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Succubus Rescue (The Accidental Necromancer Book 3)

Page 26

by JG Jerome

  Alafair chuckles, “I’m glad too, Alo.” Both of the exotic women shed happy tears.

  Alöise waves me over into the hug. “Queen Alafair Ravissement, please allow me to introduce my lord husband, William James.”

  I bow before saying, “It’s an honor to meet you, Your Majesty.”

  Alafair says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, William. I never figured Alöise for the marrying type, but then again few of my people are. I wish you both a long happy life together. Thank you both for coming to my rescue.” She looks around to find Shryl standing off to the side. She releases Alöise and myself and walks over to Shryl.

  Shryl curtsies, and Alafair tells her, “Rise, Shryl.”

  Shryl does as she is bid, and Alafair takes her hands. “You have been the victim in all of this, Shryl. You told me that Gabrielle sent you to Alöise on earth, and you got trapped there. You returned home, and her agents immediately captured you. You escaped and managed to return directly to my court, only to be beaten just short of death for your loyalty to me. I need to reward your dedication, dear. Would you join my court as my lady-in-waiting?”

  Shryl’s expression shifts rapidly through joy, shock, fear, and confusion. She turns to Alöise, who is leaning her delicious nude body into mine.

  Alöise saunters over to Shryl, and I follow. Alöise says, “Honey, you have been a joy to have with me, but earth is not going to be a safe place for a long time. I would be happy for you to take this opportunity.” She caresses Shryl’s cheek. “You can still come visit us, darling. You will always be part of our family.”

  “Always, Shryl.” I tell her. “Besides, Vanessa is going to want to visit with you, I’m sure. Alöise is right. This is too big of an opportunity to let pass.”

  Shryl looks at Alafair. “Your majesty, I am honored by your offer. I accept. I ask that you let me return with Duchess Alöise to say goodbye to my friends for a couple of days. I could start three days hence.”

  Alafair hugs her. “I agree, Shryl. I will see you upon your return.” She hugs Shryl. Then she hugs Alöise again while looking at me. “Take care of my sister, William.”

  “With my life, Your Majesty,” I respond and bow.

  I pull out the small portal. I open it and call into it, “Bring us home. Shryl first.”

  Shryl disappears, and I quickly roll the portal and grab Alöise in a hug before the world starts to spin around us.



  We coalesce back in the playroom. Shryl is already standing outside the circle with an arm casually thrown around Clarice’s shoulders.

  Alöise opens her wings and disappears, only to reappear outside the circle next to Shryl. I jump out of it.

  I ask, “What time is it?”

  “Just past eleven,” Marissa says. “More work to do tonight, William? I think you need some sleep.”

  “I agree,” says Rebecca. All my ladies and my new elven friends are all nodding.

  “I also agree,” I tell them. “However, we have members of our extended family that are hurting. I thought I might take Alöise, Shryl, Susan, and Lara down to the salon.”

  Clarice pipes up, “Me too, Daddy.”

  “Yes, sweetie. You too,” I agree. “Plus my loyal squire, Mica. The rest of you can join us for breakfast in the morning.”

  “I’ll go pack!” Clarice exclaims.

  Alöise says, “No, Clarice.”

  Clarice stops and looks tearfully at Alöise. “Our home is here now with my husband, your Daddy. You can come down tomorrow and pack out your room.” She looks at me. “Is that alright with you, William darling?”

  “Of course, Love,” I agree. “I figured the room she’s staying in was hers permanently.”

  Alöise kisses me and murmurs, “Thank you, husband.” She smiles at me brightly. “I can’t believe that I’m married after one hundred fifty years of whoring.”

  I smile back at her. “I’m glad you’re happy. I think Carla wanted to talk through a couple things with you on the contract, but otherwise I think we’re all prepared to sign the paperwork.”

  She says, “I’ll need to get Martin George to execute it. Which means I’ll need to meet with him. Also, I have my new identity prepped, so I just need to decide on a name and execute the transition.”

  I nod, “Good. Then you can sign, too.”

  She smiles brightly at me. “Tomorrow is soon enough.”

  I call the main number at the salon, and Serena answers. I ask her to prepare my suite for my arrival. She agrees and hangs up.

