Better Than Luck
Page 8
He ran a hand through his hair. “Your father likely absorbed too much of your luck. The selfish bastard probably resented having to settle down and support kids. I can’t imagine him being a good father.”
“Fucking terrible.” She sighed.
“Well, if he drained your luck, you were more susceptible to human ailments. And you wound up with cancer.”
“And he resented me more for it, especially when I refused to go along with his plan.” She shuddered and dropped her voice. “He wanted to let Remus fuck me so I could go through the awakening. I was barely eleven.”
“Yeah, well, he’s a broken man. And I can’t imagine him seeing you as much more than an inconvenience.”
She rolled her eyes. “Understatement of the century.”
He patted her shoulder. “I’m going to tell you something you don’t know, and something I probably should have told Robert when he mentioned his plan.” Shaking his head, he moved to the counter.
She took a seat. “That would be?”
“Finnian has a habit of being in trouble with the wrong people. I watched what some of the Dark Templar did to him a very long time ago. They broke him, tortured him until they destroyed whatever stops a leprechaun from sucking luck unintentionally. He lost that natural inhibitor. Most leprechauns will affect luck of people around them.” He smiled. “Piss off Dominique, and you slip, fall, or run into something. Nothing major. But if you make her happy, good things happen. That’s normal. Your father doesn’t even realize what he’s doing. Those who tortured your father met horrific deaths within hours of his escape because he absorbed all of their luck. One of them was standing ten feet from me, giving a report, when a chandelier fell on him, ripping open every major artery. And granted, those who tortured him deserved punishment, but he wasn’t innocent. He pissed off the leaders at the time by stealing an artifact.”
Danika shook her head slowly. “Good, because I don’t feel sorry for him.”
Tremaine ran a hand through his dark curls. “You shouldn’t, not at all. Here’s the problem. Finnian was always an asshole. For as long as I’ve known him, and that’s a mighty long time. He had earned the torture, though he’ll never see it that way. But like I said, that broke something inside him.”
“So, he doesn’t know he’s killing people?” She glanced over at Makayla, who was in a bean bag chair, looking at the pictures of a book.
“He doesn’t see what he doesn’t want to see. But his abilities don’t usually kill people. Just when he’s trying to outrun the bad luck. Because the thing with leprechauns, if they pull too much luck from people, they lose some of their own. I’m not sure he could survive without leaching luck from everyone else.”
“Fucking bastard.”
“Yeah, he is. But Robert has him in custody. And he’s pissed on your behalf. He’s about to even the playing field.”
Danika’s head tipped. “How?”
Tremaine rubbed at his face. “Shit, I probably shouldn’t have said anything yet.”
“Just tell me, Trem.”
“Fallon is placing a tattoo on him that will prevent him from taking luck from everyone. I believe his own luck has long since run out and without taking everyone else’s luck, he’ll likely die. Robert may be signing his death sentence.”
She took a long breath before shaking her head. “Did you tell Robert that?”
“No, because Finnian is a selfish bastard who deserves to die.”
“Well, yeah. I think my cancer was a result of him taking my luck. At least the first time around. This time…I didn’t even know he was alive until last night.”
Nodding, Tremaine sighed. “I’m sure he was at least in part to blame for the first round of cancer. Doubt we can blame him this time. Your immune system was compromised when you were a child.”
“I’ve seen what happens when he’s threatened. I watched some scumball chase him down a street in Juneau once. The guy shot at him, but he ducked around the car. The gunman shot up the woman and baby inside by accident, then ran into the street and was hit by a semi. He killed three people in moments because he didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.”
“He never has cared about anyone but himself. Look, don’t feel bad about this. It’s probably the only thing that will work.”
“I don’t. Is he over at Inktastic?” she asked.
“Danika, don’t go over there.”
She took in a slow breath. “I just want to know if he knows he’s the reason I was sick. If he knows how much he hurt my mother. That he’s the reason she’s dead.”
“I talked to Robert. He thinks you’re the reason. He fucking hates you.”
Her lip curled. “Yeah, well, the feeling is mutual.”
“He’s unconscious right now. Just wait. You came for information on what you could do? Right?”
“Yeah, is there any other option?” she asked, her arms crossed over her chest.
“No. There really isn’t. But going over there isn’t going to make you feel any better.”
“Adam has to know he’s there.”
“I would imagine so.” He nudged her shoulder. “Look, you don’t want to talk to your father. He’s nothing but trouble.”
He’s a big reason I want no part of being a leprechaun. You realize that.”
He gently took her arm and held her gaze. “Yeah, but he’s not exactly a leprechaun anymore. He doesn’t operate the same way Dominique does, or you would.”
She pulled away. “I’m going over there. Would you please watch Makayla for a few?”
He sighed. “Yeah, but I warned you. It’s not going to feel any better. Hell, killing the bastard wouldn’t help how you feel either.”
A laugh bubbled up. “Don’t tempt me. If Robert already has his hands on him, they can deal with him legally.”
“What Fallon is doing to him isn’t exactly legal. But the Council is more likely to rule him a danger to everyone and kill him. At least this way, he could find redemption.”
