Better Than Luck
Page 2
The awakening.
One hundred percent out of the question. Sleeping with someone else…not a chance in hell or the abyss.
So, old-school traditional fight she may or may not win.
Unless she was wrong.
Please be wrong.
To keep Adam from worrying, she didn’t tell him where she was going. She didn’t go to the doctor in Edenton. Instead, she went to Seattle, to an old friend. A human friend, who wouldn’t ask stupid shit like, why not just become a werewolf.
Because we promised each other we’d die together after long, normal mortal lives.
She squeezed her hands shut and opened them again. What she wouldn’t give to be snuggling Makayla instead of sitting in this damned hospital room. Her little girl, the one she thought she’d never have after being told she was likely sterile after all her treatments as a teenager.
Doctor Venuza walked in, concern in her dark eyes. She took a seat. “Bad news, Danika. Leukemia is back, and from what I can tell, it’s in the accelerated phase. We have a few options…”
Danika zoned out. She knew the treatment plans. Every chance Adam wasn’t around, she’d been researching for the last week. None of them were going to be a walk in the park.
And fine, maybe she should have stayed on a treatment after fighting chronic myeloid leukemia at eleven, but her mother couldn’t afford to keep the treatment up and her father said she needed another option because it was too damned expensive.
And she’d been fine when she left home. Hell, she’d been fine for twenty-eight years now.
Instead of listening to Anne ramble on about her options, she started trying to come up with ways to tell Adam, and in the worst-case scenario, say goodbye to him and Makayla.
And then she drifted to the day her fate had been sealed nineteen years ago.
Danika kicked the flat tire and pushed her hands through her hair. She’d wanted to put as much distance between herself and her asshole father as she could. Bastard was back, wreaking havoc on Mom’s poor, aching heart. And once again, he was trying to convince her to go through the awakening because it was her only choice to keep living.
Danika planned to prove the asshole wrong. She was going to stay mortal, skip the awakening, find a good human man, and live a long, happy life.
Besides, she didn’t see the point of going through the awakening to be a leprechaun. Sure, she couldn’t get sick again, but it had been almost ten years with no sign of a relapse.
And her father, as much as luck seemed in his favor, got himself in enough trouble. Usually, when he slipped out of it, it fell into Mom’s lap, or even theirs.
Danika turned and leaned against the beat-up Camry and let out a breath.
“Having trouble?” a gruff, sexy voice asked.
She looked up to find gorgeous sky-blue eyes locked on her, short dark blond, spiky hair, and tattoos covering a long, lean, muscular body in tight ragged jeans and a T-shirt stretched across his chest. Not to mention that sexy as sin smile on his full lips.
One corner of her mouth turned up. Maybe this was fate. “Flat tire. No longer have the spare.”
He took a look at the car. “In a hurry to get out of here?”
She lifted a shoulder. There were approximately seventeen hundred miles between there and where she’d started. She’d planned to drive to California, hell, maybe keep going to Mexico, but she’d driven for two days with a couple of short stops, and the man before her was a temptation she didn’t think she could avoid.
She glanced at the tire and back at him. “Not particularly. Not even sure where I’m going, to be honest.”
“Well, if you want a ride to a tire place after my next client, I’d be happy to take you.”
He dipped his head. “Yup, tattoo artist. My next guy is coming in ten minutes.” He held up a bag. “Needed to grab some grub. I have plenty to share.” Light danced in his eyes.
With nothing to lose, except maybe her heart, she nodded. “Do I get to watch you work?”
“Sure.” His gaze trailed over her body as one brow arched. “Have any ink?”
She wet her lips. “A little, but I may be in the market for more.” She’d wanted a sleeve for as long as she could remember, but the first tattoo artist wasn’t impressive enough to trust with so much real estate.
He crossed the distance and held out his hand. “I’m Adam Dean.”
“Danika Walsh.” She wrapped her fingers around his palm and smiled. Firm grip, callused hands, and a zing traveled up her arm.
“Come on. I’ll be in the front room where everyone can watch. There’s a couch. You can make yourself comfortable. Get to know me.”
“Now that sounds like a plan.”
He made good on his promise, and she quickly realized he was her destiny.
Doctor Venuza touched her shoulder. “I know this is hard, but treatment can buy you time.”
Danika let out a breath, coming back to reality. That phrase dropped a lead weight of fear into her stomach. She managed a smile. “I know that. Can you give me a list of what you’re suggesting? I need to talk this over with Adam.”
Her head tipped, concern in her gaze. “Why didn’t you bring him?”
“I was hoping I was wrong. Last thing I want is to tear apart our happy home.”
“I know Adam. He loves you more than the world itself. He’s not going to walk away because things get tough. You have to know that.”
Nodding, she let out a breath. That wasn’t her worry. Her concern had more to do with him trying to choose something they both swore they wouldn’t.
She didn’t want to change anything about them, but this would. Because Adam would do anything for her. But he didn’t want to be a werewolf. He never did.
