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Creation- The Auditor’s Apprentice

Page 6

by Frank Stonely

  ‘I’ve finished looking around out there.’ Anubis said in a brash manner, ‘I’ve been talking to the staff and discussing the changes I’m going make. They seem really keen to get started. So I thought I’d come and help you interview the new apprentice.’

  Hedrick looked at Amy and calmly said, ‘Amy, could you please wait outside for a minute?’ She got up and without saying a word left the office.

  As she closed the office door, Penny came straight up to her and snarled, ‘Follow me!’ She led Amy to one of the meeting rooms and, opening the door, ushered her in. Penny followed, closing it behind them. Amy turned to find Penny’s snout almost on top of her, the lips pulled back to reveal the tips of her fangs. ‘What do you think you’re playing at, girl?’ she snarled.

  ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ Amy replied.

  ‘Don’t give me that crap! I’m giving you a chance to come clean.’

  ‘Come clean about what?’

  ‘You know what! If you’re going to make up stories, make sure they’re good ones. I’m a professional at it, so don’t ever try to bull-shit me.’ Amy went to speak, but Penny placed the claw of her index figure across her lips and said, ‘Before you say, I don’t know what you’re talking about, listen to this. When we got back from lunch, Ravi had to go over to Universe Seeding to query some figures. He was telling them about this new female apprentice who’d started at auditing. All the males there were getting really excited, so he told them she already had a partner, a guy called Daniel, Daniel 42. Then, guess what! This engineer comes up and says he’s Daniel 42. He used to know an Amy 64 at the Academy, but hadn’t seen her since year nine. The poor sod was really embarrassed!’

  Amy tried to speak but Penny spoke over her, ‘So, why did you give me all that crap about having a partner? What’s going on?’

  ‘Okay… I’ll tell you. Ever since I was young, males would stare, joking and laughing, making lewd comments, pestering me to go on dates, their wives getting jealous, talking about me behind my back, I got sick to Creation of it. So… I invented a partner. Said we were going to commit.’

  ‘Phew, girl… I’d die for that much attention!’

  ‘It’s not funny, Penny, not for me. But it worked, I still get the looks, but they’re not the same, they’re more respectful.’

  ‘Girl, why didn’t you tell me?’ Penny said sympathetically. ‘I’ll have to take you to lunch and tell you about some of the males I’ve dated, now that will terrify you.’

  Hedrick decided he wasn’t going to let Anubis wind him up any further, but before he could speak, Anubis said, ‘Have I done something wrong?’

  ‘I am really not sure,’ Hedrick said. ‘I thought we had resolved our differences over lunch, I was quite getting to like you but then you barge in without knocking and take over my interview as though you were the director, which... you… are… not!’

  ‘I thought I was helping you out.’ Anubis said genuinely surprised at Hedrick’s comments. ‘The last thing you want to be worrying about this week is interviewing a new apprentice, who at the end of the day, will be working for me.’

  ‘That is as it may be, but she will not be working for you until Monday, so I would appreciate it if you would allow me the courtesy of interviewing my new apprentice alone. I think we should defer any further discussions until Wednesday. We can go through the reporting system and Penny’s duties then.’

  ‘Actually, I’ve had some thoughts about Penny’s duties-’

  Hedrick cut the sentence short, ‘Leave it until Wednesday, Anubis! On your way out can you ask Miss Amy to come back in.’

  Anubis could see that Hedrick was upset, but he really couldn’t understand why. He got up from his chair and left the office.

  Amy tapped lightly on the open office door. ‘Come in, Amy,’ Hedrick said as he retrieved the file from the drawer. She walked towards his desk but instead of taking her seat she remained standing and said, ‘Director, I owe you an apology.’

  ‘Why?’ Hedrick said, concerned that Amy might have changed her mind about working for the department.

  ‘I misled you, Director.’ Amy repeated the story she had told Penny and said she would understand if he no longer wanted her to join the department.

  ‘Sit.’ Hedrick gestured at the chair; Amy sat down. ‘Someone with the courage to admit their mistakes is exactly the type of creationist this division needs. I accept your apology.’ As he spoke, just for an instant, Hedrick imagined he was speaking to his lost daughter. She had been the same age as Amy, with similar build and colouring. Her character had been strong and from time to time he had to chastise her, but she always won him over. He smiled at the memory as he took the cap from his fountain pen, ‘I have an assignment I would like you to undertake. It will familiarise you with our systems and give you an insight into what auditing for GOD is all about.’

