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Are You Alone in the House

Page 2

by Travis Szablewski

  “A little too late for that,” Blake smirked as he grabbed at the white straps of her summer dress.

  “Just hang on a second!” Quinn snapped as she shoved Blake away.

  “What is your problem?” Blake snapped as his fists clenched.

  “We need to talk,” Quinn said softly as her nervous hands fiddled in her lap.

  “Can it not wait?” Blake smirked. “I’d rather not have blue balls for a week and a half,” Blake joked as Quinn rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “I’m serious. This is serious,” Quinn said as her eyes settled onto him.

  “OK. Shoot.”

  “You know I really care about you. You know that I love you, right?” Quinn asked as Blake saw the tears slowly form in her eyes.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Blake asked softly…concerned as he grabbed her hand tightly. “Are you alright?”

  “I just want you to know how much the time we have spent together these last three years has meant to me. You’ve been so good to me and I know we’ve had our issues, but we’ve always worked through them,” Quinn said, her voice quivering as a tear trickled down her cheek. “And I hope this is another thing we can work through…together.”

  “Babe, what’s going on? You’re freaking me out right now,” Blake said. His stomach twisted in knots as he felt his hands grow cold and clammy.

  “I just think that…with you going to UCLA and me going to Berkeley…I think that it’s going to be too much. I don’t want to lose you as a friend, Blake. I just think that we really need to take a break and figure out what the best possibility is,” Quinn cried.

  Blake’s eyes widened as he quickly stood up and began pacing back and forth. She…she was breaking up with him? Blake’s head began to spin. Was this real life? He had to be drunk? This had to be a dream.

  “So, you wanna break up?” Blake asked as he stopped…staring down to Quinn.

  “Please don’t be mad,” Quinn cried.

  “Mad? Mad? Are you fucking kidding me, Quinn? You literally had every single opportunity to do this and you pick tonight?” Blake snapped.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you, Blake!” Quinn sobbed as she wiped her eyes, smudging her mascara.

  “Why? Give me one damn good reason why you want to break up! I told you I wanted to be with you even if we went to different schools! I told you that we would figure it out!” Blake screamed as tears began to stream down his face. Quinn quickly stood up, moving closer to him.

  “It just isn’t realistic, Blake! We’re going to be three-thousand miles away from each other! I can barely trust you being in a different homeroom than me!” Quinn exclaimed.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Blake snapped.

  “Two fucking words, Blake; Ellie Williams,” Quinn yelled.

  “Oh, for the love of God! You’re still on that stupid shit! It was a mistake! I was drunk!” Blake yelled as he turned his back to her and threw his beer bottle against the wall. The glass shattered into pieces as it rained to the floor like confetti.

  “Well you sure as shit weren’t drunk when you cheated on me with Laura Mathis,” Quinn snapped. Blake slowly turned around, his eyes burning into her.

  “What?” Blake asked, his voice cracking.

  “Laura Mathis. What? You didn’t think I knew? For fuck sakes, Blake, the whole fucking school board knew!” Quinn yelled, her voice hoarse.

  “Laura Mathis is a dirty bitch. You’re dumb if you think I’d ever touch that,” Blake snapped.

  “Well you must like dirty bitches then because you fucked her in the baseball field dugout,” Quinn said, placing her hands on her hips.

  “This is bullshit,” Blake said as he turned towards the closed bedroom door.

  “Go ahead! Run away! Run like you always do!” Quinn cried out in rage as Blake yanked the door open…and slammed it behind him.


  Reese’s eyes scanned the crowded living room as she pushed through a set of stoners smoking a joint.

  “Burke?” Reese called out as she turned, her eyes searching every dark corner for him…or any of her friends for that matter. Where did everyone go? Reese stepped through the kitchen doorway as she looked around. Not even one of them; Burke, Quinn, Blake, Ethan, Jessie, or Riley…no one. Reese pushed through the hectic kitchen as she made her way towards the patio door ahead.

