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Make Me Dream (The Sage Creek Series Book 1)

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by Dillon Bancroft

This is where I get stuck. I’ve been labeled a heart breaker, Sage Creek’s very own playboy. Those were the words of the town gossip, Bethany Hunt anyway. This is why I must be too direct. Feelings fuck everything up.


  She freezes, her eyes watering. Great. Now I have to kick her out of my house, and she’ll cry all the way home.

  “You’re a nice girl, Michelle, but I was serious when I told you I don’t have any room in my life for attachments. I can’t do feelings. I won’t do feelings.”

  “That’s bullshit.” She stands up and gathers her clothes. “You told me about Zoey and Emily.”

  “It was a mistake. I’m sorry, honestly. But I’m not a guy you can change. I’m never going to want anything more.”

  She rips the alarm clock out of the wall and chucks it in my direction. It smashes to pieces once it hits my closet door and shatters on the floor.

  “You’re thirty-six years old, Derek!” Her voice breaks. Did I miss the signs of her falling? Why didn’t I end this sooner?

  “Is the marriage thing what you’re looking for? I already told you I can’t do that.”

  “Shut up!” she shrieks, looking for more ammo. “Emily wasn’t the love of your life, so what! Not all women are toxic like her!”

  “Do you honestly think my preference on how I want to be with women is because Emily left me?” I stride closer to her and steady her hands, so she won’t throw anything else at me. “I don’t give a shit about Emily. I care about Zoey!”

  Michelle stills at my confession.

  This isn’t Earth shattering news. My daughter will always come first. Always. I’m not going to spend my time with a woman who will pretend to love my daughter until the dotted line is signed. I can’t do that to Zoey.

  “A woman can love you and your daughter, Derek. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.”

  Yes it does. In this town, yes. It absolutely does.

  “It’s not happening.”

  Sighing she drops her clothes on the bed and looks me in the eye.

  My phone vibrates on my nightstand. I could kiss Stephen McKenzie for bailing me out.

  “Hey, Steve.”

  “Coley broke out of the front pasture. Took out a whole panel of fencing. You think you can take a look at her?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be right there.” I hang up and reach for my underwear on the floor. Michelle angrily crosses her arms and huffs.

  “We’re having a conversation. You can’t leave in the middle of it!”

  “This wasn’t ever up for discussion!”

  She scoffs and whips her clothes on at the speed of life.

  “Lose my number, Derek. Don’t seek me out. Don’t call me, text me, talk about me. I never want to see you again!”

  I give her a five minute head start before I start my trek to the barn.

  What is it about the women in this town? Their mothers play matchmaker and practically pimp out their daughters any chance they get. There’s nothing special about me. I’m a veterinarian. I work on animals because they don’t talk back.

  I’m a divorced man in the midst of an ugly custody battle for my ten year old daughter with my bitch of an ex-wife.

  What woman in her right mind would want to get in the middle of a shitshow? If I’m not giving Zoey my full one hundred percent, then what’s the point? My truck is parked out at the barn. Before I head inside, I grab my bag from the front seat.

  Barn number three is the only barn lit up. I enter the barn from the middle breezeway and find Coley on the crossties with some chick hanging off her face.

  “You can’t be here without a waiver.” I don’t mean for it to come out as a bark, but it does.

  She jumps and clutches at her chest.

  Familiar hazel eyes stare back at me in pure, unadulterated fear. Who wanders to the middle of nowhere and hangs on a horse she doesn’t know?

  I study her face. Damn. Her left eye is nearly swollen shut. Dark bruises cover her face. I’m certain her right cheekbone is fractured. She stands flush against the stall behind her, creating as much space between us.

  “Did you run away from somewhere? Do you need to call the police?” I don’t like surprises. And I definitely don’t appreciate the unwelcome danger that will inevitably show up here at any given moment.

  She nervously glances down the aisle. “I already called the police.” Great. Perfect. Now go away.


  “It’s taken care of.”

