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Her Two Cowboy Daddies: Menage Romance

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by Julie Piper

  Her Two Cowboy Daddies


  Julie Piper












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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  I can’t believe how much she’s grown. When I last saw my step-daughter, she was an awkward tomboy. A year later, she’s a grown woman. And a drop-dead gorgeous one to boot.

  Inviting her to my ranch for the summer seemed like a good idea. Now, I don’t know what I was thinking. How can I control myself around her? Everything she does sets my body on fire. And sometimes, I get the feeling she knows it.

  But how can that be? Surely, she won’t want an older man like me.


  I thought my partner was nuts. Who invites the daughter of their ex-wife to spend the summer? But he swore she was nothing like her mother, a sexy party girl.

  Turns out he was only half right. She’s no party girl, but she’s sexy as hell.

  But stepdaughter or not, she’s still my partner’s kid. Which means she’s off limits.

  I’m trying to be a gentleman. But it’s hard when she’s making it clear she wants me just as bad.

  Her Two Cowboy Daddies


  The sun comes streaming through the small window of Paisley Jackson’s bedroom, warming her long, golden legs. She sighs, shifting in her chair, crossing and uncrossing her legs, trying to get more comfortable in the cramped space of her bedroom. She knows it’s no use, but what can she say? She’s an optimist at heart.

  Unfortunately, the sad truth is that there’s nowhere to get comfortable in the shoe-box sized apartment she shares with three other girls. But that’s student life, she tells herself. I knew it was going to be like this when I signed up for it.

  And Paisley knows that she’s happier here in this cramped apartment, studying to be a vet alongside her three housemates, than she would be anywhere else – especially more than she would be at home in her mother’s equally tiny apartment in a sketchy neighborhood in LA. But now that her first year of school is done and she’s facing three months of summer, the cramped apartment is feeling just a little bit more restricting than it had during the year.

  Most of the students at the school were looking forward to the break from long hours and endless studying. In the past three weeks, Paisley had heard so many summer plans she can’t keep them all straight – going to Mexico with moms, going to New York with cousins, spending the summer on the family farm. The thing is, Paisley is missing the two key ingredients for all those plans: money and family.

  As for the first, if she wants to keep studying, not to mention paying rent, she’ll have to find a job – or better yet, several – for the summer. And as for the second…well, a family isn’t exactly something Paisley has in spades.

  The sun shifts and Paisley closes her eyes, letting the warmth spread over her as she remembers the last time she called Megan, her party-loving, pill-popping mom.

  “I talked to my friend Carl, you know.” Her mother’s voice was smug. Even over the bad line, Paisley could hear the incessant snap-pop of her mother’s gum.

  “About what?” Paisley asked. Looking down, she inspected her nails. The green polish was chipping. She’d need to replace it soon, but she didn’t have the time. Or the energy. Or the money.

  “About you, obviously, Paisley. You know he’s an agent for West Coast Models. And let me tell you, he was very interested. He said—” Here Megan interrupted herself with a girlish giggle. “He said that if you looked anything like me, you would be perfect for his agency. He’s such a flirt, that man. So bad!” she drawled as if she wasn’t thrilled by Carl’s attention.

  “But, Mom, I don’t want to get picked up by an agency. I don’t want to be a model. And besides, I don’t look anything like you.”

  Like her gum snapping, Megan’s annoyed sigh came through loud and clear. “Honey, you’ve got my legs, my ass, and my tits. You don’t need anything else. Though, honestly, the way you’re behaving, they are so totally wasted on you.”

  “Mom, just because I have a nice ass, doesn’t mean I can’t do something with my life. I’m not beholden to my ass!”

  “Being a model is doing something with your life. Christ, you’ve turned into such a snob, Paisley. I swear to God, Chris made you into his little, like, minion.”

  “If by that you mean he took care of me, then, yeah, I guess he did.”

  “And me? Don’t I take care of you? Haven’t I taken care of you all your goddamn life?” Her mother’s voice grew angry and sharp, taking on that hysterical edge Paisley knew only too well.

  “Of course you did, mom,” Paisley replied. She didn’t want to fight with her mother, but she couldn’t quite keep a hint of sarcasm out of her voice. She sighed quietly. It wasn’t exactly a surprise that the call wasn’t going well. Megan and Paisley had never managed to get through an entire one of their (infrequent) phone calls without fighting.

  “You can be so ungrateful sometimes, Paisley. I swear you love that asshole more than me. And you only knew him two years. Not to mention, I’m your actual parent. He’s just some random guy!”

  Yeah, some guy you married, moved us in with, convinced me he was my new father, and then cheated on him after six months, Paisley thought, shaking her head. Poor Chris. “Of course, Mom,” was all she said aloud. “Well, I have to go. I have class in a few minutes.”

  “Of course. Funny how you only ever call me right before you have to be somewhere else.” It was her mother’s turn to be sarcastic.

  Paisley took a deep breath. At least I call, Paisley thought. If she left it up to her mom, they’d never talk at all. “Student life,” she muttered. “Talk to you soon.”

