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Bound to Change: A Limited Edition Spring Shifter Romance Collection

Page 89

by Margo Bond Collins

  "It's just me." That Texas drawl rolled over Poppy like a slowly cresting wave, and she visibly loosened all over. It was like a calming spell had been cast over her, and she gave her head a little shake as though to clear it.

  "What are you doing out here?" Poppy asked in between blows, her lips pursed and pink with nighttime lip gloss. Legend dragged his gaze away from them with difficulty, his own mouth quirking in a sexy smirk. "I thought everyone was asleep."

  "Yeah, I don't sleep much," he replied, his head tilted downward as he approached the kitchen. In the dim light of the kitchen lamp he looked unaccountably young and shy, and Poppy couldn't quite help her smile. "That doesn't explain what you're doing up, kiddo."

  Poppy shrugged, sipping her cocoa and slowly lowering it to the counter as she considered her answer. "Had a bad dream. Well-mostly bad. A little good but...mostly just bad..."

  She quieted as she realized Legend was studying her strangely, his green-gold eyes gazing at her hair. She furrowed her brow in confusion.

  "Dude...what's up with your hair?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "It''s red. fox fur or something. Coppery. Just in waves, though, like you got the red mingled together with the brown. And-" He reached out to crinkle and rub a few strands between his fingers. "Really soft, like...have you ever felt chinchilla fur? Yeah, like that."

  "What?" Poppy whipped around to look at her reflection in the microwave door, touching her hair. Legend was right-it was like red and brown got together and had a passel of really wavy kids, and exceedingly soft. Completely different than her normal, plain-Jane dark brown hair. A throat cleared behind her, and Legend handed her a small hand-mirror. She studied her reflection closer, noting the shimmering golden highlights streaking through the red, glittering in the soft light of the kitchen. Her fingers encountered not a single tangle as she ran them through the long strands. Her hair had never been so soft or thick in her entire life.

  "By your reaction I'm gonna guess that you didn't do that on purpose," Legend murmured, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Poppy set the mirror down and leaned against the counter, covering her face with both hands. Her "no" was muffled in her palms, and Legend grinned. He shoved off the wall and patted her shoulder. "Looks good, kid. At least your nightmares didn't turn your hair white, y'know? Means I can't call you an old lady, though, but it's a sacrifice I'll make if you'll let me play with your hair..." He wiggled his eyebrows at her when she looked at him in shock, and she burst out laughing, slapping a hand over her mouth and snorting when she tried to keep it quiet. She nodded, her hand falling to her collarbone.

  "I mean-sure, why not?"

  "Awesome," Legend said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation, eyeing her hair like he couldn't wait to get his hands on it. "I can do a gorgeous French braid." Poppy lifted an eyebrow at him and he immediately sobered, jamming his hands into his pockets and shrugging. "What? I had sisters. You know. Before."

  Poppy gazed at him, her face softening into a gentle smile, and she drew him into a hug. It was so strange- her thoughts were more ordered than they had been just a few hours ago, her emotions more stable. She felt oddly-older-but that was abjectly impossible. It was surely only the calming influence of the Shifters, knowing after more than three months that she was truly safe. She shook her head again mildly, withdrawing from Legend. He looked embarrassed yet comforted, too, and she took up her cocoa once again, drinking deep now that it was room temperature. Setting the mug in the sink, she stifled a yawn behind her hand.

  "I guess I'm gonna try sleep again," she said softly. "Thanks for the conversation, Legend. It was...nice."

  He bobbed his head at her and popped off a jaunty salute as she ascended the stairs, his eyes wandering to glance at her booty as her sleep shorts rode up her thighs a little more with each step. Yep, he thought. Kid was definitely gonna be a looker when she grew up.

  And he didn't even swing that way.


  "So. A little history is in order. You don't know anything about Shifter myths, or our stories, and those are extremely important. Almost as important as knowing how to tell a Shifter from a regular Joe." Isaiah sat across from Poppy and scooted a cup of steaming, fragrant coffee under her nose. She inhaled deeply, appreciating the fruity, nutty odor of the organic Ethiopian brew. She wrapped her fingers around the ceramic cup with its rendering of a llama draped in blankets and tassels, glad for the warmth against her palms.

