Book Read Free

Are You Alone in the House

Page 7

by Travis Szablewski

  “Probably in the one damn place I’ve been too terrified to go,” Reese said as her tired eyes looked to Jessie.


  Reese and Jessie both stood in the dark upstairs hallway of the Taylor house. They stared forward…at Riley’s closed bedroom door before them.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jessie asked as she turned to Reese. “If you don’t want to go in, I will. If you’re not ready…”

  “No, I’m ready. I need to do this. I have to, Jessie. I can’t run forever,” Reese said, her voice trembling. Jessie nodded as she grabbed Reese’s right hand tightly. Reese closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and wrapped her left hand around the door knob.

  Riley’s bedroom door slowly creaked open as Reese could smell the sweet, vanilla aroma of perfume; the one that Riley wore every single day. Reese stepped forward through the open doorway as her eyes scanned the once familiar room. It looked just the same…nothing out of place.

  Her queen-sized bed still had the pink and yellow comforter with the decorative accent pillows. Her white side tables still held the many picture frames filled with memories. Her favorite band posters were still tacked to the blue walls. It smelled just like her…it was as if she was still there…in the room. Reese fought back her tears as she sat onto the edge of Riley’s bed…and grabbed one of the decorative pillows. She brought it to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhaled the sweet coconut smell of Riley’s favorite shampoo; the smell, still imprinted onto the fabric after all this time. Jessie sat down beside her as she wrapped her arm tightly around Reese.

  “Are you alright?” Jessie whispered.

  “I’m fine,” Reese said as she sat the pillow back down into the exact spot where it was placed before.

  “Did she have a diary?” Jessie asked. Reese stood as she moved towards the white dresser in the corner.

  “If she did, she never told me about it,” Reese said. She stared down at the many perfume bottles and body lotions that sat on top of the dresser. She picked up one of the glass perfume bottles and brought it to her nose. It was Riley’s signature scent…it was the essence of every memory Reese had of her in a tiny, little bottle. Jessie stood up from the bed as she pulled open the side table drawer open.

  “Nothing in here,” Jessie said as she knelt onto the floor, checking beneath the bed. Jessie grabbed the mattress as she pulled herself up and sat onto the edge…as she felt the hard corner of an unknown object poke into the back of her calf. “What the hell is that?” Jessie said as she stood up. Reese spun around, her eyes locked onto Jessie.

  “What?” Reese asked as Jessie knelt back down onto the floor. Jessie lifted the mattress from the bedspring…to see a small, black leather diary.

  “Jackpot,” Jessie said as she grabbed the diary and released the mattress back onto the bedspring. Jessie sat onto the bed as Reese joined her. Jessie handed the diary to Reese as she stared down at the black leather cover in her hand. A small lock was attached to the front cover, securing the book tightly closed.

  “Why the hell is it locked?” Reese sighed.

  “There must have been something pretty crazy in there that she didn’t want anybody to read,” Jessie said. Reese slowly turned the diary over…to see…

  A tiny golden key taped to the back cover of the diary.

  “Well, that was easy,” Jessie smirked to herself as Reese peeled the tape from the back cover and held the small, golden key in her palm. Reese turned the diary back over and struggled to fit the tiny key into the lock of the diary. “How can it not fit? What else could it possibly be to?”

  Reese’s heart dropped into her stomach…as she studied the small golden key in her hand.

  “It’s not to the diary…” Reese said softly as she dug into her jacket pocket…and brought Riley’s tangled heart-shaped locket from inside. “It’s to this.”

  Jessie eyes widened as Reese pushed the tip of the key into the tiny keyhole in the center of the heart-shaped locket. The key clicked inside…as Reese’s heart pounded in her chest. She gently turned the tiny key…and heard the lock click.

  Reese grabbed both edges of the locket…pulling the heart open like a tiny, golden book. Jessie and Reese’s eyes widened as they stared inside at the tiny picture hidden inside the heart locket.

  “No fucking way…” Jessie said, shocked and stunned.