  “Wait, so what should I say to Car—”

  But Paisley hung up before her mother could finish.

  Paisley sighs and opens her eyes again. The sun is in her hair now, making the dark waves glint a deep, rich red.

  It’s always been her mother’s dream for Paisley to become a model. When she was a teenager, it had been a constant refrain of “Don’t be an idiot, you look like Penelope Cruz’s little sister!” or “You’re crazy to waste looks like these. Beauty doesn’t last forever!”

  It made Paisley feel like her only value lay in her beauty. For years, she’d been terrified of growing old – and ugly—totally convinced that she would become worthless when that happened.

  But now, even though she’s only twenty, she’s made her peace with it. She knows that there’s so much more to her than her looks. And a lot of that is thanks to Chris Peters. Even though he was only in her life for a few years, his constant support– especially when she decided she wanted to become a vet—made her realize that there was more for her in this life than her mother had tol
d her. It was an eye-opening experience to see the world beyond her mother’s narrow universe of SoCal parties.

  All that to say, going on fun family trips like the rest of her fellow students isn’t really an option. Paisley chuckles softly. She can just imagine what her mother would have to say if she showed up in L.A. looking to stay with her for the summer.

  I’d never hear the end of it.

  So, no. Unlike her classmates, Paisley isn’t looking forward to summer at all. The best she can hope for is a waitressing job with half-decent tips and enough time off to be able to volunteer at an animal shelter. Not exactly the same as a trip to Europe.

  Stretching her arms above her head, Paisley arches her back. With a grimace, she looks out the window to the dreary neighborhood outside. The top Veterinary College in the state is located in Davis, California, a glorified suburb of Sacramento. And while the school is amazing, Davis itself isn’t exactly the epicenter of excitement and culture. Especially not to a girl who grew up in the party scene of L.A.

  Not that Paisley has any real desire to follow in her mother’s footsteps and go out partying every night of the week. Paisley is a serious student and saves money like crazy to keep up with her tuition fees, but even she needs to blow off steam now and then. So it would be nice to at least have a fun club to have a few drinks at every once in a while. Or even just a cute café to meet for coffee with friends.

  Oh well. Better for my wallet if I can’t be tempted by fancy lattes at every turn, Paisley thinks as she stands up, leaning on the thin window frame, careful not to knock over her small cactus.

  But when her phone rings suddenly, she jumps and her elbow sends the cactus and its cute teacup flying.

  “Oh shit!” Paisley lunges, catching the cactus before the porcelain cup shatters on the floor. “Who the hell is calling me?” Paisley can’t help but hope it isn’t her mother, wanting to know what her summer plans are.

  Setting the cactus down gently on her desk, she grabs her phone. When she sees who the caller is, her face lights up. “Chris!”

  “Hey, sweetheart.” Her stepfather’s low, rich voice sends a shiver down her spine. “Is this a bad time?” On the screen of her phone, his tanned, chiseled features are just as handsome as she remembers.

  “It’s never a bad time to talk to my favorite stepdad,” Paisley replies with a grin.

  Chris chuckles. “I’m your only stepdad,” he points out. Then he frowns. “At least, I think am. Unless Megan has gotten married again?”

  Paisley laughs darkly. “Are you kidding? Once was enough for her. We both know fidelity isn’t really her thing.”

  “No, that’s certainly true,” Chris replies, making a face. “But, somehow, she managed to create you and for that, I’ll always be thankful.”

  Paisley can feel a blush bloom in her cheeks. “You always were too sweet to me, Chris,” she smiles. She settles back down in her chair. Unlike calls with her mother, on the rare occasion that she and Chris manage to connect, they’ve been known to talk for hours.

  “Well, somebody has to treat you the way you deserve to be treated, Paise,” he replies, using the nickname he’d always used when they lived together.

  Paisley smiles fondly into the screen of her phone, feeling her tension evaporate. Chris always knows exactly what to say.

  “I wanted to say congratulations,” he continues. “You’ve finished your first year at college. How does it feel?”

  “Good. I mean…it was stressful, but I did really well. I’m top of my class, did you know!” Paisley grins; it feels good to finally get to tell someone. She’s been quietly but fiercely proud of that accomplishment since she found out two weeks ago. But she’s had to keep it to herself. Her classmates have all seen the grades and, while some congratulated her, most were either jealous or just apathetic, and she feels bad being excited when others are struggling. But it’s not like my mom gives a shit about my grades.

  “Seriously? Aw, Paise, I’m so proud of you! I mean, I’m not surprised. You always were a strong student. But that’s awesome! I wish I were there to take you out for dinner or something. This needs to be celebrated!”

  Chris enthusiasm and pride used to make Paisley feel embarrassed. After growing up with her mother’s disinterest and offhand insults, she never really felt like she deserved the praise Chris would heap on her. But, over the few years that they’ve known each other, she’s gotten used to it – and grown to love and appreciate it.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be there for you, Paise. As much as I love the ranch, sometimes I do wish it was just a little less labor intensive.” Chris makes a face and Paisley knows he feels bad.