  She felt the cool summer breeze plaster her face as she stepped out onto the huge concrete patio of the Brantley house. She watched as a group of guys bounced around a large inflatable ball in the pool. She marched forward, her sandals sounding off on the concrete as she made her way along the patio.

  “Jessie? Quinn?” Reese called out. She turned around in circles…but saw none of them. Just the random people from school. But none of her best friends.

  And that’s when she heard it.

  The blood curdling scream.

  Reese spun around…staring at the rear side of the Brantley house. Her eyes widened…as the watched a thin female body tumble over the second story balcony railing and towards the concrete patio below. Her short brown hair…whipping through the air behind her; the girl’s yellow summer dress flowing freely around her small body.


  Reese’s eyes widen…as screams spread throughout the entire back patio as the gruesome scene played out before them. Reese pushed through the crowd…struggling to break through.

  “Move! Move!” Reese cried. It couldn’t be her. It couldn’t be. Reese shoved through the screaming crowd as they circled the scene ahead. “Move!”

  Reese lunged through…she was finally out. Her eyes widened…as her hands trembled by her sides. It was her…

  Riley’s dead body laid on the hard concrete before her. Her right leg twisted and snapped, a bone perturbing through her calf. Her head, busted wide open as brain matter, tissue, and blood slowly pooled out around her head.

  “No!” Reese cried out as she dropped to her knees beside Riley’s dead body. Riley’s piecing blue eyes…still wide open…staring back at Reese. “Somebody call the police! Somebody help!” Reese cried out as she sobbed. “Riley, please! Please don’t leave me! Please!” Reese cried out as she grabbed Riley’s hand tightly. Reese’s puffy, red eyes slowly drifted to Riley’s neck…

  To see her golden heart shaped locket…






  The cold, frigid wind whipped through Reese’s long brown hair as she pulled her knitted black beanie onto her head and made her way down the concrete steps of the Woodland Falls public library. She made her way down the wet sidewalk as she hugged the three books in her hands against her chest. The night was calm…quiet. The only light being supplied by the street lamps that hung high above her.


  Reese stopped…as she heard the sound echo behind her. She slowly turned…to see no one. Not a soul in sight. Reese kept moving forward down the dark and lonely sidewalk, just a few more blocks and she would home.


  Reese stopped as she let out a loud, annoyed sigh and spun around.

  “I’m really not in the damn mood!” Reese snapped as she listened…waiting for a prankster to leap out from the bushes. But nothing. No one. Reese licked her chapped lips as she hugged the books, tighter and tighter. Her strides now faster…


  “Cut the shit!” Reese yelled as she stopped and turned towards the direction of the noise. That’s when she heard the loud roaring engine…as a set of headlights beamed through the darkness. An old black 1976 Mustang with tinted windows slowly pulled up along the curb beside her and came to a complete stop. The tinted passenger side window slowly rolled down as she stared inside to see...

  Burke Collins staring back at her.

  “Do you need a ride?” he asked softly.

  “No, I’m fine,” Reese said quickly as she began to walk forward, continuing down the sidewa
lk. Burke’s car slowly began to travel at her side.

  “Are you sure? It’s pretty cold out there,” Burke yelled through the window as he drove next to the sidewalk, keeping pace with Reese.

  “Do you always stalk girls in the middle of the night?” Reese asked sarcastically as she stopped, turning towards his car.

  “Only the pretty ones,” Burke smiled. Reese couldn’t help but smile as her cheeks grew red. “Now, come on; get in,” Burke said as he patted his passenger seat. Reese hesitated as she looked down the dark and secluded sidewalk. She shouldn’t. Her and Burke were over…and she was finally getting over him. But it was a ride…just a short ride…

  Reese stepped towards the car and pulled the passenger door open. She quickly settled in and slammed the door as she could feel the toasty warm air inside coat her entire body. Even with her heavy jacket on, she was still trembling.

  “Just go up this road and make a left,” Reese said sternly as she placed her books in the floorboard.

  “Oh, I remember,” Burke said as he sped up, his engine roaring as Reese stared straight forward through the tinted windshield.

