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The Wolf and His Wife

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by Penelope Sky

  The Wolf and His Wife

  Wolf #2

  Penelope Sky

  Hartwick Publishing

  The Wolf and His Wife

  Copyright © 2019 by Penelope Sky

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  We seemed to go back in time.

  Maverick and I were strangers once more.

  He went about his life and pretended I didn’t exist. When he wasn’t at the house, he was at work. Even late into the evenings, he seemed to stay at the office just so he wouldn’t have to see me.

  The man hated me.

  Women came and went, replacing me in his bed.

  I wasn’t jealous of his lovers. I was jealous that I lost my wolf. Now, we were two strangers who never spoke to each other, who forgot about the connection we’d once had. We weren’t even friends anymore.

  It was all my fault.

  Henry fell asleep, so I slipped out of bed and picked up my dress off the floor. The bedroom was dark, with the exception of the dim light from the street that entered through the window. After I finished a performance, I came here for affection…since I wasn’t getting any at home.

  As the soft fabric fell down my body and over my hips, I felt unsatisfied. The sex was good but not nearly as good as it’d been with Maverick. That man had hands that were meant to grab a woman. He had lips that knew how to kiss a woman. He had the perfect touch to make my toes curl, to make the air halt in my lungs as I writhed in ecstasy. I didn’t usually compare lovers because they were all at about the same level. But now that I’d been with Maverick, I understood why so many women wanted to sleep in his bed.

  Henry stirred when he heard me grab my heels. “Leaving?”

  I’d been hoping to slip out without waking him. “Yes. I have an early morning tomorrow.” That was a lie. I had nothing to do. My life revolved around the opera, and that took place in the evenings. I spent my days in a mansion without anyone to talk to.

  He got out of bed and came up behind me. “You should stay anyway.” His arms circled my waist, and he placed a kiss on my neck.

  “No, I can’t.” I moved out of his reach and sat on the armchair so I could put my heels on.

  He stood naked in front of me, his eyes filled with disappointment.

  I ignored his nakedness and stood up again, grabbing my clutch off the table. “Goodnight, Henry.” I headed to the door, my heels echoing off the hardwood floor.

  He followed me, his large feet making a dull thump with his movements.

  Before I could open the door, he grabbed me by the wrist and turned me around. I looked into his gaze, seeing the desire to yank me back and never let me go. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, afraid he might actually do that.

  He leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Come over tomorrow.” He knew exactly when I was working because the production schedule was public information. So he always knew when I would be just down the street.

  I didn’t see this fling going anywhere. The sex wasn’t good enough to keep having, and I found myself lying in the dark thinking about Maverick. I stressed about our relationship, how I would earn his trust again. He seemed to be the only thing on my mind…and Henry couldn’t make me forget about it. The relationship didn’t feel right, so it was time to move on. “This isn’t working, Henry.”

  His eyes fell like I’d punched him in the stomach. They narrowed in offense and disappointment, like he hadn’t seen my rejection coming. His fingers loosened on my elbow. “Why is that?”

  I respected a man who had pride when he got dumped. The ones who begged and argued were clingy and annoying. He seemed to be the latter. “It doesn’t matter. Take care, Henry.” I walked out so I wouldn’t have to see the irritated look on his face. I’d been down this road many times, ending a relationship with a man who wasn’t ready to let go. Dante had been the first man to leave me—and it hurt. But that was how life worked… I didn’t need to explain myself. Henry and I only had slept together a few times. It wasn’t like it meant anything. I walked out the door and didn’t look back.


  A conversation would just prolong the inevitable, and I wasn’t in the mood for a lengthy discussion. It was late and I was tired. I wanted to sleep in my own bed and start a new day tomorrow. So I ignored him and kept walking.

  I sat alone at the breakfast table like I did every morning.

  Maverick didn’t join me anymore. He must take his meals in his office or somewhere else in the three-story mansion.

  I poured cream into my coffee and watched the swirl develop. The table was covered with pastries, bread, and fruit. It was more food than a single person could eat, but Abigail insisted on serving me like I had the stomach of four grown men.

  My eyes were focused on my coffee, so I didn’t notice Maverick approach the table.

  He pulled out a chair and took a seat.

  I lifted my gaze and looked at him, nearly doing a double take when I saw his handsome countenance. It’d been a while since I’d seen him, and now I noticed his hair was a little shorter because he’d cut it. The shadow on his jawline was a little thicker as if he skipped the shave that morning. Unfortunately, there was still a hostile expression in his eyes, like he was just as annoyed with me as he was a week ago.

  I didn’t realize how much I’d missed him until we were finally in the same room together. My fingers rested on the handle of the mug as I stared at him, taking in his features like it’d been months since I’d last seen him.

  He grabbed the pot and poured the coffee into his mug, his t-shirt gripping his physique nicely. He returned the pot then took a long drink, letting the caffeine wake him. He grabbed his silverware then turned his attention to his food.