  I run up to the bedroom to pack an overnight bag, but Rebecca is there zipping a duffle closed for me.

  She smiles brightly at me. She says, “Don’t stay up all night breaking in the new wives. There’s plenty of time for that tomorrow.”

  I chuckle, “I’m tired enough that I don’t think it will be a problem. I love you, Rebecca.”

  “I love you too, William. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to some deep sleep myself,” she admits.

  I collect another kiss and head towards the stairs. Erica hands me a water bottle and follows me downstairs.

  I kiss all my ladies goodnight and bid T’os and Chiara goodnight, too. Alöise has changed her form to mirror the one she’s worn for the last one hundred fifty years. Marissa gives her a robe to wear and a kiss.

  Josie says, “It’s ready. Michele is standing by.”

  I kiss her and step through the passage. Mica, Shryl, Susan, and Alöise follow closely behind.

  The trips to the succubus planet were crazy, but last night at the salon was emotionally exhausting.

  Viktorija was sitting in one of the chairs looking thoroughly defeated when I stepped through. Michele shrieked with joy and danced when she saw Bernadette step through the passage. Bernadette kissed her lewdly, and then walked over to Viktorija. Viktorija couldn’t believe her eyes.

  Bernadette knelt at Viktorija’s feet and cupped her face in her hands.

  Viktorija asked, “Mistress? Is it really you?”

  Bernadette gave her a gentle kiss before sitting back on her heels. She gave Viktorija a sad smile before answering. “Mostly, Precious. Whereas I was two people before, I am now just a succubus in a human form. I am quite reticent for any of our family here to see my natural body, so I expect I will stay like this. Will you still have me?”

  Michele ran out to tell everyone that Bernadette had returned as Viktorija launched off the chair to wrap her mistress in a hug.

  “Until I no longer draw breath, Your Grace,” Viktorija gasped after kissing Bernadette passionately.

  Bernadette said, “One thing you need to know, Precious.” Viktorija nodded timidly, and Bernadette continued. “I have taken William as my husband.”

  Viktorija's eyes flashed wide open and a huge smile erupted on her face. “Really?” Her mistress nodded slowly.

  Viktorija wrapped her mistress in a tight hug. “Despite the horror of dealing with the elves, my dreams are coming true.”

  Bernadette says, “I want you in our marriage too, Precious.”

  Viktorija nodded happily. “As soon as I finish my class, Mistress. Three more weeks.” She leaned in and whispered into Bernadette’s ear. “I already have a bag of clothes up in Prescott.”

  Bernadette chuckled. “I remember, Precious. You’ll probably want to move your things here into my suite. William’s house is getting full quickly. Now,” she paused for effect. “Let’s go upstairs. I need a quick shower and a gown to meet with our family here.”

  I walked over and helped Viktorija to her feet. She wrapped me in a fierce hug. “Thank you, Will. Thank you for bringing her back to me.”

  “Of course, Precious. I knew you needed to see her as soon as we returned,” I told her. She kissed me voraciously before releasing me to hook her hand in Bernadette’s arm. I enjoyed the view of her yoga tights and ‘flashdance-style’ sweatshirt clad body as she and Bernadette leave the suite.

stopped in the doorway. “We’ll hurry, William. I’d like you to be in the salon when I address everyone. Will you join me?”

  I smiled, “Of course, Love. I’ll shower quickly as well.”

  About that time, Luis ran up in pale blue pyjama pants and threw himself into hugging Bernadette. “Thank all that’s good that you’re back, Mistress.”

  Bernadette kissed his lips to the succubus standard of chaste. “I’m happy to be back, my dear one. Now go tell everyone that I want to see them in the salon in thirty minutes.”

  Luis nodded and caught Manuel and Serena before they launched onto Bernadette. I’m sure they each got a hug and a kiss before Bernadette hurried upstairs to shower and dress.

  I told Mica, “Hang tight. We’ll get you a room shortly. If you like, you can lie down on that couch over there until then. There shouldn’t be any notes for you to take tonight.” I pointed to the fainting couch. “Feel free to shower after me if you like.”

