Book Read Free

Are You Alone in the House

Page 10

by Travis Szablewski


  Jessie’s eyes slowly opened as she stared at the morning sunlight beam through her red curtains. She had finally slept the whole night for the first time in two days; a solid six hours. But she felt like she could sleep for twelve more. Jessie turned in her bed as she heard her bedroom door open.

  “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!” Jillian sang as she walked into the bedroom, a cupcake in her hand with a single lit candle on top. Jessie smirked and rolled her eyes as she sat up in her bed as her mom knelt beside her. “Come on, make a wish before we burn the house down!” Jillian laughed.

  “You know, I am eighteen today! A beer would have been much better,” Jessie giggled as she stared at the cupcake in front of her.

  “Keep dreaming, kid. Now, come on! Make a wish and make it count!” Jillian squealed. Jessie smiled softly as she closed her eyes and blew out the tiny candle.

  “Woohoo!” Jillian exclaimed as Jessie took the cupcake from her mother.

  “Good God, mom,” Jessie giggled. “You make me feel like I’m ten again.”

  “Hey, you’re getting old, kid. Someday, you’re going to miss this when I’m gone,” Jillian said as she sat down onto the bed beside Jessie.

  “You can always come to Basler with me,” Jessie said with a smile.

  “Yeah, and live in a tiny dorm with you? We’d kill each other. Could you imagine us fighting for the bathroom?” Jillian smirked. “There is someone here to see you.”

  Jillian stood up and moved towards the bedroom door as Jessie sat up quickly.

  “Someone is here…to see me?” Jessie asked, confused.

  “Yeah, everyone wants to see the birthday girl,” Jillian winked as she stepped out of the bedroom and moved down the hallway. Jessie threw her comforter off her legs as she stood up. She moved to her vanity and stared at the tangled mess that was a sorry excuse for hair. She winced as she ran her brush through her tangled hair, struggling to control the twisted knots. It was useless. Jessie gave up as she rolled her eyes and dropped her brush onto the vanity.

  Jessie made her way down the stairs and into the empty foyer. Who the hell would possibly want to see her? Could this not have waited until after she was somewhat presentable? Jessie pushed the swinging door open and stepped into the kitchen to see…

  Ethan…standing beside the kitchen table. A birthday balloon and a card were in his hands. He smiled softly as Jessie felt her heart melt.

  “Oh, my God! You didn’t have to do this!” Jessie said gleefully as she rushed up to him and threw her arms around him.

  “Happy Birthday!” Ethan exclaimed as he released her and handed her the envelope. They both sat down at the kitchen table as her cheeks grew rosy.

  “You really didn’t have to get me anything,” Jessie said as she began to open the envelope.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Ethan said quickly as he dug into his pocket. Jessie’s eyes widened as he brought out a small box and placed it onto the table in front of her.

  “What is this? You’re not proposing, are you?” Jessie said sarcastically.

  “Just open it!” Ethan said with a smile. Jessie giggled as she lifted the small lid of the pink box and stared inside. A small, silver necklace was inside. She grabbed the silver chain between her fingers and lifted it out of the box to see a tiny, diamond anchor emblem on the chain. Jessie smiled as she looked to Ethan beside her.

  “Oh, my God, Ethan,” Jessie said in shock as he stood up and moved behind her.

  “Here, let me help,” Ethan said as he took the necklace from her. Jessie combed her hair to the side as Ethan draped the necklace around her neck and latched it. Jessie tossed her hair back as she held the tiny diamond anchor in her hand.

  “What’s it mean?” Jessie asked softly as Ethan sat down beside her.

  “Well, you have to promise not to laugh,” Ethan said. “It’s kind of cheesy.”

  “I promise nothing,” Jessie said with a smile.

  “Well, it resembles you,” Ethan said softly. Jessie’s eyebrows arched in confusion as she toyed with the small anchor hanging from her neck.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I see you as my anchor. Before you, I didn’t know what I was doing. To put it metaphorically, I was a ship. I was on rocky waters. Without you…without my anchor…I would have floated away. I would have been lost…forever. It represents how you saved me, Jessie. Without you, I don’t know where the hell I’d be,” Ethan said with a soft nod.

