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Crime Lord's Wife

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked. The doors were locked so there was no risk of her jumping out of a moving car.

  “I need some air. Stop the fucking car. I mean it. Stop it. Stop it!” She yelled the last part and he nodded for his driver to stop the car and to also unlock the doors.

  Within seconds, she was out and he followed her.

  She ran fingers through her hair and turned toward him, glaring. “You!”


  “Yes, you. Ugh, you make me so fucking crazy. Damn it. I had my life in some kind of order. I was going to divorce Sean, make a life for myself. I wasn’t going to have anyone tell me what to do or how to dress. I was just going to be me. No one else.” Her hand slashed through the air. “Then out of nowhere, you turn up. With your sexy moves, your hands, all of it. You make me crave your touch when the truth is I hadn’t enjoyed sex, like ever. Now I’m pregnant. I’ve got the doctor telling me how big of a commitment a baby is, and you’re asking me questions. Do you want me to have this baby? Do you want me to kill it?” Tears filled her eyes.

  “No,” he said. When he got his hands on the doctor, he was going to kill him. He closed the distance between them and cupped her face, pressing his forehead to hers. “I don’t want you to kill our child or give up our baby. If I didn’t want you to be pregnant, I would’ve used rubbers.”



  “He…” She stopped to sniffle. “He said that it might be the best option because of who you are. That I don’t know what I’m dealing with. I know this is all new and we don’t know each other, but I want this baby, Jared. I really do.”

  “Then we’re going to have this baby.” He let go of her face to put both of his hands to her stomach. She wasn’t showing yet and he knelt down before her. “Listen here, little guy or girl. You hear that? You’re going to belong to me and your mom. Now, I don’t like seeing her sick and I always get what I want. You’re going to stop causing her so much trouble, you hear me? You’re going to be a good boy or girl.”

  She started to laugh and covered his hands with her own. “You’re crazy.”

  “I don’t want you in any kind of pain. Not ever.” He got to his feet. “I promised you I’d never hurt you.”

  “And you never have.” She touched her stomach. “This isn’t pain. This is life, Jared. A life we made together.”

  Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. He didn’t know why she was sad or what he could do to make her happy. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her neck. “We’ll make this work. I promise. Do you think we can go back into the car now?”

  She looked past his shoulder and winced. “I kind of screwed up there, didn’t I?”

  “You did go a little crazy.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry at all. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He held her close. “We’re good?”

  “We’re good.” She touched his chest. “You’re really happy about this?”


  She nodded. There was something he was missing and Jared was determined to find out what it was.

  Chapter Six

  She never returned to that doctor.

  Knowing Jared, Rose wasn’t under any illusions he’d suddenly decided to leave the country. She didn’t ask what he did nor did he offer up any explanation. The doctor who took over was a kind woman, who also was married with five children of her own. The woman clearly loved children and just being around her gave Rose hope. It also helped that in the days after finding out she was pregnant, Jared never left her side.

  Each day was a new adventure, but he hadn’t taken her to any potential business meetings. There were no more bar moments while she waited. She had begun to notice when those meetings meant more than sitting around a conference table chatting. The split knuckles were a clear indication. Jared’s knuckles were forever red, inflamed, and occasionally split.

  He didn’t seem to mind the pain.

  “Order whatever you want,” he said late one Sunday night as they sat in one of his restaurants. She’d started to notice little subtle signs they were in one of the places he owned. Even if people were waiting to be seated, he was always shown to a booth, a private one. One table miraculously appeared. People, waiters and waitresses, were always stressing about his desires and what made him happy. If his drink was hot enough, cold enough. Seeing them dance all over themselves for him made her a little nervous.

  Even now, after losing count of the number of times they’d eaten out, she saw the tension mounting as she perused the menu.

  “Rose, what is it?” he asked.

  She looked over her menu at him. “It’s nothing.”

  He waved at the gentleman to leave them. Nibbling on her lip, she went back to see what she could have for dinner.

  “I’ve become quite adept at reading you. Tell me. If there’s nothing there you want, tell me what it is, and I’ll get it for you. They’ll cook you whatever you want.”

  “You’re a scary man, aren’t you?” she asked.

  He tilted his head to the side before looking around the room, chuckling. “You’re only just figuring it out?”

  “It’s not something I’ve figured out. I mean, I knew you were. I’ve watched the way people are with you. It’s like they’re trying to control a potential time bomb. They’re expecting you to explode at a moment’s notice.”

  “And this scares you?”

  “It’s not right.”

  “No, you’re right, it’s not, but I also expect people who work for me to do as they’re told and to offer a service that is rivaled by none.”

  “You’re a crime boss,” she said.

  “And a businessman. I count on every person to do as they’ve been employed to do.”

  “Doesn’t it make you a little … weird?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “They’re all desperate to please you out of fear.”

  “You’re not.” He held his hand out, pointing at her. “You don’t jump all over yourself to please me.”

  “I didn’t really know who you are.”

  “And yet since learning the truth, you haven’t changed.”