  Isaiah took a careful sip and sighed, glancing out the window at a grey sky threatening snow. "Owen's really more informed. He's the unofficial historian of our Pack, you know. We all know the stories, but he knows the reasons behind our origin myths- the whytos and the wherefores, so to speak."

  "Tell me what you can, Isaiah," Poppy said quietly, touching his hand fleetingly before returning to her coffee. He sighed again but met her eyes and nodded once. He took another long sip from his smaller, plain black mug, and opened his mouth to begin.

  "Hold there," Owen's gruff voice rose from near the stairs. "I will tell you in good time, lass. But that time is not now. Not yet. We've a bigger issue to take care of first."

  Isaiah stood slowly, his nostrils flaring as he scented the air. He met Owen's stern gaze, and the elder man nodded his head once, firmly.

  "Damn," Isaiah muttered. Poppy looked from one man to the other in confusion.

  "What is going on?"

  "Your aunt is gone," Owen replied. He was shrugging into his thick khaki jacket, doing up the buttons with blunt yet nimble fingers. "Legend is already out in the streets, searching for her. The scent-Poppy, love, the scent is pure Shifter. Ancient and pure."

  Poppy shook her head, not understanding what he meant. She asked and Owen sighed deeply, resting his hand against the doorjamb. He seemed to lose himself in thought for a moment, but just as Poppy was about to question him again he looked at her.

  "Her scent is old, not as in been gone a long time, but as in she's been alive for a long time. She smells of purity. No trace of human left."

  "That isn't possible," Poppy protested as Isaiah helped her into her jacket. "Jasmine hasn't even completed one full Change, or whatever you call it. If anything she's more human-"

  "Poppy," Isaiah interrupted, "what he means is that she's been a Shifter for probably longer than any of us have been alive. Magic exists. You're coming to know this. It exists all around you, in infinite forms. A strong glamour could have kept the truth hidden even from us. And if she really is one of the first- well, she'd certainly have the knowledge and the power."

  "I believe your aunt-or whoever she really is-comes from the original bloodlines. She may even have been one of the very first Shifters. Being able to cast a glamour spell strong enough to conceal her true identity from someone like Legend- well, let's just say she's unusually strong." Owen grasped Poppy's shoulders and turned her so that he could look directly into her eyes. She could see the animal within his whiskey-colored irises, his pupils throbbing in time with his heartbeat. "Until we find her and put her down, you are in great danger. We cannot leave you alone, but if you come with us you must do exactly as you're told. Do you understand?"

  Poppy nearly glared at him. She nearly asked if he thought she was a child. Nearly. But she swallowed the retort back and nodded because she really was just a child when compared to them, and Owen released her. He tossed Isaiah the keys.

  "You drive, lad," he said. "My wolf is too near to risk it. I might grow paws mid-travel, and that'd be good for none of us."

  POPPY WATCHED THE TREES flicker past the window, although her thoughts were far away. She sighed deeply, hugging her arms even tighter around herself, and she felt Isaiah's gaze upon her momentarily as he glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror, although she didn't look to see for herself. She heard his voice mumble something soothing but her ears couldn't process it. Her mind was awhirl with the origin stories she'd been told and had read, about the very
beginnings of the Shifter race. Magic, mythology. Fairytales. Well, maybe there was always truth to those old stories, the stories which had been passed through the centuries which everyone held in their hearts and kept in the back of their minds, yet so stubbornly refused to believe.

  From the corner of her eye she saw a flash of black among the trees and smirked. Of course Legend would be a black wol-wait. It was definitely too small to be a wolf. The creature darted and bounded among the trees and shrubs almost like a midsized cat. A flash of grinning white teeth, sharp as needles. A flick of black floof tipped in white. Poppy caught her breath as a pointy face turned toward her and grinned as only foxes could, winking one of its brilliant green eyes at her before disappearing among the bracken. She turned a wide-eyed gaze toward the two men in the front seat.

  "Legend's a freaking fox?" she insisted, digging her fingers into Owen's headrest. The older man barked laughter and shifted in his seat to fix her with his mirthful face.

  "And can you think of a more appropriate creature? We don't get to choose, but our animal is often excellent at representing our true nature. Usually more-so than our human side."

