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The Summer King Bundle: 3 Stories by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Page 14

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

  No one understood.

  I’d never let anyone in the last two years get a chance to understand. Not even Ivy, but I let… I let the Prince in and I was now just realizing that. I’d let him in and even though I knew of him for two years, I’d only really known him for a week. And he already knew more about me than most.

  What did that mean?

  Something warm and confusing and consuming filled up my chest as I stared at this beautiful, complicated man. And that’s what I saw when I stared at him. Not a fae. Not an Ancient. Not a Prince. Just a man.

  A man who was dying.

  And I could save him.

  “No, you won’t be okay.” I found my voice and actually said something useful. “I know if you… if you don’t feed, you will die.”

  His gaze swung to mine and his features were sharper, more stark. He took a deep breath and it lifted his chest. “Are you… offering yourself up?”

  My heart stuttered in my chest as he pushed away from the sink and faced me. “I’m here and I really can’t believe I’m here, but it’s either me or I go out and kidnap a human, and the latter isn’t going to happen.”

  His bloodied hands opened and closed at his sides. “I am not going to feed from you, Brighton.”

  “Then you’re going to die.”

  A muscle flexed in his jaw and a moment passed. “You do not want me to feed from you.”

  “Not particularly,” I admitted. I’d never been fed on before. Not even when I’d been attacked, but I knew what feedings could do. I could walk out of here like nothing happened or he could take too much.

  He took a step toward me, and I tensed. His nostrils flared. “Then why are you here, offering yourself to me?”

  I could lie, claim that I was an altruistic soul, but I had feeling he’d know that was utter crap.

  “Because I… I know.” I swallowed hard, meeting his gaze. Those eyes burned straight into me. “I don’t understand how and I don’t understand why, but I know you saved my life.”

  The Prince became very still, so much so that I feared for a moment he’d died right there and was about to topple over, but when he didn’t, I continued.

  “I thought I saw you in the hospital, but I wasn’t sure. You were there and you did something to make sure I pulled through.” Now my heart was pounding fast, too fast. “That’s why the doctors said I was a miracle. Because I was.”

  The Prince closed his eyes.

  I wanted to ask him why, but we’d already wasted too much time. Hopefully there’d be a chance to find out later.

  “You saved my life, so I’m going to return the favor,” I said, stepping back.

  His eyes snapped open. “That’s not why I did it. So you could return the favor.”

  “Well, I would hope not.” I kept walking backward, relieved when he followed me like an animal stalking its prey. Probably not the best comparison to make at the moment.

  The back of my legs hit the bed at the same moment I figured it out. “You saved me because I helped your brother the night everyone fought the Queen.”

  His head tilted to the side and he didn’t answer. He didn’t need to.

  I knew.

  Reaching into the pocket of my peacoat, I pulled the stake out and placed it on the dresser. “So, I, um, don’t accidentally stab myself or you.”

  His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he watched me.

  Nervousness nearly made my knees shake as I fiddled with my jacket. Then I undid the button, thinking it was too hot in this room. I shrugged off the ruined peacoat, letting it fall to the floor.

  The jeans and the light, loose sweater still felt like too much, but I wasn’t going to strip. “I’m not going to leave, Mr. Prince, and I’m not going to let you die.”

  In a blink of an eye, he was right in front of me. Caught off guard, I lost my balance and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Do you know what will happen when I feed?” His voice was barely above a growl.

  Staring up at him, I swallowed. “I know… I know some people like it… or so I’ve heard, but I guess…no, I really have no idea.”

  “You’re going to like it.”

  A wholly unexpected thing happened. Heat boiled my blood. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  He stared at me for a long moment. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “I know what I’m getting myself into.”

  The Prince’s hands moved faster than my eyes could track. His fingertips touched my cheeks. “You can leave.”

  “If I do then you die.”

  “Maybe that’s for the best.”

  Stunned and more than a little disturbed, I lifted my hands and wrapped them around his wrists. “Why would you say that?”

  He was getting paler by the second. Soon he’d be as white as a ghost. “You know what I’ve done.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “There is no coming back from that.”

  “Stop,” I said, my voice cracking. “You have come back from that, because you’re standing here and you’re going to feed so you don’t die. That’s it. This has been decided. Get with it.”

  He went still, but I saw the moment resignation settled into his features. Relief mingled with a little bit of fear. He was going to live, and I just hoped I didn’t die in the process.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered. “And I won’t let this go too far. I promise you this.”

  Before I could ask what too far meant, the tips of his fingers glided down my cheeks, along the sides of my throat. He tilted my head back and a heartbeat passed.

  “I didn’t save you because of what you did for my brother,” he said, and then he brought his lips down.

  Chapter 19

  The Prince didn’t kiss me. He didn’t move his lips against mine. It was the lightest touch, and I still felt the contact in every cell, in every part of my body.

  And then he exhaled against my lips.

  It was like warm silk slipped down my throat and it tasted like sun-baked coconut. How strange was that? The warmth hooked itself into the very center of my being and then pulled.

