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Taken by the Thief

Page 10

by Eliza Lockhart

  None of the ways I’d pictured this part of the plan had included a Vasily who was still trying to claim he was my fiancé and expect me to act like I felt something in return.

  “Father,” I said, trying to speak as quietly as possible and steer him away from the Petrushkov don. “Things haven’t been entirely transparent.”

  This got his attention, but he didn’t pick up on the body language or my desire for things to be quiet.

  “What on earth are you talking about, Nadenka?”

  “Everything with Kostya. It...” I trailed off as Vasily came closer, evidently able to hear what we were talking of.

  “It was despicable. I know you liked him, my dear,” Vasily said. “But I promise from now on you won’t be bothered by him again. Or anyone like it. As soon as we know you’re okay, I’m going to take you with me to my house. We’ll get married as soon as possible and I’ll make sure no street urchins like Konstantine ever come anywhere near you.”

  “No, I don’t want to live with you,” I replied, fear and panic unleashing my thoughts.

  “What do you mean, Nadenka?” my father asked. “You agreed to marry Vasily. Where did you think you’d live?”

  “That’s not what I mean. This whole thing wasn’t what it seemed. I wasn’t truly tortured.”

  “Oh, Nadenka, you’re not making any sense. That vile excuse for a man has done so much to you, you clearly can’t think straight,” Vasily replied, coming closer.

  “He’s not vile,” I yelled, trying to pull back as once more Vasily tried to pull me into a hug. “And he hasn’t addled me. I wasn’t tortured.”

  Pushing back my sleeves, Vasily revealed all the marks on my arms. Instantly, my father gasped, his face going white.

  “You look like you’ve been tortured to me. And those videos he sent us looked real enough.”

  “Well, yes. I mean, he did do all those things, but—”

  “Then for your own safety, I must insist that you come stay with me as soon as you’ve been checked over and the doctor decides you’re ready to rest and be taken care of.”

  “But I’m safe here,” I replied, still pushing against Vasily as he tried to keep me close.

  “No, Nadenka. I can’t keep you safe anymore,” Father said, his voice sounding so heartbroken. “You must go with Vasily.”

  “I don’t want to,” I yelled, but to no avail. The more I struggled, the more both Father and Vasily worked together to contain me.

  “I’ve lost half my empire, my dear child. Vasily is the only person who can keep you safe anymore.”

  “No. I won’t. I want to be with Kostya. Kostya didn’t betray us. Kostya is going to come back for me. He’s—”

  “Enough.” Vasily picked me up, somehow getting his hand across my mouth and lifting me off my feet. I tried to get out of the vice-like grip, but he was far too strong.

  “Do you have a panic room or something where we can keep her safe for a short while?” he asked. My eyes went wide as I tried to scream my protest. A panic room was the last place I wanted to be. This wasn’t what was meant to happen and this wasn’t what I’d planned. I didn’t want to be trapped with Vasily.

  But Father obliged him, leading him down the hall to the sitting room. Mother had often liked to knit in there, and Father had made sure she had somewhere safe to go if we were attacked. He pulled on an ornamental cross-stitch picture she’d made, and behind was a button. When he pressed it, one of the book shelves opened up to reveal a small room, barely big enough for a large seat someone could recline on and a few other essential items like food, water and a tiny toilet.

  Father had once boasted that a person could survive in there for an entire week if need be. but there was only one way in and one way out, and I knew once I was in there, only the two men would let me out. I doubled my efforts to get out of Vasily’s arms but he just grew rougher and more forceful, clearly not caring if he hurt me in his quest to get me in there.

  “It might help if we had one of her pets or something,” Vasily said. “Does she have any particularly docile ones?”

  My father nodded, hurrying away as Vasily pushed me into the tiny space. I struggled as much as I possibly could, but he laughed, the two of us now alone together.

  “Oh, Nadenka, you silly, silly girl. Don’t think I don’t know about all the things you and Kostya have been trying to do. Tell me, was it really your idea to let him do those sorts of things to you?” Vasily said, pushing me down onto the chair and leaning over me. His hands reached for my breasts as he did, copping a feel.

  I pushed against him, but I was trapped, pinned by his strength and weight. Caught in a trap. I didn’t dignify his words with a reply.

  “Of course, I had no idea how rough you liked your sex when I first took an interest in you, but I confess, I’m looking forward to trying out a submissive like you. I bet it’s delightful pinning you down and making you deep-throat. And you like being choked as well! That’s a personal favourite of mine.”