Doctor Venuza didn’t know the whole story. She didn’t know about Others. She didn’t know that they were both still effectively human, and that could change. Wouldn’t, but could.
Danika took her hands. “Please, print the treatment plans. I’ll go over them with Adam, and we’ll figure this out.”
“Soon, this needs to happen soon, Danika. I know you understand that. You want to be there for Makayla.”
“I do, and I will.” Danika let out a breath. “This is a lot to take in. It’s been years since I even thought about Leukemia. Everything has been so good. I should have known my luck would give out.”
“Well, relax. You beat it once before. You can do it again. I’m here for you.”
She’d met Anne the same day she met Adam. Her husband Henry was the one who Adam tattooed. They went out to eat after, then she went back to Adam’s. Danika stuck by his side all this time.
“I want to hear from you tomorrow, at the very latest.”
“You will.” She took the papers. “We’ll talk tonight.”
“Everything is going to be fine. It’s not in the blast phase. We have time to turn this around.”
“You’ll hear from me tomorrow. Just let me talk to him and figure this out. I remember what it was like going through it as a kid. Now…” Danika grabbed her purse. “Now, I need to figure out how to tell him.”
“He’ll be there for you,” she assured.
“I have no doubt about that.”
Chapter 2
Adam sat in the kitchen, staring off with Makayla. His little girl had his curls in her mother’s blue. Such a beautiful kid.
“Cookie!” She pointed again.
“Lunch first, Bluebird.”
She pouted. “Want cookie.”
He tapped her nose and she went cross-eyed watching his finger.
“I know, I’m breaking your heart, but I’d be a bad dad if I gave you a cookie now.”
She lit up. “Good Daddy.” Eighteen months and she was smart. “Please.”
“No, Makayla. Eat the sandwich, then you can have a cookie.”
Her face screwed up and she picked it up, then took a bite.
“You like almond butter and strawb
erry jam, right?”
Nodding, her eyes sparkled as a smile spread. Another bite down.
He let out a breath of relief. “Not so bad, and I promise, cookie after.”
His phone buzzed and he swiped it up.
Brody – Everything okay with Danika?
Adam – Why? What’s wrong?”
She had seemed off lately, but he couldn’t put a finger on why. And yeah, he was worried, but he hoped he was imagining things, or maybe she was pregnant with number two.
He grinned.
Brody – She’s sitting at In 2 Deep, drinking a pint. She’s zoned out, ignoring everyone with a lost look on her face.
Adam – Should I head over?
Brody – Nah, I’ll convince her to go home. I’ll send an update in a few.
Adam sat back, watching Makayla. At least she was eating. He never thought he could be much happier than he was with Danika. But then they had Makayla and everything was better.
Then two weeks ago, Danika started to smile less. She seemed constantly worried but wouldn’t tell him why. He couldn’t figure it out. He kept trying to up his romance game, but that didn’t help for more than an hour or so.
Hell, he’d found Danika in the rocker, holding a sleeping Makayla with tears streaming down her face several times in the last week.
Was she worried Makayla could wind up with leukemia like she had when she was a kid? He’d researched the symptoms and watched for them. So far, so good.
Danika had her fight with cancer, won, and had no signs since. So, Adam wasn’t worried. Why would he be? But maybe he should be.
Makayla shoved the last bite in her mouth and pointed at the cookie jar.
A laugh bubbled up. “All right, Bluebird.” He hopped up and moved to grab her a chocolate chip cookie. Adam made them the night before, hoping to put a smile on Danika’s face. It was her favorite.
He came back, sat down, and handed it over. “Happy?”
She nodded, her head bobbing as she grabbed the cookie and opened her mouth.
He reached out and gently grabbed her tiny arm. “Wait, wait, wait, slow down, munchkin. Swallow the sandwich first.”
She dropped her head and swallowed, then tugged her arm. He let her go, shaking his head with a laugh.
His phone buzzed again.
Brody – She’s on the way home. Need a sitter? You should talk to her.
Adam – Thanks, and maybe later.
For now, he wanted to have family time, hoping she’d see their girl was happy, healthy, and loved her so much.
Makayla patted her hand on the highchair table.
“Yes, baby?”
“Cookie?” She pointed at the jar.
He shook his head. “No, not right now. One is enough. And Mommy will be home soon. Maybe she’ll spoil you.”
He walked to the sink and rinsed a rag. “Time to clean you up.”
* * * *
Danika swirled her beer. Was it bad she was drinking in the middle of the afternoon, alone? Did she care? One drink, that was it. She’d earned it.
A warm hand closed over her shoulder and she glanced over. “Hey, Brody.”
“Everything okay?”
She took a deep breath and shook her head.
“Are you and Adam okay? Makayla?”
“Yeah, that’s all fine. Just a long day. I have stuff on my mind.”
“Want to talk?” Brody asked, leaning against the bar and watching her.
“No, just wanted a drink. Then I’ll head home.”
“All right. Look, if you need a night with Adam, we don’t mind taking Makayla.”
“I think we’re good. Don’t worry so much. Just a long day.”