  My entire body jerked as if I too was being lifted, but I wasn’t sure if I actually moved or not or if the Prince was holding me in place when his hands glided down to my shoulders.

  It didn’t… it didn’t hurt.

  Not at all. Instead, I felt… lighter. Like I was floating in warm water. The warmth from his body blanketed my skin, and I was only vaguely aware of my hands slipping off his wrists, to fall to my sides. But when he tilted his head to the side, the deep, deep tugging intensified and then—oh, God—then it turned into something else.

  Everything inside me tightened all of a sudden. My heart raced as my senses overloaded. A rush of acute pleasure came out of nowhere, slamming into me with a force that turned my blood to nothing more than liquid heat as a coiling sensation began deep inside me. There was no stopping the sound that came out of me as my entire body arched—a sound that I knew I would be mortified about later.

  The Prince shuddered as his hands curled under my arms. He lifted me up and then laid me down and then his weight came down on me.

  I stopped thinking.

  I stopped being me, whoever me was, and I just let what I was feeling happen, and what I was feeling was something so beautiful it was almost painful.

  My hands slid to the bare skin of his chest and my legs spread as his thigh eased between them. My body wasn’t my own, and I didn’t care. I began to move, twisting and churning against his thigh, the friction so good it made me pant. One of his hands curved around my hip as he braced his weight on his other.

  And then it happened.

  The whirling force inside me whipped out of control as the first wave of pure, full-bodied bliss crashed over me. I cried out against his mouth as spasms racked my body, and it went on and on, a wave I rode for what felt like an eternity. When it was over, every muscle in my body was limp.

/>   I only became aware as the soft tugging motion slowed, eased and then faded off. He wasn’t feeding anymore, but his mouth was still close to mine and the pounding in my chest had turned to a throbbing in several pulse points throughout my body. That delicious ache was still there, pulsing, pounding, waiting for more, because while the experience had been amazing, there was this hollowness about what I’d just felt. And I knew it was from him feeding and I knew it was… it was simply because it was him.

  The Prince lifted his head.

  I opened my eyes and saw that his were closed. His head was thrown back, neck muscles taut and corded. He was striking like this, awe-inspiring. I lowered my gaze to his shoulder. The wound was healed, as was the one in his chest. Nothing but faint streaks of dried blood remained. I figured the one in his thigh was also healed, but he looked like he was… he was in pain.

  I lifted my hand, placing just the tips of my fingers onto his cheek. “Are you… you okay?” When he didn’t answer, I guided his chin down. “Prince?”

  His chest rose with a sharp, unsteady breath and when he opened his eyes, I gasped. Their color had changed.

  “Your eyes,” I whispered. No longer were they the pale wolf’s blue. Instead, they were a stunning shade of amber, rich and intense.

  “It’s all right,” he said, voice thick. “It was… it was bound to happen.”

  My brows knitted. “What… what does that mean?”

  He gave a little shake of his head. “Nothing. Are you okay?”

  I managed a nod.

  Those eyes drifted shut again. “Can you do me a favor?” He turned to my hand, startling me when he kissed the center of my palm. “Call me Caden.”


  “That is my name.” His lips brushed my palm again. “My name is Caden.”

  A swelling sensation rose in my chest. “Okay. Caden. I can do that.” I lowered my hand to his bare shoulder and he flinched. I jerked my hand away. “Are you sure you’re okay? Did you take enough?”

  “Did I take enough?” He let out a dry laugh as he dropped his chin to the chest. “I took enough.”

  “Then what’s…?” Air caught in my throat as the Prince—no, as Caden shifted just an inch, pressing against me, and I felt him then, hard and heavy against my hip.

  He was aroused.

  Seriously so.

  Those odd eyes were closed again and those features were just as stark as they had been before he fed. He was hungry… he was hungry for me.

  I don’t know what it was. If it was what we just shared that gave me the courage or if it was something deeper than that, but whatever it was, I welcomed it.

  Grazing his cheek with my fingertips, I dragged my thumb over his full bottom lip, reveling in the way he inhaled sharply, as if my touch had some heavy impact on him. My thumb followed the line of his jaw and his eyes drifted shut as the muscle along his jaw flexed against my palm.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” That wasn’t completely true. I knew what I was doing as I threaded my fingers through the silky soft strands of hair and curled my hand around the nape of his neck, tugging his head down as I lifted mine.

  I knew exactly what I was doing when I brushed my lips over his parted ones, touching the tip of his tongue with mine.

  Caden locked up. He didn’t move. He didn’t kiss me back. He just froze above me, and when I opened my eyes, his were wide and dilated.

  Oh no….

  Had I done it… wrong? It had been forever since I’d been kissed and even longer since I kissed someone, so I had no idea if I was doing this right or if there really was a wrong way of doing this.

  I started to pull my hand away. “I’m—”

  His hand left my hip and shot to my neck just as his mouth came down, stopping a hairsbreadth from touching mine. “We can’t.” His thumb smoothed over my wildly beating pulse. “We can’t do this.”

  Confusion filled me. “We can’t?”

  Caden shuddered as he dropped his forehead to mine, his hips moving in a slow roll.


