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King's Gambit: A Son, a Father, and the World's Most Dangerous Game

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by Paul Hoffman

  “a regular Tuesday-morning…”: Vogue, November 2000.

  “She is still a little miffed…”: Walter Isaacson, Benjamin Franklin, 2003: Simon & Schuster, pp. 357, 358. 206 “Never again…”: ibid., p. 362.

  “I get so much pleasure…”: ibid. 206 “This is as it should be…”: Paul Hoffman, “Chess Queen,” Smithsonian, August 2003, p. 75.

  “would come under great strain…”: ibid.

  “Miss Muller Hasting’s…”: Ben Karpman, “The Psychology of Chess,” Psychoanalytic Review, July, 1937, p. 69.

  “I didn’t expect her to see so much…”: The World of Chess, p. 180.

  “No one could ever…”: Jennifer Shahade, Chess Bitch, 2005: Siles Press, p. 8.

  “Michael began…”: ibid., p. 15.

  “I wandered around the streets…”: ibid., p. 284.

  “I just don’t understand…”:

  “There is one fact I would like to clarify…”: ibid.

  CHAPTER 8: “I’m Not the World’s Biggest Geek”

  “I thought I was…”:

  “lifted two clenched fists…”: Yvonne Zacharias, “Good Nerves Move ‘the Kid’ to Victory,” Vancouver Sun, April 2, 2002.

  “an enormous amount of publicity…”: Alec MacGillis, “Chess Teams Checkered by Recruiting Practice,” Baltimore Sun, May 18, 2003.

  “sex w/a 15-yr-old in a few days!!!!!!”: Joe Danborn, Mobile Register, September 18, 2003.

  “Disturbing questions have arisen…”: Kevin Sherrington, “Masters of Chess-Thumping,” Dallas Morning News, May 25, 2003.

  “On the college chess circuit…”: “Chess Teams Checkered by Recruiting Practice,” Baltimore Sun.

  “Why didn’t you play here…”: “GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz Dies: Memories, Life and Games,”

  CHAPTER 10: Praying for the Pseudo Trompowsky

  “With relish Ilyumzhinov tells the story…”: The Human Comedy of Chess, p. 88. 312 “Either FIDE stays a cowboy…”: Tom Parfit, “King of Kalymkia,” The Guardian, September 21, 2006,,,1877426,00.html.

  “Even a dickhead…”: “Anatoly Karpov Speaks His Mind,” detail.asp?newsid=2495

  “The thinker Muammar…”: Muammar Al Qathafi, The Green Book, 1984: World Center for the Study and Research of the Green Book.

  “Woman is a female…”: ibid., pp 93, 94.

  CHAPTER 11: “I Stuck It to Him Real Good, Way Up Him”

  “I don’t know whether…”: London Sunday Telegraph, March 27, 2005.

  “The family was on holiday…”: Nigel Short: Chess Prodigy, p. 26.

  “Nigel would pick up…”: ibid., p. 27.

  “He seemed far too happy…”: Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 9.

  “One is the highly concrete…”: Nigel Short: Chess Prodigy, p. 23.

  “My friends think I’m boastful…”: Daily Express, quoted in Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 10.

  “Nigel sported long hair…”:

  “Nigel Short has been moaning…”: Manchester Evening News, quoted in Forbes, p. 15.

  “I was simply lucky…”: Raymond Keene, Nigel Short: World Chess Challenger, 1992: Henry Holt, pp. 6, 7.

  “One could subject…”: ibid.

  “Short learned the dangers…”: Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 15.

  “he spearheaded the…”: London Sunday Telegraph, November, 2002.

  “Tony was not above…”: ibid.

  “I found myself…”: ibid.

  “I’m getting much more pleasure…”: Nigel Short: World Chess Challenger, pp. 8, 9.

  “Many a player who…”: End Game, p. 4.

  “Nigel Short, the British player…”: Child of Change, p. 15.

  “When I win this match Kasparov…”: End Game, p. 101.

  “Look at Mrs. Kasparov…”: ibid., p. 96.

  “On open territory a Tiger…”: Simon Webb, Chess for Tigers, 1990: Pergamon Chess, p. 38.

  “A painful move for me to see…”: Inside Chess, May 25, 1992, p. 6.

  “Help your pieces…”: Grandmasters of Chess, p. 71.

  “A face like…”: ibid., p. 79.

  “When one plays with Morphy…”: ibid., p. 80.

  “He seldom—in fact…”: ibid., p. 83.

  “He will plant the banner of Castile…”: Phillip Sergeant, The Unknown Morphy, 1971 Dover reprint, p. 30.

  “And now what was Staunton…”: City of London Chess Magazine, as quoted in Grandmasters of Chess, p. 54.

  “the portrait of Paul Morphy…”: David Lawson, Paul Morphy: The Pride and Sorrow of Chess, 1976: David McKay, pp. 310, 311.

  “The strain in his brain…”: New York Sun, as quoted in Grandmasters of Chess, p. 95.

  “the unconscious motives actuating…:” Ernest Jones, “The Problem of Paul Morphy: A Contribution to the Psycho-Analysis of Chess,” as quoted in The Chess Reader, p. 240.