  Reese’s eyes inched to their corners…she couldn’t help herself. Burke looked good. His dark hair slicked back. He was wearing that black leather jacket she had got him for his birthday last year. He was a bad boy...and she knew he was no good for her…but that just made her want him even more. Ever since that night…things weren’t the same between them. And eventually…they just…disintegrated.

  Reese’s eyes drifted down to an old black leather CD case; the leather peeling from the sides. Reese grabbed it as she unzipped it and unfolded the memories in front of her.

  “God, I can’t believe you still have these,” Reese smirked as she flipped through the many mix CDs; all of them marked with permanent marker with titles and song lyrics.

  “I couldn’t get rid of those; gotta keep the nostalgia going. There’s a few in there that you made me years ago that I still have,” Burke said, his wrist dangled over the steering wheel.

  “Now it’s all syncing and downloading…what ever happened to the good old days?” Reese asked as she continued to flip through the case.

  “Trust me, I agree,” Burke said as his eyes move from the road to her.

  “You’re not talking about CDs, are you,” Reese sighed as she slammed the case shut and dropped it into the center console.

  “Am I that transparent?” Burke asked.

  “Always have been,” Reese smiled coyly. Burke smiled as two dimples formed in his cheeks. Reese bit her lip. They drove her mad. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to take him back. She wanted things to be the way they used to be. But ever since that night…ever since Riley died…something inside of her snapped. And she couldn’t find it. She couldn’t get it back. She was numb…to everything but her pain.

  “You know I’ve called,” Burke said softly. “Reese, I am so sorry about what happened that night. No one should ever have to see what you saw,” Burke said as he shook his head.

  “Can we not talk about it?” Reese said as she cleared her throat. “Can you just drive…please?”

  “All I’m saying is I’m here for you. I know it’s only been a few months. I know it’s still hurting you. I’m not the only one who’s transparent,” Burke added.

  “Turn right here,” Reese pointed. Burke’s jaw tightened as he nodded and turned the wheel. Burke’s car came to a slow stop at the curb in front of Reese’s home. Reese unbuckled her belt and began to reach down for her books…as Burke grabbed her hand. She froze…her eyes glued to his strong hand wrapped tightly around hers.

  “Can we please just talk about us?” Burke asked softly. “I miss you so much, Reese. I know that we had our fallout, but I have not gone a single day without thinking about you. I’m worried about you…and our friends are worried about you. You’re just so distant,” Burke added. Reese’s eyes filled with tears as she stared out through her window.

  “I just don’t know how I feel anymore. I feel like ever since it happened, my head has just been replaying it like a movie…over and over and over again; and I can’t turn it off. No matter how hard I try, it’s all I see…every single day,” Reese cried as her red eyes looked to Burke. He leaned forward, wrapping his strong arms around her as he pulled her close. Reese’s arms wrapped around him as she could feel the muscles in his strong back tighten beneath the cold leather.

  “I’m shocked your mom isn’t out here, bat in hand,” Burke said, struggling to lighten the mood.

  Reese giggled as she released him and looked back towards her house. It was a two-story home with white siding and a full wraparound porch. Beautiful…but not pretentious.

  “Ever since my dad moved out, she’s been a bit off,” Reese said.

  “More off than usual? Is that even possible?” Burke smirked. “So…can we…talk some more…about us?”

  Reese wanted to. She wanted to stay with him and talk for hours. To tell him everything she felt and how angry and bitter and torn to pieces she was. She wanted to tell him she missed him and how she wanted to feel his lips on her skin. But right now…with everything going on…it just didn’t feel right.

  “I have to go,” Reese said as she quickly gathered her books from the floorboard and shoved the passenger door open.

  “Reese…” Burke began…as she slammed the door shut behind her. She couldn’t talk about this. Not now. Everything was still so fresh. Reese quickly made her way towards the porch steps ahead as she shivered in the cool wind that danced around her.

