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Suzie and the Alien

Page 9

by Lili Zander

  “Is there a difference?” I asked wryly.

  “A pet the same as a slave? Have you ever owned a cat, Suzie?” Bob shot back at me, and I had to concede the point. He laughed openly at my look of grudging acceptance. “Tamora might want to be submissive tonight. You cannot be Dominant though. Erdese cultural taboos run too deep for Tamora to cede to another woman. Obey us, don’t be sassy. She can’t understand you, but she can read your body language. Okay?”

  “And then she’ll take Larry.” I hadn’t seen Larry the Lizard since that first day. I knew he was in a holding cell somewhere on the ship, but I hadn’t asked Bob where. I’d been avoiding him. What he had ordered done to me had caused trauma, and I had been afraid that seeing him would bring it all rushing out. Instead, I was distracting myself by having a lot of sex with Bob.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Suzie,” Bob’s voice was gentle. “It’s only been five days.”

  Damn bracelet. I really had to remember to wear that thing more often. I didn’t like being an open book to Bob.


  “Kneel,” he ordered, leading me to the dungeon. I complied. The skirt rode up my thighs obscenely, and he adjusted the fabric and he nudged apart my knees till my pussy was on display to his satisfaction, framed by silk fabric. He tied my hands behind my back with golden cuffs. “Wait here for us,” he instructed as he left.

  It wasn’t long before I heard footsteps enter the dungeon again. I kept my eyes on the ground, unsure of whether good pets were allowed to look up and make eye contact or not.

  “Look up, little human.” That was a male voice that wasn’t Bob. What the fuck? My eyes flew up to see Bob, Tamora and a third person. The man who had spoken.

  “Suzie,” Bob smiled. “This is gobbledygook.” Okay. He didn’t say gobbledygook. But that’s what I heard though. Both men laughed in amusement. My eyes narrowed. Wait, this new guy could read my thoughts as well?

  I studied him. He was as tall as Bob. Same greenish, slightly-waxy skin. Blonde hair though, pulled back in a ponytail. Bulging muscles, broad shoulders. Bob was leaner. This guy looked like a bear. A gorgeous bear.

  They laughed again. “Suzie,” the stranger spoke. “Why don’t you call me George? You humans can never quite get the pronunciation of my name right.” He turned to Bob. “Thanks for showing me that device,” he said, his eyes glinting. “I’ve got to get one of my own. And perhaps, when Suzie has been on board your ship a little longer, you might invite me to visit?”

  He was asking to fuck me. Gulp. And, if I were being honest, and it was lie to myself when confronted with the seeping juices from my pussy, that was going to be pretty okay as far as I was concerned.

  More laughter, and my face flamed. I really needed to remember they could read my thoughts. The stranger winked at me and thankfully left, and I was left in the room with Bob and Tamora. My heart rate sped up.

  Tamora’s nostrils flared. “I can sense your nerves, little pet,” she purred. “There’s no need to be worried.” Bob snorted a little in my mind. “Erdese sexism at work,” he thought dryly at me. “She’s never quite so nice to me.”

  I suppressed my laughter with difficulty and focused on Tamora’s next words. “Traveler, why don’t we put your pet through her paces, and then, perhaps you can help me with some stress relief?”

  Bob flashed me a grin and nodded to Tamora. “I’d be happy to, Warrior Queen,” he said. “What would you like my pet to do?”

  “Has she tasted a woman?” Tamora asked. I was still on my knees, my pussy spread open, and at her words, every muscle in my body clenched. I had never tasted a woman. Just my own juices, licked from my fingers when I masturbated to porn on my laptop. But… if I were being perfectly honest, if I could ignore the labels that were part of my upbringing and focus only on my desires, I was quite intrigued. Plus, Tamora had a tail. I was completely curious to know what role the tail would play in the upcoming threesome.

  Bob stifled a chuckle at my thoughts. “She hasn’t,” he responded to Tamora’s question. “But she’s eager to please.” He walked to the wall and retrieved a riding crop from its hook. “Besides, I can help persuade her.”

  “Indeed,” Tamora smiled. She shed her skirt so that she was completely naked, and she walked towards me. “Come, pet. Let’s have you lie on the bench.”

