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Playing To Win: An Elite Athlete Sport Romance Anthology

Page 16

by Mignon Mykel

  Sky heaves a weary sigh. “I didn’t really understand why Daddy was always drinking, but at least I had my gram to take care of me. She used to tell me time heals all wounds.” She gives a derisive snort. “She missed the mark on that one. Gram passed away when I was fourteen and my dad’s drinking only got worse.”

  Jesus. Talk about a run of shit luck. It’s no wonder Sky has a dim view of love.

  “I’m so sorry, Sky.” It’s not nearly enough for the pain she’s experienced, but the truth is, there’s nothing I can say that would make any of it better. All I can do is listen.

  “My dad isn’t a bad guy. He’s not even a bad father.” Her voice wavers, like it’s hard to get to words out. “He’s an addict. I’ve done everything I can to keep him out of trouble, but I can’t be with him twenty-four seven. I love my father, but he’s an alcoholic and the entire town knows it. How could they not when he’s always stirring up trouble and passing out in his truck?”

  No wonder Sky’s always been so serious, so driven. With a childhood like that, what other choice does she have? “Has he ever been in treatment?” I ask quietly. “Gone to AA?”

  “Once or twice, but it never sticks,” she says, shaking her head. Her voice is bitter when she speaks again. “But hey, at least he does his part to keep the Beaumont rumor mill churning. Hell, just last month I overheard two of my coworkers discussing it over coffee.”

  Shit. I knew people in Beaumont talked, but I didn’t realize how bad it was, what it must have been like for Sky growing up in this town. I was so wrapped up in my own shit, I never stopped to consider that maybe her tough-as-nails exterior was a defensive mechanism.

  Which makes me just as big of an asshole as the local gossips.


  Has the world gone mad? Am I really talking about my father’s addiction with Wes? I’ve never talked to anyone but my gram about it before, but Wes is a surprisingly good listener. He hasn’t interrupted or tried to go all white knight and fix everything. It’s…unexpected.

  As unexpected as my father asking about my relationship with Wes, anyway.

  Heat creeps across my cheeks. Not relationship—friendship.

  Oh, who am I kidding? The more time I spend with Wes, the more I find myself thinking about kissing him. Which makes this whole situation doubly embarrassing. I mean, he’s an Olympian and I’m…me.

  “Screw the gossips,” Wes says, voice rough with an emotion I can’t quite place. “Seriously, Sky. What you’ve done—what you’re doing—is incredible and fuck anyone who can’t see it.”

  I lift a brow, the corner of my lips curving in a teasing smile. “And what exactly is it you think I’m doing that’s so incredible?”

  Last time I checked, hanging by a thread was hardly an admirable position.

  “Seriously?” Wes tilts his head and studies me. “You take care of your father. You got your degree. You came back to Beaumont when a lesser person would’ve walked away from this town and never looked back. And now you’re working for the COC to help improve the local economy. I’d say that’s pretty damn impressive, wouldn’t you?”

  His words are generous and impassioned and I can’t remember the last time anyone gave me such a meaningful compliment, but I’ve never been good at dealing with emotions, so I do what I do best and deflect with a little bit of snark. “I mean, it would sound kind of arrogant if I said it.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing I said it for you.” He winks at me and my stupid heart skips a beat, reminding me exactly why I agreed to yoga with Wes in the first place.

  “Good thing,” I tease, nudging him with my shoulder. Despite the cool night, heat radiates from Wes and it’s all I can do not to curl up against him and bask in his warmth. “Especially since my intentions aren’t quite as noble as you seem to think.”

  “How so?” he asks, curiosity sparking in his dark eyes.

  “This town may have written me and my family off a long time ago, but I’m going to prove them wrong. After all, success is the best revenge, don’t you think?”

  My gram believed it and so do I.

  “There’s my girl.” Wes grins and taps the tip of my nose, like it’s no big deal he just called me his girl, but it so is. What does that mean anyway? Don’t be stupid. It’s just an expression. “I always knew you were hiding a wicked streak under that sweet little smile.”