  Plopping my bag down on the lawn chair next to Coley, I reluctantly stare down the beast before me. I’ve got my work cut out for me.

  The women of this town are branded with a special kind of crazy.

  I should’ve known when I married Emily.

  The woman catalogs my every move, watching me like I’m some sort of predator.

  If her face wasn’t beat to hell, I bet she’d be a knockout. She wears a black T-shirt, and while it doesn’t show anything extra, it’s stretched out over her full breasts. The Black Sabbath lettering is cracked and worn. Denim covers her slim hips and her long legs and her feet—

  Who the hell wears flip flops to a barn?

  “Have you ever been to a barn before?” She doesn’t answer, yet a hint of amusement touches her split lips. People like this ask to get hurt. They show no regard to simple safety measures and then sue like we didn’t warn them. “Let me give you your first lesson; you can’t wear fucking flip flops. See these?” I pick up Coley’s leg and trace the front of her hoof. “All she’d have to do is take one step and she’d break your toes.”

  Her left eyebrow arches high.

  Why does that look so familiar? Whatever. I don’t have time for this. Betty Lou can take care of her better than I could anyway.

  “Go up to the main house. Ask for Betty Lou. She can get you set up with everything you need. If you want to come back down here, you need to sign a waiver and wear some boots.”

  She stands stock still and watches me with contempt. I’m obviously not a nice guy. I’d never hurt her like she’s been hurt, but I’m not nice. I’m not the guy people seek to cry about their sorry lives.

  But does she have to stand there staring at me like I’m a big idiot?

  “Okay, you’re not going to listen. Cool. Steve should be here any minute. He can take care of you. Stay out of the way. This one is a psycho.”

  She furrows her brows when I turn around and start checking for any injuries on her back. This is Aria McKenzie’s horse. She’s the only McKenzie I haven’t met. And while she’s traipsing around Chicago and dating some rich guy, her horse is getting hurt. Steve doesn’t want to admit it, but he hopes she comes back. So I’ll make sure her horse is all right, because he changed my life for the better.

  “She’s not a psycho. She’s misunderstood.”

  A chuckle escapes my lips. What does she know about Coley the psycho mare? This horse has been my ultimate cock block due to her Houdini acts.

  “She’s a psycho. I know plenty of mares like this. This one kicked out a whole panel of fencing because the golf cart with her food on it wasn’t moving fast enough.” The corners of her mouth quirk as I find the wound with the splinters sticking out of it on her back leg.

  I heard once on a barrel race Aria was doing, Coley almost ran down a rodeo clown in the chute. That constitutes as psycho, right?

  “You’re right. It doesn’t. But almost killing a rodeo clown does.”

  “Clear that pasture out before anyone else figures out there’s no fencing. We’ll fix it tomorrow.” I breathe a sigh of relief when Steve’s voice enters the barn. The woman locks her spine straight. The pulse in her neck ramps up and her chest rises and falls rapidly.

  “Hey, she just walked in. Wouldn’t give me any info.” Steve turns and glances at the woman, doing a double take.

  “Holy shit, Peanut! What the hell did he do to you?” Chris throws the lead rope into Steve’s hands and envelopes the woman named “Peanut” in a tight hug.
  “I’m sorry,” she sobs. “I’m so sorry.” Her eyes bore into Steve’s, like they can communicate with just a glance.


  Chris drops his embrace quickly and takes a reflexive step back.

  Aria? That’s Aria McKenzie?

  She steps urgently forward, wrapping her arms around Steve’s torso. “I’m so sorry, Daddy.”

  She looks nothing like her brother and sister.

  “How long?”

  “A year.”

  Steve stares at his daughter for a long beat before turning to me. He’s going to fuck up the rich guy, and he’s going to ask for my help.

  “And you escaped? Just like that?”

  “No…I contacted the FBI. There was already an investigation open. I was able to give them evidence and they arrested him this morning—

  “And when he makes bail?”

