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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 11

by Henrietta Harding

It was only through Gwendolen’s persistence that she was able to finally focus at the matter at hand. They had the difficult job of choosing between the dozen remaining masks that the seamstress had. Since they had no time to have new gowns made for the occasion tomorrow night, Caroline had to think cleverly about which mask would match perfectly to a ball gown she already owned and had brought with her from the country.

  Eventually, she settled for a dark emerald mask that was designed with lace trimmings that would hang down and fall upon her cheekbones. Large white feathers had been fastened to the upper lip of the mask, making Caroline think that if she could curl her hair and style it high on her head, it would look beautiful with the feathers.

  “How gorgeous. You have a stunning crème gown that will go perfectly with that mask,” Gwendolen said as Caroline finally showed her the final decision.

  “That is what I was thinking as well. The ball is bound to be dreadfully hot because of the weather and the number of people in attendance. The crème gown is very light and airy. It shall help me to remain cool throughout the night, even wearing this mask,” Caroline reasoned. “Now, show me yours.”

  Gwendolen giggled as she held up a large mask with deer antlers. “I want to go as a fawn and wear my oak-coloured gown. The sleeves are rather dainty, but with a mask this extraordinary, I’m bound to receive quite the attention,” she said excitedly.

  “I very much agree with you. Every gentleman will certainly want to dance with you, if only to get a closer look at this outstanding mask,” Caroline agreed.

  Once the ladies had finished making their purchases and were situated in the carriage once more, Caroline’s thoughts turned back to William. She was now second-guessing her thoughts and wondering if it had been William at all. Perhaps she was only thinking about him more lately because she knew that her engagement had been posted in the papers.

  Her heart still hoped for a way out of this marriage.

  Chapter 12

  William couldn’t believe his luck. He’d been walking casually down the sidewalk after coming back from Hyde Park. William had come to understand how important it was to be seen as Sir Roberts and make a reputation for himself in town.

  He’d taken the time to visit with a few couples in the park, making new acquaintances and hearing all the latest gossips from eager women to speak openly about what they knew. William understand that these women were merely trying to win his affections by sharing news with him. But for William, it was his way to learn the happenings of all the elite families currently residing in town.

  And during his walk back to his townhouse, not too far away from the prime shopping street for all the upper-class families, he saw her. A fine carriage had just come to a stop on the side of the road, and curious, William had slowed his pace just enough to take a peek at the women inside. A young lady he hadn’t recognized stepped out first, and when Caroline’s face came into view, he’d panicked. William had turned his gaze to face forward, trying to find the quickest way to escape an encounter with her. This was neither the time nor place he had envisioned to be reunited with his love. Therefore, when he found a safe opening to cross the road, he did.

  It was only when he reached the other side that he dared to look back. He could easily see that Caroline hadn’t spotted him, nor was she trying to follow him. William ducked into a hat shop and pretended to be interested in a new top hat while he kept eyes on the seamstress shop on the other side of the road. He waited and watched for what seemed like an hour before the carriage began to pull away, signalling the young ladies had left.

  Waiting a moment longer to ensure the carriage was out of sight, William made his way back across the street and entered the seamstress shop. And after paying the owner a shilling, William learned that Caroline had been shopping for a masquerade mask for the ball tomorrow with her friend Miss Gwendolen Murphy.

  William took the time to secure his own mask, knowing he just had to see Caroline at the ball. It would be the perfect opportunity to finally reunite with her, and after learning the design and detail of her mask, William was confident he’d be able to find her in a crowd.

  Excitement and anxiety filled William as he left the shop with his new purchase and quickly made his way home. He knew he was very lucky to have spotted Caroline on the streets of London—he’d not only confirmed she was well, but that he could certainly see her tomorrow evening.

  With his new fame and title, he was confident that he would be able to gain entrance to the ball. He may very well have an invitation laying on his desk back at the townhouse. He was determined to look his best, and if his luck would continue, he’d be able to finally tell Caroline all that had happened in the last few years.

  William tried not to allow thoughts of doubt to flood his mind. After all, he’d written to her through the years and had never received a reply. He always wanted her to remember his love for her, even if it was in small ways. But it seemed the only thing he could do now was find a moment to speak with her and be honest about his feelings, and why he’d left her that dreadful day.

  Sometimes, he wished he’d found a way to outrun Lord Canton and take Caroline to Scotland. Then, they would have been married and no one would have been able to separate them. But the more William learned about Lord Canton and all that the man dealt with when it came to business, William was certain that he’d not only be able to win back Caroline, but also ruin the Earl in the process. William smiled to himself as he finally made it home, his plans for the future still moving forward and progressing towards his heart’s desire.