  “You should talk. Don’t think I haven’t realized you’ve been pushing my buttons on purpose.” I smirk. “Seems to me you like your women with a side of sass.”

  Oh my God. Did I just say that? Out loud?

  Wes grins, the right side of his mouth hooking up in an adorably innocent smile. “You might be right,” he says, raking a hand through his hair sheepishly. “I’ve been so focused on climbing, I haven’t really had much time for dating.”

  “Wait,” I say, sitting up straighter, because I’m nothing if not a master at reading between the lines. I rack my brain, trying to remember who—if anyone—Wes dated in school, and come up empty. “Are you saying you’ve never had a girlfriend before?”

  “I like to keep things casual.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but the tips of his ears turn red and I know instantly that I’m right. “Besides, I’ve been a little busy. Professional climbing takes a lot of physical and mental strength. And a hell of a lot of training.”

  The admission surprises me, but I don’t press because the last thing I want to do is embarrass him after he’s taken all my shit in stride. Hell, he was a freaking rock star with my dad. A lot of guys would’ve freaked out at having to pick up their date’s drunk father, but there was no judgment, no disgust. Just a seemingly genuine desire to help.

  By comparison, his secret is downright sweet.

  “So, you got into climbing at a young age?” I ask, taking pity on him and steering the conversation back to neutral territory.

  “Yeah,” he says, clasping his hands loosely between his knees. “A buddy of mine had a birthday party at the Climbnasium and that was it for me. I was hooked from the first grip.” He laughs, the low rumble humming across my skin like static electricity. “If my mom had known what she was getting herself into, she probably would’ve declined the invitation.”

  “Not exactly the future she had mapped out for you?” No surprise there. Maggie Kaplan would’ve expected her son to share her ambitions.

  “Not even close,” he says, shaking his head. “I think she hoped I’d be a lawyer or a politician or something, but the first time I reached the top of the wall, I knew I wanted to do it again.” He shrugs. “There’s never been anything else for me.”

  “Even so, it can’t have been easy.” Climbing is no joke. I doubt I could even get my sorry butt to the top of one boulder, let alone some of the routes Wes has climbed. Which I know because I Googled him last night. Yeah, I’m that girl. Totally cyberstalking her crush. #NoShame. “I mean, you’re going to the freaking Olympics.”

  I still can’t wrap my head around it.

  “It feels surreal most days,” he admits. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s hard work and I’ve taken some nasty falls, but it’s all worth it. When I’m climbing, it’s like the whole world comes into focus. I swear, sometimes I feel like it’s the only place things make sense. It’s just me and the climb and I’m in complete control of my fate.”

  Another piece of the Wes Kaplan puzzle falls into place. Because of course he’d crave control after growing up with a mother like Maggie. Who could blame him? My dad might not be emotionally present, but at least he’s never tried to shoehorn me into a life I didn’t want. The idea of Wes, with his lazy grin and roll-with-the-punches attitude, as an attorney or a politician is absurd. It’s not that he doesn’t have the heart—God knows he’s shown me plenty of compassion—but he’d be smothered by the rules. Hell, the idea of Wes wearing a tie to work every day is laughable.

  If only Maggie could see him the way I do.

  “Nothing else matters when I’m climbing,” he s

  “And when you’re not climbing?” I immediately wish I could take the words back. I hadn’t meant to say them out loud, but they’re out there now and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Wes turns to me, his expression unusually serious as his eyes lock on mine. “I’m starting to think there’s more to life than climbing.”

  “Oh?” It’s practically a squeak, but words seem to have evacuated my brain because Wes is staring at me with the kind of intensity I suspect is usually reserved for climbing and I don’t hate it. In fact, I kind of like it.

  I’ve kissed my share of boys, but none of them ever looked at me the way Wes is looking at me now. Like I matter. Like he wants this as badly as I do. Like this could be the beginning of something neither of us expected, but both of us need.

  My heart slams against my rib cage as he leans in close, eliminating the gap between us. He smells like fresh air and pine and when he lowers his mouth to mine, there’s no turning back. Not for me.