  Steve is an easy going guy. Not much gets him going. But I also know the secret life he hides from his family. It’s a little unsettling seeing him go off on his abused and battered daughter.

  He was afraid of never seeing her again. I’m afraid he’s digging his hole deeper. If he keeps this up, she’ll probably run.

  “Look, there’s an FBI agent up at the house. He wants to talk to all of you, but he’s going to be around for a while.”

  “What is it I always told you and your sister? If you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone.”

  The silence is deafening. Chris groans.

  “You relied on that ass to take care of you, and yet, he beat you to hell. Now you’re relying on the fucking FBI to clean up your mess!”

  Aria’s hazel eyes water, but the tears never fall. I wish he’d stop yelling at her.

  If Zoey ever got herself in a situation like this, this isn’t the approach I’d be taking.

  “I’m sorry, okay?” she snaps. But it’s the wrong thing to say, the wrong tone. Rage builds in Steve’s stature. He balls his fists angrily and holds a staring contest with his daughter who doesn’t allow him to walk all over her.

  How’d she get into this situation anyway? Why didn’t she leave sooner?

  “It’s time to sink or swim, kid. You’ve already squandered your second chance at life. Don’t squander your third.” She doesn’t get another word in, because he’s already storming through the barn, angrily latching open stalls.

  Third chance at life? How does one get more than one?

  “He doesn’t mean it,” Chris says softly. I’ve become obsolete. This isn’t my fight. The FBI is involved, and I get the funny feeling danger is going to be knocking down my front door.

  “Yeah, he does,” she replies softly.

  Chris offers her his hand and pulls her up.

  “Let’s go up to the house. At least you got that out of the way.” Chris glances at me, and then to Aria. “Oh, Peanut, this is Dr. Derek Hawthorn. He’s living in Jo’s old house.”

  Aria’s watery gaze meets mine. It wasn’t nice to meet me, I know. I screwed the pooch on this one. I berated the boss’s daughter, but in my defense, I didn’t know who she was.

  Aria sighs and starts towards the house.

  “Chris, she needs a doctor. Her cheekbone looks fractured. If it’s affecting her breathing, she’ll need surgery.”

  He shrugs in reply and kicks a small piece of gravel across the barn.

  “Yeah, we’ll get her to one.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Aria…she’s not usually so cold…”

  Abuse will do that to a person.

  “She’ll come around.” All the women do. I probably won’t explore that avenue with her. Too bad. I bet she’s a bombshell.

  After Coley’s leg is dressed and bandaged, I put her away for the night and head home. All traces of Michelle are gone. The clothes she’s strategically left over the last few weeks are off the sofa and out of my dresser drawers.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. Fucking hallelujah!

  Dinner is nothing spectacular. Two eggs, over easy. Toast. Bacon.

  Zoey’s not here, so I only need to eat to fuel. I take my dinner outside on the front porch swing and revel in the quiet.

  I hadn’t heard of Sage Creek until I met Emily. This is her hometown, and when she left, the only way I’d get to be with my daughter is if I moved here too. It’s grown on me. The McKenzies are good people. Betty Lou and Annie have babysat for me multiple times and treat Zoey like she’s one of them. They’re…family.

  Three figures make their way down the paved road of our makeshift neighborhood and ascend up the wooden stairs of the empty house. The porch light flicks on and the Agent’s eyes meet mine.

  Well, isn’t this interesting.

  They disappear into the house, and I finish my dinner. The girls, Annie and Aria, leave about ten minutes later and disappear into Annie’s house. The front door to the empty house opens and he starts my way.

  I grin as the agent approaches with a grimace.

  “Well, well, well. How deep did Steve lay into you?”

  Olson scoffs.

  “He didn’t, but I’m waiting for him to get down here and rip me a new one.” Nate Olson, one of my “brothers” has been a part of the FBI since he got out of the Marine Corps. I didn’t realize this was his case.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because it’s a federal investigation, Bubba. You’re my brother and I love you, but I’m not losing my job because it’s Steve’s daughter who’s caught in the middle and you’re his bitch.”

