Mystic Rising
Page 25
“What do you require of us, my lady?”
“We don’t have time to unravel the spells and go through the wall of thorns. I can blast it, but that uses more of my reserves, and I’ve already burned through quite a lot. Will you take us over? They may attack, so it’s risky.”
“My brothers and I haven’t felt this alive in centuries. We consider it an honor to assist you. Our scales deflect most spells, so we should be fine.” Swooping down, he picked up her and Xander. The rest of the dragons followed his lead, gathering the rest of her inner circle.
Ace and his men stayed behind to join other warriors in the fight. Tristan remained, too, since magical spells and illusions weren’t his strong suit. She trusted him to keep the assassins contained, so they could focus on the next task.
The wind whipped through her hair as they ascended to the top of the wall. She activated a shield. The rest did the same. Rowena, Marcus, Nikki, and Camilla would take the lead to provide cover, so she could make it to center stage. Part of her dreaded it. She didn’t have a death wish. But too many had already given the ultimate sacrifice. Only she could put an end to the Rising. The time had come to stand her ground.
She held on tightly as the dragons descended at an incredible speed. For a split second, she thought they’d crash onto the ground. Their scales served as a shield against the curses being launched toward them.
“Ardan, the moment we jump, go back to the other side and disappear among the warriors. It will appear that you were a transformation. It’s the only protection I can offer. Thank you.”
“Good luck, Mystic. We’ll take out a few more demons as we leave. Never liked the taste of them anyway, and they always get stuck in my teeth. Come and visit when this is over.” A little weird but every creature had to eat.
“It’s a deal. Goodbye.” She leapt from his back and onto the rocks below. Landing with a thud, they grouped together and activated a powerful shield.
Kate maintained the shield, while Rowena reminded them of what they would encounter. “They will be throwing lethal curses or at the very least you’ll be in tremendous pain. Then, they’ll kill you. Either way, death is the goal. Kate, Xander, Xavier, and Angie focus on getting to the Omega. He’ll send several demons to block your path. Don’t underestimate them. Camilla, Nikki, Marcus, and I will deflect as many curses as we can and try to eliminate the threat. The fewer of these nasty evil wizards remaining, the better.”
She took Kate’s hands. “Stay focused and don’t back down. Since the beginning, your uniqueness has been your greatest asset and will be the key to destroying Braxus. Best of luck, Kate. Know that I’ll be with you.”
Kate didn’t want to release her. Until this moment, she hadn’t understood how alone she’d feel.
They dropped the barrier and fought their way through the frantic bursts of light as curses were cast and deflected. Spells zinged through the air, barely missing them. Xavier deflected the next set. Rowena whipped around at incredible speeds, sending debilitating bursts as she tore through them. Marcus tackled the lead sorcerer. They were deadlocked in a dual, while Nikki and Camilla watched their backs and neutralized anything aimed in their direction. Kate tried desperately to keep track of everyone, but it became impossible.
Angie blocked a curse and sent a couple of her own. Her ability wasn’t intense enough to overpower them, but she could slow them down. Then, Xavier would finish them off. Nikki stayed close by for extra protection. Xavier wielded his power beautifully. She knew if he and Xander joined together, they could defeat them all. Instead, Xander kept his focus on her and trusted Xavier to handle the enemy alone.
The clearing from her visions came into view. An eerie blue and orange area marked center stage, and a single tree stood in the distance. They were almost there.
Knots formed in her stomach. All her training and preparation had been for this one moment in time. Since her birth, this had been her destiny. Her responsibility.
She fought against the self-doubts plaguing her mind. Sure, she’d defeated hundreds of demons. Braxus wasn’t your average demonic threat. He’d be feeding off an ultimate power like her. Which would prove stronger?
Each step became harder to take. Her legs felt like hundred pound weights had been added to her ankles. She didn’t want to die.
I’m not ready for this.
“Behind you, Kate!” Nikki’s warning splintered her ears. They’d been ambushed and separated.
