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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 6

by Henrietta Harding

  She dreadfully feared her parents’ reaction to the truth and said a silent prayer before she stepped into the sitting room with her mother. There, her father stood by one of the windows looking out over the garden, simply staring into the darkness.

  Lord Goldman turned upon hearing others enter the room. Caroline looked into his dark brown eyes, so much similar to hers. As an only child, she had often wondered if he longed for a son instead of a daughter, yet if he did, he had never shown her such thoughts or yearnings.

  “Caroline, I’ll get straight to the point. Why did you refuse Lord Canton? And is it true that there is another gentleman that has caught your attention?” Lord Goldman said, coming and standing in front of Caroline. His eyes were stern even though his voice was soft and almost gentle.

  “In all honesty, I refused Lord Canton because I simply do not know him. I can’t reasonably marry a man I feel nothing towards, neither like nor dislike,” Caroline admitted. “And that may be because my heart does belong to another.”

  “Then pray tell, child. Who is this gentleman that you do love?” Lady Goldman asked with a smile upon her face. If William had been a viscount or even a marquess, her parents would have accepted him. Caroline willed herself to be strong and to have courage. After all, she was finally declaring her love for a man she knew she would never be able to live happily without.

  “I’ve fallen in love with Mr William Randel,” Caroline said with her chin held high. Both her parents looked at her for a moment with blank expressions on their faces. A moment or two passed by and she waited painstakingly for their reaction. Eventually, they looked at each other, and then the realization seemed to come to her mother first.

  “Please tell me you are not referring to William, my favourite footmen?” she asked, grief and pain seeming to overcome her as she quickly sat down in the closest chair.

  “Yes, I am referring to that William. Mr Randel and I have grown quite fond—”

  “That’s enough,” Lord Goldman quickly said, raising his hand to silence her before she could begin really expressing her love for William. Her father’s eyes looked down at the carpet before he raised them again, eyes of almost obsidian looking at her now as his anger seemed to grow rapidly.

  “Have you been intimate with him?” he asked.

  “No, Father. I would not do such a thing,” she replied, tears coming to her eyes as her fingers formed fists at her side.

  “Have you two kissed, then?”

  Caroline nodded her head before saying, “I love him, Father.”

  “You are the daughter of an Earl. He is a servant. In what world did you ever expect to be able to marry so below your station? Do you expect me to grant the Earldom to such a lowly person?”

  “Why is that so hard for me to imagine when I so dearly love him?” Tears were now falling freely from her eyes and she quickly tried to wipe them away, to show that she was courageous and willing to stand up for William.

  “You obviously don’t have any idea what love is,” he said, his voice growing louder as he pointed a finger at her. “I can’t comprehend how you developed feelings for a footman or what type of company you two have been spending together, but all of that stops now. From this day forward, I forbid you from seeing Mr Randel ever again.”

  “No, Father!” Caroline cried out, her hands reaching out to him as though to beg for his mercy. “Please don’t do this. Why don’t you believe that I love him and want to marry only him?”

  “It’s not what I believe or don’t believe,” Lord Goldman said, taking his daughter’s hands and steadying her body. “It’s simply the fact that I won’t let you do this to yourself. You are obviously still very childlike and don’t understand what a life married to a man like Mr Randel would mean for you. You’d work the rest of your days, and I won’t do that to do. You deserve a husband like Lord Canton, who can provide for you.”

  Even though her father’s voice had grown soft and he held her like he was comforting her more than shattering her world, Caroline didn’t give in to the comfort he was trying to provide. Her anger only seemed to grow, and she began to shake.

  “When I am old enough, I may marry whomever I choose,” she said as she looked up at her father, then took several steps away from him. Caroline looked at her mother then but saw that the woman would not help her if this was the choice she was going to make.

  “I may be old enough to marry yet still young to choose my own husband. But when I am but a spinster, I’m sure you two will gladly be rid of me and will not stop me if I choose to marry William,” Caroline said, folding her arms around herself as she spoke without really thinking.

  “And do you think Mr Randel would really wait that long for you?” her father said, appearing now to pity her more than anything.

  “I do believe it,” she spat, her anger getting the best of her.

  Without another word, Lord Goldman pulled the servant’s cord in the room and kept his back to her. Caroline wasn’t sure what he had planned, but she was startled when Mr Westley came hurrying into the room.

  “Yes, my Lord?” the butler asked with a bow.

  “Summon Mr William Randel to the sitting room,” Lord Goldman said without looking at the older man. Caroline stared at his back as she waited for the butler to leave.