  His lips brush gently over mine and even though it’s the barest of contact, it’s like something raw and hungry has been unleashed inside of me. I’m tired of playing it safe. Of pretending I’m not attracted to Wes. Of hoping that if I just ignore it, the insistent tug in my belly might go away.

  I give myself over to the rush of emotion and kiss Wes like I’ve never kissed anyone before. Our lips crash together and I pour all the pent-up tension and frustration and desire into the kiss, hoping he feels the same. Then Wes’s hand is on my cheek, his calloused fingers scraping over my flesh as he tilts my head to deepen the kiss. His soft lips move hungrily over mine and I open myself to him, tasting the peppermint on his breath as his tongue slides against my own.

  Need coils low in my belly and before I can stop it, a breathy moan passes my lips. Because for someone who’s never had a girlfriend, Wes is a surprisingly good kisser. Which begs the question, what other skills does he have?


  Holy shit. I’m kissing Sky. This is actually happening and it’s so much better than I’d imagined. Her mouth is hot and wet and every time she makes one of those breathy little moans, the tension at the base of my spine becomes damn near unbearable.

  Kissing Sky is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It’s passion and heat and need all rolled into one. But it’s more than just her mouth that’s captivated me. Sky’s skin is soft and smooth, a sharp contrast to my own, which is rough and calloused from long hours in the sun, brutal climbs, and an abundance of chalk.

  And then there’s her hair. Smooth and silky and tempting as hell. I wrap her ponytail around my fist and use the leverage to tilt her head, exposing her neck. Sky whimpers and I kiss my way across her chin and down the slender column of her throat, licking and sucking and savoring the sweetness of her skin.

  I could do this all night. And if those breathy little moans are any indication, Sky’s enjoying this as much as I am.

  Thank Christ. If anyone deserves to lose themselves for a few hours, it’s Sky. She deserves a night that isn’t about proving herself or taking care of her father or putting on a brave face. She has the kind of strength I could only dream of and if she won’t let me do anything else to help, at least I can do this.

  Distraction FTW.

  “Wes.” She shifts, turning her body toward me and curling her fingers in the hem of my T-shirt.

  “Do you want to stop?” I ask, praying the answer is no. I haven’t had enough. Not even close.

  “God no.” She slides onto my lap, straddling me. My cock stiffens, pressing uncomfortably against the zipper of my cargo shorts. Sky gives a knowing smirk and shifts her hips, easily gliding over my length in her thin yoga pants. “Weren’t you the one who said I deserved a night off? I figure that means I should throw caution to the wind. Do whatever the hell I please and damn the consequences.”

  She rolls her hips again and I swear her eyes roll back in her head. Not gonna lie, it’s a total ego boost.

  “Sounds good to me,” I say, voice husky. Hell, I’m down for whatever Sky wants. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

  She doesn’t answer, just plants her hands on my chest and presses her lips to mine in a slow, scorching kiss that has me imagining other, more creative uses for that wicked mouth.

  When we finally come up for air, we’re both breathless. “Lose the shirt,” she pants.

  I strip off my shirt and toss it on the blanket. “Much as I like seeing you in my sweatshirt, turnabout is fair play.”

  Sky grins and peels off the sweatshirt, making sure to rub her perky tits against my chest in the process. Then her hands are on me again, her nails scraping over my pecs and leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all night,” she says, rocking her hips gently. “Imagining what it would feel like to have all this hard muscle at my fingertips.”

  Pride surges through me and I grab Sky’s hips, rolling us both over so she’s on her back and I’m stretched out above her. I’ve easily got six inches on her, but like this, our height difference doesn’t matter. Her skin is flushed, her lips are swollen, and her hair is mussed, but I swear she’s never looked sexier.

  “Have you given any thought to what it might feel like to have my mouth explore every gorgeous inch of your body?” I ask, brushing my fingers gently over the curve of her waist.