She fought to bring them back together. Diving, Angie knocked her out of the way, then spun around and incinerated their opponent. Kate had already used a decent amount of her energy, so she appreciated the assist. They didn’t seem to be closer to the target. Xander and Xavier had been forced into another fight, allowing the split.
“Just like old times, huh?” Angie stayed at her back, and they fought their way through the hordes of demons. She used shields to block the curses, and Angie sent spells to eliminate them.
“No one else I’d rather have at my back. But we’re not making much progress. It’s like walking through molasses. We need to regroup with the guys, so I can conserve more power. Any ideas?” They stayed in their formation and continued to hold steady.
She scanned for Xander and found him several yards away. How had he gotten that far from her? These dark wizards were giving them a run for their money. Maybe it was time for a little neutralization.
“Kate, I know you’re worried about energy levels, but I’m thinking you could send one of your big blasts to clear the path. Then we run like hell and get back to our protective circle. We didn’t prepare for so many opponents in this phase. It might be our only chance to reset. The rest are too frazzled at the moment, trying to protect you.”
Right. She’d have to risk it. The light encased her entire body in a bright golden light. She warned Xander of the plan and sent the blast. It tore through all the dark wizards and demons along their path, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. Too bad these guys weren’t her final opponent.
They took off running toward Xander and Xavier. The demons recovered quickly and followed them. Nikki and Marcus had arrived nearby and held the pathway. They’d merged together to create the same type of blast she’d used moments before to clear out the demon trash.
As she stepped into Xander’s embrace, Rowena shouted, “Angie, watch out!”
Camilla popped in front of her and absorbed the curse meant for Angie. She fell to her knees, and her color faded. Her breathing came in short gasps.
Dropping beside her, Kate picked up Camilla’s hand. She floated her flat on the ground and searched for the poison to remove it, but it moved throughout her entire body at an incredible speed.
Marcus and Rowena flashed in beside them and erected a shield.
Rowena touched Kate’s shoulder. “We can’t hold this protection long, Kate. Say your goodbyes and move forward.”
How heartless could she be? She had no intention of letting her die. “I can save her by reversing the spell and the damage. Tell me how.”
Xander tried to pull her up, but she shook him off. “Tell me how to fix this!” she yelled at Rowena “She doesn’t have to die.” To buy time, she froze Camilla’s body so no more damage could occur.
“You misunderstand, Kate.” Rowena knelt beside her. “She has been struck by a death curse. It’s part of fate’s design. If you intervene, a price must be paid. You will be weakened severely before your battle with Braxus. Don’t you see? This was his plan all along. Your compassion makes you an easy target. I’m so sorry, Kate. But if you save Camilla, it is doubtful you’ll defeat Braxus. We can’t hold this shield much longer, and we are weaker without her power. You must decide. Now.”
There had to be another way. Her mind spun, but she had to concede Rowena might be correct. Still, she couldn’t bear another death weighing on her shoulders.
Sinking to her knees, Angie grasped Camilla’s other hand. Then, Angie’s bloodshot eyes met Kate’s. “This was part of the quest
. It makes sense now. You already know the answer deep inside. Choice can break the hearts of many or of the one you love so dearly. I want to agree with you, but I can’t. Rowena’s right, and you know it. The only way to end all the suffering is to fight the Omega. You have to win. I wish I could give you more comfort. She traded her life for mine. It was her choice, and we should honor it.” Angie’s voice broke and Xavier comforted her.
Kate stared at Camilla’s serene, delicate face frozen in time. Her braided brown hair swirled around her head, adding to her regal look. Despair ripped Kate’s heart to shreds. So many had died for this stupid war. But all the battles had carried the same weight. She knew enough stories of the past to understand not everyone could survive.