  “What do you plan to do, Father?” Caroline asked, his answer already sending waves of fear crashing into her body.

  “What is best,” was all that he replied with.

  Footsteps could be heard in the hallway and Caroline felt her heart pounding against her chest as she looked at the sitting room door. When Mr Westley appeared once more with William, a part of her wanted to throw herself at him and beg that he take her far away from her home so they could finally be together. She looked at William and couldn’t even muster a smile.

  “You’ve requested my presence, my Lord?” William said as he looked away from Caroline and towards his master, bowing lowly.

  Lord Goldman finally faced the man and came closer before stating, “As of this moment, you are no longer employed here. Gather your things and leave at once. I’ll have a letter of recommendation sent to your abode.”

  “Father, don’t do this. William needs the money for his ill father,” Caroline quickly spoke up.

  “You’ve given me no other choice, Caroline. I will not allow this relationship to continue. A recommendation letter will be enough to see him situated in another house,” Lord Goldman said, his voice growing louder once more.

  “Since I am no longer a member of your household,” William said as he caught Lord Goldman’s attention. “I ask for your permission to marry Miss Caroline. I know I don’t have much to offer her, but I love her truly.”

  Caroline felt her heart fill with pride for William, that he was willing to speak to her father directly. And a deep hope swelled in Caroline’s chest as she waited for her father’s reply.

  “I do not judge your character, Mr Randel, simply your ability to provide for my daughter. I will not give you permission,” Lord Goldman said before dipping his head.

  William bowed in return, even though Caroline could see how red his face was quickly turning. He then came towards Caroline and she thought he would embrace her. But instead, he bowed to her before leaving the room.

  Caroline was stunned as she listened to his footsteps fade away in the distance. Tears started to pool in her eyes as she looked at her father, then her mother. And when Lady Goldman stood in an attempt to embrace her daughter, Caroline held up her hands and took several steps back.

  “I can’t believe you’d do this to me,” she spoke to her father before she quickly left the sitting room, hurrying towards the stairs once more.

  “Caroline!” her mother called after her, but she didn’t halt in her progress towards her bedchamber. Nothing her mother could say to her would take any of the pain out of her body, and Caroline felt her heart break as she stumbled up the stairs. Once she reached the upper floor, she pulled up the hem o
f her gown as she ran down the hallway, slamming the door to her bedchamber shut behind her.

  Once it was locked, Caroline hurried over to her bed and climbed under the covers, wanting to shield herself from the world. She clung to her pillow, sobs racking her body, and she wished she was embracing William. She knew she wouldn’t be able to go on without him and prayed for an answer to her problems. The tears never seemed to stop.

  Chapter 7

  William didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone. By this time in the evening, most of the servants had either retired to their bedrooms or had gone home for the night. He was just out the door when Mr Westley came looking for him. And once he heard that Lord Goldman had requested to speak to him, William already knew the reason behind the summons.

  As soon as Caroline had denied Lord Canton, the news had swept through the house like wildfire. At first, William had been pleased beyond belief that Caroline hadn’t accepted the man’s offer of marriage. And when the celebration cake hadn’t been served, the servants all got to try a bite instead, which made William happy. But as the night drew on and the rest of the meal was served, William wondered what was going to happen next. When he returned to the dining hall to serve the last course, she was no longer present in the room and all the guests were talking quite rapidly.

  After the dinner, all the guests had left out of respect to Lord Canton. Most of the servants were pleased because they got to go home early or retire for the night. But William had stayed behind just a little bit longer, taking the time to help put away all the silver and prepare for the next day. And just when William had gone to change into his normal clothes, Mr Westley had come for him.

  Now, William was quick to change out of his uniform, even taking the time to fold it and set it on the bed. Mr. Westley then followed him down the hallway once he left the room so that he could ensure that William didn’t leave anything behind or try to take anything with him. The butler even went as far to follow him to the servant’s stables.

  “I just don’t understand, William. You had the makings for such a great steward one day. Why did you have to pay Miss Caroline so much attention?” Mr Westley asked once they stepped into the barn together.

  “I fell in love,” William said as he began to saddle his horse, the stable boys all having gone for the night. “We fell in love so quickly that I never thought anything wrong could ever come from it.”

  “Ach, my lad. You have much to learn about life. Love can be such a confusing thing. It would have been better for you if you’d kept your mouth shut.”