  They both stared down at the familiar smiling face inside the locket. The tiny picture cut into a tiny square to fit inside. His bright, white smile. His slicked back hair. The picture of the man inside the locket…

  Was Burke Collins…


  Reese reached into her locker and grabbed her history book as she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Burke standing behind her, an iced coffee in hand. He motioned it towards her as he smiled.

  “Figured I’d try and make your morning a little brighter; extra caramel, just how you like it,” Burke said as his dimples formed along his cheeks. Reese turned, facing him. She wanted to punch him. She wanted to beat his face in with her fists. She wanted to kill him…right there in the middle of the crowded hallway.

  “No thanks,” Reese snapped as she turned back to her locker. Burke’s smile faded as his eye bulged in confusion.

  “I guess you’re a tea person now?” Burke smirked, struggling to lighten the mood as he took a sip from the iced coffee.

  “It would honestly be in your best interest to just get the fuck away from me before I bash your head in with my locker,” Reese said coldly, staring forward into her locker.

  “Babe, what the hell is wrong?” Burke asked as he grabbed her shoulder gently. Reese spun around, swiping the coffee from his hand as it tumbled to the tile floor below; the light brown liquid spread across the tiles as Reese’s eyes burned into him.

  “Were you ever going to tell me, Burke? Or were you just going to keep lying to me every single damn day?” Reese yelled. The hallway grew quiet…as everyone turned…looking their way; watching the drama unfold.

  “Reese, lower your voice. People are staring. Can we not talk in private?” Burke whispered as his nervous eyes scanned the many faces staring back at them.

  “Talk about what, Burke? Huh? How you were screwing around with my sister behind my back? Do you not want people to know? Do you find that embarrassing? Are you hurt, Burke?” Reese snapped as she moved closer towards him, her face only inches from Burke’s.

  “Reese, please,” Burke growled under his breath as his lips quivered.

  “What was it, Burke? You weren’t getting any from me, so you went to the next fucking best thing; my fucking twin? Same face, right? What’s the fucking difference?”

  “I was going to tell you, Reese. I promise…I was going to. It was before you and me even got together. It was a one-time thing and she blew it way out of proportion,” Burke said sternly.

  “Don’t even give me that shit! I’m done, Burke! To even think that I wasted a single breath on you makes me fucking sick! You’re nothing, Burke! You’re a greasy, lowlife, trashy, egotistical prick who should really learn to keep his dick in his pants. I mean, I know it can fit in there; it’s a whopping three inches,” Reese yelled, her fists clenched at her sides, as everyone watching them in the hallway laughed and gasped. “So, the next time you think about even talking to me…or calling me…or messaging me…DON’T!” Reese added as she slammed her locker shut and stormed down the hallway, pushing through the crowd that surrounded them.

  Burke swallowed hard as his teary eyes scanned the many faces staring back at him. Their eyes…locked onto him. Sweat beaded down his brow as his jaw tightened. His heart pounded in his chest. Burke spun around and pushed through the silent crowd as he made his way towards the entrance door ahead.


  “Is it really only three inches?” Jessie asked as her wide eyes stared back into Reese’s. Reese couldn’t help but smirk as she stood up from the bed. Jessie always knew how to make her feel better…how to m
ake her laugh and temporarily forget all about the troubling times she faced.

  She had heard about the huge fight…but who hadn’t at this point? She wanted to embarrass Burke…she wanted him to feel pain. He had been lying to her this entire time. Everything she thought she knew about him was thrown out the window.

  “I honestly just said it in the heat of the moment,” Reese said as she walked from Jessie’s bed and towards the window in the corner. She pulled the red curtain back and peered down to the gravel driveway that lead from the quiet country road to the front of Jessie’s house. The squad car was still parked outside. She could see Officer Davis in the driver’s seat, a book in his hands.

  “Thank God I never slept with him,” Jessie said as a disgusted expression formed on her face. Reese turned from the window and plopped back onto the bed, lying on her stomach. Jessie laid down beside her, their legs dangled over the edge of the bed.

  “I feel like I don’t know anyone anymore,” Reese said as she shook her head. “If he was lying about that, then what else could he have been lying about? It just makes me sick to even think about.”