“Bastard’s too busy thinking about himself to find redemption. I won’t be long.” She moved to Makayla and knelt before her. “You okay with Tremaine for a few minutes?”
“Daddy?” She sat up.
“I’ll take you over there before we go home, okay?”
“Uh-huh.” She waved. “Maybe Tremaine can make you a smoothie?” She turned to look in his direction. “I’ll pay when I come back.”
“Yeah, okay.” He smiled at the little one. “What flavor, Makayla?”
“Erry!” She got up and made her way toward Tremaine, who nodded to the counter.
Danika hurried across the street.
* * * *
Adam sat at the front desk instead of going in to see Danika’s father. Robert urged him to stay out, and he did. He was tempted to go in there and beat the shit out of him.
Danika stormed into the shop. “You didn’t tell me?”
He held up his hands. “About your father? Robert just brought him in. I had Fallon give me a tattoo. I planned to ask you if you wanted one once she was done. However, I had little to no warning, and I didn’t realize you were up yet.”
She rolled her eyes. “Why aren’t you in there?”
He snorted. “Because I wouldn’t have kept my hands to myself. Robert assured me he would be unconscious the entire time he was here. One glimpse and Robert had to translocate me away from Fallon’s workspace because I wanted to protect you. Every fiber of my being wanted to dropkick the fucker.”
Smiling, she closed the distance and he stood, moving to her.
He pulled her into his arms and took a soft kiss. “Are you okay?”
She drew a breath. “I hate knowing he’s here.”
“Tremaine tell you what she’s doing?”
“Making it impossible for him to fuck everyone over?” She lifted a shoulder and lowered her voice. “He also mentioned he may be dependent on the luck he takes and could die from this.”
“Please tell me you aren�
��t here to beg Fallon to undo what she’s doing.”
She held up her hands, shaking her head. “Oh, hell no. Bastard can rot in hell, the abyss, wherever the fuck the asshole would wind up. I really don’t care. He’s ruined enough lives, that I just don’t give a fuck.”
“That’s a relief.”
“Would you have told me if I had called?”
“Yes. When have I ever kept anything from you?”
“Never.” Her head dropped.
“I haven’t known long. If I knew you were coming, I would have warned you. Robert was in his head, and your father is truly an asshole.”
“Yeah, apparently he thinks I’m to blame for all of his troubles.”
He pulled her into his arms. “You know you’re not.”
“Yeah, I do. If anything, it’s his. Is it stupid I came?”
“No. In fact, because I know you’ll want to at least see the prick, here.” He moved down the hall and knocked on Fallon’s door.
Robert stepped out and shut the door behind him. “At least wait until she finishes the wards to keep him from taking anyone else’s luck.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Can that be done?”
“Think so.” Robert lifted a shoulder. “He hasn’t affected mine or Preston’s luck, and we have Fallon’s wards.”
“So do I, as of an hour ago,” Adam added.
Danika’s brow arched as she turned to Adam. “Are you suggesting I let Fallon tattoo me?”
He smiled. “You’ve had other people put ink on you.”
“That was before you.” She sighed.
“True, but this is Fallon, a friend, and she did this.” He lifted his arm, his wrist facing her.
She smiled. “It’s small.”
“For the magic to work, it just has to be there,” Robert explained.
“All right. But it’s not going to fuck with my magic if we go your route?” Danika asked.
Adam smiled. “You’re finally seeing this is for us?”
“Yes. But is this tattoo going to prevent me from whatever I do naturally?” she asked.
“Doesn’t affect Dominique,” Adam answered.
Robert shook his head. “She’s only placing the block because I went into his memories. When he’s threatened, he becomes ground zero for a disaster zone. He tends to suck luck out of everyone without meaning to.”
“Tremaine said this might cause his death,” Danika stated.
Robert lifted a shoulder. “Didn’t have a better idea, and the Silver Council would likely have locked him where he wouldn’t have been able to draw luck from others, until his death. At least he has a chance to make things right.”
Her eyes narrowed. “That’s not possible. Too fucking self-centered to think about anyone else, ever.”
“That may be, but he deserves the chance.”
“He’s just going to bring whatever trouble is following him here. There’s always trouble following him.”
“We’ll keep an eye on that and monitor the situation,” Robert assured.
“Fine, how long will she be? I would like to get a good look at the bastard. I heard he’d burned to a crisp in a fire. The same one that killed my mother.”
“He paid a talented healer to fix the damage from the fire.”
Danika turned to Adam. “When does Henry come in?”
Adam nodded to the door. “Now.”
“Shit, okay. I’ll go back to the bookstore. Someone let me know when I can come back over. I’d like a word with the bastard.”
“How about I bring him to you? Tremaine will watch Makayla.” Robert touched her shoulder. “Shouldn’t be long.”
“Sounds good.” She turned to wave at Henry.
He smiled. “Danika, how are you feeling?”
“Good, right now.” He wore a Henley shirt and cargo pants. Gray streaked his hair. Adam had known him for years. She had gone to dinner with Adam, Henry, and Anne the day they met. Fast friends ever since.
