When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 15

by Nikki Rose

  It had been an emotional and exhausting day. Part way through the movie, Rachel and Belle fell asleep. After saying goodbye to my parents, I carried Belle to her bed then took Rachel to ours.

  Chapter Twenty


  After the funeral service on Wednesday morning, Anthony, Belle, Sarah and I stood in the funeral home chapel until it was time to go to the burial site. Although Anthony said he was fine, I knew it was killing him. I knew he cared about her. I could see the pain deep in his eyes every time he didn’t think I was watching. Seeing him and Belle so very hurt made my heart ache.

  We started toward the exit when Jess’ parents stopped us. “Anthony, Belle, it’s so good to see you both.”

  “Ethan, Margarette, how are you two holding up?” Anthony shook their hands before placing his on the small of my back. “You remember Rachel and Sarah. They came to visit when Belle was born.”

  “Yes, of course. Nice to see you girls again.”

  “I only wish it were under better circumstances. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Jess’ parents were warm and polite. It amazed me that she had turned out the way she had with parents like them. “I knew things with her were getting bad.” Margarette looked down and blotted her eye with a handkerchief.

  “What do you mean?” I could almost see Anthony’s ears perk up.

  “I went to visit her at the apartment about a week before she died. She’d lost so much weight and the place was filthy. I should have made her come home.”

  “There was no making her do anything. You did your best.”

  “I am sorry we weren’t able to make it to Belle’s party this year. Ella’s youngest two were sick with a terrible stomach bug and Peter was out of town on business again, so I stayed over to help.”

  “Belle and I were sorry you weren’t able to come, but we completely understood. Didn’t we, Belle?”

  Anthony gave Belle an encouraging nudge and she nodded. I’d never seen her so quiet before. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me for comfort.

  Sarah leaned down to softly whisper to Belle then turned to me. “I’m going to take her out to the car while you guys talk.”

  “Thanks, Sarah.”

  She gave me a wink and led Belle out of the funeral home.

  “How are Peter and Ella doing these days? We really should all try to get together sometime soon.”

  “They are doing well. Ella’s taking Jess’ death hard, though. She had hoped all this was just a phase after you two split up.” Ella was Jess’ older sister. She and her husband, Peter, had three children, the oldest of whom was Belle’s age.

  “I hate how things went, but this was going on even before we split up.”

  “She was convinced you were cheating on her and that you’d left her for another woman.” Margarette glanced at me. “That didn’t sound like you. I can’t blame you for leaving. You had to look after Belle’s best interests.”

  “I was always loyal to Jess, even if she didn’t believe it. Rachel and I only recently got together.”

  “We never doubted you, son.” Ethan clasped Anthony’s shoulder. “I heard you were helping the police in their investigation.”

  “Yeah, I still have some connections from when I was in the service. I want to find out what happened to Jess.”

  “Margarette, you need to tell him what you know.” Ethan looked at her and her whole body sagged.

  “Some man she was seeing showed up while I was at her apartment, and she couldn’t get me out of there quick enough. Jess all but pushed me out of the door.”

  “Did you find out who the guy was?”

  “She kept calling him ‘baby’, so I’d assume he was someone she was involved with.”

  “So, she never said a name?”

  “She called him…Matt, I think it was. Yes, Matt.”

  “Okay, can you tell me what Matt looked like?”

  “Dirty. Very dirty. I remember thinking he looked homeless when he first stormed in.”

  “What about physical features? Hair, eyes, skin, height, age, anything?” Anthony was in full investigative mode.

  “Dark hair and eyes…tanned skin, but very dirty. He was probably about your height—maybe slightly shorter—and he looked a few years older than Jess.”

  “Okay, did he have any noticeable markings? Tattoos? Scars?”

  “He may have had a tattoo on his upper arm but his shirt covered most of it. Everything happened very fast. Do you think he was involved in her murder?”

  “I don’t know. All I know is that he’s a good place to start.”

  We were interrupted by ushers who herded us out of the funeral home to the cars where we rode to the burial site.

  * * * *

  “Well, that was rough.” Anthony looked weary as he walked from Belle’s room, rubbing the back of his neck. She had cried for at least a half-hour before she’d finally fallen asleep.

  I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. “Is she finally asleep?”

  “Yeah.” He rested his forehead against mine and sighed. “Thank you for everything.”

  “I was doing some research on how to help a child through the loss of a parent, but I didn’t find anything we aren’t already doing.”

  “She has an appointment with her therapist tomorrow, so hopefully she can help. I hate that she’s been to therapy at all, but now I’m glad she already has someone she was familiar with before this happened.” Anthony let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped.

  “Belle’s strong, but it’s good we got her into therapy after the kidnapping. It really helped with the nightmares.” There were dark circles and bags under Anthony’s eyes. He looked worn out in a way I’d never seen him before. “How are you holding up?”

  He let out a heavy breath and pulled me against him. “It’s hard. I want to help her but I don’t know how.”

