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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 25

by Henrietta Harding

  “I know, my love. I can only imagine what you’ve been through,” William said as he pulled the cords off of her wrists, then her ankles. “Let’s get you home.”

  Carefully, William helped Caroline out of the carriage. She was awfully weak and the skin where the cords had been tied was rubbed raw. William wished he had a cloak for Caroline or at least some boots, though he had nothing. He picked Caroline up in his arms and carried her through the rain to his horse. Once she was up in the saddle, he mounted himself, having Caroline ride in front of him so he could shield her body from the rain with his own.

  Returning back to Lord Murphy’s estate took the rest of the day. William prayed that the skies would clear and the rain would go away, but even when he finally made it to where he was going, the rain still continued to pour from the heavens.

  Coming to a stop in front of the house, William heard all sorts of commotion as he dismounted and helped Caroline down. She felt so frail in his arms. He turned and headed towards the front door as it was already being opened. The Murphys stood in the entry, their mouths all opened as William hurried inside with Caroline.

  “She needs a warm bath and dry clothes,” William said as he approached.

  “My God, what happened?” Lady Murphy cried.

  “Not now, woman. Do as the man asks,” Lord Murphy said in a soft, yet firm tone. Lady Murphy hurried down the hallway, calling after someone who William could only assume was the housekeeper.

  “Come, let’s get her to her room,” Lord Murphy said, gesturing towards the staircase. Though William felt exhausted, he carried Caroline’s limp body all the way up the stairs, as she seemed to faint in his arms. Miss Gwendolen was close by, opening the door for William so he could enter Caroline’s bedchamber. William prayed that he wasn’t too late and that Caroline would not fall gravely ill.

  Chapter 28

  Caroline felt a terrible fire coursing all through her body. She shivered, yet felt like she was submerged in a pot of boiling water. Feeling too weak to even move or say anything, she allowed the hands and arms around her to guide her this way and that.

  Only after a while did the fire stop and she was wrapped in dry, warm clothing. Caroline tried to focus on her breathing, wondering if she’d ever be able to open her eyes again when they felt so terribly heavy at the moment. She just wanted to see what was happening around her.

  Time passed and she figured she was dreaming. Images flashed before her eyes, her body filled with a sensation of fear and dread. She remembered being kidnapped and taken far away with Lord Canton. And then there had been some sort of accident, causing the carriage to come to a shattering halt. Lord Canton had alighted from the carriage in a hurry, trying to find a solution in the rain. Caroline had taken the time to hide and start thinking of a way to escape. It was the sound of a gun firing that had really caused Caroline to fear for her life.

  The images came and went through her mind, her body feeling as though it was being tossed back and forth like a ship sailing during a terrible storm. She pleaded with whomever would hear her to help her resurface and see the light of the sun once more. She needed relief from the agony and pain that washed over her body. And, more than anything, she wanted to be with William again.

  In the distance, beyond all the pain, she heard a voice. At first, she thought she had imagined it. But after a time, the voice grew stronger and louder. She could hear her name being said over and over again, and the more she listened, the more she realized that it was William’s voice she was hearing.

  “Come back to me, Caroline. You need to fight this fever and come back to me,” his voiced pleaded. She felt a warm presence in her left hand and realized that someone was holding it. Curious to see for herself, she managed to open her eyes and finally look.

  There, sitting in a chair next to her bed, sat William. He was bent over the bed, his elbows in the covers as both hands held her left hand. Tears were evident on his face as his head was bowed over her, his words never stopping as he continued to plead.

  “No more crying,” Caroline whispered, her mouth dry as the sand on the beach. Her voice was just loud enough for William to hear as he quickly raised his head and looked into her eyes. He appeared surprised and had to blink the tears out of his eyes to see that she truly was awake and looking at him.

  “I’ve prayed over you ever since we returned to Lord Murphy’s home,” William choked out between his tears. “I was worried your fever would never break and you’d never wake again.”

  Caroline smiled at him as she raised the hand he’d been holding and rested it on the side of his face, his own smile appearing as he leaned his head into her hand. It felt so good to have her eyes open and gazing upon the man she loved so dearly. When she’d been kidnapped, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever see William again or even be alive for much longer. Feeling the sun on her now and the presence of William so close to her helped Caroline be at ease.

  “May I have something to drink?” Caroline asked after a few more moments of simply being grateful that she was alive.

  “Of course. How foolish of me. I should have rung the cord the moment you were awake,” William said as he sniffled, then rose from his chair to pull the servant’s cord next to her bed. The door had already been left open, no doubt because she was alone with William.