  Mica nodded and went to sit on the couch. I grabbed my remaining wife and...two concubines? Regardless, I lead Susan, Shryl, and Lara to the shower.

  Shryl started the shower while the rest of us stripped. I wrapped arms around my human and elven lovers as we walked into the shower. We all wet down and took turns soaping each other up. All three ladies insisted that I do most of the soaping, and they all wanted to take turns sudsing my body. All three were laughing and teasing each other as we tried to get clean. We managed to finish toweling off with about ten minutes to spare before our appointment downstairs. Susan and I dressed quickly while Lara took Shryl by the hand and led her out into the corridor. Lara called out, “We’ll meet you downstairs, Master.”

  After I finished getting dressed, I grabbed a clean towel and a wash rag and laid them on the foot of the fainting couch next to Mica’s head. His boots were off, and he was sound asleep with his head on a small throw pillow. I grabbed a throw and covered him with it. I murmured, “Sleep well, loyal squire.”

  I met Susan at the door. We embraced and kissed languidly. She smiled shyly at me before saying, “I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  I smiled back at her. “I can’t believe you’re mine, Susan. Let’s go, Sweetheart.” She looped her arm through mine, and we made our way down to the salon. Our eyes were greeted by the sight of all the lovely ladies of the house lounging in lingerie - transparent gowns that revealed everything, lace gowns that hid very little, slinky robes, babydolls, and poet shirts. There were a couple that I recognized as the new kitchen staff, but they were dressed to the same standard and made it look good. The gentlemen were attired similarly. Luis was wearing a smoking jacket and the light silken pyjama pants from before. Manuel was in a kimono that barely covered his parts. Koree, the elven zombie technician, was also wearing a kimono, but on him it hung below his knees.

  I took Susan around to meet everyone. Lara escorted Shryl into the room. The succubus was draped in an impromptu short toga that looked like Lara fashioned it from a cream colored bed sheet. The fabric hung from one shoulder before opening to cover Shryl’s full breasts, torso and hips - ending a little higher than mid-thigh. It was belted by a golden cord that looks like it might have been used to hold drapes open. Lara was wearing an identical garment fit for her size.

  Vanessa gasped, “Shryl?” The zombie rushed to her former demon possessor and wrapped her in a tight hug. The two sat on one of the many loveseats and whispered excitedly to each other.

  A minute later, Bernadette glided into the room with Viktorijia on her arm. Bernadette was wearing a rich burgundy model of her typical French-styled dressing gowns, and Viktorija was wearing a transparent white sheath that left nothing to the imagination. The excited chatter slowly quieted as everyone took note of their entrance.

  Then they rushed forward to welcome Bernadette home. She kissed, caressed, and fondled her staff, letting them know that she missed them and was happy to be back. Slowly she prodded them to all return to their seats.

  Bernadette reached a hand out to me, so I kissed Susan’s cheek and stood to join Bernadette. Viktorija took my seat next to Susan.

  Bernadette addressed her staff - really her family. “Thank you for that warm welcome, my darlings. I understand that several of you assisted in my rescue attempt while the rest of you protected and supported the home front. Thank you all for your efforts on my behalf. Here’s a synopsis of what happened.”

  She took a deep breath and squeezed my arm tightly. “Friday evening after work, I was abducted by Valya Valeran and some of her soldiers. They took me to their stronghold on Camelback, and Valya killed my human body, sending me back to my home planet. The body of Babette Printemps, the woman that hosted me much as Vanessa hosted Shryl, was destroyed to the point that William couldn’t resurrect her into a functioning human. My sister back on my home planet, imprisoned me in a cell across from Shryl, tortured me, maimed me, and fed me to a greater imp to play with. Audrey and Carla summoned Shryl out of there, and then Shryl and my beloved William arrived back in Shryl’s cell. William destroyed the imp, broke me out of my cell, healed me, and brought me back here. Shryl went back home to warn the Queen of Gabrielle’s plot.”

  The group applauded, but I was uncomfortable with it. Bernadette continued, “We had to return to my planet to rescue my sister, Queen Alafair, from the plot of my other sister, Arch-duchess Gabrielle. We managed to save Alafair, but I killed my sister Gabrielle in the process. William healed Queen Alafair and Shryl. Queen Alafair asked Shryl to become her lady-in-waiting, which Shryl has accepted.” She extended an arm to her loyal friend, and the assembled group applauded.