  I kept staring at him, watching him ignore me as he enjoyed his breakfast.

  With his eyes downcast, he acted like I wasn’t there at all.

  “How are you?”

  He lifted his gaze as he took his time chewing his smoked salmon, his eyes still filled with pieces of coal. “Ramon is dead.”

  I’d figured Caspian had butchered him a long time ago.

  “My father tortured him then tossed his body into a river.”

  Ramon got what he deserved, but I did pity his family. When I rescued them, they knew it was the last time they would ever see him…and they knew what would happen to him before he finally died. “Did that make your father feel better?”

  He took another bite, taking his time before he answered. “I doubt it.”

  “Have you talked to him?”


  “Then how do you know he killed Ramon?”

  “His men told me.” He grabbed his coffee and took another drink.

  “Did it make you feel better?” Did Maverick sleep better knowing the man who’d raped his mother was finally dead? Did it give him the closure he needed to move on?

  He stared at me for a long time, debating the answer behind his eyes.

  I waited for him to say something.

  He never did. “How are things with your boyfriend?”

  He would never ask a question like that because he didn’t care. He was clearly being sarcastic, changing the subject so we wouldn’t have to talk about his father anymore.

  “He’s not my boyfriend…and I ended things.”


  I shrugged. “Wasn’t feeling anything.”

  “Did he fight for you like all the others?” he said, still sar

  Maverick was the only man I’d ever slept with who didn’t want more of me. He didn’t become obsessed or possessive. He wasn’t impressed with me, probably because he’d been with so many beautiful women. “He wasn’t happy about it, but he’ll get over it. What about you?”

  “What about me?” he asked, still eating.

  “I noticed a lot of women have been staying here.”

  “That’s not unusual.”

  “Do you like any of them?”

  He set down his fork and stared at me. “I don’t like women. I fuck them and then move on.”

  He seemed to have moved on from me and didn’t miss me at all. I missed the sex, but he seemed to get what he needed from other people. He was an amazing lover to me, but to him, I must be replaceable. “I’m really sorry about—”

  “I don’t want to talk about it ever again.” He dismissed me and picked up his fork again. “Let’s move on.”

  “Well…I hope we can be friends again. Because I really miss you.” I stopped the emotion from entering my voice, but I could feel it crackle in my throat. Living in this mansion alone was a form of torture. I had no one to confide in, no one to share my life with. I missed watching movies with Maverick, missed talking in his office. He was my closest friend in the world, but now he was gone.

  His eyes didn’t react while he listened to my confession. “Friendships are built on trust. We don’t have trust, so I don’t see how we could ever be friends again.”

  “Maverick, I will always be loyal to you. I made a mistake, and I’m sorry for that—”

  “But you said you wouldn’t change your decision even if you could. That doesn’t sound like an apology to me.” His eyes flashed with hostility.

  “Yes…but I would have done things differently.”

  He turned back to his food.

  “I know you must care about me. If you didn’t, you would have kicked me out. You changed your mind for a reason.”

  He kept eating.

  I watched him, hoping for a reaction. “I understand you’re mad at me right now, but I hope I can make it up to you somehow. If there’s anything I can do, tell me. I’ll do it. I want us to trust each other, to depend on each other. I want you to know that I respect and admire you…and I want things to be how they used to be.”

  He finished chewing his food before he raised his chin and looked at me. “I’m a simple man, Arwen. My requirements are small. Just don’t fuck with me, and we won’t have any problems. But you did fuck with me…and now I’ve got so much shit to deal with. I won’t sweep that under the rug and forget about it.”

  “I understand…but maybe eventually you will.”

  His eyes were so cold. “The only reason I changed my mind was because I knew what would happen to you if I let you go. You wouldn’t have lasted a week. Kamikaze probably would have found you first—and raped you.”

  My lungs deflated in fear.

  “So, I let you stay…because you didn’t deserve that. It doesn’t mean I like you. It doesn’t mean I forgive you. It doesn’t mean I want anything to do with you. It just means that I didn’t want you to be raped and murdered. Don’t take it too personally.” He pushed his plate away and grabbed his coffee.

  “I do take it personally. You’ve been there for me in the past, and you’re still here for me now. That means a lot to me. I want you to know I’ll always be there for you…whatever you need.”

  He drank from his mug and ignored my offer. “I have a dinner party tomorrow night. You’re coming with me.”

  The change in subject was so sudden, it nearly gave me whiplash. “What’s this dinner party for?”

  “It’s one of my clients, a ridiculous social affair. I have to do them from time to time, and I have to take my wife along. Abigail picked out a dress for you. Just be ready by five.”

  Maybe spending time with Maverick could repair some of the damage. Maybe we could be close again, be friends again. “I have a performance tomorrow night…but I’ll have my understudy take care of it. “

  “You have a performance tonight as well?”

  “Yes…you should come.” Maverick had seen my show months ago, but we’d changed a few songs to keep it fresh. It would be nice to see him in the audience, to see him support my passion like a real husband.