  The moment the household heard the news that Caroline was awake, her bedchamber became full of activity. Her lady’s maid came to help her sit up and help her take small sips from a full cup of water. The Murphys soon arrived in her room, all clearly worried about her.

  “Oh, Caroline!” Gwendolen exclaimed as she came into the room and took up William’s chair. “I have been so worried about you.” Caroline’s lady’s maid stepped back as the Lord and Lady Murphy came near.

  “Just a little under the weather is all,” Caroline said with a smile, though her body felt rather weak.

  “I can’t imagine how you are feeling after the horrible ordeal you’ve been through,” Lady Murphy said with a handkerchief close to her mouth, her face appearing as though she’d been crying by the dark circles underneath her eyes.

  “I am with you all now, and that is all that matters,” Caroline said in a reassuring voice, her eyes settling on William as she spoke. Her actions might be a little forward, but after everything she’d been through, she was ready for the world to know that she loved William and would be his wife one day.

  “I’m sure the madam would like to be freshened up now,” spoke up her lady’s maid. Caroline did feel the call of nature and thought she would like the opportunity to get out of the bed and stretch her tired body.

  “Of course. Let’s give Miss Caroline some privacy. I’m sure she’ll be up for visitors soon enough. I will call upon the doctor and let him know that you are awake,” Lord Murphy said.

  “Thank you,” Caroline said as they all moved to leave. It took Gwendolen pulling on William’s sleeve to get him to budge, but eventually he left as well. The moment the doors were closed, her lady’s maid and two other maids came to help Caroline from the bed. She was thankful for their assistance in relieving herself, and very much enjoyed the warm bath that was provided afterwards.

  “I feel as though I have been asleep for days,” Caroline commented as the maids eased her down into the warm bath water that had been scented with a delightful perfume. The windowpanes had been pulled open to let in fresh, warm air, helping Caroline relax even more.

  “It’s been a full day since the night you were rescued by Sir Roberts,” her lady’s maid informed her. “You’ve suffered a terrible cold and fever since then.”

  “That does explain why I feel so sore,” Caroline said. “I wonder if I should be taking a walk around the gardens for a bit of exercise.”

  “You should be resting, Miss. I know you already feel as though you’ve done enough resting, but you need to give your body time. The girls have already put new linens on your bed, too.”

  “I suppose you are right, then,” Ca
roline mumbled as she allowed her lady’s maid to wash her hair. Once she was done with the bath, her hair combed, she dressed into a fresh nightgown and returned to her bed. After being propped up on a number of pillows, her lady’s maid helped her eat a bit of toast and jam.

  Just then, Lord Murphy opened the door to her bedchamber and announced that the doctor had arrived. An older gentleman came into the room carrying a leather bag, which he set next to Caroline’s bed as he came close to inspect her.

  “How are you faring, Miss Goldman?” the doctor asked as he felt her forehead with the back of his hand.

  “Well enough, I suppose. Sore all over, but well,” Caroline explained.

  “Your skin seems dry and clear, not feverish and pale like before. You have good complexion and it appears as though you are eating and drinking normally.”

  “Yes, that is true.”

  “If the fever returns or the soreness increases, do call upon me again,” the doctor said as he opened his medical bag and pulled out a small amber bottle. “This is for the pain, should you experience any more discomfort.” He then set it on the table beside her bed before dipping his head and making his way out of the bedchamber.

  “Seems as though the good doctor is satisfied with your recovery,” Lord Murphy said with a shrug. Caroline chuckled as she nodded. “Well then. I shall return to the drawing room and let the others know you’re faring well.”

  “You may send them all up if you like. I’m tired but don’t wish to sleep till tonight,” Caroline said, trying to muster up a decent smile.

  “Are you sure, Miss Caroline? There is no rush,” Lord Murphy said.

  “I think a bit of company will do me some good,” she explained.

  “Very well. I shall inform them.” Lord Murphy then dipped his head before leaving the room. While Caroline waited for her visitors, she took a few more bites of the toast as her lady’s maid stood at the ready in case Caroline would need any assistance.

  “Oh good, you’re still awake,” Gwendolen said as she entered with her mother. William was close behind them, along with Lord Sergio. It was Lord Murphy that brought up the rear as they all settled into Caroline’s bedchamber, Gwendolen coming to sit beside her on the chair next to her bed.

  “I have already slept so much yet still feel tired,” Caroline said with a chuckle. “It is no fun to be under the weather.”

  “I feel you are lucky to still be alive,” Lord Sergio said.

