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When Knight Falls

Page 6

by Nikki Rose

  “Does Anthony want more kids?”

  “I don’t know.” I laid the stick down on the nightstand and held my head in my hands. “What if he doesn’t? I don’t want to turn into another Jess, like I’m just a responsibility he feels obligated to.”

  Sarah took hold of my arm and turned to face me. “Rachel, you’d never be that to him. You know that. He loves you.”

  “But what if this isn’t what he wants?”

  “You see how he is with Belle? You see how much he loves her?”

  “You’re right. But…” The true fear that had been creeping in now stormed to the forefront of my mind. “What if he doesn’t come back?” My voice cracked and a loud sob ripped from my throat. Sarah wrapped her arms around me and pulled me to her as I cried. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later.

  “Rachel, sweetie, I’m sorry to bother you but I was coming to let you know that dinner was ready if you felt like eating,” Liz said through the door.

  “You can come in, Liz.”

  She crept in as if not wanting to intrude and looked at me uncertainly. “Are you okay? Was the test…?”

  “I haven’t looked yet.”

  “Then what’s the matter, sweet girl?” She sat on my other side and wrapped one arm around me. I drew strength from the amazing support both women offered.

  “I’m worried about Anthony and—”

  “And you’re worried that you’re pregnant and he won’t be here for you and the baby.” She stated my unspoken fears as though she could read my mind, and I nodded. “Anthony is a stubborn man. He’ll be back.”

  Sarah glanced down at the clock on her phone. “Um, Rachel?”


  “I think it’s time to check the test.”

  I leaned over and picked up the stick as I caught a glimpse of the single line. “It’s negative.”

  I felt surprisingly disappointed by the loss of a pregnancy that had never been—that I’d been wishing wouldn’t be just moments before. My hand instinctively drifted to my lower belly. “I’m not pregnant.”

  “What?” Tony stood in shock in the doorway. “I’m sorry. I was just coming up to see what was taking you girls so long. I guess now I know.”

  “I thought that was what you wanted?” Liz said confused and I nodded.

  “I thought it was, but for some reason I just feel…disappointed.”

  She hugged me tight and I felt that maternal love that I missed so much soak into me. “Sweet girl, that’s completely normal. You’ll have one when the time is right.”

  “I hope so.” A tear ran down my cheek. I was still worried about Anthony. The thought of him not coming back—of us not having the chance for a future with marriage and one day a baby of our own made my heart ache.

  “I guess it was my nerves making me sick.” I shrugged.

  “Nerves can do that,” Liz assured me as she rubbed my back softly. “Do you feel like you could eat? How about some ginger ale and soup? Or a sandwich? What sounds good to you?”

  “Soup sounds really good.” After dinner, Sarah decided to stay the night, so we curled up on Anthony’s bed and watched movies until we both drifted off.

  Chapter Seven


  Two days later my nerves still had my stomach twisted in knots. Liz tried to talk me into going to the doctor, but I insisted I’d be okay once Anthony was home. Even so, Belle and I stayed with Anthony’s parents. After running a few errands with Sarah to keep my mind busy, I had just enough time to take a nap before getting ready for dinner. My dad, Dante and Em would be joining us, along with Sarah, who had been glued to my side ever since she’d come over to stay the night.

  It had been almost four weeks since Anthony had gone on his mission and three-and-a-half weeks since I’d been able to hear his voice. I missed him so much that it physically hurt.

  Before going downstairs for dinner, I pulled out my phone and sat on the edge of the bed to read the last messages Anthony and I had exchanged before he went missing.

  I can’t wait to feel you holding me again. I miss you so much.

  I miss you too. Once I have you back in my arms, I may never let you go.


  Haven’t heard back from you in a couple of days. I hope you’re doing ok. Please stay safe and know I love you.

  Starting to get worried. It’s been over a week now. I thought you’d be home by now so if there’s any way for you to send a quick message just to let me know you’re safe I really need to hear from you.

  Anthony, please text me back even if it’s something short so I know ur ok.

  I knew he was missing. I knew if he had his phone he would have called or texted, but I couldn’t help sending him a message. I was looking for any way to feel close to him again.

  They say ur missing. It’s been four weeks since we’ve been together and I miss you so much. I love you and I can’t imagine my life without you, so you have to come home to me. Just come home to me and Belle.

  I hit send and went downstairs.

  “There you are.” My dad smiled at me from the table. “I saved you a seat right next to me. Em should be down with Belle soon. She was just cleaning her up. Apparently, she painted more of herself than the paper.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I sat down just as Liz and Sarah brought in the salad and baked potatoes with all the toppings to add to them.

  Tony and Dante came in just a minute later with the steaks. Everything looked wonderful.

  My dad opened a bottle of red wine and filled the glasses around the table. The front door opened and I turned to look past the living room to the front entryway. There stood Anthony—stubble on his face, in need of a haircut and a shower, but he was in one piece. He was there. I stood gaping at him as he closed the space between us.