  “It will be Short, and it will be short”: Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 114.

  “At the end of the dinner…”: End Game, p. 74.

  “sometimes causes him to forget…”: Andy Soltis and Gene McCormick, The United States Chess Championship, 1845–1996, Second Edition 1997: McFarland, p. 112.

  “Staring at the board for hours…”: Yasser Seirawan, “The Secret of Speelman’s Success,” Inside Chess, Sept. 23, 1998, p. 4.

  “At first I said, ‘Please, God…”: Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 48.

  “the subject matter is, for one…”: “Chess Can Seriously Damage Your Health,” The Spectator, September 2, 2000, p. 35.

  CHAPTER 12: Endgame: Your Finger Beats Kasparov!

  “As soon as one gets close…”: Miles told New Statesman, as quoted in Nigel Short: Quest for the Crown, p. 15.

  “For the last couple of years…”: Carly Jacobs, “Knight Moves,” Bust, Spring 2004, p. 68.

  “The poets lie about orgasm…”: George Steiner, “Fields of Force,” The New Yorker, October 28, 1972.

  “There is in, say, five-minute games…”: David Spanier, Total Chess, 1984, Secker & Warburg, pp. 98, 99.


  …a6 Slav opening

  Abashidze, Aslan

  Abdullah, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

  Abrahamyan, Tatev

  Accelerated Dragon


  Adams, Michael

  Adventure of the Retired Colourman, The(Doyle)

  Aeroflot Tournament

  Alekhine, Alexander

  Allen, Woody

  American Chess Journal

  Anand, Vishy

  Anderssen, Adolf


  Arrabal, Fernando

  Ashley, Maurice

  Association of Chess Professionals

  Atlantic Monthly

  Austrian Attack

  Azmaiparashvili, Zurab

  Baburin, Alexander

  Bacrot, Etienne

  Bagirov, Vladimir

  Balashov, Yuri

  Balgabaev, Berik

  Baltimore Sun

  Barber of Seville

  Baryshnikov, Mikhail

  Basman, Michael

  Battle of Chess Ideas, The (Saidy)

  Becker, Albert

  Beck’s Beer Variation

  Bedlam Insane Asylum

  Beliavsky, Alexander

  Bell, Daniel

  Berlin Defense


  Bishop’s Opening

  Blaine, David

  Blehm, Pawel

  Bloodgood, Claude Frizzel

  Bogart, Humphrey

  Borgia, Lucrezia

  Botterill, George

  Botvinnik, Mikhail

  Brezhnev, Leonid


  Brillon de Jouy, Madame

  British Chess Magazine
br />   Brogan, David

  Bronstein, David

  Budapest Gambit

  Bush, George W.


  Cambridge University

  Campomanes, Florencio

  Canadian Chess Championship

  Canadian Olympiad

  Capablanca, José Raúl

  Carlsen, Magnus

  Caro-Kann Defense

  Carroll, Lewis

  Caruana, Fabiano

  Catherine the Great

  Central Chess Club

  Charbonneau, Anne-Marie

  Charbonneau, Danielle

  Charbonneau, Pascal

  Alex Hoffman’s games with

  background of

  in Canadian Chess Championship

  in Chicago tournament

  Drenchev’s game with

  Karpov’s game with

  Krush and

  Simutowe and

  in Tripoli

  in World Championship

  Charbonneau, Veronique

  Charbonneau, Yves

  Charles XII, King

  Chase, Mike


  Chernin, Alexander


  Chess Bitch (Shahade)

  Chess Center

  Chess City

  Chess for Tigers (Webb)

  chess history and rules

  Chess Informant

  chess information, availability of


  Chess Is My Life (Korchnoi)

  Chess Life

  Chess Olympiads

  Chess Openings for Hustlers (Bloodgood)

  Chess Player’s Chronicle

  Chess Story (Zweig)

  Child of Change (Kasparov)

  City of London Chess Magazine

  Clinton, Bill

  clocks, chess




  ChessBase program

  Kasparov’s matches against

  Kramnik’s matches against

  see also Internet

  correspondence chess


  Cruise, Tom

  Curdo, John

  Daily Express

  Daily Telegraph

  Dallas Morning News

  Davis, Angela

  Day, Lawrence


  Deep Blue

  Deep Fritz

  Deep Junior

  Defense, The (Nabokov)

  De Groot, Adrian

  Dinter, Charlotte


  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Dragon Sicilian


  Drenchev, Petar

  Dr. Strangelove


  Ehlvest, Jaan

  Einstein, Albert

  El Haj, Nijar Al

  Encyclopaedia Britannica


  End Game (Lawson)

  English Attack

  Englund Gambit

  Erdös, Paul


  Euwe, Max

  Evans, Larry

  Evans Gambit

  Evergreen Game

  Exchange Variation

  of French Defense

  of Slav Defense

  Farber, Nelson

  Fédération Internationale des échecs (FIDE)