  Caroline was eager to make it to the ball with Gwendolen. They’d spent the entire following day curling their hair, pinning it up into stylish hairdos, and securing their masks perfectly so they didn’t have to worry about them slipping or falling down while they danced. They talked excitedly about their thoughts about the evening, and even Lady Murphy joined in on their conversation from time to time.

  “Ah, to be young again, when the most thrilling thing was attending balls and social gatherings. You two should cherish these moments, for when you’re a married woman, balls seem less glamorous and more of a chore for keeping up one’s reputation,” Lady Murphy said as they were in the changing room. Lady Murphy sat and sipped a cup of lavender tea, since she was already dressed and wouldn’t be wearing a mask. Instead, she watched the young ladies be dressed and fussed over for the evening.

  “Miss Caroline, you’ll be sure to remember my words. Soon you’ll be married and will understand what I mean.”

  “Yes, Lady Murphy. I appreciate all your words of advice,” Caroline said, wanting to show her escort just how grateful she was to spend time in town away from her parents, and her intended. This week would surely be the last bit of freedom she experienced for the longest time. She knew she wouldn’t enjoy being married to Lord Canton and wasn’t sure what type of husband he would be to her. For all she knew, he would keep her at home and away from the eye of society.

  Once they were finally both ready, Caroline and Gwendolen followed Lady Murphy from the room and down to the foyer where Lord Murphy waited patiently for them. He rose from a chair situated next to the open front door for such occasion, and as Caroline finished descending the stairs, she could see that the carriage was already waiting for them.

  “I see that it was worth the wait,” Lord Murphy said with a chuckle. “You two are absolutely gorgeous. I’ll be sure to tell Lord Canton so when he arrives later this week.”

  “Thank you, Lord Murphy. You are very kind,” Caroline said only because she knew it was the proper thing to do. She didn’t really care for the thought of Lord Canton knowing of her beauty or that she was willing to dress up for this ball and never for him. Perhaps she would take pleasure in knowing that she had bested him during the week they were separated.

  As they all made their way from the house and into the carriage, Caroline couldn’t help but giggle as Gwendolen had to carefully dip her head low so to ens
ure the deer antlers didn’t break as she stepped up into the carriage. And once she was seated, the tops of them brushed against the ceiling of the carriage, causing Caroline to giggle once more.

  “This is no laughing matter,” Gwendolen said as she tried to ward off her own mirth. “I am determined to arrive to the ball intact.”

  “This must be one of your biggest feats, Gwendolen. I have never seen a masquerade mask so elaborate before,” Lord Murphy said. He rapped his knuckles against the side of the carriage, signalling that they were to be off. As the carriage started to roll forward, Gwendolen braced herself, trying to fight the movement so as to protect her headdress.

  “I believe it will all be worth it for this evening. By the end of it, I shall not care what happens to the mask. But just think of the gossip I will hear from wearing the most splendid mask of them all,” she cheerfully said. Caroline couldn’t help but think that Gwendolen was very outgoing and should have been married already for her beauty alone if she wasn’t so headstrong. Alas, Caroline was certain that Gwendolen would meet her match one day.

  “My word, what a sight,” Lord Murphy said as she leaned forward on her seat to view the people gathering outside. Caroline and Gwendolen did the same, a sea of masked people waiting in front of the dance hall to be received by the hosts.

  “They are all so magnificent,” Caroline declared. She had never been to a masquerade quite like this. The crowd was much larger, and the grounds of the dance hall would more than likely be occupied since the dance hall itself would become very warm with the dancing of people and constant conversation.

  “I can’t wait to see the splendour of it all. I’m sure the dance hall has been decorated to fit the theme of the night,” said Gwendolen eagerly.

  “I simply want you two to keep a close eye on each other. It may be possible to get lost in such a crowd. Just promise me you two won’t do anything rash,” Lord Murphy said then, capturing the women’s attentions as they looked away from the crowd.

  “Of course, Father. Lord Canton would have my head if I lost his fiancée and allowed her to converse with other gentleman who would find her beauty too alluring,” Gwendolen said with a giggle.

  “All I am saying, my dear, is that sometimes people act boldly when they are masked and can hide their identity. That is why these social gatherings are so popular. People pretend to be whom they are not. It is best not to take anyone seriously till the unveiling of the masks,” Lord Murphy warned.

  “Wise advice, my dear,” Lady Murphy added. “Now, girls, I will not hover over you all night. I am relying on you two to act with dignity and to use good judgment.”

  “Yes, Lady Murphy,” Caroline said. “I do hope we shall all enjoy ourselves this evening.”

  “Rightfully so,” Lord Murphy agreed. “This shall be a splendid time.”