  She glanced down at her menu. “Why did you marry me?” she asked.

  He frowned.

  “Come on, Jared, it’s not a hard question. I’ve watched women around you. You’re a catch. You know it, I know it. Why me?”

  “Why not you?”

  “I’m no party animal. I don’t work within your worlds. I also happen to enjoy working. I’m kind of, you know, putting up with this as I see myself during the day as your PA.”

  “You’re my wife and the mother of my unborn child.” He reached out, taking her hand within his.

  “I’m guessing you owned the entire table at that gambling thing Sean was part of. You could have left me.” She rubbed at her temple with her free hand. “Why didn’t you?”

  He sighed. “You’re different. It doesn’t take a scientist to see that. You’re funny, kind, and what’s more, you didn’t cower from me, nor did you throw yourself at me.” He ran a hand down his face. “If you must know, I thought you were sexy as fuck from the pictures Sean showed us. When I saw you in person, I knew I wanted to fuck you. I knew one time wouldn’t be enough either. Having you as a wife, at first, I wondered how far he’d go. If I’d get to see you, or if his senses would come back. None of it did. He’s a greedy fucking bastard who doesn’t deserve you. It’s not my fault that I get to reap the rewards of my gamble.”

  She stared at him. “That’s what I am? A reward?”

  Jared chuckled. “Rose, you’re so much more I don’t even think you even realize your true potential or even how precious you are.”

  She licked her lips. “I don’t really understand what you’re saying.”

  “One day you will. As you can see, I know what to do to get what I want. People have a price. Some are higher than others. Your price wasn’t nearly high enough.”

  “A million
dollars wasn’t high enough?” she asked, unable to believe it.

  He smiled. “No, it wasn’t. I own a great deal. People jump up and down for me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re the only person, Rose, who I will ever allow to question me. Who will ever get the chance of sleeping beside me and have my respect from the beginning. I make people earn it.”

  “I’m not special, Jared.”

  “You are. One day, I will prove it to you. Until then, tell me what you want to eat. My woman doesn’t go without, not for a second.”

  She licked her lips, a little taken aback but also aroused. How did Jared do that?

  “I’d like a cheeseburger with meatballs and ravioli. Don’t forget the salad with extra dressing and fries.” She expected him to complain but he snapped his fingers and ordered double of everything. Who was this man? And why did she find him suddenly really sweet?


  “We can watch whatever you want,” Jared said.

  “It’s okay. I know you wanted to go out.” Rose sat curled up on the sofa. “It’s fine.”

  He folded his arms and stared at his woman. “What is this all about?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t lie. You know what I’m talking about.” He waited and she shrugged.

  “I just feel crappy right now and I vomited all over you, and I just, I think that you enjoy going out, so why don’t you? I don’t mind. Honestly. I’m fine.”

  “If you keep saying fine you might start believing it.”

  “That’s really not fair.”

  He shrugged. “Just keeping it real, seeing as you want to lie about it.”

  She looked down at her lap.

  Jared had wanted to take her out, but not because he couldn’t stand spending time with her in their apartment, but because he wanted to treat her. She’d never been treated well. Her ex had pretty much gotten everything he ever wanted and Rose, she’d always been left wanting. Never asking for anything. He knew this and didn’t want her to go without.

  “You looked beautiful in the red dress.”

  “Why is it you don’t comment on my red hair?” she asked, frowning.

  “Are you trying to change the subject?”

  “Yes, no, I don’t think so. I’m a little confused.”

  He laughed. “I see no reason in commenting what I already think is beautiful and besides, my cock didn’t get hard for your hair.”

  She burst out laughing.

  Jared closed the distance and put his hands on top of her thighs. “Now, will you tell me what you want to watch so I can get it set up, get out of these clothes, and we can relax?”

  “You really want to be here with me?”

  “I don’t see a reason for us not to be.” He reached out, touching her stomach. Not a moment went by that he didn’t want to touch her, running his hands down and over her.

  “I’m sorry for throwing up on you.”

  “I’m not.” He stood up. “What will it be?”

  “If I say romance will you walk right out that door?” she asked. Her teeth nibbled on her bottom lip, driving him crazy.

  “No, I won’t.”

  “Then something really romantic, please.”

  He moved toward his collection of movies, found an appropriate one, and slid it inside the DVD player. He hadn’t watched it. Rarely did he get the time to enjoy any kinds of movies like these. Leaving it to load up, he headed into the bathroom, took one of the fastest showers on record, and threw his clothes into the laundry basket. On his way back to the living room, he pulled on a pair of pajama pants, took a pitstop for popcorn and soda, and joined her just as the advertisements ended and the movie began.

  “No shirt?”

  “I want you to ogle me, not the screen.”

  She giggled.

  He looked at her.

  “You just said ogle. It seems weird. Sorry.” She pressed her lips together.

  Watching the movie for several minutes, Jared was very much aware of the distance between him and his woman. He didn’t like it. He’d never been the kind of person to snuggle. Glancing over at her, he wanted her close to him. He held out his arm and pointed at where she belonged.

