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Garrett's Gift

Page 13

by Jayna Morrow

  Micara furrowed her brow. Sometimes it was frustrating to be so short. She felt as if she were the last to know what was going on. “Mom, I can’t see. What’s going on?”

  Her mother’s eyes glistened with tears. “Stand up, Micara. Stand up.” She tugged on her daughter’s arm.

  Micara stood, but she still couldn’t see anything except the backs of people’s heads. She craned her neck this way and that. “What is it?” Without waiting for an answer, she jumped up on top of her seat and put her hand on her mother’s shoulder for balance.

  And then she saw it.

  The giant banner the cheerleaders held up, the one that normally read EAGLES in red letters, now had four words written across its length: WILL YOU MARRY ME?

  The announcer’s voice faded into the background. “Folks, it looks like we’re in for a whopping surprise tonight. I wonder who this message is for?”

  Micara almost tumbled out of the stadium seat. Her hands shook, so she climbed down with the help of her mother. Surely not. She had to be sure before she let herself react, so she edged sideways out of the seating area and into the aisle. She waited. A quick glance around showed her more confused people than she’d seen in her life.

  A fleet of football players in red jerseys ran out of the field house like usual but stopped short of the banner. Instead of busting through it, they stepped back and parted the way, half the team lining one side and half to the other.

  At the end of the football version of an honor guard stood a single person in a red golf shirt.


  Her eyes filled with tears. The message was for her.

  Her feelings for Garrett were strong, but until this moment, she hadn’t thought about marrying him. Now he was proposing, and she knew she couldn’t live without him.

  Heads turned her way, and the chatter in the stands grew louder and more excited. Word traveled fast in a small town, and it traveled even faster at sporting events. She descended the stairs one by one and with each step, her tummy flip-flopped. When she reached the railing, Garrett signaled a couple of players who ran ahead of him and presented her with a bouquet of blue delphiniums and pink alstroemerias. Blue delphiniums symbolized the heart’s attachment, and alstroemerias symbolized the growth of friendship. They were her two absolute favorite flowers, but how could he have known?

  Her mother.

  On occasion, Mom had helped with various landscape projects and was familiar with lots of flowers and their meanings. Her mom also knew which ones were Micara’s favorites. She had a hunch her mother and grandmother knew about this evening.

  And the three seats Joy and Hank saved? Not a coincidence.

  Garrett walked past the banner, strode across the field, and marched right up to the fence. He pointed straight at Micara and then curled his finger, giving her the ‘come here’ signal. Those near her started chanting, “Go! Go! Go!”

  She rushed down the stairs, asked a friend to hold her flowers, and climbed over the fence with ease. The crowd cheered her on, making her grin…but a little nervous, too.

  A quick glance up and she saw her mother and grandmother smiling and embracing each other. Her mother was crying.

  Garrett gave her hands a reassuring squeeze.

  “Is this for real?” Her heart was near bursting.

  He smiled. His hands shook, too. Still, he managed to work through the tremors to retrieve a ring box from his pocket. He opened it with a snap. “If you’ll have me. Otherwise, it’s just for practice, and I’ll try harder next time.”

  She laughed. This proposal had taken a lot of guts. But it suited Garrett Hearth. He was a man who pulled out all the stops in every aspect of his life. He sprinted after what he wanted with all his heart. That was the thing she loved about him the most.


  Yes, loved. She did love him. She loved everything about him. She loved his strengths and his weaknesses, but she especially loved that they would get to learn and grow in faith together. Like the alstroemerias that started out upside down and then twisted and turned several times before blooming beautifully upright, the two of them both had their share of bumps in the road. Faith fed their roots, and their faith saw them through.

  “So will you marry me?” He spoke the words on the banner. Like an assembly line, onlookers passed them on to those in the top of the stands. Then the entire crowd held their breath and waited for her answer.

  “Yes!” She couldn’t hold back the tears.

  Garrett slipped the ring on her finger and then swooped her up into his arms.

  She had a split second of concern for his leg, but the roaring crowd drowned out her thoughts.

  Some middle school boys ran through the stands like heralds yelling, “She said yes! She said yes!”

  The crowd’s cheering and stomping shook the stands. It was better than a winning touchdown with seconds left on the clock, a hole in one on a par three, or a half-court basket just as the buzzer sounded. Micara had learned about those sporty winning plays under Garrett’s tutelage.