  Jessie’s heart melted inside of her chest as she lunged forward, hugging Ethan tightly as she placed a kiss onto his lips. Ethan wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her close. Jessie stared into Ethan’s eyes as he wiped a tear from under her eye.

  “If anyone else ever said that to me, I would have punched them in the face,” Jessie said sarcastically. Ethan giggled along with her as he squeezed her hand tightly.

  “Happy Birthday, Jessie,” Ethan said as he leaned forward…and placed a gentle kiss onto her forehead.


  “You look just like my sister. Sure, I’ve seen you around in the halls, but I’ve never noticed it until now!” Melissa Newman said as sat down into a large lounge chair in her office. Jessie lowered herself down into the chair across from Mrs. Newman as she forced a smile.

  “Thanks…I guess? I mean, I hope that’s a good thing,” Jessie smirked.

  “So, Jessie…do you know why you’re here?” Melissa asked softly as she jotted a note down onto her pad.

  “My mom thought it would be a good idea to meet you…with everything that’s been going on,” Jessie said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You have been through a traumatic experience. I can’t imagine going through everything that you’ve been through in such a short time,” Melissa said sympathetically.

  “I really don’t know either. I’m shocked I haven’t gone insane yet,” Jessie said.

  “Well, I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen. You’re a talented young woman. Your mother told me you got into Basler. You’ve got a good future ahead of you,” Melissa said.

  “I guess. I thought I had life pretty much on track. Reese got into Basler, too. We were going to be roommates,” Jessie said sadly as she picked at the lining of her jeans.

  “Well, I’m thirty years old and I’m still figuring out this mess that we call life,” Melissa giggled. “Reese really did adore you, Jessie. She always talked about you. She always said how driven and kind you were.”

  “I don’t know if I would label myself kind. I have my moments,” Jessie smirked.

  “That’s kind of why your mother wanted me to talk to you today. She says that you…bottle thing up, per say. Do you want to talk about that?” Melissa asked.

  “Do I have to?” Jessie asked softly.

  “You don’t have to say anything that you don’t want to say. I’m simply here as…a listener. Someone you can talk to in confidence,” Melissa said as she smiled.

  “I guess I have a thing about trusting people. It’s hard for me. I thought I knew everyone and everything around me so well, like the back of my hand. But ever since…ever since the murders…I feel like I don’t know anything anymore. It’s just easier for me to bottle it up…to protect myself.”

  “How do you feel about that?” Melissa asked softly.

  “Bet you’ve never used that line before,” Jessie smirked sarcastically.

  “My job comes with a pretty strict script,” Melissa giggled.

  “To be honest, Mrs. Newman,” Jessie said as she leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees. “Everyone has been asking me if I’m OK; if I’m alright. I always say I’m fine. I always say that I am OK. But I don’t know anymore. I don’t know how I feel. I don’t know how to react. Like I said, before all of this…my life was so simple. My life had a strict script, too. But then, someone threw a great big wrench into the machine. And ever since, it’s been spinning out of control. So, I can’t sit here and
say how I feel about that. Because, I don’t even fucking know where to start with how I feel,” Jessie said as she fought back her tears. “I’m sad and I’m angry and I’m tired and I’m bitter. I want whoever did this…dead. I’m so angry. I’m so…pissed off. That’s how I feel, Mrs. Newman; pissed the fuck off…and ready to find the son of a bitch that did this…and to make him pay.”


  Sheriff Ronald Taylor climbed the front porch steps of the Taylor house, the boards creaked beneath his black boots. He hadn’t seen Lorraine since that night at the police station with Reese. Sure, they were in the middle of a nasty separation, but she was still a big part of his life; she was still the mother of his baby girls. Like it or not, she was all he had left.

  Ronald grabbed the door handle and turned. He stepped inside the dark and quiet house as he shut the front door behind him.

  “Lorraine? Are you here?” Ronald called out. He stopped in the center of the foyer as he listened…


  Ronald sighed as he walked through the foyer and towards the kitchen ahead. For all he knew, she was passed out drunk…again. Ronald stepped through the kitchen doorway as his eyes scanned the room. He walked forward…as his right foot slipped out from beneath him.