  “You want me closer?”


  “You’re not worried I’m going to vomit?”

  “Not at all. I’ll clean it up.”

  She looked at the space beneath his arm, likely debating it.

  Slowly, she crawled closer to him and the weight and feel of her were exactly what he wanted. Resting the popcorn on his lap, he held her close. Watching the movie, he was more conscious of her close and how good it felt.

  “You’re a mystery, Jared,” she said.

  Rose nibbled on his popcorn and took a few swigs of soda. They finished one movie, and he had no choice but to move her to be able to put in the next.

  This time it was one with a little more action. Rose stayed exactly where she was supposed to be.

  He had to leave to grab more popcorn and soda. By the time the third movie was on, Rose was exhausted. She made it about twenty minutes before she finally fell asleep. He smiled, watching her. She really was beautiful.

  Jared was no longer interested in the movie with Rose asleep at his side. He watched her. She looked so relaxed in his arms. This was where she was meant to be.

  He understood so much now. More than he ever had before.


  So many people mocked the emotion, seeing it as weak. To a point, he completely understood. Love did make people weak. Only when you fought it, when you denied it. Of course, there was always the danger of someone using that love against you, but for Jared, it had made him more determined than ever to keep her safe.

  All of these feelings from one picture.

  He didn’t need Rose. It hadn’t been some kind of manipulation to get a wife, or even to stop Sean Miles from owning anything. She wasn’t here because of blackmail.

  He’d wanted Rose from a picture and that feeling had only solidified when he’d actually met her.

  She was beautiful. So fucking sweet and nice. She didn’t annoy or irritate him.

  Waking up with her in his arms was a dream he didn’t realize he wanted.


  He’d never thought for a single moment he’d find someone he actually had feelings for, but here she was, asleep against him, pregnant with his kid. Damn, she’d even thrown up on him and that hadn’t been a pretty sight, not even a little bit, but still, he wanted to be around her.

  These feelings weren’t diminishing, not even slightly. They were getting stronger.

  Rose had become his entire world, and what he hated was he didn’t know how to fucking tell her. He’d hoped to get some pointers from the movie but nothing.

  How did he tell the woman he loved, his wife, that he was head-over-heels in love with her, and he had a suspicion it had been love at first sight?

  Chapter Seven

  Sitting in his apartment late one Friday night, two months later with a nice bump for company, Rose was also aware he rarely took her with him anymore on his business trips.

  In fact, in the past month, he rarely touched her.

  As she put a piece of popcorn to her lips, she didn’t actually eat it. He said he was faithful to her, but … she knew his appetite. He was always thinking about sex, always wanting it.

  If he wasn’t doing it with her, who was he doing it with?

  Her emotions were all out of place and tears filled her eyes as she imagined him right now with a woman, bending her over the bed, touching her ass, pussy, tits. Losing her appetite, she put the bowl on the coffee table and stood.

  She started to pace the carpeted floor.

  For the past few weeks, she’d barely left the house, and the walls were driving her crazy. Jared had told her about a swimming pool. After going into the bedroom, she looked through the drawers and found a one-piece and a bikini. She struggled into the one piece and
it didn’t fit, so she had no choice but to settle on the two-piece, which made her feel like an elephant with her swollen stomach.

  With tears in her eyes, she quickly pulled on a robe and left the apartment, only to come to a stop at the sign of two guards.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “Mrs. Cain, where are you going?”

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “We’re assigned to your protection,” the one on the left said.

  The other frowned.

  “Great. I now have people watching me who I don’t even get to see. That’s it. Just get out of my way,” she said, not interested in talking to anyone. “I’m going for a swim. You can either let me go or you’re going to have a very emotional, pregnant woman mess on your hands. Do you want that?”

  The men stepped out of her way. She walked toward the elevator and of course, they followed. Now one of them was on the phone and she didn’t care.

  Clicking the button, she looked at the numbers, wondering where the pool was. One of the men stepped forward and pressed the correct floor. She thanked him. The ride was awkward. When the correct floor finally came, she stepped off and headed toward the main pool. There was no one there, and she looked around the large room. There were chairs away from the pool for people to sit. It was also warm, which she liked.

  After removing her robe, she went to the steps and lowered herself into the pool.

  At first, she didn’t know what to do. She sat poised, unsure, waiting.

  Then, like magic, she just started to move, sliding her hands through the water as she swam. There was no time to think or feel. She moved her head left and right, giving herself enough time to breathe. When she got to the other end of the pool, she turned back and did the same. She repeated this twice before taking a deep breath. Putting her arms on the edge of the pool, she breathed deeply.

  Why does it bother me?

  We’re married because of a gamble win.

  She pushed some of her hair off her face.

  Rose knew why but she was too afraid to even think about it.

  Like a stubborn child, the thought came to her mind. Love. Jared had somehow broken through her resolve and she found herself struggling to resist all the feelings he evoked.


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