  Ah, the bench. Scene of my earlier punishment. I bit my lip and silently rose to my feet, keeping my eyes on the ground, to prevent myself from staring at Tamora’s perfect body, and I stumbled the few steps to the bench. And yes, her pussy hair was both neatly trimmed and flaming red in color. Probably the same color as my face was at that moment.

  Her hands were at the ties holding my skirt in place, and she loosened them, and it fell in a swish to the floor. I stepped out of the pool of fabric and moved one step closer to the bench and I waited quietly for instructions.

  “Lie down on it, face up,” Tamora ordered. Her voice was smoky. Sexy as hell. She released my hands from the cuffs, and I obeyed, lying down. She took my arms and raised them vertically and cuffed me to some chains hanging from the ceiling. Bob did the same to my legs, so they were pointing straight up, and then he attached a bar to my knees to keep them spread. I was completely immobilized. On my back, my hands and feet in the air, pussy and ass on lewd display.

  Tamora’s nostrils flared again. “Your pet is excited by her handling, traveler,” she breathed huskily.

  Bob smiled. “Yes, she is quite special that way,” he said, and my heart swelled with pride.

  “Now, pet,” Tamora’s voice was kind. “Since you haven’t done this before, I won’t expect any skill. But I will expect enthusiasm.” I nodded silently, assuming nodding was the universal symbol for assent. Bob was playing bad-cop to Tamora’s good cop though, and he punctuated her words by two crisp slashes of the crop on my ass. I whimpered, but then Tamora moved to straddle the bench and lower her pussy on my face, and I didn’t have the space or the time to make a sound.

  She was soaked. Her juices dripped down my face, smearing my nose and my cheeks, and I lapped frantically at her slit, my first movements more quick strokes of my tongue to soak up the wetness than to provide any real pleasure. I thought I’d be repelled by the act, but Tamora tasted like I did, and I found I liked it. I liked her soft moans when I found a sensitive spot. She ground on my face, and my mouth covered her slit as I focused on her pleasure.

  “Slow down, Suzie,” Bob’s voice was disapproving. “Toy with her like you would like to be toyed with. Long strokes, suck her lips into your mouth, and tease her clitoris. Don’t just rush her into orgasm. Be more subtle than that.”

  Tamora’s fingers found my breasts while I obeyed, and she played with my nipples. I extended my tongue and took a slow lick, and she whimpered in pleasure, and that whimper made my muscles tighten. As I sucked, Bob moved around my ass, cropping it as he saw fit, keeping me dancing at the edge between pleasure and pain, stoking my arousal with the slaps of the crop. I circled Tamora’s clitoris with a tightly curled tongue, and she hissed, and Bob chuckled and struck my inside thighs as reward.

  “Let’s distract you a bit, Suzie, see if you can do a good job anyway,” Bob said. He moved between my legs, and there was a sudden, sharp pinching pain on my labia. “Clothespins,” Bob said, answering my unspoken question. “From your world, in fact.”

  I whimpered as best I could, with Tamora’s pussy on my face. It hurt. But Tamora hissed in disapproval, and reached forward and pinched my nipples, hard. “Keep your focus on my cunt, pet,” she ordered, and I groaned my assent.

  Bob kept talking, describing what he was doing to my pussy. “I’m attaching some fine rope to the clothespins, Suzie,” he said. “And attaching it to your legs. Every time you twitch, you’ll feel the ache in your pussy. And,” he continued, laughter in his voice. “I’m going to make sure you twitch a lot.”

  Great. Tamora tweaked my nipples again, and hissed “Keep sucking,” to me, and I pushed the ache from t
he clothespins to the background and sucked her inner pussy lips into my mouth. I kept sucking and felt pride when she groaned and ground into my face. “More,” she breathed. “Don’t stop.”

  Two stinging strokes of the crop, right on my mound. “Yes, Suzie,” Bob laughed. “Don’t stop indeed.”

  “Then stop hitting me,” I thought in annoyance at Bob, but two harder strokes followed. “I don’t want to hear back-talk from you,” he said, his voice hard. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Bob,” I thought back meekly. I couldn’t speak. My mouth and lips and tongue were engaged in pleasuring Tamora, and she started mewling softly now, rubbing her pussy in my face as I sucked her clitoris between my lips, and grazed it with my teeth, just the way Bob did to me. That tiny bit of teeth at the point when I was really, really close to the edge always pushed me over, and I thought it might do the same thing for Tamora.