  And now, Micara and Garrett had played the game of love and won.

  Her mind spun. The warmth of Garrett’s body next to hers as he held her in the air made her heart take flight. When he set her down, he didn’t let go. She said a prayer that he never would. She wanted him to hold her forever.

  Through the cheering crowd, Brent appeared at Garrett’s side. Jayanne followed close behind. He was still networking in town, trying to get his hands on a large chunk of land. Attending football games and other community events was a normal thing for him now.

  “Congratulations, man.” He actually smiled.

  Garrett extended a hand, and Brent accepted it.

  Micara was pleased to see them shake hands. What a fitting ending for the two men who had been close friends for so long to make amends on the football field that had torn them apart. The same football field where one future had ended had now played host to the start of a new future.


  Same old Sweet Home High. Another football season had concluded, and now the world focused on basketball.

  Garrett liked this time of year, watching the leaves fall and enjoying the cold temperatures. A good chance still remained that he could wear shorts on Christmas day…or it might be cold enough for a jacket. One just never knew in Texas. His field was still green, though, and in the morning, the dew glittered like millions of diamonds.

  He still found it amazing that he and Micara were engaged. Folks still chattered about his lavish proposal. Even Gabriel bragged about how brave his little brother had been to pull a stunt like that. Good ole’ Gabriel. He’d known God was at work in Garrett’s life the day he’d overheard him and Micara praying. And when Garrett changed his mind about selling his land, Gabriel started coming around again. No sappy apologies or hugs that lasted more than three seconds, but Garrett knew his brother had forgiven him and that their relationship would eventually be the way it should be.

  He still didn’t know why his football dream ended with a catastrophic injury. But he knew that somehow it figured into God’s greater plan. A little pain still pricked his heart now and then, and a lot of what-ifs needled his mind. But he was determined to live again and make the most of what he had been given.

  So much love and happiness filled his life now that he’d opened his eyes and his heart. Until Micara came along, he’d shut out an entire community of people who loved and cared about him. Now they were right there waiting for him. What a joy it had been to get to know them again. This old town still had a lot of life left in it.

  He turned off the lights in the field house and locked the doors. Time to go home. He had a couple of hours to wind down from a long day at work, and then he’d get dressed for dinner with his leading lady.

  He couldn’t wait.


  He knocked on the front door. Gabriel and his nephew, Slade, stood beside him, and Garrett was well aware that getting either of them to come was a miracle. T
he front porch was covered with potted plants, mulch, fertilizer, and a host of gardening tools. Micara was in the middle of gathering materials for a huge community project that would bring in enough money to pay for their upcoming wedding. He’d pay for the honeymoon. Maybe not the traditional way of handling the wedding planning, but it worked for them.

  “Just wait until she turns your garage into a home base for her landscaping business,” Gabriel teased.

  Garrett smiled and gave a rueful shake of his head. He knew what he was getting into. With Micara in his life, nothing would ever be the same. But God had brought them together, and He didn’t make mistakes.

  “Hey, Garrett!” Micara greeted him with a hug that almost knocked him backward. “Hi, Gabriel. Glad you could come.”

  Her house was exactly the same as the last time he’d been here—right down to the empty glass still sitting on the third shelf in the living room. He’d grown to love these three forgetful women. In the back room, the television was set to the country music video channel, with the volume just loud enough to be heard in the quiet living room.

  The delicious smell of cake wafted in from the kitchen. Several wrapped presents sat on the table. Micara had been unwilling to let his birthday go by uncelebrated, even though it was so close to Christmas.

  He managed a fake frown. “I told you not to get me anything and save your money for the wedding.”

  Boy, did she ever have that coy look down pat. And batting those long lashes at him sealed the deal. She would win every argument for the rest of their lives. And she knew it. “I couldn’t help it. I didn’t spend much money, I promise. The others are from Mom and MeMaw. They didn’t have orders not to get you anything. Y’all make yourselves at home. I’ll let them know you’re here.”


  Micara had worked hard to make this a special day for Garrett. Her excitement at having their first birthday celebration as a couple had kept her wound up all day. She’d baked his favorite pecan pie cake, and managed to get her hands on a wonderful gift he was sure to love.

  “Happy Birthday, Garrett!” MeMaw called out.