  As the carriage came to a stop, Lord Murphy alighted first to help the ladies down. Gwendolen needed special care and Lord Murphy ensured her mask did not sustain any damage as she stepped down. The antlers stood a foot higher than she did, making her appear taller than she actually was. But with her lithe body, she was sure to gain the attention of many present. Together, the four of them made their way to the reception line, all turning their heads from side to side to get a good look at everyone else’s masks.

  “Do you think he is here?” Gwendolen whispered into Caroline’s ear as she looped their arms together at the elbow.

  “Who?” Caroline asked.

  “You know. Sir Roberts. The man everyone is talking about,” Gwendolen said as she looked around at the people closest to them in line. It was fun trying to guess who was who.

  “It’s possible, I’m sure. It depends on the man’s want of being seen in social settings. But regardless of that, my dear, is the fact that we don’t know what he looks like or what mask he might be wearing. The chances of us discovering him tonight may be slim, unless he is quick to reveal his identity to others.”

  “Caroline, you think so seriously. I am filled with so much hope of meeting him that I am certain, beyond reason, that we shall make his acquaintances this night.”

  Caroline simply patted her friend’s hand as they made their way through the reception line. She couldn’t fault her friend for always being optimistic and simply hoped that her wish would come true.

  As Gwendolen had guessed, the dance hall was decorated to fit the theme of the night. Large porcelain vases that sat upon the floor were filled with all sorts of things, from towering trees that were decorated with hanging glass balls filled with feathers, to bundles of branches that still had their flowers and leaves.

  The room was rather fragrant, thanks to the number of potted flowers and plants that had been positioned about the foyer and dance hall. It was one of the most magnificent things that Caroline had seen. And though most of the candlelight had been positioned near the dancing part of the room, she could see clearly all the unique designs.

  “How delightful,” Gwendolen gushed as she took Caroline’s hand and squeezed it. “There is so much to see that I don’t know where to start.”

  “I wonder if the gardens are as beautiful as the inside,” Caroline commented.

  “Then let’s start there,” Gwendolen suggested. “Mother, we are going to go explore the gardens together. We shall meet you back towards the centre of the room for when the dancing begins.”

  “Yes, dear. But do be careful,” Lady Murphy urged. Gwendolen flashed her a smile before pulling Caroline after her. They talked quietly amongst themselves as they went, pointing and commenting on the different masks that they saw.

  Just as Caroline expected, the gardens had been decorated for the occasion. Tall pillar candles situated on iron stands were placed throughout the garden to shed light in certain areas and cast shadows in others. Caroline could hear a fountain running in the distance, and had she not been engaged, she thought this would be the most romantic place to meet someone and fall in love.

  “I could spend the entire evening under the stars, roaming the gardens. Imagine the number of couples I would happen upon,” Gwendolen said with a laugh she hid behind her gloved hand. A light wind swept through the garden, causing candles to flicker and their dresses to sway.

  “It is truly beautiful tonight,” Caroline agreed. For a second, she felt rather melancholy. She knew that such nights would be limited in her unknown future with Lord Canton.

  She wished this night would never end—That the festivities would always continue and the sun would never rise. In this moment, she could live forever and be at peace.

  Chapter 13

  “Would a fawn care to dance?” came the sound of a man’s voice. They turned together and spotted a man with a black mask that glinted in the candlelight. Long black hair hung down his back where it was tied together. By the complexion of his skin, Caroline could tell that this man was a foreigner. His mask and clothing made him appear even more alluring.

  “I would be delighted,” Gwendolen said with a curtsy as the man came forward and offered her his hand. Caroline gave her an encouraging smile as Gwendolen took his hand and allowed him to lead her inside. Caroline was truly happy from Gwendolen; her best friend deserved the world.

  For a time, Caroline was pleased to walk the gardens unaccompanied, as around every corner and shrub there seemed to be a new design. At one point, she discovered what looked like to be a fairy garden with little figurines placed around the flowers.

  “I hope I don’t discover such a beautiful creature all alone this evening,” came a voice from behind her. She had crouched to the ground to get a better look at the fairies and quickly rose to see who had approached her so quietly. She stood and turned towards the voice, and her lips parted as she saw the man before her.

  He wore a black leather mask with long ends that had been tied behind his head, revealing only the blues of his eyes. His attire for the evening consisted of a black muslin shirt that hung loosely from his torso, making Caroline wonder what lay underneath
. Tight trousers were fitted around his loins, showing Caroline that the man was very muscular. Polished black boots that came up to his knees finished the look.

  “Why do you ask, pirate? Have you come to steal me away?” she asked, a smile coming to her lips easier than she’d have thought possible. After all, everyone behind a mask could pretend to be someone they were not. For this night, she could pretend she was no longer engaged and could flirt with whomever she chose.


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