  It did. She squealed and gushed as she came, and I lapped up her juices frantically, as she ground down on me so hard that a tiny corner of my brain wondered if I was going to suffocate. Then, finally, she groaned and moved away from me.

  “Excellent enthusiasm, pet,” she purred. Her tail curled around her, and she ran the furry end over my tender, swollen nipples as a reward. I bit my lip and whimpered softly. The hair on her tail was slightly coarse, and each stroke felt like the swipe of a toothbrush on my aching nubs.

  Bob chuckled and moved near my pussy, removing the clothespins from my lips. I yowled like a scared cat when the blood rushed back into them, and I arched in agony, but he just rolled his eyes. “Do you need a drink of water?” he asked me. I nodded, and he fetched me a glass, and helped me incline my head so I could sip the water.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  Tamora had been examining Bob’s very extensive selection of dildos, whips, canes and floggers while I was catching my breath. When I was done drinking my water, she turned to the two of us. “Your pet appears to enjoy pain, traveler,” she observed.

  Bob nodded. “She does indeed,” he said. He took the slim flogger she handed him with a smile of thanks, and the warming strokes started hitting my thighs and my exposed slit. Tamora circled me at the same time, touching my body with just enough pressure to make me arch in longing towards her.

  They were both very good. Bob’s strokes with the flogger were hard enough to make me twitch and moan with pleasure. Tamora’s touch on my body was making me quiver with arousal. She rolled my nipples between her fingers. She stroked my arms with a delicate nail. Her tail ran all over my body, till every touch felt like white-hot fire. I whimpered constantly as they kept circling around me steadily, making every inch of my body tremble with arousal, until Tamora finally relented, lowering her mouth on my pussy. It didn’t take long, my pussy clenched, and pleasure overwhelmed me, and I came with a full-body shudder.

  Her tongue swiped my dripping slit in one long stroke, and she hummed a pleased sound in her throat. “A lovely pet,” she purred.

  Bob clucked his tongue at me. “Were you allowed to come without permission, Suzie?” he asked, his voice hard.

  Ah, the good cop bad cop routine again. I shook my head mutely.

  “Five strokes as punishment. Count them out,” he snapped.

  Tamora stepped back and watched. “Will you be so hard with me, traveler?” she asked him, and I could hear the slow simmer of arousal in her voice.

  “Can you dish it out, but not take it, Warrior Queen?” he asked with an arrogant arch of his eyebrows, and Tamora straightened in outrage before she realized he was baiting her. Her lips twitched as he raised the flogger and brought it down in a downward motion on my mound.

  I shrieked ‘one’ as pain flooded my body. This was a punishment stroke. Harsh fire, not the sweet warmth of the earlier strokes of the flogger. Tamora’s fingers ran over my face, providing soothing contrast. The second swipe landed on my thighs, and I yelped a bitten-off ‘two’ as agony snaked through my body.

  “Hold on, Suzie,” Bob soothed. “Only three more strokes.” These were swiftly delivered – my thighs again, my mound, and finally one flaming swipe, right on my pussy lips, and I screamed ‘five’ as Bob’s fingers thrust into my dripping pussy and brought me to another orgasm.

  “Thank you,” I gasped out when I could speak again, and I heard Tamora’s chuckle at my face.

  “A very polite pet,” she said approvingly. She unlocked the bindings at my wrists, and Bob loosened the ones at my ankles, and he helped me up and guided me towards his chambers and set me down on his bed. They left me alone for a few minutes to recover. Soon enough though, Bob moved behind me, and positioned me on my side, and his erect cocks nudged at my pussy and ass.

  “Yes, please,” I begged him. I’d had him earlier this evening, but that had just whetted my appetite. I was wet, and I’d learned how to relax my ass for him. He smiled at me and bent and kissed my neck as he thrust into me.

  My whimper was muffled by Tamora’s mouth over mine. She lay facing me, her breasts rubbing against mine, her pussy grinding into my pussy. Her tongue explored my lips and my mouth, and I gasped as she kissed me thoroughly, and I reveled in how different she felt from Bob. Her mouth was softer.

  I felt something stroke my hips as I groaned and deepened my kiss. Tamora’s tail, stroking the curve of my body, as Bob thrust into me. My nipples were erect pebbles as Tamora’s breasts bounced against them, and I wanted to take her nipples in my mouth very badly.