“Anne is waiting for you to call.”
“I know. She’ll hear from me soon. I promise.” Danika took his hands. “Can Adam send me pictures of the work he does?”
“Of course. You have a good day. Though, I wouldn’t mind seeing the little squirt.”
“We’ll see. I need to be somewhere in a few. Have a good day.”
Henry hugged her and she hurried out the door.
Adam rubbed at his face. “How are you?”
“Worried about you two. How’s she holding up?”
“Well, we’re looking into some options. She’ll be discussing that with Anne tonight or tomorrow.”
“She better not be thinking of going through some untested trial.”
“That’s not what’s happening. Look, can we get to work? We have a long session, and I really would like to get back to Danika.”
“Should we reschedule?” he asked.
“You’re already here. I’m ready to go. Danika really does have some stuff to do today. So, let’s head back.”
He dipped his head as Tomahawk walked through the door. Another person he wanted to talk to, but he was starting to think things were going to work out all right after all.
Chapter 13
Back at A Good Book, Danika stood at the counter with the two books Makayla wanted. “What do I owe you for the smoothie and the books?”
He leaned on the counter. “How about I make you a drink, one that may help hold off some of your symptoms?”
Her brow pinched. “Okay.”
“Come on, I wouldn’t make you anything I thought wouldn’t help in some way.”
“I know. Sure. What do I owe you, though?”
“Today, nothing. I want to do this. And Makayla is my buddy.” He winked at Makayla, who stood at his feet.
A laugh bubbled up. “I’m not dying. I told Adam I’m thinking about this. You made me look at it in a different way. Thank you, truly.”
“Good, now, do you really want to see your father?”
“Need to,” she answered.
“Yeah, I get that. Robert will text me once he translocates him to a storeroom.” He took a metal tea infuser and filled it with fragrant herbs and flowers. Then he placed it in a mug he filled with steaming water. “It’s not a cure, but it should help. You’re already looking tired.”
“Yeah, well, it’s been a crazy day. They tell you what I did? What Adam is now? That my body put up a serious fight when I tried to become a wolf?”
“Yeah, and I wish you had talked to me before that. I could have told you it wouldn’t have worked.”
“Did you know for sure it wouldn’t?”
He sighed. “Maybe not a hundred percent, but considering your history with cancer, you weren’t getting over it that easily. You simply weren’t. The awakening was likely your only guaranteed way to beat it, and if not, well, I don’t have an answer.”
“That’s what I figured, but I had to ask.”
Tremaine pulled his phone out and shook his head. “Let me take you back. Robert’s already in there with your father. I still don’t think you’re going to hear what you want from him.”
She glanced back. “I don’t need to hear anything. I have things to say to him.”
“I get it.” He scooped Makayla up and led Danika back. “In there. Your tea will be ready when you’re done.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Danika stepped into the room. Her father sat in the middle, in a chair, his hands behind his back, probably restrained, but his head lolled forward.
Robert stood behind him, his hands at his sides. “You sure about this?”
Robert touched her father.
Dad’s head snapped up and his eyes locked on her, turning dark as he glared. “You!” He tried to stand, but his hands were firmly locked behind him. “Damn it. I need to make you pay.”
She laughed. “For what?”
“For destroying my life!” He tried to jerk forward
“Warning, Finnian, I will push magic through you until you’re a trembling mess,” Robert warned.
Danika stepped forward. “How am I to blame? You take every ounce of luck from everyone else. You leave a path of destruction in your wake. Mom died because you pissed off the wrong people. Just like that woman and her baby died the night I left Juneau. So did the man shooting at you. I suffered because of you, then I heard you tell Mom how you should have let me die, instead of wasting money to cure me. All because I didn’t want to fuck your sleazeball friend. I was eleven!”
Anger flashed across Robert’s features as his hands fisted.
Finnian glared back at Danika. “It would have fixed everything. You drove a wedge between Diedre and me. You nearly destroyed what we shared. All because you were hers.”
“I was yours too. But you never stop to think about anyone else. And fine, maybe it would have been easier to let me be with him, but I got news for you, Mom wouldn’t have let that happen. She was opposed to the idea.”
“But she would have accepted it if you had just realized how much easier it would have been.”
“God, why did she ever love you? I honestly don’t understand. You never cared about me. Never.” She turned to walk away.
“You made her love me less. You took her love away. And until you left, she wouldn’t come away with me. She wouldn’t roam, she couldn’t be free. You stole her joy for life.”
She spun and marched back. “You bastard. You created me with her. That’s what parents do. They take care of their children. How did you ever take care of me?”
“I made money to keep you all comfortable. I kept you out of the eyes of those who would have taken you all from me. You ungrateful bitch.”
Her eyes closed. “Yeah, well, if you had just gotten a real job and made money the right way, maybe gotten insurance, you wouldn’t have had to risk your life to pay for our expenses. Stay away from me and my family.” She started for the door.
He laughed bitterly. “You? A mother? You’ll be a terrible parent. Only out for yourself. And you’re going to eventually get sick and die, all because of your precious morals. What did morals ever do for anyone?”