  “How young are you, Garrett?” Mom entered the living room, and the two women fawned over their future son and grandson-in-law. They took considerable pride in the task.

  Garrett handled it well, even seemed to like the attention.

  “Twenty-nine,” he answered.

  “Yeah, we’ve heard that one before.” MeMaw’s joke was delivered with a pair of hiked eyebrows. “Now come have a piece of cake before y’all head out.” She strolled to the kitchen. MeMaw cut the cake and served it on paper plates with footballs on them.

  Micara thought it was a cute touch. The cake, served with tall glasses of milk, had turned out delicious.

  Garrett opened MeMaw’s present first.

  He tore at the paper, and they laughed at his enthusiasm.

  “A quilt. MeMaw, it’s perfect.” He ran his hand over the red and white squares. The patchwork eagle in the center had taken Micara’s grandmother forever to complete. “Thank you, MeMaw.”

  Mom’s gift was in a bag with colorful tissue paper. Garrett dug around in the paper before he drew out the prize. “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Thank you. Shakespeare is one of my favorites. Y’all did good.”

  Handing him a teeny box, Micara bounced on the balls of her feet. “Open mine! Open mine!”

  He shook it. It made a jangling sound, which prompted a raised eyebrow. Squeezed it. Nothing. Then he started peeling the wrapping paper, in deliberate slow motion.

  “Aaaah! Are you trying to drive me nuts? Open it already!”

  A mischievous grin spread across his face. He continued his slow process of removing the paper, layer by layer.

  Micara couldn’t take it anymore. She reached out and tore away the paper, then lifted the lid of the box. She pulled out her car keys and dangled them in front of his face.

  He furrowed his brow and cocked his head to one side. His voice was low and confused. “Are you giving me your car?”

  “No, silly. I have to take you to your present because I can’t bring your present to you.”


  Garrett couldn’t miss it when they pulled up to his property.

  The giant tree stood like a monument, its branches stretching up and out. His parents’ tree, in all its glory.

  He stared in utter disbelief. Slowly, he stood, not bothering to shut the car door. He approached the tree and craned his head back, so he could see all the way to the top.

  “It may not make it. Only time will tell.” Micara watched his every move. “My arborist friend did everything he could to preserve it.” Her eyes reflected a deep care and concern. Micara was fighting for the life of this tree as much as he was. She drew close.

  His heart flip-flopped as her arms came around his waist and pulled him into a loving embrace. No matter how many times she held his hand or hugged him or kissed him, that same fluttering swooped down on him. How blessed he was to have this woman in his life. He cradled her face in his hands. Her eyes glistened like parched earth after a welcome rain. “I love you, Micara Lee.”

  Then he lowered his lips to hers. Anything else that needed said he could say with a kiss.

  A Devotional Moment


  People often work hard to plan their studies, their work, their home, and their leisurely pursuits. While plans are good and help to accomplish much, there are some situations that cannot be planned. Changes can happen suddenly and throw everything that is planned out of kilter. Christians must learn to lean on God when a situation is out of their control.

  In Garrett’s Gift, the protagonist had his life planned out, but a catastrophic event changed all his hopes and dreams. Stuck in the despair of never reaching his goals, he changes his life…but not his heart. Brooding over the might-have-beens consumes his waking moments. But another catastrophic change leaves him questioning his choices and his life. A friend urges him to turn to God, who makes good out of any tribulation. But can his heart heal?

  Have you ever been so waylaid by the unexpected that you feel paralyzed? Perhaps it was it your own plan unravelling or perhaps you were the victim of someone else’s plan—and the surprise, hurt, or loss left you unable to move forward. It’s important to remember that even when your life gets upended, the Lord is in control. What happens is either His designed will or permitted will. If you lean on Him, all will work out to a good purpose. If it’s your own plan that was thwarted, perhaps that plan was flawed or detrimental in some way that you couldn’t foresee, and God’s design or permittance has actually saved you. If it’s the plans of others that have victimized you, perhaps God’s permittance of the hardship will strengthen and mould you to a greater purpose than you could have readied for yourself. The Key is to remain faithful and steadfast. In time, the perfection of the Lord’s purpose will be revealed.


  Sweet Home, Texas

  Don’t miss any of the books in the Sweet Home series


  Discover what life, love, faith and forgiveness mean in the small Texas town of Sweet Home

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