  He took another drink of his coffee then stood up.

  “Do you think things will settle down with your father?” Was he still intent on killing me? Was he still enemies with Maverick? If we gave it enough time, would that problem subside?

  He gripped the back of the chair as he looked at me, his eyes like two lasers. He had masculine knuckles, cords in his neck because his body was so tight. His dark hair was styled and ready for the day, making him deadly handsome. “He’s my problem—not yours.”

  When the show ended, the curtains closed. Applause sounded from the auditorium, still making its way to my ears because it was so deafening. Once the lights were off my face, the temperature dropped by nearly ten degrees. I grabbed the sides of my dress and lifted the fabric as I headed backstage.

  I exchanged hugs and words of congratulations with the cast and crew then made my way to my makeup station. My hair was pulled free from the pins then I dropped the enormous gown and changed into something less puffy for the drive home.

  “Arwen.” Henry’s voice sounded nearby, desperate and clingy.

  I turned around, surprised to see him standing right behind me. I was clear when I dumped him last night, and I didn’t expect him to come to my show just to get my attention for another five minutes. He’d texted and called me a couple times last night, but I assumed he would give up by the next day.

  Guess not.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded, immediately uncomfortable that he’d caught me off guard.

  “I just wanted to talk to you. Last night, you just left—”

  “No. Last night, I said I didn’t want to see you anymore. It’s nothing personal, Henry. It was just a fling, and I’m not interested in having that fling anymore. We weren’t in a relationship to begin with. We only slept together a handful of times. You’re making this into a bigger deal than it needs to be.” Maybe I was jumping the gun, but I’d been in this position so many times that I was tired of having this same conversation over and over again.

  “You think I’m just going to let you go without a fight?” he asked incredulously. “Come on, I’m not stupid.”

  “And I’m not yours to let go.” I held up my left hand, where my large diamond reflected the lights from the mirror. “I’m married, Henry. This was never going to go anywhere, and you knew that. You need to back up and give me some space.”

  “I’m not asking you to marry me. I just don’t see why we can’t—”

  “Because I don’t want to. Our fling ran its course, and I’m ready for something new.” Men never had to have this conversation with women. They had their one-night stands without explanation. But when the tables were turned, women weren’t given the same opportunity.

  His hand moved to my wrist. “Arwen, come on—”

  “I said no.”

  He grabbed my wrist again.

  “Grab my wife again, and that’s the last thing you’ll ever grab.” Maverick’s voice was more threatening than a loaded gun. His tone announced his hostility along with his promise of cruelty if his orders weren’t obeyed. He emerged from nowhere, deadly in his suit and tie. With his hair perfectly styled and his brown eyes steaming, he moved beside me and stared Henry down. His hands rested in his pockets, and he didn’t take a fighting stance because he didn’t need to. His presence was terrifying enough.

  Henry took a few seconds to react, to size up his opponent before realizing he had no possible chance against this formidable man. His fingers loosened, and he dropped my wrist, taking a step back.

  Maverick came closer to my side, claiming his territory with his proximity. He slowly stepped closer to Henry, his eyes turning dominant like a wolf
on the hunt. He stopped just inches from Henry, considerably taller. “Don’t come near my wife again. I’ll chop off both of your hands if you do.” He kept his voice low so no one else could overhear the tense conversation taking place.

  I was the one being rescued, but even I was scared.

  Henry probably shit his pants. He finally stepped back and maneuvered around Maverick, leaving the backstage area and returning to the front of the stage. His eyes were downcast, like a submissive dog that had bowed to the alpha.

  Maverick didn’t turn to watch him leave. He directed his gaze on me next, his hands staying in his pockets. He’d managed to threaten a man without raising his voice or making a fist. And he did it so calmly, like the interaction nearly bored him.

  I wasn’t afraid Henry would hurt me, but I was irritated that my lover had become my stalker. Every time I wanted to slip away, he grabbed me tighter. It was a nuisance, like I didn’t look over my shoulder already as it was. But my wolf came and scared off the monster…and I was grateful.

  He watched me for a long time, his eyes trailing down my long hair and the tightness of my dress. He looked me over intimately, just the way he did when we were in bed together. The perusal lasted a short while before he looked me in the eye again, like the attraction never happened in the first place.

  “Thank you.”

  “You weren’t kidding. You really do have an effect on men.”

  Not on this man. “Why did you come tonight?”

  “You asked me, remember?”

  “But you didn’t say anything.”

  He glanced at the people around us, the other cast members who had changed and were prepared to go home for the evening. He turned back to me, his shoulders wide in his suit. He looked beautiful naked, but he looked delicious in a suit. He had the perfect body that made his clothes fit him so well. “I rarely say anything.”

  “Yeah…I picked up on that. What did you think of the show?”

  “I didn’t pay attention to the show—only you. And you were amazing—as always.”


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