  Without a word, he wrapped me in his arms and crushed his lips to mine. Every bit of tension that had built up in me during the time he’d been missing left my body. I melted into him. We kissed for a long moment and my lips mourned the loss of his the instant I pulled them away. But I had so many questions.

  “You’re back.” I breathed out the words.

  “I’m back.” He grinned.

  “They said your team went missing.”

  “We did. We were out in the middle of nowhere and were ambushed by a group of hostiles. We were taken, but we got away and took them out.”

  “And you’re not hurt?”

  “A few scrapes and bruises, but I’m fine. Trust me… The other guys looked much worse.”

  He lifted me off my feet and kissed me deeply again.

  “I missed you so much.” Happy tears soaked my face.

  “I missed you too, sweetheart. Being stuck there, especially when we were captured, thinking about you and Belle were the only things that got me through. I knew I had to get home to you two.”

  He put me down and I grinned up at him.

  “Daddy!” Belle called out as she came running down the stairs with Em behind her.

  “There’s my princess.” Anthony held out his arms and she lunged into them.

  “Daddy, you’re back. I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too, baby girl.”

  “Everyone was sad and crying but I told them you always come back.” She kissed his nose and I swear my heart melted. “Does this mean we get ice cream now?”

  “Daddy’s a little tired tonight. Let’s have some dinner and tomorrow we’ll go out for ice cream, deal?”

  “Deal.” She sealed the promise with a kiss on his cheek.

  During dinner, we all enjoyed that Anthony was home. We laughed and celebrated his safe return. It was late by the time things slowed down, so Anthony and I decided to stay at his parents’ for one last night. After Anthony tucked Belle in, we changed for bed and snuggled up in each other’s arms, both too worn out for anything more. It was such an incredible feeling being in his arms again. Things were back to the way they should be—me and Anthony together.
r />   Chapter Eight


  “Rach, Rachel. Wake up, sweetheart.”

  Anthony’s voice gently pulled me from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I squinted in the bright light. As I adjusted, I could finally see Anthony leaning over me.

  “There are those gorgeous eyes.”

  I grinned up at him. “So it wasn’t just a dream.”

  “I wondered the same thing when I woke up this morning.”

  “What time is it?” I pushed up in bed and ran my fingers through my hair.

  “Nine. You must have really needed the sleep.”

  “Seems so.”

  Tears sprang to my eyes and I blinked quickly to stop them. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too.” Anthony leaned in and tenderly kissed my lips. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

  “Hopefully as happy as you make me.” I grinned, finally chasing the tears away, and kissed him softly. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

  “Well, I’d love to stay in bed with you, but I want to take you and Belle somewhere. Plus, we promised a certain little girl ice cream.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “I was hoping we could have my parents over to our place for dinner. I think me going missing really did a number on them. I want to do some things for us to spend more time together. Do you feel up to it?”

  “Of course.”

  After breakfast, I took a shower and got ready to go wherever it was that Anthony was taking me.

  After stopping for ice cream, we rode just a little way before pulling off onto a small road. Anthony parked in a rustic, dirt parking area. The three of us got out and walked a short distance until I could finally tell where we were. A beautiful waterfall was the centerpiece of the gorgeous garden. Late fall wasn’t the prime time, but it was still breathtaking.

  “Oh, this is amazing.” I walked around in awe.

  “Daddy, can I use your phone to take pictures?” Belle was learning to take pictures from me.

  “I guess, but be super careful, okay?”

  “I will.” She grinned as he handed her his phone.

  “Let’s go get a better view of the falls.” Anthony took my hand and Belle followed.

  “It’s so beautiful.” I gazed out into the crystal water as it tumbled onto the rocks. Places like this made me feel so incredibly peaceful and calm. I loved that Anthony had thought to bring us here.

  “Hey, Belle, why don’t you get a picture of Rachel and me in front of the waterfall?”

  “That would be so pretty.” She held up Anthony’s phone. Her tongue peeked out of the side of her mouth and she squinted with concentration, which had me fighting back a laugh.

  Anthony moved me partially in front of him and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Okay, ready.”


  “Oh, so pretty,” Belle squealed.

  “One more?” Anthony smiled and Belle agreed. This time, Anthony turned me to the side and I froze as he lowered himself down onto one knee.


  “I know this is sudden, but I had a lot of time to think about this while I was away. Rach…” He took my trembling hand in his.

  Is he really doing what I think he’s doing?

  “Rachel, we haven’t been dating that long. But the way I see it, you’ve been mine ever since I laid eyes on you all those years ago. I loved you even then. I just wouldn’t let myself admit it. I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but you. Will you marry me?”

  I stared at him, gaping for a moment and completely speechless. It was really soon, but what he said echoed my own feelings exactly. There was only one answer I could possibly give.


  Anthony leaped up and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground. “You’ve just made me the happiest man alive.”

  I grinned so big and saw another flash out of the corner of my eyes. She’s getting good at that. I motioned for Belle to come over and join us, and we all hugged.