  "Just wait’ll you get a load of mine," Isaiah muttered, turning the vehicle in at a small 'overlook' parking area. He shifted into park and turned the engine off before shoving the key into his pocket. "First time I shifted I didn't know whether to laugh or chew my own foot off. Thankfully Owen snuggled me to death before I could seriously consider the second option." He tilted his chin toward the tree line and placed a gentle hand at the small of Poppy's back, urging her forward. "I think this is where Legend caught up with her trail. C'mon."

  The trio approached the tree line with caution, stepping gingerly to avoid too much crunching of gravel and then in the effort to sidestep dry branches. Their eyes continually scanned the brush, but the shadows were deep here and the barest hint of movement, even a squirrel scooting about in the canopy or a rabbit hopping closer to tender shoots of grass, caused Poppy to startle. Isaiah's hand left her back only long enough to allow him to drape an arm across her shoulders, his arm and part of his chest giving her a sense of security. At least nothing could sneak up on her from behind.

  There was a soft whoosh and a rush of air, and before Poppy could even turn toward the sound Legend stepped out from behind a fir tree, brushing his hands across his jacket as though to rid the fabric of invisible dust. He cocked a grin toward her, winked, and gave his head a little shake.

  "Man, I can never really get used to that feeling. Tingles, y'know?" His deep voice teased her, and she rolled her eyes and smiled. Legend's eyes twinkled at her for a split second, then he turned his attention to Owen, tipping his head slightly and brushing his fingers to his forehead. Poppy puzzled at the gesture but the realization quickly dawned that it was likely a show of respect for his Alpha.

  "Any sign of the witch?" Owen asked. Legend's lips pressed together tightly.

  "Not really. I can track her scent- a little- but she didn't leave a trail beyond that. It's like she's floating or something. No footprints, no hair left on a branch- nothing."

  "I'll come with you," Isaiah offered. "Two sets of eyes are better than one."

  "No," Owen said sharply, bracing a hand across Isaiah's chest as the younger man began to step away. "You will stay with Poppy. Protect her. I can accompany Legend. If this Jasmine is who I fear she is-I will be better prepared to fight her magic."

  "I still don't understand how my aunt could be involved in all this," Poppy whispered, her eyes searching Owen's face. "I mean-she's my aunt, for crying out loud. I've known her forever. Whatever," she sighed with a firm shake of her head. "Find her. But Owen- be safe. And get back to us soon. There's a story and I think I need to hear it."

  Owen stared into her eyes, then with one brisk nod he turned away, rushing toward the forest first as a man alongside Legend, but then as the younger became the fox he, too, changed. It was like watching something moving in fog and water. In less time than it took to take a breath, Owen became a huge wolf, brindled black and copper and brown with a tiny white patch on his rear left leg. He paused a moment, glanced back at Poppy and Isaiah, then disappeared with a huff and a slight nod of his head. Isaiah merely shook his own as he led Poppy back toward the SUV.

  "Ah, well," he chuckled, reaching inside and pulling out a couple protein bars, tossing one to Poppy and unwrapping his own. "Maybe one day you'll get to see my Shift."

  "Can't you just tell me what you are?"

  "Nope. You gotta see it to believe it."

  "Hmph." She chewed thoughtfully, the food puffing her cheek out like a chipmunk's. She studied the handsome man with his messy hair and slight five o'clock shadow, noticing how he held himself in a manner similar to a submissive animal-not frightened or abused, but most definitely not dominant leadership material. He was soft-spoken, genteel, and sweet-natured, with the bedside manner of a kind-hearted, well-trained healer. Poppy tilted her head and swallowed, taking a long swig from the sports bottle Isaiah offered her before she spoke again.

  "Did you actually train? I mean, like, go to med school and get your doctorate or whatever?"

  Isaiah grinned and dipped his head shyly, glancing at her through his long, dark lashes, the deep blue twinkling at her. He self-consciously brushed the hair above his ear back with long, supple fingers, then touched an index finger to his shapely lips.