  Not wanting him to feel guilty, she grins. “Don’t worry about it, Chris. You’re doing what you love and so am I.”

  Chris smiles up at her from the phone, his straight white teeth a sharp contrast against his tanned skin. “Too true,” he agrees.

  When Paisley’s mother and Chris met, he was the founder of a small IT startup. After their messy split, he sold the company and bought a ranch in Nevada. He’d grown up on a ranch in Texas and had always dreamed of going back to that life. When things went so horribly wrong with Megan, he felt like the world was trying to tell him something. And, while Paisley can’t blame him for leaving, sometimes she wished he’d stayed in L.A. It would have made visiting a lot easier.

  “What about summer plans?” he asks. “Got something good lined up?”

  Paisley makes a face. “Not really,” she admits. “I’m trying to work up the energy to go hand out resumes as we speak. I’m gonna have to find a waitressing job or two to save money for next year’s fees.”

  “Aw, Paise, that sucks. You should be working with animals. Doing what you love, as you said.”

  “Yeah, well, no one takes on first-year interns. But at least I got a volunteer position with a local animal shelter. That should be fun. Next year I’ll be able to get into a summer internship, I hope.” She shrugs, not wanting to think about it too much. “How’s life on the ranch?” she asks, hungry for news about Chris’ new life.

  “Oh, you know,” he smiles again. “The usual. Big sky, hot sun, hungry cattle. Paradise, what can I say?”

  “It sounds like it,” Paisley agrees. “The photos you sent make it look incredible.”

  “It is. It’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. I just wish—” Chris trails off, staring at something past his phone that Paisley can’t see. “You know, Paise,” he finally says, meeting her eyes again. “We could do with some help around here.”

  Paisley frowns, not sure what he means.

  “And, I mean, it would be more up your alley than waitressing…” he adds.

  Paisley feels a flutter in the stomach. Is he suggesting what I think he’s suggesting?

  Chris grins. “What do you think, Paisley? Would you be interested in spending the summer on a ranch with two old guys? I’ll pay you what I pay all the ranch hands – which will be more than you’ll make at some diner, let me tell you.”

  “Chris—are you kidding? That would be incredible!!” Paisley can hardly believe what she’s hearing. “Oh my God…Chris…that’s like a dream come true! Are you serious? Are you sure? Because I’ve never worked with livestock before. I don’t know if I’ll be any help or if—”

  “Paisley, of course, I’m sure,” Chris interrupts her with a chuckle. “Before you start spiraling, it would be a total pleasure to have you here for the summer. And don’t worry about anything. You’re a quick learner. I’m sure you’ll be better at all this than I am by the end of the summer.”

  Paisley giggles, happiness and relief flooding her body. “Wow, Chris, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. I was totally dreading having to spend my summer stuck inside some lame diner.”

  “It’s the absolute least I can do,” Chris replies. “Besides, it’ll be good to see you. What’s it been now? A year? A little more?”

  “A little more,”
Paisley agrees.

  “Far too long,” Chris says. “When do you want to come out? I’ll buy the tickets and email them to you.”

  “What? No, Chris,” Paisley starts to protest. “You can’t pay for my trip out too!”

  “I absolutely can. And will,” he replies with a grin. “Now. When do you want to come out?”

  “Is tomorrow too soon?” Paisley says, only half-joking.

  “Tomorrow sounds perfect,” Chris answers.

  “Seriously? Oh my God, you’re amazing,” Paisley says, unable to believe this is really happening. “You’re an absolute life-saver.”

  “Like I said,” Chris replies. “It’s my pleasure.” He gives her a lopsided smile that sends a shiver down Paisley’s spine. But it’s a shiver that has nothing to do with her exciting new summer plans.

  “Okay, well…I guess I need to pack, then?” she says. Her voice comes out in a whisper and she clears her throat. Keep it together, Paise, she tells herself.

  “I guess so,” Chris chuckles.

  Paisley smiles happily down at the screen. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Chris.”

  “See you tomorrow, sweetheart. I’ll send you the flight information when I know it.” Chris replies before hanging up.

  “Thank you!!” Paisley says one last time before his face disappears from the screen.

  Tossing her phone onto her desk, Paisley flings herself face-first down onto the bed. “Eeeeeee!” she squeals happily into the comforter. She can’t believe how lucky she is. I can’t believe this is happening. A whole summer on the ranch with Chris! Working with animals and getting paid for it! With Chris!

  Here Paisley stops her thoughts and props herself up on her elbows. Don’t start that again, she tells herself sternly. “Oh God, but he’s just so sexy!” she groans out loud, flopping forward again.

  Even when Chris was married to her mother, Paisley always had a teensy, tiny (or maybe more like enormous) crush on Chris. She blames it on the fact that he always treated her so well, supporting her dreams and making her feel good about herself. It’s natural that that would be attractive to an impressionable, love-starved teenager, Paisley tells herself.


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