  Reese quickly pushed the front door open and quietly shut it behind her. Maybe the coast was clear. Maybe her mom didn’t see his car. Reese quietly took her coat off and hanged it on the hook beside the door. Reese bit her lip as she held her books and tiptoed towards the stairs ahead.

  “How was Burke?” a soft voice rang out. Reese’s eyes widen as she let out the breath she was holding in. Shit. She was caught. Reese turned towards a doorway to her right and walked through to see her mother sitting in the living room. A long throw blanket wrapped around her legs on the couch. A glass of red wine in her hand.

  “What?” Reese asked, playing dumb.

  “Reese come on; I’d know the sound of that boy’s engine from anywhere,” Lorraine Taylor said as she sipped from her wineglass.

  “Mom, it was just a ride,” Reese sighed as she walked into the living room and plopped down into a recliner across from the couch.

  “Just a ride? Isn’t that how it all started last time?” Lorraine asked as her eyes narrowed onto her daughter.

  “God, you act like we’re back together,” Reese scoffed.

  “I don’t know. I mean, you don’t tell me anything anymore. Are you?” Lorraine snapped back.

  “No, you’ll be thrilled to know that we are not back together. Now can I go?” Reese growled as she stood up and made her way towards the doorway.

  “I just worry about you, honey,” Lorraine said as she stood up from the couch, throwing the blanket off her legs.

  “Well you don’t need to be,” Reese said as she spun around. “I’m fine.”

  “I just don’t want to see you make any more mistakes,” Lorraine said softly. Her words were slurred and disorganized. Nearly a jumbled mess.

  “Why don’t you put down the wine and we can talk about mistakes,” Reese said as her eyes burned into her mother.

  “God, here we go again,” Lorraine smirked as she tilted her head back, staring up at the ceiling as she let out a sigh.

  “How many bottles have you had tonight mom? Two? Three?” Reese snarled.

  “That’s none of your God damn business,” Lorraine said as she plopped back onto the sofa.

  “Because ever since dad moved out, that’s all you’ve done! Ever since…” Reese stopped.

  “Go ahead, say it,” Lorraine snapped as she took another sip.

  “Ever since Riley died,” Reese said softly as she felt her eyes grow warm with tears.
/>   “Let me ask you a question, Reese! Why did Riley die? She’d still be here right now if that damn boy hadn’t invited you to that stupid party!” Lorraine yelled as she tossed the glass, getting every drop.

  “For God’s sakes, mom! You can’t blame Burke for what happened! He invited us to the party and we went! Everyone was there!” Reese cried.

  “Just go…” Lorraine said softly as she rubbed her throbbing head.

  “Gladly!” Reese yelled as she turned and stomped out of the living room and up the stairs. Reese could hear her heartbeat pound inside of her head as she rushed from the stairs and down the second level hallway towards her bedroom ahead. Reese rushed inside…and slammed the door shut behind her.

  Her back rested against the wooden door as her chest heaved up and down. No wonder she felt like she was going crazy. Riley kept her sane before she died…

  Reese made her way towards her bathroom in the corner of the room as she threw her books onto her bed. Reese flipped the bathroom light on…and gasped.

  Burke stared at her through the small window beside the shower. He grinned as he gently tapped on the glass. What the hell was he doing? Her mother would kill him…and her. Reese rushed to the window and slid it open, the cool air rushing inside.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Reese demanded.

  “I was actually hoping you’d be showering,” Burke teased with a smile.

  “You know I could easily send you falling to your death, right?” Reese snapped back.

  “We have some unfinished business, so are you going to let me in or not?” Burke said as he gripped the window frame tightly. Reese sighed, annoyed, as she stepped back and walked out of the bathroom as Burke crawled inside.

  “I told you I don’t want to talk, Burke,” Reese said as she sat onto the foot of her bed. Burke ran his hands through his hair, pushing his long dark bangs back as he plopped down next to her on the bed.

  “You should know by now that I’m pretty persistent,” Burke giggled. Reese rolled her eyes as she struggled to hide her smile. “So, what’s going on?”


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