Her hand shook as she reached out and unfroze Camilla’s body. She gasped for air and met Kate’s eyes. “This is meant to be.” She struggled with the words as the curse worked its way through her blood stream. “I’ve been given the gift of an extended life and believe that I made a difference in this world. It’s time for me to move on to the next phase. Don’t mourn me. Celebrate the joyous opportunity I’ve had. My life has been amazing, and I wouldn’t trade a minute of it. I’d follow you again, if given the choice. Win this, Kate. Win for all of us.” Tears slid down her face, and her breathing came in ragged gasps. Kate did what she could to ease her suffering.
Camilla slowly turned her head toward Angie. “Come close, my kindred sister. I wish I’d had more time to teach you and show you what this world had to offer.”
Angie bent over to hear her words. “I wish I could save you. Your smile and inner beauty brought light and peace to so many including me. I wouldn’t have had the abilities to follow Kate this far without your help. Thank you.”
Camilla placed a soft kiss on Angie’s cheek. “You have so much potential.” She struggled for her last breath. “I transfer all my knowledge and power to you. I trust you will do great things in the time you have on this earth. Be blessed.”
Her eyes closed, and her soul crossed over. Kate couldn’t save her life, but she wouldn’t leave her body to be ravaged by demons. She encased her in white silk and created a portal within the shield. Izzy and others received her in the Meadows. She’d be buried in the place she loved most. She could give her that much.
Memories flooded her mind as grief overflowed in her heart. Why did so many have to suffer for one battle? She struggled to contain the inner rage at the injustice of this whole thing. Camilla had sacrificed everything in the last war only to die today. None of this made sense. How many more would pay the ultimate price? Hot tears ran down her cheeks. She turned her head toward the sky and said her final goodbye.
A strange resolve took hold.
Enough had died.
“Maybe I can’t use my power to wipe out these evil shits, but I can tap into all of yours if you’re willing.” The shield began to crack.
Rowena followed her thoughts. “It’s risky. All of us would be slightly depleted or worse. However, if you get to Braxus quickly, it could buy us enough time. Once you enter, the rest of us will maintain a barrier to make sure none interfere. We don’t need any more surprises. I’ve instructed Tristan to join us. Best of luck, Kate.”
At her nod, they surrounded her in a circle.
Xander hesitated, not stepping back. “You’re everything to me. Please come back, Kate.”
She embraced him and tilted her head for his kiss. “I won’t give up and will try my best to return to you. Keep Roxy’s vision alive in your heart. Know that it’s in mine, and I’ll fight to make it real.”
Sending her one last push of all his love, he stepped back and completed the circle. Marcus united their energy fields, and Rowena directed it inside Kate. Her body drank in the light, and it filled her entire body. They’d given her a tremendous power boost.
In return, she focused the pulsing warmth and began to build the biggest blast she’d ever conjured. She poured all the pain, joy, and sacrifice into one final demonstration of the power of the Council.
She extended her arms and her tattoo lit up in a kaleidoscope of colors. The energy burst out of her entire being creating a light so powerful, it knocked everyone off their feet like a bomb had exploded. Only it didn’t kill those she’d given a shield.
When the dust settled, only she remained standing. After a quick check with Xander to make sure no one had suffered injuries, everyone moved into position to create the barrier for the final battle. She sprinted toward the clearing that held her fate.
“Ready or not, here I come.”
Chapter 17
Kate launched the last few feet into the air, landing in the center of the pale blue stage. A single tree resembling the Celtic Tree of Life stood on one side of the barren flat land. Mist filled the air around them. She’d celebrate or die in this spot.
Braxus stood at the opposite side, leaning against the tree like he’d been waiting for years. If he’d wanted her here quicker, a few less demons in her way would’ve been nice.
His current form reminded her of a handsome Hollywood actor. He couldn’t hide the black eyes giving him away. Too much power pumped through his veins to mask his true nature. He radiated power, and she probably did, too. As it should be.
They stared for a full minute. Maybe he felt the same fear she did. Only one would walk away. Or, he could be trying to psych her out. Tired of the silence, she tried a little banter instead. “I always wondered where the phrase Dancing with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight came from and the meaning behind it. I get it now. It’s the Rising, and the battle that will play out between us is the dance. Guess that makes you the devil.”