  "I did not. I hated traditional schooling, of any kind. Making you learn all kinds of pointless things. I mostly taught myself, through necessity at first and then, after I fell in with Owen, I was sent to various people he trusted. Healers, shamans, and the like. I enjoyed it, mostly. There was a stint in Outer Mongolia that I wasn't too fond of- hated, actually- but you're too young to hear about that yet." She noticed that he flexed his hand against his thigh as he said this, and though she was extremely curious about it she left it alone.

  "There's just so much going on that I don't know, that I don't understand. And nobody wants to enlighten me because I'm too young, or inexperienced, or innocent, or...or whatever. I'm sick of being treated like a child."

  "It's all temporary," he said softly, encouragingly, as he reached forward to push her unruly hair out of her face so he could look at her. "When did this happen, anyway? Didn't you have brown hair before?"

  Poppy scoffed, smirking a little as she reached up and shoved her hair behind her ear. Her fingers brushed Isaiah's on their way through the thick strands, and they both jumped.

  "Did you just...?"

  "Did you feel...?"

  They both shook their heads, as though in disbelief, and Isaiah motioned for Poppy to continue. She sighed, took another long pull from the water bottle, wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, and leaned against the vehicle.

  "It must've happened last night. I had this dream- it felt so real- and when I woke up and went into the kitchen Legend noticed that my hair was this new and improved coppery-red color. I have no idea what happened, but I dunno. It's weird. I almost feel...older. It's not anything I can put my finger on, but I feel less- you know- teenagerish. Is that a word? It is now," she said with a shrug, shoving away from the SUV with a spasm of her hip. She scrubbed her hands together and blew on them, trying to regain feeling in her frozen digits. Isaiah took her hands in his and began rubbing. His palms were warm and dry, and the crackle of electricity between them dulled to a subtle tickling sensation, causing the tiny hairs along the backs of hands and along arms to raise and flesh to quiver. Poppy drew a quick intake of breath as her pulse kicked up a few notches, and Isaiah's own breathing shook as he sighed. He exhaled a puff of foggy air, and Poppy inexplicably giggled, covering her mouth with one hand. Isaiah smirked at her and turned at the sound of crunching undergrowth.

  A black fox leapt over a fallen branch onto an area of packed-down snow in a tire tread, daintily shaking each paw free of the moisture caused by Shifter heat melting the snow underfoot. Directly behind him lumbered a large and quite pretty British
badger, his white stripes pristine and his black extremely glossy. He paused at the edge of the brush line, gazing at them with kind, liquid black eyes. Legend tilted his pointy face back to look at the badger and yipped, and quick as a flash they both merged into their human forms, giving the now familiar shiver as they settled back into their male forms.

  The badger became a man with dark skin, shoulder-length black curls that glistened in the dull sunlight, chocolate brown eyes which were heavily lidded and seemed to smile with a life of their own, and an aquiline nose. He smiled in Poppy's direction, evincing a deep dimple in his cheek, and slowly stepped toward her. Legend and Isaiah both took up defensive positions in front of her, and although she rolled her eyes with exasperation she was, nevertheless, grateful. The last thing she needed right now was a come-on from a stranger, let alone a strange Shifter. He lifted his nose in the air, scenting her, his eyes never leaving her though they roved down her body before settling again on her face.

  "You smell divine, kitten," he said, his accent British with a hint of exotic India in the vowels. She swallowed hard and grasped Legend's jacket sleeve, sidling slightly more behind him and Isaiah, looking around them both at this unknown quantity. "Time-it does strange things, does it not? You are not the first of your bloodline that I have smelled."

  Poppy scrunched her nose and furrowed her brow. "What are you talking about? Did you know my parents? aunt?"

  The man threw back his head and laughed. He wore only a pair of torn blue jeans and a suede vest, and when he laughed his bicep muscles quivered and jumped. His Adam's apple bobbed, and his teeth were unnaturally white and sharp.

  "Your 'aunt'...your 'aunt'..."

  He trailed off and Poppy widened her eyes at him significantly, lifting one eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. He scratched at his jaw and clasped his hand behind his neck.

  "Yasmeena-hmm, Jasmine, that is-she is not who you think she is. I have been searching for her for a very long time, as did my father and his father before him. We wish to bring her to justice for her many crimes against our kind. Her kind, too, for she was one of the first. But it is a story your Alpha should tell you. It isn't my place..."


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