  “Ask,” Bob suggested. “Reach out, put your fingers in your mouth to get them wet, and rub her nipples.” I did what he said, letting go of her mouth to wet my fingers, and she arched as I rolled her erect nubs between my fingers.

  Her skin was so soft. Bob was fucking me, and it was amazing, but I was captivated by Tamora. My hands boldly explored her entire body. I stroked her breasts, her nipples. I tugged gently on the trimmed hair on her pussy, and she growled in pleasure. “Just don’t touch the hair on her head,” Bob warned, and I nodded. Instead, I pushed two fingers into her pussy, curving and twisting them inside her. I wasn’t sure if she had a g-spot, but if she did, I wanted to find it.

  She definitely had a g-spot. When I touched one part of her tight, wet passage, she jumped and flailed and grabbed my hand and pushed me still deeper inside. Her tail moved over me as she reciprocated, the bristles abrading my body in a way that provided only heat and pleasure. My pussy and ass were being fucked thoroughly, my fingers were in the pussy of an alien queen, and I was providing her pleasure. I smirked to myself. Toto, I thought to myself silently, we aren’t in Albuquerque anymore.

  Bob radiated confusion at my pop culture reference, and I chuckled. “I’ll explain later,” I promised him, pulling my two fingers out of Tamora’s pussy, and adding a third when I pushed back in. Tamora yowled in pleasure, and Bob thrust in me so hard at the same exact moment that I lost my ability to breathe for a second, overwhelmed by intense sensation.

  I was about to be even more overwhelmed. Tamora pulled away and flipped herself around so that her pussy was in my face, and she planted her tongue at my clitoris. I licked her dripping wetness, and her tongue flicked at my clitoris, and Bob groaned as her tongue moved over him as well as he thrust into me, and it wasn’t long until the three of us were peaking in orgasm, fueled by each other’s lust, propelled higher and higher, until we couldn’t climb anymore.


  When we finally stirred, Bob sat up. “Tamora,” he said, and there was a definite command in his voice. “Go get showered. Suzie has been with me for just a week, and you can already see what a good pet she is. I will expect a lot more from you.”

  I expected her to punch him, but she smiled at him, then lowered her gaze. “Yes, traveler.” Her voice had a tone of bliss in it.

  When she left, I frowned at him. “I’m not actually your pet, you know,” I protested.

  He laughed, and his hand squeezed mine. “Of course not,” he agreed. “For starters, you talk way too much for that.” I punched h
im, and he laughed again. “You’ve seen Edrem, Suzie. They actually don’t have a word for sexual partner. They have words for slaves. Pets. But not lovers.”

  I was shocked. “That seems so… sad,” I said.

  He nodded. “It’s a large universe,” he replied. “And you’ll see many strange things. Now, come. You and Tamora can take turns being my pretty little submissives on the machine you so quaintly call the medical torture device.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Not at all vain,” I said dryly.

  He waved an idle hand at his cocks, a gesture that clearly implied he had every reason to be vain, and I swear, to my eternal regret, that my mouth opened automatically in lust before I caught myself with irritation. His silent laughter followed me the entire way to the other room.

  “Kneel,” he ordered to both of us. I’d taken a quick shower after Tamora had finished, and we’d reconvened in the room housing the medical torture device. This time, the bench I normally lay on was wider. Wide enough for two. I looked at Bob suspiciously, and he just smirked.

  “Behave yourself, Suzie,” he chided. “Look at Tamora.” I did. Tamora was a flawless Dominant, and evidently, she was a flawless submissive as well. She’d knelt, her gaze on the floor, her thighs spread apart to expose her beautiful pussy, her hands locked behind her. My pussy ached when I looked at how perfect she was.

  I copied her, as best I could. Bob’s voice spoke in my head. I thought he’d make fun of me, but his tone was soothing. “Suzie, you are doing fine. More than fine.” I looked at him for an instant, and he smiled at me, all warmth and reassurance. “Besides,” he thought at me, “you definitely have more experience with this machine than Tamora does.”

  I grinned. That did make me feel better.

  “Tamora, I think you are going to enjoy this machine,” Bob said aloud. “Why don’t you get up on the bench? Lie on your back.”


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