry-go-round.”

  Warren smirked. Something was up his silk Nordstrom sleeve. She moved closer to Sueño, leaning against his shoulder for support. They had her outnumbered and outgunned.

  The mother-from-hell cackled. “I hope this horse learns to be more cooperative. Jill doesn’t have a lot of patience.”

  Mariah’s face went blank then pure raw fury surged through her veins. “Did you leave your broom at home today, Naomi?” For a moment, she thought Naomi might slap her, but the witch nodded to her daughter, who reached for Sueño’s bridle.

  Mariah moved him out of her reach. “The horses aren’t part of this deal. I’ll load them up and be out of your way.”

  Warren circled her like a predator closing in on a wounded animal. “Mariah, didn’t you read the fine print on the loan agreement?”

  Mariah stared at him. Her stomach lurched. “No, I....” Warren held the document out to her, pointing at a particular paragraph in very fine print. “Aunt Rose wouldn’t have agreed to this. You tricked her.”

  “It’s not my fault she didn’t read the agreement carefully. The horses are mine. Everything on this farm is mine, all the antiques, the equipment, and the horses.”

  “Sueño is mine.”

  “That’s not what the registration papers say. I know. I checked.” Warren’s blue eyes twinkled with cruel glee. “Your aunt wasn’t much for paperwork, was she? She never signed the horse over to you.”

  “She didn’t need to. He’s mine.”

  “Well, honey, now he’s mine, and I’m giving him to my sister.”

  “You can’t.” She pleaded with him, hoping there might be some shred of decency in the man. “Warren, please. No, he’s all I have left.”

  Warren threw back his head and laughed, an inhuman, cruel sound.

  She launched herself at Jill and struggled for the lead rope. Warren’s thugs grabbed her and yanked her away from the horse. Mariah fought against the two men. She stomped on a foot and kneed a groin. Somehow they managed to hold onto her. Sueño reared, upset at all the commotion. Jill smacked him across the nose with the lead rope, raising a big welt.

  Screaming, Mariah struggled helplessly as Warren’s sister released her nasty temper and hit Sueño several more times. Sueño stopped fighting. He stood still, shaking and snorting. He’d never been hit before and didn’t understand what was happening.

  “You bastard!” She spat at Warren. “You won’t get away with this.”

  “Hey, old man, either get her out of here or arrest her.”

  The sheriff took her arm. “Let’s go, Mariah. There’s nothing you can do.”

  * * *

  Mariah’s eyelids scraped across her eyes like sandpaper. She’d shed so many tears earlier that they’d run dry. The confused look in Sueño’s trusting brown eyes haunted her. Her stomach lurched and pitched like a seasick sailor’s, as she imagined his fate. Not to mention the fate of the camp and her farm.

  She should have known Warren wouldn’t fight fair. No one could fight a devious man like Warren without help. It was like fighting the devil with a paper sword. Of all people, she should’ve known better.

  Mariah dialed a number on her cell. No one answered, and she didn’t leave a message. Unhooking her trailer, she left it in the Delgados’ driveway. A few hours later, she parked her truck in the parking garage at Sea-Tac airport.

  And sold the last of her soul to a Latin devil.

  Chapter 21—The Hot Pink Chapel

  Mariah unlocked the back door of Rico’s house with the key that he’d given her. She disabled the security system, praying he hadn’t changed the code. The thing chirped happily, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Grabbing her bags, she hauled them inside and locked the door.

  The house was quiet and dark. Bo padded to the door to greet her. He waited for her to pet him then disappeared into the darkness of the house to continue his interrupted sleep.

  She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Fear and desperation had driven her to catch a plane to LA without fully thinking about what she was doing. Now, those feelings gave way to insecurity and doubts about invading Rico’s privacy. She considered her options, but going back to the airport or to a lonely hotel room didn’t seem a viable choice.

  She needed him.

  She made her way upstairs to the master bedroom. For a minute she hesitated at the open door, afraid she might not find him alone.

  She peeked in the doorway. Moonlight poured through the open blinds. Relieved, she made out one figure on the bed and tiptoed closer. Rico was sprawled on his stomach with his head turned in her direction. He looked so young and vulnerable when he slept like that. She stood still, barely breathing, and allowed herself to watch him. Her heart filled with love for this kind, energetic, handsome, and stubborn man of hers. And he was hers, at least tonight.

  Mariah moved over to the opposite side of the bed. My side of the bed, she thought with a sense of possessiveness.

  She tenderly touched his dark hair with her fingers. A lock fell over his forehead. She smoothed it back. His bare shoulders peeked out from under the blankets. Sh
e wanted this man around her and inside her, driving away her demons.

  God help her, she loved him. There was no turning back now. Somehow, someway, she’d teach him to love her.

  He stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up. She couldn’t believe she was about to do something as bold as crawl uninvited in bed with him. Her fingers trembled as she shed her clothes.

  * * *

  Rico was having this recurring erotic dream about Mariah. They were on a tropical island, all alone, naked in the wet sand under the stars. She was wild for him. An insatiable need to conquer her body and her soul drove him to possess every part of her. He was the only man who could ever satisfy her. The warm surf rolled gently over them in undulating waves that matched the pulsing rhythm of their two bodies as they joined together in passion and love.

  Definitely a wet dream in more ways than one.

  Rico moaned softly and rolled onto his side. He reached for Mariah. Only she filled the emptiness, the loneliness, the void inside him. Her side of the bed felt cold, barren. He remembered in the recesses of his partially awake mind that she wasn't with him. She’d left him. Turned down his untactful offer.

  Yet, he felt her presence.

  Sleepily, he opened his eyes. A slow lazy smile spread across his face as he focused on her standing over him. “Am I dreaming or is an angel standing over my bed?”

  Mariah smiled uncertainly. “You’re not dreaming, and I’m not an angel. At least not tonight. I’m just a woman who needs you.”

  Rico took in her naked body. The moonlight bathed her flawless skin in a soft glow that made her appear as if an inner light illuminated her. Her rich brown hair fell across her shoulders and down her back like a silken sheet. She was the most beautiful woman in the world with a body a man would die for. In fact, he probably had at least once or twice already.


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