  “And what? Continue to serve in the house while being so close to her?” William asked, turning around suddenly and facing Mr Westley. “Do you honestly think I could have gone on, my heart beating only for her yet never being able to speak a word of my feelings.”

  “You could have done it, just like others have done before you. You think you’re the first footman to fall in love with a member of your master’s family? It’s been happening since the beginning of time. But you should have remembered your place. Miss Caroline must be so heartbroken now.”

  William stilled for a minute, looking at Mr Westley with tears in his eyes. His brain told him that the man was right, but his heart shouted at his brain to be quiet and remember all the special times he’d spent with Caroline these past few months.

  “I must be going now, Mr Westley. It was an honour to get to work with you,” William said as he returned to saddling his horse.

  “I’ve enjoyed your company, William,” Mr Westley replied as William pulled himself up into the saddle. “I will have your last payment and letter delivered to you in a few days.” William simply nodded at the man and then led his gelding out of the dimly lit barn.

  It was a cool night as he made his way across the lands of the Earl towards his own cottage. Though dark, the moon illuminated the familiar way home. His emotions raged inside of him as he tried to think what he was going to do. Once he returned home and faced his own father, he feared how the man would react to knowing that William had lost the only job that was keeping them alive.

  The realization that he’d just lost his only form of income hit him like a ton of bricks. He’d not only lost the love of his life, but also the only way to maintain his and his father’s lives. Tears began to seep from his eyes as he rode his horse through the night. The only good thing about the darkness that night was that it helped shield his grief-stricken face from being viewed by anyone else.

  However, as he returned home and put his horse away in the stables, he saw that Grendel was still at the cottage. She was the first to witness his pain and agony. She rose from the chair beside the hearth where she had a candle lit and was reading an old book. But as soon as William stepped in the house and she approached with the candle in her hand, she covered her mouth with one hand and then came near to embrace him.

  “Oh, William. What thing has happened to make you be so sad?” she exclaimed, her head pressed into her chest as she embraced him for all she was worth.

  “The Earl has let me go,” he said in a shaky voice. Grendel took a quick step back to peer into his eyes, the candle dancing in her hand. She seemed to notice she was holding the candle still and began to light the others in the room before setting it down on the table.

  “Come and sit. Tell me why the man has done this,” she said, motioning towards the chair at the head of the table. William slouched down into it, feeling as though he wouldn’t be able to hold himself up for much longer.

  “You mustn’t tell a soul, Grendel. No one must know what has happened,” William said, feeling weary and tired all of a sudden.

  “Fear not, boy. There is no one else alive that I would tell, anyway,” she said with a soft smile.

  “I fell in love with Miss Caroline, the Earl’s daughter. She did confess her love for me this night, and in return her father fired me and turned me out of his home,” William explained, his eyes focusing on the candle on the wooden table. It was aged and worn, much like the rest of the cottage, and he began to wonder if Caroline would have been happy living in such a meagre home.

  “William, I’m so sorry to hear such a tale. Your heart must be broken, and no doubt you fear exceedingly for your future.”

  “Yes, I do,” he confessed with a sigh. “Is Father awake still?”

  Grendel shook her head. “He fell asleep early after I made him take the powder. Seems to be doing better tonight.” William nodded, thinking that it was a small blessing that at least his father was a bit better tonight.

  “Go home now, Grendel. We can discuss things…” William was cut off by the sound of someone banging on the front door, startling him. He quickly got up from the table, wondering who on earth would be up this late and demanding his attention. But as soon as William opened the door and Caroline’s smiling face looked up at him from the darkness outside, he felt a whole new flood of tears come to his eyes.

  Quickly taking her hand, William pulled her inside and shut the door before folding his arms around her. He didn’t understand why she was here or how she had been able to find his cottage in the dark. But now that he had his arms around her, even as she sobbed with her head pressed into his chest, he really didn’t care.

  “Caroline, my love, you shouldn’t be here,” William said between his own sobs. “I love you and love holding you, but you’ve risked your own well-being by coming tonight.”

  “I couldn’t bear it any longer, William. I can’t stay in that house and never see you again,” Caroline said as she leaned back and looked up into his eyes. He wiped her tears away with his hand as she did the same for him. “William, please. Run away with me. Let us set off for the north and reach Gretna Green to be married. Then, when we return to England, no one will be able to separate us.”

  William was surprised by what Caroline was suggesting. It really did seem like the only reasonable option for them to marry and be together. But would Caroline really be happy with her choice? He had no employment, no means fo
r providing for her. And would she be able to find work of her own?


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