  “Ah!” Ronald screamed out as he fell through the air and slammed onto the tile kitchen floor. His chest heaved up and down as he stared up at the ceiling above him. Ronald slowly sat up…as he stared at the bloody floor surrounding him. “What the fuck!” Ronald yelled as he quickly picked himself up, the entire back of his uniform covered in blood. Ronald drew his gun from his belt and pointed it forward. “Lorraine! Lorraine, where are you?” Ronald called out.


  Ronald pointed his gun up towards the ceiling as he heard the loud noise ring out from above. Someone…was upstairs. It could be Lorraine! She could still be alive! The sick son of a bitch that did this could still be here! This was his chance to end this once and for all!

  “Lorraine!” Ronald cried out as he ran from the kitchen and into the foyer. He moved around the banister and rushed up the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest. “Lorraine, I’m coming!”

  Ronald rushed from the stairs and into the deserted second level hallway. He lifted his gun, ready to fire…as he stared down at the wooden floor…

  A blood trail was stretched down the hallway…and lead into the open doorway of Riley’s bedroom.

  “Shit,” Ronald whispered to himself as the gun trembled in his hands. Ronald slowly inched forward, stepping around the bloody mess. Riley’s bedroom door…just a few feet ahead. “Lorraine?” Ronald said softly…praying to hear her respond.


  Not a sound.

  Ronald’s jaw tightened as he inched through Riley’s open bedroom door. His eyes scanned her bedroom…as his mouth dropped open in shock.

  Every inch of the blue walls in Riley’s bedroom was covered in words…written in blood. “Slut” was written above Riley’s bed, her comforter covered in blood. “Bitch” and “tramp” were written numerous times all over the walls that surrounded Ronald. The bedroom, now a sadistic work of bloody art.

  “Oh, my God,” Ronald cried as he stepped towards the bed. His eyes scanned the bloody walls, the red words closed in on him as he turned around and around in circles. Ronald turned from the bed as tears streamed down his face…

  To see Lorraine’s body…impaled onto the coat hook behind Riley’s closed door. The sharp metal hooks protruding through her chest. Bloody intestines hanged from the large stab wounds covering her stomach.

  “No!” Ronald cried out as he stared back at the horrific scene in front of him. A black gloved hand then shot out from beneath Riley’s bed…holding a long bowie knife. The blade of the knife slashed against the back of his ankles, slicing through his tendons.

  “Ah!” Ronald cried out as he fell forward and slammed onto the bloody carpet. Ronald glanced back as he watched an arm slowly reach out from under the side of the bed. He turned onto his side as he fired his gun at the bed, again and again. The arm quickly disappeared back under the bed…as Ronald fired his last bullet.

  “Shit!” Ronald cried as he quickly turned onto his stomach and began to crawl towards the open doorway ahead. “Someone! Help me! Help!” Ronald cried…as the masked black figure slowly crawled out from under the bed…and stood up.

  Their dark eyes watched Ronald…as he struggled to pull himself through Riley’s bedroom doorway. Ronald clawed at the ground, harder and harder. “Someone help!” Ronald screamed. Ronald looked back…as the figure rushed to his side. “You son of a bitch! You fucking bastard!” Ronald cried out as the figure gently placed the bottom of their black boot onto his cheek.

  The figure pinned Ronald’s head down against the edge of the doorway…as they tilted their head; their baby doll mask staring down at him.

  “Fuck you! Fuck you!” Ronald spat…as the figure grabbed the edge of the wooden door, their boot still pressed onto Ronald’s cheek…holding him in place.

  The figure then wrapped both hands around the edge of the door…and slammed it forward, again and again.

  Ronald cried out in agony as the edge of the door smashed into the side of his head, again and again. The wood edge bashed into the side of Ronald’s head…as the figure slammed the door harder and harder onto him.

  The figure stared down at Ronald. Ronald’s bloody mangled face stared up a he spat out a bloody mix of teeth and spit. The entire side of his head bashed wide open.