  “No?” I whispered.

  “I promised you that I would not let this go too far.”

  “I want this.” To prove my point, I ran my hands down the tense muscles of his back and then lower, slipping my fingers under his loose pants. “Don’t… don’t you want this? It seems like you do.”

  “God,” he groaned, moving his mouth to my neck. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.” He kissed the spot just below my ear, causing my back to arch. “But you can’t say what you want is all yours. Not after me feeding.”

  “It feels like it’s all me,” I said, and I thought I felt him smile against my neck.

  “I’m trying to be… better than who I was,” he explained after a long moment. He lifted his head and that striking gaze latched onto mine. “I don’t know if that will make a difference or mean anything, but I’m trying to be better and it’s never been harder than this moment.”

  My breath caught as I slid my hand back along his jaw and I remembered what he’d said before he fed. That there were some things you couldn’t come back from. I searched his gaze as a knot of emotion formed in my throat. I could understand that feeling—that there were some things in life, even if you weren’t responsible, you just couldn’t get past.

  But I didn’t… I didn’t want that for him. “You aren’t guilty for those things you did when you were under the Queen’s spell.” I caught his gaze when he started to look away. “You’re already better. You didn’t hurt me. You don’t want to take advantage of me. You’ve saved my life, more than once. You’re not him.”

  He was quiet for a long moment. “Knowing I didn’t have control doesn’t erase the memories. I was aware of everything, but I couldn’t… I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t stop any of it.”

  My heart squeezed with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Caden. I really am.”

  His eyes flared wide and then he rolled off me, onto his back beside me. “You’re really making this hard.”

  I bit down on my lip as I stared up at the vaulted ceiling of his bedroom. “Sorry?”

  He didn’t respond.

  It took a surprising amount of energy for me to roll onto my side, but I managed to do it.

  “Does your brother know you hadn’t fed?”

  “I think he’s had his suspicions, but he’s left it alone.”

  “Why haven’t you fed? Are you wanting to live your life like Tanner?”

  “We don’t have that choice. If an Ancient doesn’t feed, we just weaken and we age, but it’s still at a substantially slower rate than humans. Wounds can become mortal and we lose our strength,” he explained.

  “So, why?”

  His hands came to rest on his chest. “When I was under the Queen’s control, my feeding was… gluttonous. Several times a day. Some I killed,” he said quietly, and I flinched. “Some I enslaved. Others I have no idea what happened to them, and I didn’t care. That wasn’t the only aspect of my life that became… excessive.”

  “Sex?” I asked.

  “I haven’t fed and I haven’t been with anyone since Fabian broke the spell. I just….”

  I reached over, placing my hand on his arm. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  He turned his head toward me. “You do, don’t you, sunshine?”

  “Yeah.” At least I did on some level. I lowered my gaze to where my hand rested on his arm. “Why do you call me that? Sunshine?”

  “Because I saw you smile once and it was like the sun finally rising.”

  That was… that was wow.

  “And your hair is like golden rays of sun,” he finished.

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it or stop it. The laugh just came right out of me.

  He lifted a brow as a small grin played at the corners of his lips. “I just complimented you and you laughed at me.”

  “I did. I’m sorry. It’s just… it’s just coming from anyone
but you that would sound ridiculous.”

  “And it doesn’t sound ridiculous coming from me?”

  “No,” I admitted, lifting my gaze to his. “It doesn’t.”

  That small grin appeared once more. It wasn’t a lot, but it was a big deal, I realized.

  “I… I have another question.”

  “Of course you do,” he replied wryly.

  I grinned at that. “How… how did you heal me? I didn’t know that anything like that was possible.”

  “It’s something only I can do.”


  The Prince sighed heavily, but there was a fondness to the sound, like my one hundred and one questions amused him more than they irritated him. “As the eldest of my Court, I can… how do I explain this? Reverse feed.”

  “Reverse feed? That sounds… weird.”

  “Instead of taking from a human, I can give. And if there is still life left in the human, there’s a chance what I can do can save them.”

  I considered that. “So, you basically made out with me while I was unconscious in a hospital bed?”

  He snorted. “Not quite. I would not do that. Who I was, though?”

  “I know. I was teasing.” I squeezed his arm and then started to pull my hand away, but the strangest thing happened.

  Caden caught my hand and threaded his fingers through mine. “I did it once before,” he said. “When I was under the spell of the Queen and I’d just come through the gateway.” Pausing, he exhaled heavily as he turned his gaze back to the ceiling. “Ivy had followed me and we fought. She didn’t… fare too well.”

  I remembered this. That was the night he got his hands on the blood crystal—the crystal that could open the gateway and was now in the hands of the Queen. I’d seen Ivy briefly after the fight and there didn’t seem to be an inch of her that hadn’t been bruised.

  “She was pretty bad off,” he said, and he started to loosen his grip, but I held on. His gaze found mine. “I healed her.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Yeah, she does.” There was a pause as his lashes lowered. “I think she thought it worked because she was a halfling. I never corrected that assumption.”

  “Well, thank you… for saving my life.”


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