  World Championship

  Ferdinand, King

  Fine, Reuben

  Finegold, Benjamin

  Fischer, Bobby

  deception and

  Ilyumzhinov and

  King’s Gambit and

  random chess variation of

  Spassky’s 1972 match with

  touch move rule and

  women players and

  Fishburne, Laurence

  Fool’s Mate

  Forbes, Cathy

  Four Knights

  Foxwoods Casino

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Frederick the Great

  French Defense

  Frias, Victor

  Friedel, Frederic

  Fried Liver Attack

  From Russia with Love

  From’s Gambit

  Gadhafi, Aicha

  Gadhafi, Mohammed

  Gadhafi, Muammar

  Green Book

  Gelfand, Boris

  Geuzendam, Dirk Jan ten

  Gheorghiu, Florin

  Gilbert, Jessie

  Gillespie, Dizzy

  Girls Academy

  Goletiani, Rusudan (Rusa)

  Gonzales, Pancho

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  grandmasters (GMs)

  at simultaneous exhibitions, see

  simultaneous exhibitions

  Grandmaster’s Association (GMA)

  Grandmasters of Chess (Schonberg)

  Grand Prix Attack

  Grayson, Kathryn

  Green Book (Gadhafi)

  Greengard, Mig

  Grigorian, Karen

  Grob (Spike)

  Grob, Henri

  Grünfeld Defense

  Hahn, Anna

  Hanke, Timothy

  Hardy, G. H.

  Hartston, Bill

  Harvard University

  Hass, Eric

  Hawking, Stephen

  “Heroes of Chernobyl” tournament

  history and rules of chess

  Hoffman, Alexander (son)

  chess playing of

  Hoffman, Ann (wife)

  Hoffman, Asa

  Hoffman, Dustin

  Hoffman, Paul

  education of

  as elevator operator

  father of

  health problems of

  mother of

  Hoffman, Tony (brother)

  Holmes, Sherlock

  Houdini, Harry

  Hrabowski, Freeman A.


  If I Ran the Circus (Seuss)

  Ilivitsky, Georgy

  Ilyin-Genevsky, Alexander Fyodorovich

  Ilyumzhinov, Kirsan

  author’s meeting with

  Immortal Game


  Insanity Tournament

  Inside Chess

  international master (IM) rating


  Kasparov’s simultaneous exhibition on

  Sherzer and


  Isabella, Queen


  Ivanchuk, Vassily

  Ivanov, Alexander

  I Was Tortured in the Pasadena Jailhouse(Fischer)

  Jaeg, Catherine

  Johnson, Paul. Jr.

  Johnson, Samuel

  Jones, Ernest

  Journal of Personality and Individual Differences

  “Jump, The” (Sosonko)

  Kachiani, Ketino


  Kamsky, Gata

  Kamsky, Rustam

  Karpman, Ben

  Karpov, Anatoly

  Charbonneau’s games with

  Kasparov on

  Kasparov’s matches with

  Miles and

  Short’s match with

  Zaiganov and

  Karpov on Karpov (Karpov)

  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam

  Kasparov, Garry

  Child of Change

  computers and

  in Internet simultaneous exhibition

  Judit Polgar and

  Kamsky and

  on Karpov

  Karpov’s matches with

  King’s Gambit and

  Kramnik’s match with

  Lautier’s match against

  Radjabov’s game with

  retirement of

  Short and

  women players and

  Kasparov, Klara

  Kasparov Chess Foundation

  Kass, Carmen

  Kavalek, Lubomir

  Keene, Raymond

  Khodarkovsky, Michael

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah

  Khrushchev, Nik

  Kieseritzky, Lionel

  King’s Gambit

  King’s Indian

  Kingsley, Ben

  Kissinger, Henry


  Koneru, Humpy

  Korchnoi, Victor

  Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina

  Kramnik, Vladimir

  in computer matches

  Kasparov’s match with

  Topalov’s match with

  Krush, Irina

  Charbonneau and

  Morozevich and

  Kubrick, Stanley

  Kupreichik, Viktor

  Larsen, Bent

  Lasker, Emanuel

  Lautier, Joel

  Kasparov’s match against

  Lawson, Dominic

  Lenin, V. I.

  Lesiege, Alexandre

  liar’s paradox


  World Championship in


  Lombardy, Father William

  Löwenthal, Johann

  Luzhin Defense, The

  Lyman, Shelby

  McPherson, Kevin


  Manakova, Maria

  Manchester Evening News

  Man Who Loved Only Numbers, The

  Marshall Chess Club

  Insanity Tournament at

  Martin, Andrew

  Marx, Karl

  master rating

  Mathematician’s Apology, A (Hardy)

  Mead, Margaret

  Médicis, Catherine de

  Menchik, Vera

  mental chess

  Miles, Tony

  Minasian, Artashes

  Mochalov, Evgeny

  Montagnier, Luc

  Morozevich, Alexander

  Morphy, Paul

  Morrison, Willie

  Murey, Yacob

  Nabokov, Vladimir

  Najdorf Sicilian

  Nakamura, Hikaru

  Napoleon I, Emperor

  National Chess Congress

  National Open

  New in Chess


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