  “You’re doing a great job, if you ask me. Now, let’s get you to bed. You look terrible.”

  “Gee, thanks.” He gave me the first genuine smile I’d seen from him in two days and it made me grin.

  I swatted at his chest. “You know what I mean.”

  I led him to our room and we practically collapsed onto the mattress. I snuggled up at his side and Anthony wrapped me in his strong arms and let out a contented sigh.

  “I saw you talking with Margarette and Ethan after the burial. Were you able to get any more information about that Matt guy?”

  “Margarette said he showed up at Jess’ apartment, talking about her owing him money. I’m thinking he was the one who got her into drugs—or at least helped her get them. She had to be on something more than alcohol, judging by her recent behavior.”

  “I agree. So, you’re going to look into this guy?”


  “Do you think he killed her because she owed him money?”

  “It would be a dumb move. Dead people don’t pay debts. But I don’t know. He’s a lead, anyway. The police were supposed to clear Jess’ apartment as a crime scene today, so I’m going over there to look around tomorrow. Can you watch Belle? If she gets too upset, you can always call me. I just don’t want this case to go cold.”

  “I never mind watching Belle, but I do wish you’d just let the police do their jobs. You have enough going on without taking on police detective as another job title.”

  “I know, but I can’t leave this alone, and the police are making this a low-priority case because she was already involved in drugs. They figure she was a junkie, so what’s the real loss?”

  I gasped. “They said that?”

  “They’d never come out and say it, but I know it’s what they’d have to be thinking. When they have cases of missing kids versus a murdered druggie, you can’t really blame them for being partial.”

  “I want whoever killed Jess to pay as much as anyone, but I just don’t want you overdoing it.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” He kissed me

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but I’ll let you know. I want to thank you for everything. I don’t know how I would be getting through all this without you. You’ve helped so much with Belle. She really does see you as a role model.”

  “I love Belle. She’s an amazing little girl,” I told him.

  “We’re so lucky to have you,” he replied.

  I kissed his lips and he ran his hands through my hair as our kiss deepened. I surrendered to his kiss, following his lead the way I loved. I gave a little purr as his lips reached my favorite spot at the crook of my neck.

  He moaned and dragged his teeth along the sensitive skin, making my body shiver. “I want you.” He cupped my breast and teased through my thin pink camisole.

  I dropped my head back and a moan vibrated my throat. I gripped his shoulders hard, pulling myself toward him. “Anthony…” I loved to feel him like this. We were each other’s escape from the world outside. His touch was tender, gentle. We went slow, savoring our love until the night faded away.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Belle, it’s time to get ready for bed,” I called to her down the hall.

  “Can’t I stay up till Daddy gets home?” She looked up at me from her child-sized dining table, where she was having a tea party in her pajamas.

  “There is no telling how late Daddy is going to have to work tonight. I already let you stay up thirty minutes longer than you were supposed to.”

  “But I wanted Daddy and you to tuck me in.”

  “I know, sweetie, but tonight you’re going to have to settle for just me.”

  “Okay,” she whined and reluctantly climbed under her covers.

  After one story, two songs and about a billion excuses, I finally got her to sleep.

  Exhausted, I plopped down on the couch and propped my feet up while I sorted through the mail I hadn’t had time to look at. One envelope in particular caught my attention. My LSAT test. This was the moment of truth. I wished Anthony could be with me when I opened it, but there was no way I could wait until he got home to know the results. Besides, if it was bad news, I wanted time to prepare before having to tell him.

  I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this was just one test. I could take it again in a few months if I didn’t pass. I’d been so worried about Anthony being missing. I probably should have canceled it like I should have back when my mom had died, but I just hadn’t been able to. I couldn’t let myself get stuck with the same excuses again. I’d had to give it a try.

  I tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter. After skimming over explanations of the scores, I finally came to mine—one hundred sixty-five. I passed. Not only did I pass, but I did really well. I squealed before clamping my hand over my mouth and listening to make sure I hadn’t woken up Belle. Excitement swelled inside me and I felt like I might burst.

  I wanted to call Anthony or Sarah or my dad…someone. Anthony was working, but I had to call him. I picked up the phone and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail. Either his phone had died or he’d turned it off, which was unusual. I’d have to wait until he got home.

  Happiness bubbled inside me. I did it! I sat in shock for several minutes before an email alert on my phone got my attention. The subject line caught my interest.

  Something you need to see.

  It wasn’t from an address I recognized, but my curiosity won out and I opened it anyway.

  Inside the email were several photo attachments. There was a photo of an old, run-down motel. The same photo zoomed in on a truck in the parking lot. It was Anthony’s. I flipped through the pictures anxiously, wondering what the point of them was, until I saw Anthony standing in the doorway of a motel room.

  Even from a distance, I recognized him. He was wearing the same faded jeans and boots that he’d left the apartment in that morning. He had his arms wrapped around a girl with his hands gripping her ass. And it looked like they were kissing.