  “You know me. And you know damn well I am always going to be here for you, no matter what. I don’t ever want you to forget that,” Jessie smiled as she playfully nudged her arm against Reese’s. Reese smiled softly as she rested her head onto Jessie’s shoulder. “Is Barnie Fife still sitting outside?”

  “Yeah, my dad is going crazy. I have to have a police escort take me everywhere that I want to go now. I mean, I don’t blame him. I know he just wants me to be safe,” Reese said as she turned onto her back on Jessie’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. Jessie followed her lead as she turned onto her back beside her.

  “The funerals are tomorrow,” Jessie said softly.

  “I know. Are you going to go?” Reese asked.

  “I should. I mean, they were our good friends. But, it’s just…if I go, then it becomes real. I know…I know we saw Blake that night. But it all just happened so fast. It almost feels like they’re out of town. I almost feel like they’re still here. I feel like this isn’t even real,” Jessie said as tears formed in her eyes.

  “That’s exactly how I felt after my sister died,” Reese said. “The next morning…after it happened…I woke up. I stepped into the hallway and I was just expecting her to be in her room. I was expecting her to come rushing down the hallway and fight me over who got the shower first. It took about a week for me to finally realize that…I was in denial. She couldn’t be dead. It just…wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. And then after a while…it slowly sank into me; that she was gone.”

  “Have you heard anything from your dad? Have they found anything?” Jessie asked.

  “No; no prints, no weapon…not shit,” Reese groaned as she sat up. Jessie remained in her position, staring blankly at the ceiling.

  “I’m shocked you never accused me of killing her,” Jessie said.

  “What?” Reese asked as her eyes widened, stunned by the brash statement. “Why would I?” Jessie sat up straight beside Reese.

  “I mean, I did throw a drink on her that night. I was beyond pissed,” Jessie said.

  “You couldn’t kill anyone, Jessie. You have this tough, bad bitch exterior,” Reese began as Jessie giggled. “But I know you; inside and out. You’ve got the biggest heart out of all of us,” Reese said as she stood up from the bed. Jessie sat up as she watched Reese slip her shoes on and grab her jacket from the lounge chair in the corner of her room.

  “Heading out?” Jessie asked.

  “Yeah, I promised my mom I’d be home by nine. It’s part of her and my dad’s agreement,” Reese said as she checked her cellphone.

  “I’m shocked she isn’t at the city council meeting. That’s where my mom is,” Jessie said.

  “What city council meeting?” Reese asked in confusion as she zipped her jacket.

  “The mayor’s holding it at the court house. It’s basically a discussion about curfews, safety, and all that other bullshit. After…what happened to Quinn and Blake…this whole town is on the edge. I can’t believe your dad didn’t tell you,” Jessie said.

  “Yeah, well I think there’s a lot of things he isn’t telling me,” Reese said as she moved towards the bedroom door, Jessie following her. They made their way through the hall, down the large staircase, and into the dark foyer.

  “You really need to tell me what you want for your birthday. I mean, it’s in three days,” Reese said as she smiled coyly to Jessie.

  “I told you I don’t want a damn thing. Your friendship is enough for me…and, ya know, maybe a Starbucks gift card or two,” Jessie giggled. “Will you call me when you make it home?” Jessie asked, concerned.

  “Yes, I promise. Keep in touch, tonight. I don’t want to be worried sick at you being way out here on your own,” Reese said as she pulled the front door open. Jessie agreed as Reese stepped out through the front door.

  “Goodnight,” Jessie said softly as she pushed the front door shut closed behind Reese. Reese wrapped her arms around her body as the brisk air tickled her cold cheeks.

  She made her way down the Tanner’s gravel driveway, the squad car was just a few feet ahead. Reese yanked the passenger door of the squad car opened and quickly sat inside, slamming the door beside her.

  “It is freezing out there!” Reese said, her teeth chattering as she looked to Officer Davis in the driver’s seat beside her.

  Reese then let out a loud, horrified scream…as she stared back at the bloody scene beside her.

  Officer Davis’ throat was slashed wide open. His eyes, wide with terror. The dried blood plastered down the front of his uniform.