  ‘Sounds exciting.’

  ‘I would like to think so.’ Hedrick slid the sheet of paper and the fountain pen across the desk.

  She picked the pen up, ‘This is beautiful.’

  ‘Yes it is. My wife gave it to me on the morning I started as director. It is very special to me.’ Hedrick paused while Amy admired the pen, and then said, ‘I would like you to write down a random ten digit number.’ Amy stared at the sheet for a few seconds and then wrote, 5 7 8 1 2 5 6 6 6 9. ‘And again,’ Hedrick said, and she wrote, 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3. ‘Not exactly random, but that should not matter, and again. This time Amy took more care, 2 8 5 8 0 1 3 2 7 0. ‘That is your assignment,’ Hedrick said, sitting back in his chair grinning.

  ‘Don’t tell me, let me guess.’ Amy looked at the numbers and using Hedrick’s pen made several calculations and drew loops linking the various digits together. After three or four minutes she crossed all her workings out and said, ‘I give up.’

  Hedrick leant forward, ‘I want you to go to the Grand Depository tomorrow and look up the file for Universe 5781256669, Galaxy 4567890123, blue planet 2858013279 and see what you find. You know the Rules of Creation, so I would like you to audit this planet, see how it fits in with what you were taught at the Academy. Penny will organise a level-one pass for you and explain where to go.’ Amy could hardly contain her excitement, her eyes were like saucers, her ears erect, her mane stood out along the ridge of her back, as her tail swished from side to side. She didn’t need to say a word for Hedrick to know that Amy was the right candidate. ‘We will get together in meeting room three after lunch on Wednesday. You can present your findings to me and the audit-team leaders then.


  A New Day

  Amy had spent half the night lying awake thinking about the previous day and had come to the conclusion that if she was going to make a success of the opportunity Director Hedrick was giving her, she had to be true to herself. And so it was a different creationist who left her parents’ house that morning. She was still wearing the standard issue, grey office suit that Penny had given her the previous day, but this was almost totally hidden by the crimson wrap thrown around her shoulders. The usual black, flat slip-on shoes were replaced with red, knee-length, high-heeled boots with a matching beret, stylishly pulled to one side. The gold loop earrings and collar necklace had been borrowed from her younger sister, who had helped Amy create her new persona that morning.

  The crowded levitram was packed with creationists making their way to work as it pulled into the underground station beneath the plaza. As the doors slid open, Amy was swept, like a leaf in a stream, towards the escalator that connected the platforms to the entrance hall. Leaving the station, she walked through the plaza gardens towards the Grand Depository, smiling to herself as she realized that for the first time, she hadn’t noticed the males ogling her on the levitram. What a wonderful day, she thought; the birds were singing in the trees and the fragrance from the flowers blooming in the plaza gardens filled the air. She walked tall, confident and with purpose, her mane flicking and bouncing with every stride.

  Leaving the
gardens, she turned right towards the Universe Seeding building. She had one job to do before she started her assignment at the Grand Depository. Amy walked through the main entrance towards the reception desk at the back of the foyer. The receptionist was talking to a tall, middle-aged, security officer, whose eyes continually swept the foyer. Seeing Amy approach, he walked up to her and asked, ‘Can I see your security pass, miss?’ She glanced at his name tag which read Jamail 85 - Senior Security Officer.

  Amy held out the level one pass hanging around her neck and said, ‘I would like to see Daniel 42 if that’s possible?’

  ‘Do you have an appointment, miss?’

  ‘No. It’s a personal matter. I just need to speak to him.’

  Jamail nodded at the receptionist who had been listening to their conversation. She turned and dialled a number, tapping the handset with the end of her pen as she waited for the call to be picked up.

  Amy stood scanning the interior of the foyer, searching for somewhere discreet where she could talk to Daniel. The reception area, which could have been in any large office complex, was furnished with three leather sofas and a large glass topped coffee table covered in a selection of out-of-date magazines.

  The receptionist cleared the call, ‘He’ll be right down, miss, if you would like to take a seat,’ she said, gesturing towards the waiting area.

