The Silent Minority
Page 36
horrific, dreadful conclusion that can be befalling man.
It will be worthwhile to mention here, the mechanism that is taking place in these cases. Perhaps some of the 'brilliant' minds that are ridiculing those who ever dare to occupy themselves with this 'backward stuff' may have a second thought about it."
"What determines who is going to return as a conscious human being, or as unconscious primeval seed as you put it?"
"There is a law in the universe called the law of attraction of homogenous species. This law, together with the law of gravity, determines where everything comes to end. These two laws are also the catalyst man use unknowingly, in order to get what they choose according to their free will. Now as man chose to follow the material road, and not the spiritual that leads him to higher spheres, he actually attaches to the material; he becomes a part of it."
"Does this apply also for the beyond? The so-called ethereal?"
"Yes now here I must deviate a bit to say that material is not only what we perceive as such here on Earth, butt is also whatever is ethereal, so when man is attached to the material i.e. the material and the ethereal, when the time comes for them to go through the analogous vortexes, the so-called black holes, the human spirits that are attached with them have to go through this also, and cannot escape this the last minute, when these souls realizes in what predicament they have find themselves in, will be too late, for the time that have allotted man for this is over.
"Why are these souls attached to the material?
"Because so they wished through they free will". Now as the material and ethereal worlds going through their black holes in order to be rejuvenated in this mega cycle of evolution, the spirits that are attached to them will have to experience everything they have experienced through their whole existence in reverse order. That is a countdown from the moment they leave now, backwards in an agonizing endless fashion, reliving everything they lived in the past, and at the same time erasing it from their memories, in order to turn back in to a primeval seed, unconscious as the way it started the journey in the beginning.
"This primeval seed as is neither material nor ethereal, but spiritual. Because its composition is lighter, the law of gravity pools it back to the sphere it belongs, but this time not as a conscious human being like the ones that managed to accomplish their mission, but as an unconscious seed, who will try again in one other world hoping, that next time he may succeed."
"Sir I heard you talking on the same subject in a television show. It prompted me to find more about it, but when I started to make inquiries, the only thing I got back about it was irony, sarcasm, and mockery. Why is that?"
"Man relies to his intellect to understand things. As the intellect is material, he understands only material. Anything beyond that, the intellect cannot grasp. The intellectuals actually have a tunnel vision, they cannot see or perceive spherically. Because right now the intellects are in their highest peak, in the zenith of their performing ability, they assume that they have the right to impose their will upon the others. They think they know better.
"If they are confronted with something they don't understand, the only thing they can do is to mock the person opposite them, and say this entire hullabaloo belongs to the sphere of fantasy, for they are incapable to perceive anything beyond their microcosm."
"As I understand many of the misgivings that are happening now in the world, you blame what you call intellectual justification. Can you please elaborate on it?"
"Nothing is as it should be."
"If we take this as a thesis, as a jump thought-base, then we'll likely come to the question, of how could it be? However, in order to tackle this question of how could it be, we have to begin from a zero-thought-base. If we start from the base that is, then we will come to a conclusion that nothing is as it should be.
"We live in a world of the intellectual justification. No matter how absurd anything may look, no matter how ridiculous an idea may sound, no matter how ludicrous it may appear, you can be assured that the intellectuals will trip over to adopt it. The more incongruous, the more illogical, the more bizarre; the most likely it is to be adopted by them, for the intellectuals have lost the sense of balance, of logic, and of equilibrium. In short, the intellectuals that run this world are crippled imbalanced people. They are incapable of perceiving the forest any more, for they can only look at the tree in front of them. They are unaware that at the same time this tree that they are so proud of, which they can analyze, and of which they can tell you the history, the composition and which family this tree belongs to; at the same time, it obstructs their view of the forest.
"The peculiarity with them is that they think they are miles ahead of the rest.
You must understand that an intellectual is a crippled personality; it is like an airplane with one wing, he leans only on one wing, the intellectual one, and ignores the other wing, the spiritual one. This is why he will be always ground down on Earth. But nevertheless, he is so sure of himself. In fact, you can be assured that anything illogical, irrational, or preposterous, happening in this world, is devised by the intellect. No matter how absurd, how ridiculous it may be, the intellect, will try to justify it.
"Let me use an example. As we converse here, outside in the streets there are demonstrators crying for their rights, and their causes. But do they examine their conviction? I tell you, in most cases, their actions are justified by their intellect. Some men have succumbed to it partially, and some, totally. Man is incapable to use his spirit anymore. He cannot hear this small inner voice that warns him of what is right and what is wrong; he has lost this ability. The intellect took over, and justifies it no matter how absurd it may be.
"And we haven't seen anything yet; this absurdity is going to reach gigantic proportions, so much so, that men will rise their hands in despair. It will feel as if they have immersed themselves in a gigantic labyrinth with no exit. The confusion is going to be such, that they going to give up in despair, but not before they chase those who created this labyrinth, with all these 'brilliant' ideas which their intellect has justified."
"But what can man do? This Earth surely run by intellectuals, so what can man do about that?"
"The days of the intellectuals are numbered. Already the confusion has started. This is not a prediction, it is happening now. Look outside right now; as we converse here, those people there want to change the world, as long as the others change. If you want to change the world, start from yourself does not apply for them, no, they are too clever for that, their intellect is as sharp as a razor; they are above all the rest, so they have the right to impose their will to others. They think the others are incapable of understanding things such as abortion for example. They think it is okay to cut the fetus out of the woman's womb; it is something like cutting her hair, or nails. You don't let your hair grow so long do you? Neither do you let your nails grow long. A fetus is not different at all; those are part of the woman's body. Or... who has the right to oppose the marriage of two people, just because they are from the same sex? Big deal, we are above that, we are modern, progressive, open-minded, up-to-the-minute contemporaries. Restrictions of any kind don't touch us; let the squares, the backward people worry about these things. Or... open up the borders, let everybody in. You have no right to close borders; let everyone to go where he wants to go. Burn down the flags. Who needs flags? Flags are for the imbecile ones. Let the world became a soup. Or... bring that government down; it is not right to be governed by Theocrats, (but excuse me, they have been elected by their people), who cares, we know better than them, we know what is good for them, we are going to install a democratic government. (But this people have traditions that go back thousands of years; you cannot overturn it in one day,) rubbish; wait and you will see.
"I can go on and on, for this will be an endless story."
"And the governments?" asked someone. "Surely they know better than that, so why do they fall for it?"
"They are not falling for it; they are the ins
tigators, that is why they are governments. They represent one hundred per cent of these people, for they were in their positions before they became politicians. There is an affinity between them that has the roots in the originality—" Before the Teacher finished his phrase, the doors burst open.
The invaders rushed into the amphitheatre, hurling items and abuses. They called the Teacher every name under the sun, and a half bottle of water just missed his head. Even the audience of the auditorium could not escape their fury. The security just managed to rescue the Teacher from the back door, and so abruptly, the meeting came to an end.
It took the legal machine, created by the new chairman of the WCFET, about three months to overturn the recommendation issued by the old administration. During this time, the old chairman fought as hard as he could, but, with the meager funds he had, after using a substantial amount of their personal account, finally, he conceded.
As soon as the court overturned the recommendation, the new chairman called for a new committee meeting. He was beaming with pleasure at his big achievement as he took the chair, and started to address the committee.
"Ladies and gentleman, with pleasure I announce to you that we have won the war regarding