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When Knight Falls

Page 22

by Nikki Rose

  I lifted my hand to hit him again but restrained myself. Lowering it, I took a deep breath. “How did she die? Who killed her? And why?” I demanded.

  “You were going to keep full custody of Belle. Jess was in such bad shape that she wouldn’t even be allowed to see her without supervision. She was no longer your concern, so she wasn’t needed anymore.”

  “So you killed her?” I ground out through clenched teeth and balled my hands into fists at my side.

  “I gave her what she always wanted.”

  “What she always wanted?” My voice rose as I tried to keep calm long enough to get the confession. All I really wanted to do was to strangle the life out of him with my bare hands.

  “She wanted more—always more. You don’t know how many times I had to stop her before she killed herself. That night I gave her more and more until she couldn’t hold the needle herself. Then I finished the job.”

  “You sick son of a bitch,” I roared as I lunged at him with my fists—one after the other—pounding until the chair flipped onto the ground and I was on top of him, pounding relentlessly as the bones in his face crunched beneath my knuckles.

  Ryan grabbed hold of my arms and pulled me back. If it had been anyone but him, I wouldn’t have stopped. I was stronger than him. He couldn’t physically stop me, but he was able to draw me back just enough that I could find myself again. I stepped away and Ryan held out a rag for me to wipe the blood from my hands.

  “Do me a favor and check on him. Make sure I didn’t kill him.”

  I watched as Ryan leaned over the bloody pile that was Mateo. “He’s still alive. You just knocked him good. Hand me a bucket of water and I’ll wake him up.”

  I grabbed the bucket and handed it back to Ryan, who threw it into Mateo’s face. He woke up gasping for air, coughing and spitting water, but he was alive. As much as I hated it, I needed to keep him that way.

  “Did you get all that?” I asked Ryan.

  “I stopped recording right before you pounced on him.”

  “Good. We’ll need his confession for the police. They should be able to get him and T now.”

  I pulled out my phone to make a call to the director. “Yes, sir, it’s done… Good… Thank you, sir. I will.” I hung up and shoved my phone back in my pocket before looking down at Mateo in disgust while talking to Ryan.

  “He’s sending a team over now to shut T down and he wants Mateo delivered asap. The director will make sure Amidio is handled. Let’s get him out of here. I need to get home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The week before our wedding flew by. Before I knew it, it was Friday afternoon. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes. Steam billowed out of it and I stepped into the warm cascade.

  I’d been crazy to suggest that Anthony and I abstain for the week before our wedding. I’d thought it would help make our wedding night more special, but instead, it had just added to the tension I was already feeling while trying to take care of all the last-minute preparations.

  The water ran cold before I finally got out. I dried off and started on my hair and makeup. I wanted to look extra special for our rehearsal dinner. I stood in our bedroom and spritzed perfume on my neck and wrists. Anthony snuck up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist.

  “You look amazing.” He kissed my neck.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around him. “You clean up pretty nice yourself, handsome.” I straightened his tie and slicked down his jacket.

  “About ready to go? I don’t think it would look too good if we were late to our own rehearsal.”

  “It’s not like they could start without us.” I smirked and kissed him.

  He pulled me hard against him, his lips only a breath from mine. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “I thought you liked it when I teased you.” I ran my finger down his chest.

  “You are a cruel temptress.” He nipped at my lower lip and ground himself against me, eliciting a moan.

  “And you love it.”

  “And I love you.” He ran his nose over mine.

  “Not as much as I love you.”

  Anthony raised an eyebrow and playfully scoffed.

  I pushed him back toward the chair in the corner. He sat with his arms spread along the back of it. His gaze burned into me as I stepped back slowly.

  I unzipped my dress and let the straps fall from my shoulders, slipping down my legs to the floor. He looked at me with such admiration. I felt like a goddess as I stepped out of it, leaving on my heels. My eyes were glued on his. I watched as he scanned my body with such intensity that it took my breath.

  I prowled toward him while I reached back to unfasten my bra and let it fall into the pile of fabric I’d already left on the floor. I stopped just out of his grasp. He leaned up to reach out for me and, taking my hand, he pulled me to stand between his legs.

  He ran his strong, firm caress up my outer thighs to hook into either side of my pink lace panties before he dragged them down. I stepped out, holding on to his shoulders, and he tossed them aside.

  We intertwined our fingers. I used him to keep my balance as I straddled him on the oversized chair. He kissed me fiercely and I fumbled, trying to unzip his pants. After an excruciating moment, Anthony reached down to help me. His cock sprang free. He held himself with one hand and guided my hips with the other.

  I hovered over him, feeling his member teasing my entrance. I wanted him so bad. I craved him. He gently gripped my hips, letting me take control. I slowly slid down onto him, inch by ecstasy-filled inch, until he completely filled me. My body stretched to take him in with the most pleasurable ache.