  It was about five minutes before the elevator doors opened and Daniel stepped out. At first Amy didn’t recognise him. Her last recollection was of a geeky, unkempt student, who made dressing down an art form. What approached her was a handsome, smartly dressed, professional.

  He reached out his hand, ‘Amy, it is you. When reception said there was an Amy 64 from auditing asking for me, I almost said I was too busy. How are you?’ He sat down next to her on the sofa.

  While Amy had been waiting she had mentally rehearsed what she was going to say, but Daniel’s greeting had completely thrown her and she fumbled for the words, ‘Daniel, I’ve come to apologise for yesterday. It must have been very embarrassing, I really am so sorry!’

  He put his hand on hers, ‘It wasn’t a problem, Amy. I’m just annoyed it took me so long to realise who they were talking about. By the time I twigged, it was too late. I’d already said I didn’t have a partner. Anyway, it gave them something to talk about.’ Daniel paused, and squeezing her hand said, ‘It’s great to see you again.’ This was not the conversation she had envisaged, but before she could speak, Daniel stood up and said, ‘I’ve got to go, we’re about to ignite today’s batch of universes. Tell you what, why don’t we have lunch… I hear there’s a nice cafe by the Grand Depository,’ he said with a wink. ‘You can tell me all about it then.’ He was now slowly jogging backwards towards the waiting elevator.

  ‘Yes, okay, I’ll meet you there. What time?’

  ‘Twelve o’clock,’ Daniel called out, turning to sprint across the foyer before the elevator’s doors closed.

  Amy’s pulse was racing, as she stood up and walked out of the building, with Jamail’s eyes following her.

  The entrance to the Grand Depository was only a short walk from the Universe Seeding building. On the ground floor was a spacious foyer, divided by the line of reception desks, many already busy processing visitors. The foyer’s walls were lined with display cabinets containing museum artefacts and library manuscripts. The first and second floors housed the depository’s library and museum. The floors above accommodated the four hundred archivists who maintained the records stored in the subterranean vaults.

  On a typical day the hushed library would be full of Academy students, researching assignments or putting the finishing touches to their dissertations. Occasionally, this academic tranquillity was shattered, as groups of pre-Academy scholars, herded by their teachers, stampeded through the rooms, impatient to visit the museum on the floor above.

  Although, as a student, Amy had spent endless hours studying in the library, she had never visited the depository vaults. Walking through the entrance, she made for a reception desk with a sign that read Level One Visitors Report Here, hanging over it. ‘Can I help you, miss?’ the security officer asked.

  ‘I’ve been sent by the director of auditing to examine some archive records.’ Amy held up her level one pass.

  ‘Just a minute, miss,’ he said, turning to pick up the phone.

  Rather than sitting, Amy strolled around the foyer looking at the various exhibits. She stopped at a display case labelled Planetary Insertion – Life Development Protocols. As a pre-Academy student, Amy’s father had sent her to look at these exhibits following an argument with her mother. They had disagreed as to whether she was old enough to be wearing makeup and fur tint. Inside the case were a variety of documents and other artefacts including a gold cartouche engraved with the ten rules designed to ensure social stability. She read the fifth item on the list, You should respect and adhere to the words of your Father and Mother all the days of their lives. She smiled to herself; it was this commandment that her father had wanted her to pay particular attention to. She read the other rules in the list; You must not take the life of another, You will not couple with other than your spouse, You shall not take that which is not yours, You shall not say untruths about your neighbour…

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the tap, tap, tap of a walking stick striking the marble floor, ‘I understand you require access to the archives,’ a wheezing voice asked. Amy turned to see an elderly male approaching her. He was short in stature, although this was difficult to judge due to a severe deformity which forced him to stoop as though permanently bowing. His mane was thinning, the grey hair unkempt and tangled. As he spoke she could see the gaps from several missing teeth and a fang. Those that remained were yellow and heavily stained. His office suit was shabby and creased, with stains on the front of the jacket. Amy had never seen such a dishevelled-looking creationist. ‘Director Hedrick’s secretary called last evening and told me you would be coming. Please follow me.’ Without waiting for a reply, he slowly turned and made his way across the foyer towards a set of doors with the words No Access - Authorised Creationists Only written across them in large, red lettering.