A slow smile stretched across his face, sharpening his features. At least he appreciated her humor. She moved into position and he followed suit.
He winked at her, full of arrogance. “Ever notice the other person isn’t mentioned in that phrase? Makes them seem a little irrelevant, don’t you think?” He bowed and extended his hand in invitation. “Mystic, shall we?”
Time to send this demon back to Hell.
Both shot jet streams of pure energy like lightning from their hands. Hers manifested as an electric blue surrounded by pale blue hues almost as if it were encased in ice. His emanated reddish orange like flames rising from the depths of the underworld.
The streams met each other in the dead center with each opponent holding their ground. They erupted in a mixture of blue and orange flames. They wouldn’t need hand-to-hand technique for this battle. It would be a battle of wills. After a few minutes, neither had made much progress. She could already feel a drain, and she hadn’t gained the light yet, which meant she’d run out of juice before him.
All right, Kate. Think. How do I get this final burst of power?
She focused on every positive memory she possessed to fight. She made enough progress to make a dent but not enough to win.
Braxus shifted forms and lowered his flames.
She gasped. He had become an exact replica of her papa. Her mind screamed at her that it was only a mirage, but her heart ached at the sight of him. Even his voice sounded identical as he coaxed her to join him and end the battle.
“Hello, Katie girl. It’s almost over. Take my hand and you can end all of this. No more fighting. You’ll be free and able to do anything you desire.” His image filled her heart and the urge to take his outstretched hand overwhelmed her. A piece of her wanted to believe that her papa had found his way to her and defeated the evil for her.
She couldn’t stop herself from taking a small step toward the outstretched hand. She wanted what he offered. Her phoenix screeched, and she began to question and remember that nothing had come easy in this world. And it wouldn’t start now.
Waking up, she pushed the pain into her mental compartments, then created a barrier and deflected him across rocky ground. Cassius hadn’t fallen for it, and neither would she. She refused to let Braxus prey on her emotions. Even as a human, she hadn’t been that weak.
bsp; It dawned on her. Braxus had inadvertently given her the key to his own destruction. Her final lesson slapped her in the face. She’d been priding herself on her humanity and it being her most unique factor. Everyone had believed that difference would win the battle. But she’d never experienced full humanity. Not once. She’d always had her special gifts and compartments to block or control unwanted emotions. She could completely disconnect if she chose to and had many times over the years. Normal humans didn’t have that ability.
Her papa had once told her that love was removing the barriers and accepting all life had to offer including pain, fear, and death.
Taking a deep breath, she knew what must be done to request the ultimate power. All those barriers would have to be removed, and she’d have to face the pain accumulated in an entire lifetime.
Oh crap, this is gonna hurt.
Reinforcing the shield separating her from Braxus, she lifted her face toward the sky and shouted as loud as her voice would carry. “I understand now! I accept my gift and my curse. Trust me with your light, and I will endure your final test to earn it. I will prove my heart is true, and that I am your Mystic, leader of all realms!”
A bright light opened in the gray sky above and slowly bound itself tightly around her entire body. This time she didn’t fight the multitude of emotions and let it wash over her as all the memories of the past overflowed.
Overwhelming agony tackled her mind as all the painful moments accosted her at once. It engulfed her in consuming torture. The memories went back to early childhood. Children making fun of her for being different. Being loved by the town for helping people, only to be scorned later in life. Adam and Alyssa, her close high school friends, floated into view and memories long-buried, resurfaced. A new level of pain erupted as she relived the friendship, the adventures, and the goodbyes. She observed funerals of close family members and the visions of their death. She had to relive it all.
The moments spun around, nauseating her with the intense suffering. It only increased when she saw all the victims she’d tried to save over the years, and the criminals she’d failed to catch in time. The torture deepened when she witnessed the faces of her fallen comrades throughout the years, and their families when she told them their loved ones weren’t coming home. Mike’s widow lingered in her mind. She’d have given anything to save him.