  Anticipation builds low in my gut and I hope like hell she’ll say yes. I need this. Not just for me, but for Sky. I want to show her I’m not the same oblivious asshole she grew up with. And if she’ll give me the chance, I’ll keep proving it until she knows it as surely as she knows her own name.

  “That depends,” she says, looking up at me from under her lashes. “Are you offering?”

  “Hell, yeah.” There’s nothing I won’t do for this girl. “Just say the word.”

  “The word.”

  “You’re such a smart—” Before I can get the rest out, she stretches up and captures my mouth in a desperate kiss, her lips greedily devouring my own.


  Sky moves beneath me, her soft curves encouraging me with each roll of her hips. I pepper kisses down her neck and across her collarbone, memorizing the scent of her green apple shampoo as I work my way south.

  If she only gives me one night, I want to remember every moment of it.

  I trail openmouthed kisses over the tender flesh of her breasts and she arches her back, as if silently begging for more. I couldn’t deny her if I wanted to, so I cup them and gently brush my thumbs across her nipples. The tight buds strain against the stretchy fabric of her sports bra and I take one in my mouth, sucking hard. Sky moans and then she’s scrambling to pull the damn thing off over her head. Her breasts are full and heavy and as perfect as the rest of her. The skin-to-skin contact is heaven on earth as I take the other rosy bud between my teeth and bite down gently, earning another quiet moan of approval.

  “That feels…so good.”

  Sky arches her back as I kiss my way down the curve of her hip and before I even reach the waistband of her leggings, she’s wiggling out of them.

  With a quiet chuckle, I sit up on my knees. “Need a hand?”

  “How about two?” she asks, smiling sweetly and pointing to her sneakers.

  I pull them off and toss them on the blanket as she slides her pants down over her hips and kicks them off. The sight of Sky laid out before me in nothing but a pair of simple white panties nearly breaks my resolve. There’s nothing I want more right now than to bury myself between her thighs, but a promise is a promise.

  Besides, I still haven’t tasted the best parts of her.

  Taking her left foot in my hands, I massage the arch of her foot and plant lazy kisses along her calf, this time working my way north. Sky watches with heavy-lidded eyes, her normally bright irises dark with need as I spread her thighs.

  “I’ve been waiting all night for this, wondering if your pussy will taste as sweet as the rest of you.” I stroke a finger up th
e center of her panties, but the only person I’m teasing is myself because they’re wet as hell.

  “Only one way to find out,” she says, arching a brow in challenge.

  It’s all the encouragement I need. I lower my mouth to her pussy and give one long lick right up the center. Sky moans and arches her back, but I’m just getting started. I shove her panties to the side and taste her in earnest, dragging the flat of my tongue over her slick folds before circling her clit.

  Fuck. She tastes even better than I imagined.

  I lick her again, applying more pressure to her clit this time. Her hips buck off the mat and I repeat the motion, this time sucking on her clit long and hard.

  “Oh shit.” Sky tangles her fingers in my hair, her nails scratching my scalp as she rolls her hips. “I’m going to come.”

  Thank Christ. My cock is so hard, it’s all I can do not to stroke myself for relief.

  “That’s right, Sky. Come for me.”

  I lower my mouth with renewed enthusiasm, slipping a finger inside her as I work her with my tongue. She makes a sound halfway between a moan and a cry and then she’s coming on my tongue, her muscles clenching and convulsing as the pleasure wracks her body.

  “That was…” She trails off.

  “Incredible?” I supply, giving her a teasing wink as I stretch out beside her. “Amazing? Life changing?”

  “A pretty solid opening act.” She hooks a hand behind my neck and pulls me in close, stopping when our lips are a breath apart. “Now I want the main event.”


  Wes’s eyes go round and a sense of smug satisfaction settles over me. Guess he didn’t see that one coming, but I meant what I said earlier. I deserve a break. I’m tired of worrying about small-town gossip and I’m not going to let life pass me by because I’m afraid of what people might say about me.

  Let them whisper. If I’ve learned anything living in Beaumont, it’s that people will always find something to talk about. Usually when they’re bored with their own lives.


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