  Bernadette wraps up. “I have agreed to become William’s wife along with Susan,” she indicated toward her sister-wife, “Audrey, Rebecca, Marissa, Josie, and Carla. As such, I will be spending a lot more time in Prescott with my other family. I understand from Josie that we will have a permanent passage from here to Prescott installed tomorrow.”

  “Today, Your Grace,” Viktorija says.

  Bernadette smiles at her. “Yes, Precious. Today. We also will have more security here at our home. I’ll let William discuss that.” She kissed me to the succubus standard of chaste and everyone cheered.

  I told them quickly, “I’ll be bringing both some human zombies and some of the elven refugees here to act as a full-time security force. We’re still working out the details, but the humans will be here at 10am to assess our needs and come up with a plan. Koree will help them in this.”

  “Yes, Master,” the elven man acknowledges.

  I continue, “Other than that, I am trying to figure out how to ensure that you all have accommodation in Prescott in case it’s needed and how to settle one hundred twenty-two elven refugees - one twenty-three with Koree. I expect there will be an elven magician and guard force here in addition to the humans, but we need to do some training first.” I pause to let that all settle in. “I’m sure you have questions, but I’m going to encourage you to bring them up tomorrow. I think we’re all exhausted. So, I’m going to ask you to try to get some rest. is going to be a long day.”

  Serena asked, “Mistress, do you really look like Shryl?”

  Bernadette bit her lip, so I said to cover her hesitation. “As beautiful as Shryl is, Bernadette - or Alöise, which is her proper name - is even more beautiful and exotic.”

  “Show us mistress,” Cindy pleaded. “Let us see what you really look like.”

  I murmured to Bernadette, “Alöise, they love you as much as I do. They would be thrilled that you would be willing to show them this secret.”

  She nodded as tears streamed down her face. She bows her head and murmurs, “They might find me repulsive, William. You know how humans are.”

  I hold her close and murmur into her ear, “And you know how many humans summon a succubus because we find them exotically beautiful. As a royal, you’re more beautiful than most. They will adore you,” I assure her.

  Her tearful eyes searched mine and as
sessed my honesty. I tried to show her all my devotion. “Okay,” she murmured. I kissed her and stepped back.

  Bernadette started to unbutton her gown as she spoke. “My true name is Alöise Ravissement, first in line for the throne of the planet named after my family.” She slid her robe back from her shoulders to slide down her arms. She let it pool around her feet. “I have the ability to take a human form. This is common to all succubae, and eventually Shryl will be able to as well when she is a little older. However, as a royal I look a little different from Shryl’s form.”

  Suddenly, Alöise’s body blurred and shifted, revealing her red skin, black-feathered wings, clawed fingers, avian feet, and slitted pupils with pink sclera and golden irises. “This is the body I was born with,” she said. “I will have to take on a new identity, but I will be using my given name. Feel free to call me, Alöise from this point forth.”

  Everyone rushed forward to caress her, hug her, and kiss her. There were a lot of comments, but they were all expressions of adoration. I could see the relief in my demonic wife’s eyes as joy spread across her beautifully exotic features.

  After that we all retired. Shryl went with Vanessa. Viktorija accompanied Alöise to her suite for the night. Lara went to her dorm room. Susan and I went back to our suite. We quietly and gently made love before falling into a deep slumber.

  I wake up in the morning cuddled by Susan on one side and Viktorija on the other. Alöise is tucked up closely behind Viktorija wearing her natural form rather than her human form. Her arm is wrapped around Viktorija, and her left wing is spread across all three of us. I just lay in bed cuddling my ladies and thinking about what happened when we arrived in Phoenix. The case clock in the corner says it’s about 9am, so I suppose I should get out of bed.

  Susan slowly opens her eyes and smiles. I point at myself and point up. She grins and nods.

  Susan sits up and slides over to the edge of the bed and stands. I slide out from under Viktorija and follow Susan off the right hand side of the bed. After I stand, I wrap her into my arms and kiss her.


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