  Unlike the Depository foyer, the room they entered was small, dark and dingy. A single, uncovered light bulb, barely emitting enough light to see with, hung from the ceiling above an ancient wooden desk, behind which was a chair in equally distressed condition. To the side, set into the stone wall, were the metal mesh sliding doors of an ancient elevator cage. Everything in the room was covered with a film of fine, white dust which had built up against the walls and furniture like drifting snow. Placed in the centre of the desk was the open visitors’ register; there were no entries for that day. To the left of the register was a videophone terminal looking completely out of character in its dismal surroundings.

  The archivist walked around the desk and sat down. ‘You’re my first visitor today. We don’t get many these days, not now everything is digi… digitis… digitisated. You know, one of those boxes everybody has on their desks these days.’ He thumbed through the pages of the register, ‘Apart from yesterday, there haven’t been any visitors here for weeks.’ He slid the register through the dust on the desk towards Amy, ‘Can you sign in, miss? Sorry, I haven’t got a pen.’ Amy reached into her bag and, taking out her pen, wrote her name, index, GOD division, date and time into the register.

  ‘My name is Tanka, by the way. I understand you’re looking for a particular file.’

  ‘Yes, that’s right. I would like to see the file for this planet, if that’s possible? She held out her audit pad to show him the planet’s reference.

  ‘You’ll have to go down to level eighty-five for that one. The Gatekeeper there will show you which vault it’s in.’

  Amy turned and looked at the ancient elevator. She could feel the draught that carried the fine, white dust blowing through the mesh of the gates, ‘Do I have to use that?’ she said.

  ‘It’s the only way down, unless you we
re planning on digging your own tunnel!’ In spite of the pain from his deformed spine, Tanka laughed at his own joke as he got up from his chair. For the first time his face was animated and Amy could see a sparkle in his eyes. He shuffled awkwardly from behind the desk, crossing the floor towards the elevator cage. ‘It’s not as bad as it looks. They fitted voice control two millennia ago, just after I got my job here.’ Tanka slid the doors open, ‘Just tell it which level you want. But remember, this is level zero! If you forget that you’ll never find your way out,’ he said, chuckling at his second joke.

  The elevator’s descent was surprisingly smooth and Amy soon became accustomed to the gush of stale air as the cage passed each level. She started to wonder how Tanka had known which level to send her to. Also why, if the archives had all been digitised, had Hedrick insisted that she examined the original copy? Suddenly Amy noticed her dim reflection in the elevator control panel. The beautiful, red beret she had worn so proudly was now a dappled-grey, covered in the all-pervading dust. And her carefully made-up face was now chalk white, as though she was wearing a clown’s mask. She took off the beret and shook her head and shoulders vigorously, trying to dislodge as much dust as possible. She soon realized this was a futile exercise. She would have to wait until she left the vaults, hopefully there was a restroom close to Tanka’s office.

  The elevator suddenly jerked to a stop and the control panel announced its arrival at Subterranean Level Eighty-five. Amy slid the cage door open and stepped out into a dingy, dank corridor which extended as far as the eye could see in both directions. On each side were steel-braced, wooden, dungeon-like doors, with pendant lights hanging every twenty metres, along the vaulted ceiling. The same fine white dust covered the flagstone floor and the metal lampshades overhead. Opposite the elevator, set in an alcove, stood another ancient desk and chair. At first Amy was unaware of the Gatekeeper. In the dim light, his outline was unclear, almost undefined, not quite solid. She took a pace towards the desk as the Gatekeeper emerged from the shadows. She stopped dead. The form approaching her was like rippling water, one moment a solid figure, the next, distorted and translucent. She started to retreat towards the elevator doors, just as the ancient telephone on the desk started to ring. Instantly the Gatekeeper snapped into a solid form and reached out to pick up the handset which levitated into his hand. Amy stood, nervously listening to the Gatekeeper’s half of the conversation, ‘Level 85. Yes, she’s here… I could tell she didn’t know… It’s a bit late now, she’s seen me… Almost solid… But I’m not am I… No problem, leave it to me.’ The handset left the entity’s hand and replaced itself on the cradle. ‘Tanka sends his apologies; he should have told you I’d be here.’


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