  Anthony was able to prop his phone up on a large rock with a little help from a few fallen twigs. Using the timer, we managed to get a good picture of the three of us in the gardens as well.

  * * * *

  Anthony and I sat in the kitchen while he prepared a shopping list for dinner and I distracted him by kissing his neck.

  “Daddy?” I heard Belle coming down the hall and jumped guiltily. Anthony smiled at me and I sat back.

  “In here, sweetie.”

  “Do I have to go to Mommy’s today?”

  “Ah, shi—”

  I cleared my throat to cover Anthony’s cursing. “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s supposed to go to Jess’.”

  “I don’t want to go with Mommy today. You just got back. I want to stay with you and Rachel,” Belle whined and crawled into Anthony’s lap.

  “I’ll call Mommy, explain that you aren’t feeling like going today and see if we can reschedule.” Anthony cradled Belle in one arm and pulled out his phone with the other.

  “Hey, Jess… Yeah, about that… Belle’s not feeling like going this evening. I wanted to see if we could reschedule. I know it’s your time with her, but I just got back and— Jess, listen. Belle isn’t wanting to visit today… What about what she wants? We will reschedule. I know you are her mother… I don’t give a— No. I just got back. You can have her when she’s up for it.”

  After he disconnected the call, Anthony looked like he could punch something. I put my hand on his arm and studied his face.


  He forced a smile, turned to Belle and brightened his tone. “You’re staying here.”

  “Yay!” Belle clapped her hands together.

  Anthony took a short trip to the grocery store while Belle and I spent time looking through the pictures she’d taken earlier in the day. Anthony peeked in through Belle’s open doorway once he got back.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I’m home,” his forehead furrowed when he looked at me. “You look tired. Why don’t you take a nap before my parents get here?”

  “But I was going to help you with dinner.”

  “I have my little helper. I’m sure the two of us can manage.”

  “Are you sure?” I felt bad for leaving Anthony to do all the cooking, but I really was exhausted.

  “I’m absolutely sure. Right, Belle?”

  “Yep. We can do it.”

  “All right then.”

  * * * *

  The aroma of Anthony’s famous spaghetti sauce woke me from my nap. I freshened up and was able to enjoy the smell of dinner for once. I felt better now that Anthony was home.

  “Hey, you’re up.” Anthony left the food on the stove to kiss me. Belle was in the living room watching cartoons.

  “Thank you for the nap. I really needed it. Did you lose your sous chef?”

  “I think she got bored.” He chuckled and went back to stirring the sauce. “Everything is almost done and my mom just called to say they are on their way over.”

  “I’m excited to show them the pictures from today. That was beautiful. I can’t believe you and Belle concocted the whole thing.”

  “I was actually thinking, what if we got married there? I want to get married sooner rather than later. All we’d need would be chairs for guests. Nature will take care of all the rest of the decorations.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

  “The wedding doesn’t have to be a big event if you don’t want it to, just close friends and family. All I care about is that we will be married. I love you, Rach. I want this and I don’t want to have to wait any longer to make you mine.”

  There was a knock at the door and Belle rushed to answer, but she waited for me to check the peephole before opening it.

  “Gramma, Grampa!”

  “Hey, Belle,” Liz said as she hugged her.

  “Guess what? Daddy took me and Rachel to a garden today and it had a waterfall

  “Wow. Did you have a good time there?”

  “It was so much fun. And guess what?”

  “What?” Tony joined in.

  “I got to take pictures all by myself.”

  “You did? What kind of pictures?” Tony asked as we moved into the dining room.

  “You have to see them,” Belle said and ran to Anthony. He handed her his phone and she ran back to Tony and Liz. I grinned, proud of Belle for keeping the secret we’d asked her not to share so it could be a surprise.

  After a few minutes of scrolling through pictures, I knew the moment they landed on the proposal picture, because a series of awws erupted from Anthony’s mom.

  “You two are really getting married?” Liz asked me.

  I smiled and nodded.

  “Oh, honey.” She rushed over and wrapped me in a big hug.

  “You know we’ve always thought of you as a daughter,” Tony said as he took his turn hugging me.

  “Let’s eat,” Anthony called to us as he came out of the kitchen with the food and the biggest grin on his face.

  We all sat down at the table and dug in. When the conversation lulled, Anthony excused himself from the table to clear plates and get dessert.

  “When are you and Daddy going to get married?” Belle asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. When do you think we should get married?”

  “Tomorrow,” she said without a doubt in her voice, and I nearly spat out my drink.

  “Isn’t that a little fast? We wouldn’t have time to plan or invite people.” I chuckled.

  “Abby and Eli got married at recess the other day and they weren’t even boyfriend and girlfriend the week before.”

  “It sounds like Abby and Eli might have rushed into things a little bit.” I smiled and tried to hold back my giggle.

  “But you’ve known Daddy a long time.”

  “Yes, I have…way before you were even born.”

  “So, you should get married tomorrow.”

  “How about we talk to Daddy and see what he says. I think tomorrow might be a little fast, but maybe we can start planning things if you want.”


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