  I punch his shoulder with a smirk.

  “I’m not his bitch. I have a good deal here, and I’ll help him out any time he needs it.”

  Nate groans and sinks onto the porch steps.

  “What’s going on, Nate? Why are you here?”

  “She refused witness protection.” He rolls his head so he’s looking into my eyes. “Aria has been an integral part of this case. I’ve been on the Dodges since I started, and she voluntarily handed over evidence. She wants to bury the guy, and I don’t blame her. He and Rockwell are cut from the same cloth.”

  This has me sitting up straighter.

  “What kind of crimes are we talking?”

  “I’m not going there. I can’t tell you everything. I’m her witness protection until he’s put behind bars.”

  “How long do you anticipate that being?”

  He shrugs. “Could be months. Could be years.”

  What about his girlfriend, Evangeline?

  “What does Eve think about all of this?”

  He frowns and turns away from me.

  “The Dodges are dangerous people, Bubba. I did what I had to do to make sure Eve is safe.”

  “You broke up with her?”

  “Worse. I told her I was cheating on her.”

  I catch a silhouette storming down the paved road. Steve is here for the four-one-one.

  “Why? Couldn’t you have told her the truth?”

  “She can’t have any hope. I can’t have her missing me and calling me to shoot the shit. I can’t take a random weekend to visit her, because then, Aria would be vulnerable. I won’t make Eve a target.”

  “You have five seconds to explain why you failed to mention you’re the agent on the damn Dodge case.”

  Where did Steve come from? And why didn’t I hear him approach?

  Nate pulls himself up and creates space between them.

  Nate tells him everything he told me.

  “I wanted her to enter witness protection, Steve, but she refused. This is the first place he’ll go looking. I’m not leaving here until they’re dealt with.”

  “What did you do when he was beating the shit out of her?”

  Nate’s face falls.

  “I couldn’t do anything. If I were to bust in there when she first came to me, she’d be dead. She insisted on staying until the warrants were signed.”

  Steve broods in silence while glaring at Nate.

  “I’m here to keep an eye on her. It would help
if I had an extra set of eyes.” He looks directly at me. I can’t shut him down in front of Steve, but damn it! I don’t want to be in the Dodges’ scope, either! I have a daughter to worry about.

  “If you do your job right, you shouldn’t need an extra set of eyes,” I quip.

  Nate rolls his eyes and turns to Steve.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. You know the rules, man. I wasn’t going to let him kill her.”

  “If she’s not okay, Olson, it’s your ass.”



  “Charlie, where are we going?”

  His vice like grip on my wrist is cutting off my circulation. I’ve learned not to resist, because it makes everything worse. I can’t match his long strides as he pulls me through the rough terrain of the forest. We’re hours outside the city.

  “Stop walking so slow and shut the fuck up!” The only light is from the full moon and it’s useless. Poison ivy is known to be around, but I can’t see a damn thing. Foliage and brush scratch my arms.

  “Charlie, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were on the phone—

  He stops in his tracks and his hand cracks against my cheek.

  “I’m not telling you again. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

  He’s back to yanking me through the woods.

  Is this the end? Will he finally put me out of my misery?

  We reach a point in the woods, and he finally puts his phone away.

  “Look around you, Aria.”

  There isn’t much to see. Darkness, mostly. I can make out a few trees. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’m looking at.

  “Do you remember when we talked about expectations?” Unfortunately, yes, I do. That was the night we came back home from meeting my parents. He pinned me to the wall and yelled at me so loud, the ringing in my ears lasted for a full twenty-four hours.

  To avoid another beating of a lifetime, I nod. “Yes sir. I remember.” He smirks.

  “This is a graveyard, Buttercup.” My heart races. It’s time. He’s going to kill me, and I’ll never get to apologize to my parents. A rustling a few paces ahead of Charlie attunes the rest of my senses.

  It’s sticky out. Muggy. Sweat beads in my hairline when he releases my arm.


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