  My eyes met his again and our gazes locked. I held onto his broad, hard shoulders and began to roll my hips. I bit my lower lip and moved faster, chasing the pleasure that I craved with my every breath. “Oh, Anthony.”

  “That’s it, sweetheart.” He bucked his hips and pushed deeper into me, which elicited a small cry of pleasure as I threw my head back and began to move up and down on him.

  He felt so amazing. I’d never known sex could be like this with anyone. Anthony filled me with sensations stronger and more pleasurable than anything I’d ever thought possible. I raised and lowered, moving in waves with him. I dragged his shirt up his body. I wanted to feel as close to him as possible. I needed his naked flesh on mine.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pressed me firmly against his hard chest. I couldn’t get close enough. I wanted to feel him everywhere. He ran his hands from my hips up to my back and cupped my shoulders to pull me down onto him harder. I cried out as he reached my farthest depths. I dug my nails into his back and he sank his teeth softly into the crook of my neck.

  We kissed wildly and I was desperate for every touch. We’d been through so much, and there was so much more coming, but at that moment, the whole world disappeared and there was only us.

  “You’re everything I ever needed,” I whispered against his ear as he held me.

  “And you’re everything I’ll ever need.” He gripped the back of my hair and pulled me into a deep, toe-curling kiss that set my insides on fire.

  He thrust harder, his tempo picking up until the building pleasure overtook me and I was gone. I cried out, my back arching as my insides quivered and quaked around him. He swelled inside me, increasing my orgasm and drawing it out until he exploded with a loud, guttural cry. He ground his hips against me while we rode out the release together.

  I collapsed against him. He gently brushed away my curled hair that fell to my cheek, and he kissed my temple. “You’re amazing.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” I smirked up at him weakly.

  “I think we’re going to be late for our own rehearsal.” He let out a low, rumbling chuckle.

  I giggled and kissed his lips. “Just a minute longer like this.”

  Anthony held me close as we recovered. After several moments, he finally broke the silence. “I want to stay right here

  “We have to get up sometime.”

  “I mean here.” He thrust his hips as if I needed a reminder that he was still buried deep inside me, and I moaned.

  Finally pulling out, he carried me to the bathroom so that we could both make ourselves presentable before meeting the others for our rehearsal.

  * * * *

  “The wedding is going to go great. You know, we were starting to wonder if you two were going to show up at the rehearsal. The officiant almost had to leave before we could practice,” my dad said as we sat at the table enjoying our rehearsal dinner.

  “Sorry, Dad. We had some delays, but we made it.” I glanced at Anthony and had to fight back a smile.

  “We’ll try to be on time tomorrow,” Anthony joked and squeezed my thigh under the table.

  “Where are you two going on your honeymoon?” My dad asked the question that had been burning in my own mind for weeks.

  “I don’t know. Anthony won’t tell me.” I cast him a side glance but Anthony just smirked.

  “He won’t tell you?”

  “No.” I pouted, even though I really found the whole idea completely romantic, but I wanted to know where we were going at the same time. “He wants it to be a surprise.”

  “I think it’s very romantic,” Liz added.

  “It is. It’s just hard to know what to pack.” I chuckled.

  “It’s a honeymoon. How much do you really need to pack? You’ll just be in the room naked the whole time anyway.” Sarah chuckled.

  “Sarah,” I laughed while trying to scold her.

  “Who will be keeping Belle while you two are away?” my friend Courtney asked.

  “Tony and Liz.”

  “That is so nice of you.” She smiled at them both. “My in-laws wouldn’t watch the kids for my husband and me for that long. We can barely get them to watch them for a night.”

  “That sucks,” Sarah said as she refilled her and Courtney’s wine glasses.

  “They never really were much of the parental types. You’re lucky.”

  “I really am.” I smiled and turned to Tony and Liz. “We really do appreciate you two watching Belle for a few days while we’re away, especially so close to Christmas.”

  “We don’t mind at all. We’ve always worked to keep Christmas simple and about family, so as long as you make it for our annual Christmas Eve pajama party, we are fine.”

  “Pajama party?” I looked between Anthony and his parents.

  “Anthony didn’t tell you about the party?” Liz asked me but looked at Anthony.

  “He mentioned a Christmas party but he didn’t say it was in pajamas.”

  “Oh yes. It’s a lot of fun. We have a small group of our friends and family over, usually no more than fifteen. We have finger foods, hot cocoa and eggnog. We always light the fireplace before watching a Christmas movie and everyone wears their pajamas so we can all be comfortable and cozy.”

  “That sounds so nice.”

  “We started the tradition after Anthony grew up, as an excuse to still get together the night before Christmas. You girls are welcome to come as well,” Liz added to Sarah and Courtney.

  “I can’t wait.” Sarah grinned.

  “It will be our first major holiday as a family.” Anthony wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

  “I wish I could go, but things are so busy now with the three kids. Christmas has turned into a week-long event,” Courtney explained.