  “Oh, my God!” Reese cried out as she shoved the passenger side door back open. Reese leaped out of the car as she tumbled onto the hard, cold gravel below. “Jessie!” Reese yelled out as she ran up the gravel walkway and towards the front porch of the Tanner house ahead.

  Reese ran up the creaky wooden steps and slammed her hands against the front door. The door swung open just a few inches…as the golden chain lock caught on the other side…the door slightly secured.

  Reese stared into the dark foyer through the space as she pushed against the door, the chain lock stretched to the max. She quickly called into the house…tears streaming down her face.

  “Jessie! He’s here! The killer’s here!”


  Jessie rushed down the stairs and towards the foyer below as her eyes darted to the front door ahead. She squinted in the darkness to see the door slightly open a few inches…the golden chain lock latched tightly against Reese as she pressed onto the door from the outside. Reese’s face stared back at Jessie through the tiny opening as she ran towards the front door.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Jessie cried out as she ran to the door and peered out to Reese through the small space of the secured door. Reese stared back at her, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “The killer is here! He’s in the house!” Reese yelled. Jessie’s eyes widened…as she felt her stomach drop. Jessie then let out a scream as she watched the hooded, black figure with the baby doll mask rush up the front porch steps behind Reese…heading straight towards her.

  “Reese, look out!” Jessie cried out. But it was too late. Reese didn’t have enough time to react. The figure raised their knife and stabbed it forward, the blade stabbing into the back of Reese’s head. The long, sharp blade stabbed out through the center of Reese’s forehead as her eyes widened…staring back at Jessie through the slightly opened door. “Ah!” Jessie cried out, the blood splattering onto her face, as she fell back from the door and onto the floor. She screamed into her hands as they covered her mouth in terror.

  Jessie quickly crawled to her feet as the masked figure kicked the front door. The chain lock snapped from the door frame and the door swung open as Jessie rushed up the staircase beside her.

  “Someone help me!” Jessie cried out as she ran up the stairs, faster and faster. She t
hen felt the tight grip of the figure’s gloved hand wrap around her right ankle. Jessie screamed as the figure tugged onto her ankle. Jessie fell forward, slamming down onto the wooden stairs as the figure tugged onto her ankle, dragging her down a few steps. “No! No!” Jessie sobbed as she clawed at the wooden steps, her nails clawing into the wood. She quickly turned onto her back and threw her foot forward, kicking the figure in the stomach. Jessie watched in terror as the figure released her ankle and fell back off the stairs, crashing to the foyer floor below.

  Jessie quickly spun around, pulled herself up, and ran up the stairs. Her chest heaved up and down rapidly as she ran from the stairs and down the dark and deserted second level hallway. She had to get to her room! She had to get to her phone! Jessie’s bare feet pounded against the cold, wooden floor as she ran into her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. She quickly turned the lock and backed away as she heard the figure’s loud, booming footsteps rush down the hall outside of her door.


  Jessie squealed in terror as she watched her bedroom door vibrate rapidly on its hinges, the figure beating against the door from the outside. She had to act fast! Jessie spun around and ran towards her side table. Her phone sat on top, hooked up to her charger. Jessie quickly ripped her phone from the charger and rushed into her private bathroom.

  She slammed the bathroom door behind her, turning the lock as she looked to the small window above the toilet. This was her chance! This was her only way out! Jessie ran to the toilet, stepping on top of it as she struggled to slide the window open.

  “Come on, you bitch!” Jessie growled as she pushed onto the window, harder and harder. But it wouldn’t budge. “Fuck!” Jessie snapped as she looked back to the bathroom door…as the blade of the figure’s bowie knife stabbed through the wooden surface. “Shit!”

  Jessie quickly stepped off the toilet and turned towards the shower beside her. She wrapped her hands around the long, white curtain and tugged onto it with all her might. The long curtain rod ripped from the shower walls and clanked to the floor. Her hands wrapped tightly around the long, metal shower rod…as she stabbed it forward, smashing the window wide open. She quickly stepped onto the toilet and began to crawl through…as she heard the wooden door splinter and bust behind her. She was almost out! She was almost free!


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