  “See you in hell,” Ronald said, his voice hoarse as he winced in pain.

  The figure tightened their grip onto the edge of the door, and slammed it shut one last time…as the side of Ronald’s head caved in…and brain matter and tissue splattered onto the floor.


  The orange and yellow lights of the setting sun shimmered through Jessie’s bedroom window as she stared back into her vanity mirror. Her wet hair was tied back in a messy bun, keeping it from her face. Jessie gently grabbed the edge of the bandage taped to her forehead and slowly began to peel it off. The bandage slowly ripped from her forehead to reveal a small, two-inch-long scab along the right side.

  “That’s nothing a little cover-up can’t fix,” Jillian said as she stepped up behind her daughter, placing her hands onto her shoulders. Jessie smiled softly as she stared down at the make-up and brushes spread out along her vanity.

  “I just hope it doesn’t leave a scar,” Jessie said as she dabbed a brush into her foundation.

  “Even if it did, you’re still beautiful,” Jillian smiled as she turned and sat down onto the foot of Jessie’s bed. “So where is Ethan taking you for dinner?”

  “The Rivera,” Jessie said as she smiled softly.

  “Oh, he is spending the big bucks tonight, isn’t he?” Jillian giggled. Jessie couldn’t help but blush as she began to dab her foundation onto her forehead. “God, I remember the first time I caught you playing in my make-up. You had eyeliner all over your cheeks and purple lipstick everywhere; in your hair, under your nails, in your ears,” Jillian giggled. “It’s crazy, honey. You’re growing up so fast. You’re becoming a woman.”

  “How did you know I wasn’t born one?” Jessie asked sarcastically as her wide eyes stared at her mother’s reflection in the mirror. Jillian couldn’t help but smirk as she stood up and knelt beside Jessie’s vanity stool.

  “I just want you to know how proud I am of you, Jessie,” Jillian said as she placed her hand onto Jessie’s knee.

  “God, mom don’t start crying,” Jessie said as she rolled her eyes.

  “No, just stop. I don’t know how many more of these moments we will have together; I mean, with you leaving for college soon. I just want you to know how proud I am of you…and of the woman you’ve become. Through everything that has happened, you’ve been so strong. You’ve taken life by the horns…and haven’t given up. It takes a strong and driven person to make it through what you
have. I know that…when your dad died…I didn’t know how I would do it on my own. I felt so lost. I was so scared that without him here, you’d just…slip through my hands. But I am so proud of the woman that you’ve blossomed into, Jessie. I couldn’t be prouder to call you my daughter…and I know your dad would feel the exact same way,” Jillian said as a tear trickled down her cheek.

  “Way to ruin my foundation,” Jessie smirked as she waved her eyes with her hands, struggling to dry her watering eyes. Jillian giggled as she wiped at her face and smiled up to Jessie. Jessie wrapped her arms around her mother tightly. She didn’t want to let go…ever. She would always be her mother’s little girl…no matter how far she was or how old she was.

  “Now come on. You better hurry up. Ethan should be here in about an hour,” Jillian said with a wink and walked towards Jessie’s open bedroom door. Jessie turned back to her vanity mirror as she stared at her reflection. She eyed the small scab…barely noticeable under her foundation. Her mother was right…like always.


  Jillian opened the front door as Ethan stepped inside the foyer of the Tanner house. Ethan was wearing a white dress shirt that was tucked in tightly inside of his black dress pants. His usual messy, shaggy locks were combed neatly to the side.

  “Ethan, I barely recognized you,” Jillian smiled widely as she shut the front door behind him. Ethan tightened his grip on the small bouquet or roses in his hand.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Tanner,” Ethan said as he smiled, his cheeks burning red.

  “So, do we need to go over the plan again?” Jillian whispered as she looked the stairs…the coast was clear.

  “So, Burke is coming here, and he is going to help you set up, right?” Ethan whispered.

  “Yes, so just try to be back by eight. I’ll have Burke park out back so she won’t know anything is going on. You’ll walk her in…and, well you know the rest,” Jillian smiled. Ethan’s eyes drifted to the staircase…as his eyes widened…and his jaw dropped.


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