  “Go to hell, Vasily,” I said, snarling and trying to push him off me. He just laughed again. “Kostya won’t let you do this. He’s going to bring you down.”

  “Kostya is miles away by now, sweetheart. He got what he wanted. Half your father’s territory and your body to fuck over for a few days. That’s what he does. Picks easy targets like you. Naive young women who think he is offering them everything. He’s gone, Nadenka. Already left you far behind him, and now I know your dirty secret. You like pain. Well, here’s mine. I love hurting my partners. And I don’t take no for an answer. Ever. We’re a match made in heaven, sweetheart.”

  “No. I don’t believe you.”

  “Believe me or not. It doesn’t change anything. I’m taking you home in a few hours, and then it will be too late.”

  Before Vasily could say anything else or grope me even more, the sitting room door opened and Father returned. Immediately Vasily lifted just enough to put some distance between our bodies but not enough I could get up or move past him. Father carried my cat, one of the few animals I had that could be considered normal.

  “Here, my dear. Some company. Hopefully the doctor won’t be long.”

  “No,” I said again, trying once more to get up. “I won’t let you do this.”

  “Please, Vasily, let me see if I can talk to her and try and calm her,” Father said.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. I’ll be just outside if you need me.”

  Knowing Father was going to take over, I relaxed just enough Vasily could walk away while I took my cat. The fluffy feline instantly nuzzled into my shoulder and a small part of me relaxed.

  I didn’t say a word until Vasily was gone and only Father stood in front of me.

  “Please, Father,” I said, tears forming and streaming down my face before I could stop them. “You have to believe me. Kostya didn’t do this to take your territory. He was trying to protect it, and me, from Vasily. The initial threat came from Vasily. Kostya was just the scapegoat.”

  “Sssh, Nadenka. I know that’s what he made you believe. But it’s not true, my dear. Vasily will take care of you now.” Father reached forward and used his handkerchief to wipe my tears away. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep you safe.”

  “Oh, Father. I don’t blame you. I chose some of this.” I tried to reach out to him and step out of the panic room, but he wouldn’t let me, his hands firm as he pushed me back.

  “I know. You were tricked into all sorts. But never again. I’ll make sure of it.” Father reached for the edge of the bookcase and pulled it back to shut it.

  “No, please don’t shut me in here,” I said, trying to walk out, but he stepped back out of the gap and pushed the case towards me. I had nowhere else to go and was forced to yield to the heavy furniture as it sealed me inside.

  The light was stolen with it, none of us thinking of looking for the torch before I was shut inside. Feeling for the long chair, I put the cat down in it and knelt. There was just eno
ugh room between it and the back of the bookcase for me to pull the drawer out and rummage. In the pitch black, it took me a while to find the torch among other items I couldn’t see but guessed were toys, games and food.

  Eventually my hands closed on a metal cylinder that could possibly be a torch. I ran my hands along it, trying to feel for some kind of button, grateful I wasn’t afraid of the dark. I found one on the end, but the lightbulb flickered for a fraction of a second before it blew, taking away my only source of light with it.

  Growling my anger, I slammed the drawer shut again and reached for the chair. In the pitch black, I half-crawled and half-felt my way over to it. The cat still sat there, purring as she nuzzled my hand.

  With nothing better to do, I picked her up, sat down and waited.

  If Kostya didn’t come for me, I’d find a way to get to him. Then I’d find out who was right. Me, or my father.

  Either way, I knew one thing for sure. I wasn’t going anywhere with Vasily Petrushkov, and if anyone tried to make me, I’d do what I did best.

  I’d run away.

  My future was mine to decide. They just didn’t know it yet.


  Thank you for reading this story. You can buy (or pre-order) the next book in the series here.

  Books by Eliza Lockhart

  The Russian Mafia Universe:

  Beast (Inspired by Beauty and the Beast)

  Taken by the Beast

  Taught by the Beast

  Protected by the Beast

  Rescued by the Beast

  Forever with the Beast

  Thief (Inspired by Aladdin)

  Claimed by the Thief

  Taken by the Thief

  Forever with the Thief

  Erotic sci-fi:

  Resurrected (Almost Immortal Courtesan 1)

  Taken shorts:

  Taken by the Vampire

  Holidays with the Pack:

  Lycans and Lawyers at Christmas

  Coming soon:

  Prince (Inspired by Cinderella)

  Tamed by the Prince

  Erotic sci-fi coming soon:

  Surrendered (Almost Immortal Courtesan 2)




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