Brody gave her a one-armed hug. “All right. See you soon.” He headed out.
Danika took another sip, laid down a ten, and walked out the door. Maybe she would come up with something brilliant to say when she got home.
Babe, I’m dying again. Life is going to be hell while I try to fight it. Don’t hate me too much.
She slid into the car and closed her eyes. This was the conversation she never wanted to have. He would offer to change course, to be what he swore he never wanted to be.
And she didn’t want to be anything Other if he wasn’t.
In no time she pulled into the driveway and shoved the novel worth of papers under the seat before heading inside.
She found Adam and Makayla in living room, sitting on the floor with the blocks.
He smiled up at her. “Look, Bluebird, it’s Mommy.”
Makayla leaned forward, placing her hands on the floor, then got her feet under her to stand up. “Mommy.”
She dropped to her knees and picked Makayla up. “Hey, baby. Were you good for Daddy?”
Nodding, she hugged Danika.
Adam moved over and hugged them both. “Everything all right?”
“Will be.” She leaned over and kissed Adam. She didn’t know how to tell him the cancer was back. At first, she thought maybe she was pregnant. Then she started to worry about the one thing she would never have to face again. She’d been to Anne twice, first to run tests, and today for the results. Her concern proved Danika was sick and only going to get worse.
“I could call Brody. We could have some time.”
Makayla hugged harder. “Mommy stay.”
She patted her back. “What about the park?” And then she’d have a little time to get her thoughts in order.
“Play, play, play.”
Danika set Makayla down. “Shoes, then we can go.”
“You want to walk?” Adam asked.
She rolled her eyes. “It’s just down the street. Why not?”
“Just making sure. You seem…distant.” He took her hand.
“Just working some stuff out for work.” And her life, their life.
“Anything you want me to do, you know I will. I’m here for you, no matter what.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles.
“Which is why I love you so much.” She hopped up and took his hand. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Not half as amazing as you. Now, want to discuss dinner while we walk over to the park?” His smile lit everything up, and she wanted to bask in his warmth, but dread had started to settle in.
She bumped his shoulder. “We could eat out. Might be nice to do something different.”
“With Makayla?” he asked.
Makayla came running back with her shoes.
Adam scooped her up and sat her on the couch to put them on.
Stalling for time, Danika rubbed her arm. “Maybe ask Fallon or Brody if they want to bring the twins to the park?”
“Sure thing.” He took his phone out and sent a text.
Maybe they just needed one romantic night together, just the two of them. Then she could break the bad news, without having to worry about Makayla.
Okay, granted, she might fall apart a little. Or maybe a lot.
He put the phone away while Danika went to get the stroller. Otherwise, they’d be walking forever. Makayla still had the habit of stopping to look at everything.
* * * *
Adam sat on a table, watching Danika push Makayla in the swing. At least there was a smile on her face. Something was going on, though. She wasn’t as light as usual.
Brody sat beside him as Fallon took Ryan and Rhiannon to the sandbox. Danika quickly took Makayla to join them.
“What’s going on?”
“Don’t know yet. She hasn’t said anything. She wanted to go to the park.”
Brody shrugged. “Looks like she’s having fun.”
Adam took a slow breath. “I’m worried.”
Brody squeezed his shoulder. “We could take Makayla. You two could figure this out.”
“You sure?” Adam asked, looking him in the eye.
Brody looked back at Danika. “Yeah, of course. Nothing more important than family. Obviously, something is weighing on your girl.”
“Nothing we can’t g
et through. That is the only thing I’m sure of.”
Brody watched their kids with their women. “I can’t imagine the two of you not being okay.”
“I just hope it’s not what she went through as a kid.” And the more he watched her, the more he had to wonder if that was why she went all the way to Seattle to see a doctor.
“Daddy, Bwoody, here!” Makayla called.
Brody nudged Adam. “That’s our cue.” He hopped up, and Adam hurried over to take a seat in the sand with the kids.
* * * *
Fallon leaned over. “Why don’t you let us take Makayla for the night?”
“You really want to be stuck with three munchkins?” Danika asked.
“We’ll have fun. I’m not worried about that. And it’s not like you don’t take these two during the full moon sometimes.”
Danika glanced at Adam. She couldn’t help smiling. He watched her with such love. “I do need to talk to Adam. That would make things easier.”
“Anything I can help with?”
“Take Makayla tonight.” She turned to Fallon. There was so much she wanted to say, but didn’t know how. She could tell Adam anything, but she was terrified of the end result.
Fallon patted her leg. “If you want to talk, I’m all ears.”
Shaking her head, she met Adam’s gaze and smiled. “Need to talk to him first.”
“You got it. But remember, I’m here if you do want to talk outside of that.”
“I will.”
Makayla called the guys over, and Danika couldn’t help being relieved. Discussing the cancer with Fallon first seemed like some kind of betrayal to Adam. She really needed to get this off her chest before it bubbled over.
She’d already been worried about it. For a couple weeks. Maybe she should have called sooner, but she was hoping it was anything else. Especially when her period was late.