  I furrowed my forehead and brought the picture closer to my face. It couldn’t be what I thought it was. I studied the picture for a few moments longer, until my brain caught up with what I was looking at.

  My chest felt heavy and there was a sinking feeling in my stomach that made me feel like I might get sick.

  I sat my phone on the coffee table and held my head in my hands.

  “This doesn’t make sense. He’s cheating?”

  That didn’t seem like Anthony. But did Anthony sound like Rambo super-soldier before you saw that side of him?

  I rubbed my forehead. All the thoughts swirling in my mind were too much. He said he’s working. I can’t believe Anthony would lie to me about something like this. He lied to me before about what he did for a living, but that was different. Wasn’t it? I’d let that slide because it had been an issue of national security.

  The sound of the front door opening made me turn around as Anthony came in. “Hey. What are you doing up so late?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “Yeah, sorry. Work ran so late.” Anthony shrugged. I scanned over him. The same jeans and boots from the picture confirmed my memory.

  I took a deep breath, dreading the conversation that had to come next.

  “How was work?” I hoped Anthony would offer up an explanation before I had to confront him.

  “It was work.” He shrugged. “You seem upset. I’m sorry I’m so late.”

  “Is that all you are sorry for?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know about you at the motel with a woman.”

  Anthony opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him.

  “I saw pictures of it, so don’t try to deny it.”

  “Pictures? How’d you get pictures?”

  “They were emailed. That’s not important.”

  “Yes, it is. Who sent them?”

  “I don’t know, but I think you’re missing the bigger picture here, Anthony. You were at a motel with another woman and you lied to me about it.”

  “I can explain that.”

  “There’s nothing to explain. How could you? While I’m here in your home taking care of your daughter, you’re out sleeping with some other girl?”

  “No, I—”

  “Is this some twisted way of grieving Jess’ death? Are you getting bored already? Was it because you thought I wouldn’t be open to exploring new things?”

  “Exploring? What the hell? No, of course not. Rach, listen—”

  “No, you listen,” I stood and placed my hands on my hips as my voice rose. “I’ve been sitting here flipping through pictures of you all over some woman at that rundown motel across town. I saw it. Do you deny you were there?”

  “No, but—”

  “Part of me thought you would deny it, that the pictures were faked.” I started to walk away from him and snapped back, pacing the living room floor. “How could you do this? Of all the men in the world, you were the one I never thought would hurt me like this.” Tears stung my eyes and blurred my vision.

  “Rachel, you have to let me explain.” Anthony’s voice rose and he gently reached for my arm, but I snatched it away.

  “Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare touch me.” I struggled to keep my voice from rising to the point of waking up Belle.

  I stormed down the hall to our bedroom and grabbed my suitcase.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  “I am packing a bag and going. Now, move out of my way.”

  I shoved him aside to try to get to the closet, but he didn’t budge. I pushed him with both hands over and over, pushing, hitting, pounding on his chest as tears spilled down my face. “Let me go.”

  “No, Rach, stop. Let me explain.”

  “I can’t even look at you right now. Move.”

  “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
r />   “Then let me go.” As he tried to wrap his arms around me, I elbowed him in the gut. It was enough to make him back off.

  I rushed into the closet and grabbed a few items. I didn’t bother folding the clothes but instead shoved them all in my suitcase.

  “Rachel, don’t leave. We didn’t do anything.”

  I froze by the door with my suitcase in hand. My voice didn’t sound like my own. It came out slow and eerily calm. “Do you deny being with a woman at the motel tonight? Standing at the door, hands on her ass, kissing her?”

  “I didn’t kiss her—”

  “That’s the only part you could deny?” I yelled and tears burned my eyes. “I’m leaving.”

  “Rachel, nothing happened. If you would just listen to me…”

  “So, you didn’t have your hands on her ass like I saw in the picture? The photos were faked?”

  “No, I did, but—”

  “Move out of my way now.” I shoved him with all the force I had, but he was just too strong. “Move or I’ll call the police and tell them you are holding me here against my will.” I pulled out my phone so he would see just how serious I was.

  Anthony let out a frustrated sigh and stepped out of my way. I stormed out and straight to my car, where I threw the suitcase into the back seat and hurried to get in before Anthony could change his mind and stop me.

  I pulled out onto the road, glancing into my rearview mirror to make sure he wasn’t following me. He wouldn’t leave Belle alone.

  Tears filled my eyes until I couldn’t see to drive. I called Sarah, who answered me almost immediately.

  “Rachel? Are you okay?”

  “I left Anthony… I just can’t—” I couldn’t even speak. The words wouldn’t come out and the angry sobs shook my whole body.

  “What happened? Do I need to come get you?”

  “I’m already on my way.”

  “Just take a couple deep breaths. Don’t think of anything but breathing deep and driving until you get here.”


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