  “We understand, but if anything changes, know you are welcome.”

  I couldn’t believe how warm and welcoming Liz and Tony were. They were really the best in-laws a girl could ever ask for. And Anthony was the best guy I could ever imagine.

  The rehearsal dinner wound up and the part I was dreading had arrived—my first night without Anthony since he’d gone on his business trip. He wanted to be traditional, so I would be going back to my dad’s house for the night. Tony and Liz offered to let Belle stay with them so they could help make sure she was ready.

  “Are you sure we can’t stay together tonight?”

  Anthony smiled and cupped my cheek. “It will make it more special tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle.”

  “It’s going to be weird staying in my old room.”

  “I already ran your bag over to your dad’s earlier, and there’s a little present waiting for you there too.”

  “A present?”

  “Just a little something for my wife-to-be.”

  “You are so sweet. Thank you.” I lifted my face to kiss him.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Call me before you go to bed?”

  “I will, though I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to sleep tonight.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find a way to relax and sleep.”

  * * * *

  I walked into my old room after telling my dad goodnight. Sitting on my freshly made bed beside my overnight bag was a medium-sized gift box. I rushed over and looked at the small silver card.

  To the future Mrs. Parker.

  A few things to make your night more enjoyable.

  I opened the box eagerly. On top was another note.


  Step one—Run a bath and use the bath oil provided in this box.

  I smiled and went into the bathroom to start the water. The jasmine oil Anthony had given me quickly filled the small room with the most wonderful scent. Once that was done, I referred back to the instructions for his next step.

  Step two—Enjoy the box of Swiss chocolates I included while in the bath. I remembered they’re your favorite.

  I pulled out the small box of chocolates that was stacked on top of an envelope and some cloth on the bottom of the box.

  Step three—Read the enclosed letter while you soak.

  I took the envelope and chocolate into the bathroom and placed them within reach. I slipped out of my clothes and into the warm water. My tension instantly began to melt away. Things had been so crazy since Anthony and I had gotten together, but now everything was finally falling into place.

  I popped a small chocolate into my mouth, closed my eyes and savored the taste as the chocolate melted on my tongue. It wasn’t long before my curiosity over Anthony’s letter became too much and I had to know what it said. I carefully tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter.


  Tonight, you are back where it all started. I remember the first time I saw you, standing at your window looking down at me as I unloaded the moving truck and pretended not to notice the beautiful girl I knew was out of my reach. Back then I knew I couldn’t have you. You were just a kid and the age difference was too much, but you were in my thoughts every day. You took them over and made them your home. You had my mind from that first moment, and it wasn’t long before you had my heart too. You have always been my best friend, but I think deep down we both knew there was something more.

  I am the luckiest man in the world, because I’m the man who will get to wake up beside you every morning and go to sleep beside you every night. Nothing could be more wonderful. Tomorrow you will become Mrs. Parker—my wife, my love, my world. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make you happy and give you everything you deserve. No one in this world could ever love anyone as much as I love you.

  I can’t wait to see you walking down that aisle, knowing I’m the guy getting to marry you. Try not to worry about anything. Just lie back and relax and know that from now until I take my last breath, I will stand by you, protect you and love you with all my heart.

  All my love, forever,

  Your Future Husband

  I wiped away the single tear that ran down my cheek and read the letter once more. It was official. I was the luckiest woman on the planet. After finishing my bath, I dried off and returned to my room to check the last thing on the list of instructions.

  Step Four— Wear my T-shirt that I included when you go to bed so that you know I’m never
far away.

  I pulled out the T-shirt, and as I slipped it on, I was enveloped in the wonderful scent of Anthony’s cologne. It was subtle but unmistakably his. I tucked myself into bed and pulled out my phone to call him before going to sleep.

  “Enjoy your bath?”

  “You’re spoiling me.”

  “That’s the plan.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Thinking about you and packing for the honeymoon.”

  “You still won’t tell me where we’re going?”

  “Not a chance, sweetheart.”

  “I guess I can’t complain too much after the gift you gave me tonight.”

  “So my plan worked then.” He chuckled.

  “Your letter made me cry.”

  “Happy tears, I hope.”


  “You sound sleepy.”

  “I am,” I said, already struggling to keep my eyes open.

  “Good. Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, my love.”

  “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Thirty


  I stood in front of the full-length mirror set up in the tent that was my changing area off to the side of the main gardens. I ran my fingers over my mom’s string of pearls that hung around my neck. “I wish you could be here, Mom.”

  My dad had given me the pearls and a letter from my mom that morning before I left the house. “The pearls are a perfect touch,” Sarah said from the tent’s opening.

  “She knew she was dying. We all knew. It was a mixed blessing. We were able to say goodbye and prepare for her death, but to see the pain she went through hurt so bad.”


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