  “That I do know,” Caroline mumbled, feeling tears rise to her eyes as she thought about how terrified she had been. “Lord Canton had plans to take me to Scotland and force me to marry him. He said that I was either to obey him or that… or that…” Caroline couldn’t bear to say anymore as she raised her hand to her mouth.

  “Shh, Caroline. You don’t need to say anything,” Gwendolen said as she took Caroline’s other hand and began to rub it with her fingers. It was very comforting to have her friend near, and to know that there were many people in the room that were supporting her.

  “That’s not the worst of it,” Caroline managed to choke out as she tried very hard to maintain her composure. “Lord Canton told me about his true nature and the evil things he had done in way of killing men for personal gain. He even admitted to killing my parents.” Tears fell freely from Caroline’s eyes then as she heard the others gasp in surprise. She tried to wipe her eyes clear, but it took some time as she felt as though she was reliving the horrible experience once more.

  “Perhaps you will take comfort in knowing that Lord Canton is no more,” Lord Murphy spoke up after a time.

  “The man deserved worse than death,” Caroline heard William say. She looked towards him once her tears were gone, a hard expression on his face. Caroline remembered hearing the shot of a gun and wondered if it had been William who had slain Lord Canton in the end. She felt a weight of guilt settle on her shoulders then as she thought about what all she and William had been through because of Lord Canton. If only she had been able to get rid of him sooner, none of this would have happened.

  “Miss Caroline, we can’t begin to understand how you must be feeling. But do know that we are here for you,” Lady Murphy spoke up. Caroline looked towards the older woman who smiled at her even though she had tears of her own in her eyes.

  “Thank you, every last one of you,” Caroline said as she slowly looked into the eyes of each person in her room. “I know I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for your kindness and bravery.” Caroline focused on William once more, wanting to say so much more to him. But she figured the time would come to where she could speak with him privately. Now more than ever she wanted the opportunity to marry him, to never be apart from him again.

  For the rest of the visit, they talked of ideal things from the weather to the latest news in the papers. They discussed whether or not to return to town, and they all decided it was best to reside in the coast for a time being while the news of what had happened ran its course through the Ton.

  Lord Murphy explained how he’d written an official report for the Royal Magistrate and that the news would be published in the papers of Lord Canton’s ultimate demise, to include the evil deeds he’d done, as well. Caroline figured that it would be justice enough, that the name of Canton would forever be scorned if any of his family members were still alive.

  When they had finished discussing several matters, Caroline decided that she would finally get some rest. She’d eaten plenty during the visit and had enjoyed several cups of lavender tea. Now, she felt as though she wouldn’t be able to hold open her eyes any longer.

  “We’ll just be downstairs if you need anything,” Gwendolen said as she squeezed Caroline’s hand once more before standing from the chair. William came to her side then and leaned down towards her, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Caroline was surprised by the action since there were people in the room to witness the show of affection. Regardless, Caroline relished in the feeling, wishing they could stay together like that forever.

  As her visitors departed, her lady’s maid helped remove the pillows from behind Caroline’s back so she could lay down and rest. After being reassured that the woman would remain with Caroline while she slept, Caroline was finally able to relax and close her eyes, not having to fear for her life anymore.

  Chapter 29

  “Lord Murphy, might I have a word with you?” William asked as they descended the stairs after bidding Caroline a good rest. He dearly wanted to remain with her, but he figured it wouldn’t be proper now that she was recovering from her fever.

  “Certainly, Sir Roberts. Why don’t you join me in my study?” Lord Murphy said, a smirk on his lips as he gestured towards the small library. The others continued down to the dining room, where the afternoon meal would soon be served. William followed the Earl to his study, taking a seat in front of the mahogany desk when Lord Murphy gestured to do so.

  William took a quick look around the room, the walls lined with oak bookshelves that contained several books, as well as the seashells that were displayed everywhere. William smiled, thinking that it was nice that the Earl was considerate enough to display the treasures of his other family members. He was starting to see that all though the Earl was a wealthy man, he didn’t seem to show it as much as Lord and Lady Goldman had once done.

  “I have a pretty decent idea regarding the nature of this discussion,” Lord Murphy said as he settled down into his chair and leaned forward over his desk, resting his elbows upon it has his hands came together. The man peered down at William from his position, but his critical eyes did not bother William at the least. He understood this was the look of a father.

  “It should be of no surprise that I have strong affections for Miss Caroline. I wanted to speak with you and gain your approval for marrying her,” William said in a straightforward way.

  “I certainly approve of the match and would gladly send for the announcement to be posted towards the end of summer. I think it would be rather scandalous if th
e announcement was posted any sooner. After all, Miss Caroline’s name has already been drug through the mud quite enough recently.”


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